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Old 05-07-2007, 07:19 PM   #106  
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Welcome all the newbies. I'm glad to see more people on here. It helps keep us motivated. I just had my weigh in. Sad to say, I gained. Don't really want to fess up how much, but I will. I gained 2 lbs. Boo hoo!!!!

My 6 year old daughter was with me at my meeting tonight. She said that she will help support me more at home.

Like most families, I'm the heavy one while everyone else gets to do want they want. OK, enough moping.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Good luck on the weigh in's.
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Old 05-08-2007, 02:14 AM   #107  
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Hi Everyone,

I went along to my first meeting last night and weighed in at 192lbs which was about what I'd expected ... I've been on my own scales and it appears that they weigh the same as the WW ones. I'm feeling really motivated right now and I've been and stocked up on lots of good healthy food. It's been some years since I last did the WW plan so I need to get my head around counting points again.

There's a girl at work who's been an inspiration to me. She's recently lost about 40lbs and all her clothes are hanging off her. She's now down to 200lbs and she looks and feels so much better than she did before. And as we're now around the same weight I feel like I've got a bit of healthy competition.
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Old 05-08-2007, 02:47 AM   #108  
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Hey there to all the Newbies!
I am by no means an original here but who cares... Welcome Welcome Welcome!

I couldn't weigh in yesterday (bank holiday here in Britain) so am looking to see where I can go later in the week!
What I have to recommend though is measuring yourself... I did this a month ago (god I wish I had done it when I first started...can only imagine the changes I've made!) and measured again last night with some pleasing results - at least an inch off the waist so not complaining!

Hope everyone has a great week... it's really nice to see more people on the board again, it goes through little lulls when everyone is busy but I really enjoy reading how everyone is doing and feeling and I know it helps motivate me!

Good Luck for the week!

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Old 05-08-2007, 11:43 AM   #109  
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*Haven't weighed since the 24th...of april.

Starting weight 205.5
Todays weight 175.75 (down 2.25 pounds since the 24th)
Small goal 169
Ultimate goal 132

down 29.75 so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yeppie

I'll try to check in weekly. Welcome all of you newbies..haha! Let's do this together! Let me know if you need any extra support! I'm here for ya!
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Old 05-09-2007, 06:28 AM   #110  
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Default Thanks for the welcome

Thanks for the welcome!

I nearly fell off the track again...but didnt.
After a week of being back on plan i weighed on Monday and to my horror I hadnt lost a bloody ounze!!!
My initial reaction was to accept the fact that I'm always going to be big now...but then I dusted myself down and told myself it's probaly because I'm pre-menstural.

So on we go...
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Old 05-09-2007, 10:11 AM   #111  
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unstablelady, don't accept what you know doesn't have to be true (does that make sense?) Glad that you've dusted yourself off and managed to stay on track ... another week on track and I bet you'll see a good loss These monthly cycles play havoc with my weigh-ins too generally, I even notice a difference in my clothes feeling tighter ... and I know it's not always to do with food!!
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Old 05-09-2007, 09:46 PM   #112  
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Hi there ~

I am also a Monday meeting gal and would love to join you all here.....

My name is Tracy - I live in Texas with hubby and 2 boys. This is also my ummmtenth time to join WW - but this time it is the last. I haven't done as well as I had hoped the past couple of weeks - but after this week (TOM) I am hoping to get back on track and find that "drive" again.

This past Monday I weight 249.4 (2nd week in a row) at least I didn't gain.

Thanks for letting me join.....
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Old 05-11-2007, 04:12 AM   #113  
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Hi Tracy, nice to meet you and good luck this time around with WW

Well, my first week of WW has been good so far ... managed to stay within my points and I've got a few saved for the weekend ahead ... 'The Weekend'! ... this will be the true test of my determination to stay on plan ... I'll let you know after Monday's weigh-in how it went! Weekends are generally where I always slip up when I'm trying to stay on plan ... I find it soooo hard, especially having a social life that ALWAYS revolves around food and wine!! Anyway, I'm not going to dwell on it, I'm just going to have to make better food choices ... and not drink so much wine

Have a great weekend everyone!
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Old 05-11-2007, 11:54 AM   #114  
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Hey All,
Glad to hear everyone is staying on the wagon... just remember, if you fall off in a big way you'll just have to spend even more energy running to get back on! I say everything in moderation...including moderation! (mostly when I want chocolate!)

I had to weigh in on Wednesday but it was at the same time of evening. I lost another 1.5lbs! Don't quite know how it's happening but I guess eating well and being happy make a good combination. Even went running before work with the lovely boyfriend (who didn't laugh each time I had to walk a bit, gasping and spluttering!)

Have a great week,
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Old 05-14-2007, 10:17 AM   #115  
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Great losses everyone, last week.

Looks like I get to post first again, this week. I'm very pleased this week with my 2.6 pound loss. Last week was my TOM and was futilely trying to not fill the bottomless pit with things that I shouldn't be eating, and yesterday we spent Mother's day at my grandmother's, who is a fabulous Italian cook who specializes in desserts. But apparently I was better than I thought. I was so sure that I gained that I made the WW receptionist weight me at another scale. I was in shock for like five minutes. This makes a total of 18 pounds since my highest weight and 11 pounds since I started weight watchers last month.
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Old 05-14-2007, 03:42 PM   #116  
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Hello everyone! Weighed myself this morning. I lost one pound. Was hoping I would lose more. I know a slow weight loss is best to keep the pounds off for good. But I was hoping to lose at least two pounds per week. At least I didn't gain anything. Not sure what could be the reason. I'm eating within my points range everyday and I only used two extra points last week. I might have to increase or change my exercise routine. I can't wait for some exercise tapes I ordered to come in the mail. Just using the treadmill is boring.

Everyone have a great week!
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Old 05-15-2007, 06:08 AM   #117  
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Hi Everyone!

I went along for my 1st weeks weigh-in last night and I'm down 2lbs. Obviously I'm glad it's a loss but I must confess to feeling a bit disappointed that it was only 2lbs ... as it was my first week I expected it to be more. I was really, really good with food from Monday to Friday, but I do admit to going over my points at the weekend, although I had saved some it obviously wasn't enough! I'll try to do better this week.
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Old 05-15-2007, 06:14 AM   #118  
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Well Done for all the losses!

I've managed to put on last weeks 1.5lb loss...but am absolutely fine with it as am still under my original WW goal and the lowest I've been in about 6 years!
Hope everyone has a good week... I have 9 days until I head off surfing (and in a bikini) so will try and make that last little effort!

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Old 05-15-2007, 07:28 AM   #119  
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I had my second meeting last night, and lost .5 pounds. Not bad, considering it's the TOM *and* I ate every single points - every daily, every activity, every flex point. That's probably too many. I didn't track Mother's Day very well, and I think I may have eaten too many points that day.

But the scale showed a loss for my first week, so I'm thrilled! I'll try to eat fewer "extra" points this week, and exercise a bit more, so we shall see.
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Old 05-21-2007, 10:46 AM   #120  
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I had my first gain this week. But I know why. I had to go to a funeral on Saturday, and afterwards they had a get together and I ate some desserts, and then that night I went to a party and had a few beers and another dessert. And then yesterday, I got to go to a Red Sox game (Whoooo!) and had another beer along with a hot dog, a regular coke (I can't stand fountain diet coke, tastes way too syrupy or something), and popcorn. We also went out to breakfast yesterday and I had a piece of homemade hamburg pizza when we got home from the game.

Gee...listing it out like that, it is a wonder that I only gained 0.6 pounds this week. Needless to say, I didn't do much journaling this weekend. I was disappointed when I got weighed, thinking "But I didn't eat that much," but I think I needed a kick in the pants to remind me that losing weight takes work and the weight hasn't just been magically coming off. I've been afraid of what it would be like the week I go to weigh in and find out I've maintained or gained, and worried that I'll fall off the wagon, but come to find out, it isn't so bad. I just have to make sure it doesn't happen again next week!
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