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Old 10-30-2002, 09:03 AM   #1  
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Wink In It For The Long Run #6


We're still the same bunch of folks who posted in: "COUNTDOWN TO 250 AND BEYOND" but we chose a new name. We started with more than 100 lbs to lose and are doing our best to attain healthy bodies through weight loss and exercise.

Most of us are using Weight Watchers to help us along this road but we welcome anyone who is trying to successfully change to a healthy lifestyle.

Got a lot to lose? Pull up your keyboard and join us for fun, support,advice and just plain talk. We love to "see" new faces so jump right in.


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Old 10-30-2002, 09:07 AM   #2  
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Mornin' Ladies,

Got in a water workout last night. Sure slept well after that.

If it doesn't snow too much we're going up to Oswego, on Lake Ontario, for dinner. YUMMY. I'll have to be really good during the day. Fall is sure turning quickly to winter here too.

This had to be quick. Just needed to start the new thread. Work is calling.


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Old 10-30-2002, 06:11 PM   #3  
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Hello everyone. I can't remembered if I posted in the last day or so? I have been going absolutly crazy lately with work and home. Work crazyness seems to have ended or so, and Halloween is tomorrow so I think I'll be alright. There is one good thing for being this busy though - you don't have time to always think about food all the time. I think for the first time I know what it mean "oh I forgot to eat lunch or I was too busy to eat". It hasn't been that bad. Lunch ussually was a cup of soup and a piece of fruit eating at my desk. Anyway I don't want to sound like a whinner. How's everyone doing? I WI tomorrow so I guess I'll see where I'm at - I don't like to spoil the surprise and check the scale at home, I wait for the official WI. Guess I should get going the oldest daughter wants to make cookies for her class and I still have the pumkin to do. Take care and have a wonderfull Halloween all.
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Old 10-30-2002, 08:02 PM   #4  
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Good Evening Ladies,

Glad to hear that other parts of the country are experiencing this cold weather. The snow yesterday really brought down alot of the leaves and just when they were looking so beautiful. Cold weather is forecasted for the rest of the week! I HATE WINTER!!
Jen..Ok, that explains the Fiber Fair. Pretty interesting stuff. We drive through Asheville several times a year on our way to South Carolina. I have a high school friend who lives in the Maggie Valley. I think that is pretty close to you. Sounds like you are gifted in the arts and crafts!
Terri...I think we all find comfort in food. Comfort that we need to search else where for. Feeding the ache inside is how one writer expressed emotional eating. You are right, when things are great and busy, I too don't find myself overeating, but when bored, stressed or anxious, first thing I do is eat. Again, putting my thoughts on paper will hopefully help me to feed my "ache inside" with something else besides food. Until then, all we can do is keep working at this issue one day at a time!
Well, better scoot. Have things to do before the night is too far gone! Remember, drink, drink, drink all that water! Chatty
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Old 10-30-2002, 11:14 PM   #5  
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Hello everyone! Hope everyone had a great day. I did fine wiht pionts today, but no exercise.

I'm gonn abe gone for a few days, so everyone have agreat rest of the week and a super weekend!
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Old 10-31-2002, 08:00 AM   #6  
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Good Halloween morning!!!

No time for much of a post this morning. I got up early to make a caramel apple pie to take to goodie day. I got to make a recipe I've been dying to try, other people get to eat it all and I get to sample it.

Here's something I posted in my journal this morning regarding the whole sabotage issue:

In my head, I say I want to lose weight - want to look better, want to buy cuter clothes, want to be healthier, want to be fit, etc. But deep in my heart, ..... I don't want to achieve it bad enough to make the changes.
That was kind of a startling thought that I think had been floating around in my head but I wouldn't acknowledge. Its a sobering thought to think that if you sabotage yourself then you're not willing to work at achieving what you want - - therefore, do you really want to achieve it??

Now that I've owned up to that, I'll be thinking about if I really do want to achieve this and if so, what am I going to do.

Have a great day!
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Old 11-01-2002, 07:48 AM   #7  
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Good morning!

How did everyone survive the Halloween candy?? Quick, like a bunny, GET IT OUT OF THE HOUSE! I plan on packing up the leftovers and sending with DH to give the kids on his bus route a treat later on. I vow here and now, I will NOT eat any of it.

I did survive goodie day at work fairly well. I didn't eat breakfast so that I could sample some of the goodies. I was really disappointed to see that it was almost all sweet stuff and I wasn't that interested. I tried very small portions of some of it and then left it alone. Had to eat a turkey sandwich for lunch because of the icky feeling from the sweet stuff. But after that, I iddn't eat anything until dinner.

I think today we finally get sunsine. That means the dogs can go outside during the day!!! Bear still has to be restrained to keep him from running and playing too hard but still they are going outside! Spoiled babies.

Bunny - That animal fiber fair sounds like a blast. We don't have anything like that in our area. And crocheting lessons. Keep those hands busy!! Thanks for the encouraging words too. I have the plantars fasciita or whatever problems as well. Yes, that stabbing pain when you first get up to walk; espeically when you get up in the morning is a telltale sign. I have a bone spur too so I ended up with cortizone shots and then surgery but other people I know just take anti-inflammatory and wear good shoes until the inflammation of the arch tendon goes away. Do you have flat feet??? (I do and that's why I have it) You need to be wearing shoes around the house and make sure all your shoes that you wear have arch support. Sorry if I sound like I'm practicing medicine, just been through this with the podiatrist and the woman at the specialty shoe store!! Take care of it so you can enjoy walking.

Everyone else - keep motivated, keep journalling, keep exercising and let's have fun with this!! Life is too short for drudgery.

Take care and have a great OP Friday!
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Old 11-01-2002, 08:15 AM   #8  
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My husband and I have taken to walking each night after dinner (again) - it helps us not feel bloated, I think. We've both become, almost at the same time, sensitive to dairy products which means if there's any dairy in dinner, walking really helps work the kinks out.

Chatty - The phone company considers us to be in Maggie Valley and the post office considers us to be in Waynesville - so I imagine I'm near to where your friend is. I don't consider myself so much talented as a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. It keeps me off the streets.

Kira - I hope your days away are wonderful. We'll look forward to seeing you back.

J-ann - Did you end up at the lake for dinner? We've got snow flurries forcast for the weekend here - but I don't believe it. The leaves have just peaked and its all too beautiful for words!

Terri - as I get my medical information from WebMD (no insurance here), any advice is always welcome. *g* I'll begin wearing shoes around the house (ugh) post haste. I think most of mine have good arch support as I've always felt better with it than without - but I'll pay attention when buying from now on anyway. I'm not sure how to tell if m'feet are flat... but when I walk in water and then on pavement I leave classical footprints (where you see the ball, the toes, the heel and one side of the foot), which I think means they aren't. Ah, well - the joys of foot pain.
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Old 11-01-2002, 06:33 PM   #9  
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Hi guys well the official WI was much fun - a real let down. I thought I was doing so well and bang up 1 1/2 what a let down. I have had a day and a half of "what does it matter - who cares and all that self pitty" but I promise that tomorrow back on the program. I have to shake this out of my head and get back to the Thanksgiving challege. We had some snow flurries last night while out for halloween but nothing that stayed. I guess it will be any time now though. Take care all and talk to you real soon.
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Old 11-01-2002, 06:55 PM   #10  
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Wink Can I join your group?

I would love to join your group.
You would not believe the rough time I am having with my food.
My high has been 390 and I am down to 299.
The problem is I did this 4 years ago and I am holding on for dear life.
I can't seem to get past the 300 mark!!!!!
I am looking forward to getting to know you.
Yo yo sue
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Old 11-02-2002, 03:15 PM   #11  
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"Sleigh bells ring ....Are you listenin?"

Yup, it snowed yesterday and today. A good 4" on the ground, lots more just to the north. Where did Fall go????? Our trees are in full color and the ground is white. Quite a contrast.

JEN: I did go to dinner. We went to a lovely rest. right on the harbor and watched the Coast Guard go out on a night run while we ate. It was neat. I had a petite sirloin with baked potato and veggies and a nice salad. Mmmm.
Hope wearing shoes all the time helps your feet. I've found it helps me a lot. That and trusty ibuprofen. Kees don't work without it.

YOYO SUE: Welcome, glad you found us. If there's anything we can do to keep you focused. We'll do it!!! Darlin' you've lost ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. Don't you dare give up now. You've been so successful to date.

DAWNA: 1.5 lbs a week is fantastic. That's about 6 lbs. a month As the old adage says: Slow and steady wins the race. You'll get there.

TERRI: THANK GOD our bag of left over cany is Mounds Bars. I hate the suckers. Coconut - YEECH! Hope Bear mends successfully this time. What a pain it must be to keep the 2 dogs apart and keep that frisky, young Rottie calm. Better you than me.

I did my water aerobics class this A.M. Has anyone tried CURVES? If you have, do you like it? We have one in our village and I'm thnking of visiting it.

Have a super, active OP weekend.

Last edited by j-ann; 11-02-2002 at 03:18 PM.
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Old 11-03-2002, 10:51 AM   #12  
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Hi all and welcome Sue. Thanks J-ann for the lovely words but I gained 1 1/2 lbs. Anyway I think I'm over that, back on the program right! A small step backwards dosn't ruin the whole thing. I have to start to journalize better, alot of the time it's just in my head and that doesn't work. So you got snow do you think it will stay. We had a dusting last night but it's all gone now. In the outskirts they have had a few inches for awhile now. I would like to stretch the fall out a little long though. Hope everyone has a wonderfull Sunday. Bye for now.
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Old 11-03-2002, 06:49 PM   #13  
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Can everyone say "OUCKKYYY"?

As in we're having really oucky weather again. Two more days of cold drizzle. All I want to do is nap. Sure is zapping fall. We've barely had tree color and we'll be lucky if the trees aren't bare by the end of the week. Speaking of that, we have one big tree in our yard that one day this week was full of leaves and by the time we got home it was completely bare. The leaves didn't change color either - just dropped green leaves like it was raining. Really weird. Maybe it did it last year and I just don't remember.

Anyway, food hasn't been the best this weekend. Too many meals out. I diid make smarter choices at breakfast but was mildly stupid at McDonalds (at least ordered small sizes). Then today, we met the in-laws for a birthday lunch at a fried chicken place. No need to explain further. I will not be eating anything later on though.

I cannot believe the weekend is gone so fast. I need to go finish putting the mattress warmer and clean sheets on the bed.

J-Ann: Your dinner sounds really nice. DH and I haven't been out like that in a long time. Everytime we get close; something happens to a dog and costs too much. Good for you to get to have a romantic time.

Bunny - How's the feet? The other thing I forgot is for you to stretch the achillle's tendon several times a day. Do that simply by pulling your toes towards your knees - you can feel the stretch along the bottom of your foot up the back of your calf. Really helps when mine is flaring up. Good for you and your DH for walking. Got a good pic of the color in your neck of the woods that you can share with us that are in the drearies??

Dawna - Those gains sure do suck sometimes but you've got the right attitude going. We usually don't want to admit that we didn't quite do everything OP and are surprised by gains. Sometimes we do everything right and it still happens. Keep up your focus and journal journal journal!

Sue - Welcome to the group. You've done great so far. Best thing is to forget what you've done in the past and concentrate on what you're doing now. Sometimes our bodies change and what worked then, just isn't enough now. Really think about what's going on now and find a way to make small changes. You can do this - just takes faith and dedication. Good luck!

I better scoot for sure now. I hear one dog barking and one dog growling (I think they have a mouse spotted outside).

Have a great rest of the Lord's day and great start to the week.
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Old 11-04-2002, 09:12 AM   #14  
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Morning, ladies!

Terri - thanks again for the footie hints. I've been walking to help it for a while now, and it does indeed help a bit. I find, for example, that I rarely get the stabbing pain thing when I get out bed first thing in the morning now. I hadn't been stretching my achilles tendons - but you can bet I will beginning today! Here's a picture of the colour here - prior to when it peaked. It was very, very overcast here while the colours peaked so I really don't have good pictures of that. *wah*

Determined this time - Its hard, I know, to slip and have a gain - but, of course, realizing there was a problem, and deciding to fix it, is all you can really do. Its about health - not precisely which number you register on the scale each week. Go forth and be healthy!

J-ann - I'm all envious of your snow! It didn't snow here worth a diddly-darn last year at all. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a white (Thanksgiving? Christmas? New Year? whatever!) this year!

Yo-yo Sue - Welcome - we're glad you're here!

Today is work, work, worry, work and more worry. So I'm off to get started now. Y'all be good!
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Old 11-04-2002, 07:11 PM   #15  
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Just wanted to touch base with all you fine folks.
I have been on program Sunday and so far today.
Gave myself a MAJOR talking to and decided that 150 lbs. is nothing to play around with.
I have set up a plan to make 10% in 30 weeks (30 lbs.) which will put me through most of May. My losing rate is ridiculous at 50 years of age. I will be 270 be then and hope to make 250 by this time next year. I feel this is VERY reachable.
Have been enjoying your posts.
The scenery picture is just beautiful.
Have a great OP evening.
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