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Old 09-09-2003, 08:02 AM   #1  
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Angry Christian Encouragers #173


This is a GREAT group of Christians that encourage, and support each other with prayer during every obstacle in life. Yes, we are all here to better our way of eating and get healthy but that's just part of what the Christian Encouragers are all about.

So, COME JOIN US, if you would like a friend that will pray for you and lift you up in your weight loss journey as well as life in general.

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Old 09-09-2003, 08:14 AM   #2  
Psalm 91:9-11
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Angry Thanx


I thought it was getting a bit long too...
Hope you have a Wonderful Day today!!!
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Old 09-09-2003, 08:27 AM   #3  
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Angry Trip to the Dentist

Good Morning CEers!!!!

I have to share with you all a "Praise the Lord" that happened to me yesterday. As you all know I had a tooth that absessed and I was in moderate to severe pain. I woke up yesterday morning all swelled up on my left jaw area and hurting from my ear to my lips. I have been taking Tylenol and Motrin alternatively for pain. Well, I've told you about the dentist insurance thing where I didn't get my printed cards. Well, I called the dentist yesterday morning first thing and told them what was now happening, they called the insurance company and called back to say that I could come in at 3:00 yesterday afternoon but be prepared to wait a while.

I was hurting so bad by lunch time that I was at the screaming point. Chewing or talking or moving my mouth was almost unbearable. I decided since I was diabetic I had better try to eat something, since I wouldn't be able to eat for several hours. So, I heated some vegetable soup very hot and started trying to eat it. I finished it and got ready for the dentist. My dentist insurance cards came in the mail which we checked on the way out. My dh took off work to drive me the hour to the Dr. I slept all the way there. When I woke up I wasn't hurting and was able to move my jaw, smile, talk and not scream. I was kinda sore but not in great pain like I had been. They called me back in about 15 minutes and the dentist came and looked at me. Turns out she is a sister to some friends of ours and she was a super person. She examined me and asked if I was ready to get that thing out of there and I told her I thought we would have to antibiotics first. She said we can, but we could just pull it now. So we did. She gave me shots that I didn't even feel, and made sure I was deadened totally. She was the most gentlest, most precise, dentist I have ever been to. I didn't tell you that I have a fobia about them. I would rather have major surgery than go to the dentist. Well, she has changed my whole opinion about dentist!!!

I truly believe that it was through all the prayers that all my friends here and CE said for me, that my pain left me and that I had such a good experience with the dentist. I have never had a GOOD experience before. They normally can't get me deadened properly. And I am a bundle of nerves which doesn't help. But not yesterday, it was so good!!!!

Thanks to all my friends here at CE!!!!! Ya'll are the best!!!!!
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Old 09-09-2003, 08:35 AM   #4  
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Good morning everyone!

Sherry, I'm so happy you got that tooth out. I was quit concerned because I almost lost my husband to an abscessed tooth. He spent 10 days in the hospital, and had to have it drained from the outside of his jaw even after the tooth was removed. I am thankful God was there and took care of you in all aspects.

Thank you all, again, for the warm welcome. Right now I'm reading all the posts, trying to figure out who is who, and then I'll jump in and answer all the posts.

Sunny, I am insterested in hearing how you do on the South Beach PROGRAM. Right now I am just trying to keep my intake under 2000 calories a day. With God's help, I want to learn to eat right. Yesterday was a bad day for me. We went to court to obtain guardianship of Genesy (currently we're her foster parents), and there was a curve ball thrown at us regarding her father. This whole situation is like a soap opera, and I was sick yesterday.... and ended up eating whatever I wanted. But I can't let this situation keep from becoming healthy, especially since I'm a 2-year-old's primary caretaker.

Anyway..... thank you all again!
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Old 09-09-2003, 08:44 AM   #5  
Psalm 91:9-11
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Exclamation Yeahhhh!

SHERRY ~ Morning!

What a wonderful way to begin a new thread! Such great news!! I am so very happy for you.
Especially that... not only have you been relieved from all that pain, but found yourself a super dentist to boot!
I am so happy for you!

God is just so GOOD!
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Old 09-09-2003, 08:53 AM   #6  
Psalm 91:9-11
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CONNIE ~ Hello there...

I am doing great on that program I really like it! I have been on it since the middle of July and have lost 11lbs... It will continue to drop, but it is slower, which is good. Then I know it will stay off. The best part of this program is that I feel good!! The only treat I will not give up is my Dove Dark Choc!!!! I have just limited myself to one - maybe two a day (& I am still losing)... cannot wait to begin Curves, because then I may see an increase in wt. loss after the first two weeks of doing it. Just take a look-see at the bottom of my signature from time to time --- that's where I post my weight-loss, okay.

"YOU ARE IN MY PRAYERS AS FAR AS YOUR GRAND-DAUGHTER!' I am so sorry that you have to go through all of that! My thoughts are with you.
Have a blessed Day!

PS>>> You know what I did, Connie, to keep up with everyone? I made 'Bio File cards' on each of you. Then I am able to keep my facts straight. When I began the thread I was mixing people up so that's when I made up files. Then as I gain more info on each person I just fill the card in. It's fun for me and I love getting to know you all.
*Note---you all have assigned colors too *
I know... ... strange, huh. But that is me... Miss organized.

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Old 09-09-2003, 09:02 AM   #7  
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Default Good Morning!

Sherry: I am so pleased to hear about your tooth experience. It must be so painful. A coworker has to wait until Wed to have her molar extracted. She has an infection and a crack in her tooth and has to wait until the infection subsides to have it removed. She can hardly work because of the pain.

Sunny: Thanks for the info on Prevention. I used to be there all the time. It looks like I'll have to visit again. I found that at Curves the weight loss is slow but the inches are coming off. I guess that's important too. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

The weather is still incredible here. It's not usually this warm here this time of year. I'm loving every minute of it.

I hope for each one of you a wonderful, productive day. I'm off to work!
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Old 09-09-2003, 09:03 AM   #8  
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Default Woo hoo! for Sherry!

Sherry~so happy you had a good experience at the dentist's, despite the pain and having a tooth pulled. Sheesh! Hope you are taking it easy today, woman!

I had a disturbing talk with a friend last night, really out of sorts today but i am starting my day with decaf and a shake for breakfast and the hope to be low-carb today. I'll just worry about today, today.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
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Old 09-09-2003, 09:13 AM   #9  
Psalm 91:9-11
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MICHELE ~ Morning!!

Great to hear from you today, but not such good news, huh.
I hope that whatever you & your friend spoke about - it all gets ironed out soon.
You too, Michele, are in my prayers & thoughts!!
Feel better!

God Bless!
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Old 09-09-2003, 09:33 AM   #10  
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I'm back

~Connie~ I'll pray you get your grandchild (Genesy). It sounds like you have a cool home to be raised in. With all those pets and plenty of grass to run around in.

~Sherry~ Thank God you got that tooth fixed! I don't like dentists that much either. When I was a kid living in Pennsylvania we went to a doctor in Valley Forge PA. that worked on his car in between patients. His business was out of his home. I don't know why my parent went to him. This was in the 60's. Can you imagine Having him putting his hands in your mouth after working on a greasy car?

~Doitforme~ I need to loose 100 lbs too. I'll encourage you in your quest to loss. What is your diet and what are your short term goals?

~Sami~ You had a really tough life. When did Christ become a part of your life? Have your experiences helped you witness to others?

~AmandaPanda~ What part of Ireland did you want to move to? Tell me more about your friend Nigel?

God bless you

" I'm no longer afraid of storms, for I am learning to sail my own ship" Louisa May Alcott
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Old 09-09-2003, 10:58 AM   #11  
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Thumbs down TUESDAY


I remember times not seeing any new posts for a few days-- this is way better.
Had a pretty big day yesterday, I checked in after work and was going to come back to the computer but the nephew played some games, Angie was working on her exercise journal, and my son had homework-- I tried to stress the importance of CE but they just blew me off and told me to go watch the football game

Got a call yesterday morning from the social worker-- we have a meeting with my nephew's mom and 3 sisters/families and my nephew's mom-- and of course his mom next week-- and of course my brother and his wife to represent my neice-- anyhow she said her office was thinking of having the kids go to the meeting so they could be explained to "that they are not going to be living with their mom- ever!"
Help me out here if I am wrong but I told her no way--he is just a little boy, 12 and his sister is 8-- at the present time they are still allowed to visit her, although the dept. doesn't recommend overnight they have given my brother and I the say so on this as we feel in each situation. At the present they still have a dream they will be back with her some day-- and they might-- some MIRACLE could happen with her filthyness and other problems, I seriously doubt it, and she can petiotion to get them back. I think by the time the kids figure it out that that isn't going to happen, that they will have adjusted to it. Any advice?
He is doing so well at the present-- his teachers really like him. After school I allow him to stay in extended day care for an hour or so-- this way he can play a little bit with the other kids-- there are not that many his age in my block-- his extended day care aide says he is the greatest help!! She hates to see me come and pick him up He got a poor grade on a math test 5 out of 15-- he studied the wrong chapter-- thought he was in trouble-- I told him as long as he studied then that was a situation that we could overlook this time-- all his other grades- so far- have been very good.

SUNNYD How is that ankle today I hope it is much better! This gives you a chance to take it easy before you start pumping iron at Curves I saw the South Beach diet a few weeks ago on Dateline(?) looked very interesting. So you are keeping files on us huh-- working for the CIA/FBI-- NAPSTER? Thanks for such a good job of running this site!! We really apreciate it!

SHERRY-- WOOOHOOO What a good feeling to have that over with huh! My dentist is the best also!! I have had alot of work over the years-- great shape now........ excuse me, I had to go find some wood to knock on I just know the rest of your troubles will be successful too-- PRAYERS- So glad to see you back!!

doitforme Wow Sue, that sure seems like the greatest job for you-- plus no driving in the snow, etc.. I am praying so much for you that if it is God's will that it will happen!! Nice that you have added some color to your posts! You wild thing

MICHELE Sorry about the disturbing talk with your friend. What is up with the decaf- no one (OK-ME) survives without a gallon or 2 a day of leaded Great job on watching your eating this week-- don't spend that bonus on a food treat now dear-- get something sexy for the next new guy-- he just might be the one ya know

WILMA- Walking too! You are starting to sound like my wife with all this exercise!! Good for you. You certainly are taking this lifestyle change seriously. Just keep on going forward with whatever works for you with the carbs, etc. Glad to see those boys coming around-- did you know that putting a foot in a college boys rear end from time to time burns up a whole bunch of calories -- that is why my boy has a donut to sit in-- kidding.

JUDY Yes the Salvation Army has a drug rehab, in our area anyway. They are the greatest! I have learned a bunch about their program- Christ centered, from my brothers and friends that programmed there. So a mechanic/dentist-- bet he made a ton of money!!!

CONNIE I gotta run off to work-- late already-- want to talk to you later on that ordeal with the GD.

SAMI I have not forgot you!!
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Old 09-09-2003, 11:32 AM   #12  
Psalm 91:9-11
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Talking Pics

I thought I would share a couple pictures of the Festival Joe & I went to...
Prepareing for battle:

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Old 09-09-2003, 11:34 AM   #13  
Psalm 91:9-11
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The Homesteader:

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Old 09-09-2003, 11:36 AM   #14  
Psalm 91:9-11
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This was carved out of 7 types of wood!
For sale @ $4,000.00!
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Old 09-09-2003, 11:41 AM   #15  
Psalm 91:9-11
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GARY ~ Wonderful to see you back! Gotta read what you wrote then I will reply
Hope you like my pics Later...

Joe by an authentic teepee... it was such a fun day!

Last edited by SunnyD57; 09-09-2003 at 11:44 AM.
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