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Syckgirlsfv 02-22-2019 12:21 PM

everyone!!! I don't know why I am so bad at posting these days...but hi! :wave:

gained water from last weekend at my mom's because we drank tequila shots...I will never learn. Yesterday was a coworkers last day so we went out to PF Changs - I ordered gluten free pad thai (chicken) which was amazing but I'm sure full of sodium. oh well. I was happy :D

b - Omaha steaks ham and a slice of mozzarella, pickle
l - del real pollo asado and green beans
d - tbd but whatever kind of meat I have it will be with an artichoke :)
we are going to do cardio after work, hopefully that doesn't change!

grannynancy 02-22-2019 12:48 PM

Emily, it is funny because we thought we would celebrate the wedding date as our anniversary, but after being married legally and living together that way for several months before the wedding, we felt, ummmm, married ..........

jendiet 02-22-2019 01:07 PM

Syk, sounds like you had a good time with mom!!

ok, my friend found my tracker IN THE DRIVEWAY!!! :sp:

I walked outside, searched the yard, searched the cars....I probably was a few steps away where she found it....I am a little more BUMMED because it was crushed and who knows when that happened...but it's ok....I ordered another one since the price is good at 32.99...I just pray it is as good as the last one...I tried looking at some others, but I like what I like...


EmilyLarnder 02-22-2019 03:04 PM

Jen - my cycle is rather abnormal. I usually get my period every 3 weeks (I take a medication called Spironolactone for my acne; one of the side effects is frequent periods and/or spotting between them). So I'm not going to trust that "family planning method"
Sorry about your tracker! I have a fitbit Versa and I LOVE it. It's definitely on the pricey side but so worth it.

nancylmrn- I am thinking Punta Cana for a honeymoon! I want to go to the caribbean, and I wanted to go to Jamaica, but Punta cana is almost $1k cheaper!

grannynancy- Well we've been living together since October (3 months after we started dating - LOL - I knew he was "the one")

Today's my last fasting day for the week.
I had morning coffee with half&half.
Still no workout today, I am still SO SORE from the workout I did 2 days ago :lol: I still really want to get back into it. I need to force myself. As soon as my hand heals we are joining Snap fitness and will start lifting :D I am so excited to lift again. I miss it.

nancylmrn 02-22-2019 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by EmilyLarnder (Post 5382812)

nancylmrn- I am thinking Punta Cana for a honeymoon! I want to go to the caribbean, and I wanted to go to Jamaica, but Punta cana is almost $1k cheaper!

I am all for saving pennies where I can to use for other fun stuff :hug:

EmilyLarnder 02-22-2019 09:18 PM

So I am at work and I weighed myself on the work scale - last time I weighed myself on it, it read 182 - which was incorrect, and the next morning I was [correctly] 175. Today I stepped on it for ****'s and giggles, and it read 170-172. I am interested to weigh myself tomorrow morning on my scale and see what I really am. But I am almost sure that I've lost!

Fasting day: Total calorie intake: 370 cal :dancer:

flower123 02-22-2019 09:29 PM

Hi all
I have not posted for two or three days. Bad eating. Therefore didnt want to bother posting.

Jules Yes it was I who asked when your birthday is. Soooo, Happy Birthday!!! Hope you are doing something fun!! :bday2you::bday2:

Diana I called Mavericks coffee today. I was impressed. I ordered a pound of french decaf. The owner is very nice. Their coffee ends up being a lot more per pound than what I pay to Simpatico. But I if the taste is great, I am willing to pay the extra money. For a little while anyway. Mavericks charges shipping which simpatico does not. I would guess they pay more for their beans than simpatico. Mavericks' pH is higher than Trader Joe's caffeinated low acid french which is between 5 and 5.5 depending on the batch. Mavericks is 6.3.
glad you are continuing to recover from the shingles.

Weekend I am happy to hear that things are not a lot worse. Upper, better. Lower, a bit worse. But he will be taking steroids. Great hope in those steroids. Seeing your DH's eye healthy strong and healed <3 I can only imagine how stressful this time has been for you. I would be eating a heck of a lot more carbs than a bagel. So good job staying as low calorie as you are.

Emily congratulations on being "legally" married !!! may you both continue to have a beautiful life together

Jen, great that you were cleaning all day. Also, I think its good that you did not go way over calories tonight. So you should not see a gain. Plus you did physical work all day cleaning.

Rachel congrats on meeting your goal yesterday, WTG!

G Nancy I hope your DD gets answers and treatment for whatever is going on. I have been hearing a lot of people complaining of horrible migraines lately. Glad she is under care of Neuro-Opthamologist. Sounds like a very stressful ride home. Glad your DH was able to take over when he got home.

Running out of stem. Will do more personals later.

Weekend Boater 02-22-2019 10:05 PM

Hi everyone hugs... I feel like I am faltering but still tring so hard. Tonight dinner was good.
Nothing much to report on my end ladies, I am hanging in there. Did a lot of reading today, sometimes to my dismay and decided to just chill the rest of the day. It is, might I add, a beautiful sunny day with a mild 45 degrees. Spring is just right around the corner. I feel I am slipping a bit so trying to hang in there, having my ingredients and meal plans in place is so paramount and that is wehre I am slipping, I just felt too tired to go to the big market but still working on it and I promise to keep you posted when I can.

I went on the WII and that helped me ,, I am sure of it! Just burnt off some steam!

I will keep working on it and no doubt I need to get to the market. I hope you all have a great start to the weekend!

jendiet 02-22-2019 10:09 PM

OK 1474 calories and another 15k steps. I'm tired. Been doing both shifts since Tuesday and I thought I would get a break but the lady supposed to be covering kids are sick with the flu so not sure if she will be here and not sure I want her to be, but I'm exhausted...I even took a 15 min nap in between shifts today because I'm so worn out. .I never do that...

there is no sense in my getting anything more expensive than my previous because I don't need it and I'll probably lose it...case in point of this past episode.

flower, no worries, just get back on track and keep going.


Diana3271 02-22-2019 10:55 PM

Hi Everyone! https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...iles/wavey.gif

Total Approx 1515 calories + https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...ges/coffee.gif

Breakfast ( 400 calories & https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...ges/coffee.gif)
spritz olive oil in pan
2 large eggs 140 calories
veggies 60
14 g. shredded cheese 50 calories
1 piece thin sliced bread toasted 60 calories
Fruit spread 30 calories
juice equivalent to 60 calories
coffee w/cream & sugar

Lunch (415 Calories)
2 pieces thin sliced bread 120 calories
Smoked Turkey Breast 50 calories
Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
Siggi's vanilla yogurt 110 calories
Apple 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)
salad w/grilled chicken & BHF's ranch 700 calories

Slim Series Express Cardio Sculpt and 10,000 steps

Have a Blessed evening!

Weekend Boater 02-22-2019 10:55 PM

Did I mention the WII? I went it tonight to blow off some steam, had a nice session and going on it again!i

nancylmrn 02-23-2019 12:17 AM

Good evening to all
I am rounding out my day with 13,000+ steps and ate 14 out of my 23 WW points and I don't add in my gym time. Tomorrow we are celebrating DH 63rd B/D (actual bd was Thur). So a small gathering with family and his favorite, turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing and veggies. Oh and picking up bread sticks from olive garden. I have looked up all the points and how I am making the components as long as I stick to my recipes and ditch the stuffing and only 1 bread stick I will have my points down to 10 or 11 for the entire meal and since we are eating mid day this will be lunch and dinner with a light snack in the evening.

Weekend every time I see reference to the WII I think of kids on a swing going weeee....lol then I translate into what an adult might look like playing with the WII and I am a bit jealous
flower please don't stay away when you think you have nothing to post or you think you have done badly we miss you terribly when you are gone.
Jen why are you working so many hours??? is it because of flu season?

see you in the am chickies

Rachel1234 02-23-2019 04:50 AM

Good morning
Nancylmrn, Your workouts are awesome. Thought I'd mention that, although I don't know a lot about weightlifting, I've been taught that it's best not to do the same muscle group on consecutive days. Apparently weightlifting causes some 'muscle breakdown'? in the process and needs time to recover. But ask an expert at the gym. Maybe I don't have it right:dizzy:

Grannynancy, I am continuing to pray that answers will be found for your DD. I am glad she is seeing a neuro-opthalmologist.

I met my goals for yesterday.

Today's goals:
:broc::tread::exercise:, fiber, 2 liters water, 1200 calories.

grannynancy 02-23-2019 06:47 AM

Good Morning 135.4 bump up - yesterday was 1593 in 1617 out and 12, 055 steps. Today is planned for 1362 calories (need to be back in line) and it looks like I need to get all my steps in BEFORE noon; Getting to close to my 136# "action limit". So the dogs need some walking etc. and the afternoon I need to do housework. Was suI neeprised at bump up due to poo fairy working better with me. About 40% of women have some degree of cystocele and rectocele. Good to so some research. If you have had kids, or a hysterectomy....it is far more likely as is being overweight. You can find out on a pelvic exam (ask!) ........ A big no non is straining when you go to poo. Elevate the legs (squatty potty or use blocks or other foot rest) .......... my issue is once I go I still feel like I need to go and then push and I have to just not do that. Also a high fiber diet with LOTS of water. Well it may be TMI but if it helps anyone..........


Thanks for all the prayers for DD. Will update as we learn more. / Odd I had updated then lost it (autosave did not work) so.....the short version:


Nancy - It sounds like WW is the plan for you! Way to go.
Weekend - we need to figure out how to get our Wii up and running again. It is fun and has some good workout stuff
Emily - WTG on the weight loss
Jendiet - I sure hope you are getting enough sleep with all this work!
Flower - When you are struggling is THE time to post! You are among friends, even if we are online and we have all had our struggles.
Diana - Hi!

Diana3271 02-23-2019 09:12 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...iles/wavey.gif Happy Weekend!

I probably should not have started weighing again with being on this medicine. I woke feeling swollen, my feet are literally tight in my house shoes. UGH! It is what it is, and this too shall pass.

I also wanted to update that Ms. Connie has been released from the hospital! They expected her to be there much longer. But she is in a lot of pain.

Flower I also ordered some coffee. I told him what I like in coffee and he is including some samples based on this info.

Last night: Full Body Stretch
This Morning: Oxycise

Calories for yesterday: 1515 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 188.6
Up: 1.2 pounds

Have a Blessed day!

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

February 23

Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

Kate was so thankful that Dennis was willing to spend time with her. Since she started her diet, Kate had tried everything in her power to keep from being alone. When she was alone, she ate. When she was with friends, she didn't feel the need quite as strongly. When she was with friends who understood her, they helped her keep her mind off food. Dennis was one of those understanding friends. He would talk and laugh and make her forget all about eating. He made himself available as much as he could, and Kate was truly grateful. She felt he was a fortress she could run to, where she would be safe from the temptations of food and drink.

Today's thought: God gives us places of refuge when we tire!

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