3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Diana3271 02-17-2019 09:53 PM

Shedmyfat Hi and welcome to the check-in. :welcome2:

Rachel1234 I would think you could get them at any age. But I think over 50 is more common. There are various factors that contribute to them. One is immunity, I don't think that is my problem. The other in intense stress. I think that is the culprit. I got very wound up in November/December about that colonoscopy and other testing. I think I caused my own problem. I need to chill! LOL

Diana3271 02-17-2019 09:56 PM

Hi Everyone! https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...iles/wavey.gif

Total Approx 1480 calories + https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...ges/coffee.gif

Breakfast ( 260 https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...ges/coffee.gif)
2 siggi's vanilla yogurt 220 calories
chia seeds 60 calories
coffee w/cream & sugar

Lunch (700 calories)
salad w/grilled salmon & BHF's ranch 700 calories

Dinner (520 calories)
Amy's mushroom risotto 240 calories
grilled chicken 200 calories
apple 80 calories

40 minute outdoor walk, 10,000 steps

Have a Blessed evening!

jendiet 02-17-2019 10:35 PM

Granny, you must be super excited at the addition to the family...I pray God directs your steps to exactly the pup you need. I also use smooth move occasionally when I need something...

weekend, thar is so sweet. Sorry you lost your post though.

Shed, are you a lurker? Congrats to you that is awesome come on out awesome post more with us!

syk, omg..9 days. I pray for peace and for good news. Great news on the good reports. Your recipe sounds good.

Diana, I will not stop praying until they are gone and you are pain free.

flower, I use smooth move tea sometimes, but I really like the chia...high in omegas and good source of fiber..

Nancy, other factors are at work...no real gain. Great job on sticking to points.

ciecie, hope you are enjoying yourself

under 1400 calories for today but that is because I went out to eat alone and had dinner with a lady who was a total stranger but we had so much in common and God really used our time together.

had church and street ministry. I sang "Heaven in my heart"...there were a lot more people than I bargained and I almost didnt. I was very nervous and could barely get the notes out and my voice did a funky wave thing....but afterwards people said "I felt the anointing when you sang". I was like I bet WITHOUT HIM, I would never do it or have gotten through the song...but it is a passion to sing and worship. I don't think I can get away from it ..I almost hid today but the Pastor called me out...

flower123 02-18-2019 01:57 AM

Hi everyone

Jen Great that you sang! I bet your voice is beautiful. Congrats on staying around 1400 calories. Great that you grew up using homeopathy. Homeopathic Remedies have helped me A LOT. I am impressed that your mom knows her way around herbs so well. Good for her! Ghee sounds great as a moisturizer. I am glad you returned the coconut oil. It should not smell bad at all.

Weekend what a great gift you gave to that family. I cannot imagine how grateful they were. Not just for the money. But for the love directed their way. And I see what you did as a great act of love. Good to hear that you feel so connected to your home town. :hug: Congrats that meal plans have been good. That's awesome

Shedmyfat welcome!!! Congratulations on the weight loss. you lost 23 pounds in 6 weeks? That is very impressive. Can you say how you are doing it? Glad you are here.

G Nancy A good friend of mine was an knowledgable herbalist and owned the local herb shop. Sadly she passed away. (not from constipation :) ) But when she needed a laxative., she would use senna. How many dogs do you have now? I like the idea of getting a Field Bred English Cockers. I bet they are great dogs. Sorry your DH has gout. Whey powder is dairy Can he have dairy with gout? If not then maybe leave the dairy out and increase the tart cherry concentrate? I would use xylitol instead of stevia but I cannot have sugar alcohols.

NancyL Sounds like retail therapy was great. What bargains you got! Finding the right food plan can be hit or miss. I hope you find that WW works well f or you on long term basis.

Syck congrats on the life scan results. I dont think I would take statin either. IDK what I would do instead. Sounds like your protocol may be working. how long have you been on a grain free diet?

Diana how are you feeling? Any better? Hopefully not worse. I can only hope and pray that this is a mild case of shingles. And like I said because you are in such a different place emotionally you will have a much easier time of it. Congrats on not having angioedema. That must have been the best news ever. Maybe someday you can get tested for allergies?? Interesting that beeswax causes a reaction. Do you think its histamines?
IDK if you are interested but I looked up homeopathic treatment for Shingles. I found that there are different remedies for different stages. the final stage is when the rash is apparent. If you are interested I will give you the link. The thing though is that I would not self treat with homeopathics for this.

Rachel you did great with 1200 calories and working out. awesome!

Hi to momwannabe and everyone else I missed :wave: Hope you had a great Sunday

Today I did reel it in.
Coffee 200
Bamba 480
Salad 220
Oil free stir fry 330
Lemon protein thingy 30
total for day 1260 I am okay with that.

when I came back to this thread community I think it was G Nancy who suggested this time I not leave after the trip to Boston. Point was heard and well taken. I do think I need the community on a regular basis. So thank you! I am still well within maintenance weight. But the lbs have crept back more than I wanted. left to my own devices I tend to be a culinary sociopath :rofl:

I hope you all have an awesome Monday

momwannabe 02-18-2019 02:21 AM

Morning all. Could not get a post through yesterday. Not sure why, the website just seemed sticky.

Had a bit of a gain yesterday and only a very slight loss this morning. Aw well, nothing I'm doing. I've been doing 20 mins of cardio at night and eating to plan. I'm hoping my body's just quietly doing its thing in the background.

So I wanted to ask:those of you who are maintaining, could you imagine yourself thin before you list the weight? And those of you losing, can you imagine yourself thin in the future? I by thin I mean a healthy weight of course. Just using the term for ease of expression. Because I can't. Imagine myself thin, that is. I guess I've just always been overweight. I first went to Weightless when I was 12. I lost 18kgs when I went to university, but the start of varsity was very unhappy for me and I soon picked up a bit. Not that I was huge. But maintaining at 125pounds was really hard. So I guess I just don't believe that I can actually be a thin person. And I worry that that's going to sabotage me. Anyway, just a thought. Maybe I'm just having a blue Monday!

Super day to all!

Rachel1234 02-18-2019 04:38 AM

Good morning
Syckgirlsfv, how wonderful about the healthy results of your scans! Good reassurance to have!

Shedmyfat :welcome:

Diana, I'm on a waiting list for the shingles vaccination. Been waiting awhile!

Flower123, I'm glad you are not leaving! I love reading your posts! You have so much to contribute. You are such an encourager.

mamwannabe, you've raised some thought-provoking questions to ponder.

Well, this past week's average calories per day was 1248. I'm very happy with that.

Today's plan: treadmill, lift weights, sit-ups & stretching, veggies, fiber, 2 liters water, 1200 calories.

Happy President's Day.

grannynancy 02-18-2019 06:33 AM

Good Morning 133.2, yesterday was 1663 in / 1739 out and 12,491 steps. Today is planned and is 1466 calories but, as usual, there may be some unplanned food added.

Got off kilter a bit because our planned board meeting/lunch was supposed to be 3 but we met first and did not eat until about 430 and all I had before was breakfast so I could not get home and eat a standard supper afterwards. You know I am maintaining but having to make peace with feeling hungry most the time. I think. More water and maybe less coffee will help.

Shedmyfat - Hi :wave:
Rachel - you are doing GREAT.
Flower - you know he CAN have dairy. It seems some fish (not all), Beef, Some beans (lentils which he likes) are triggering - with dogs I am scared to have xylitol in the house. I am glad you are staying with us! It really does help!!!
Jendiet - of course my puppy target is no earlier than Sept 2020 so that is a way away! I am glad the street ministry and your singing went well - I can believe it was very hard nerves wise. I get it gets easier if you keep doing it. If it is a way you can reach people then you can't hide that light under a basket.
Diana - Still praying this is a short course of shingles for you.
Everyone else. Thinking of you.

Well my work email is already exploding so I better go see what is up

Diana3271 02-18-2019 08:05 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...iles/wavey.gif

I am feeling better with the shingles. I am sleeping better since I have less pain. But, my face is literally getting round. I am holding onto water. I am going to hold off from weighing until I finish with the meds. Part of the instructions of the prescription is to drink plenty of water.

Today our Pastor's wife is having surgery to remove a tumor from her pancreas. Please lift her up in prayer.

Jen Yay for your singing. I know you were a Blessing.

Last night: Full Body Stretch
This Morning: Oxycise

Calories for yesterday: 1480
No Weigh In

Have a Blessed day and a great start to your week.

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

February 18

Romans 16:20
And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.

I remember going to a cafeteria with my friend once while I was on a diet. I told my friend that I was only going along to keep him company, but that I wouldn't eat anything. Once there, however, I was drawn to a particular piece of German chocolate cake. I de-bated with myself for the longest time, then finally gave in and went to the counter to buy it. On my way back to my seat, I turned took quickly, and the cake fell from my tray to the floor, where I proceeded to step on it. I always felt that perhaps God was trying to teach me something. The source of my temptation did indeed end up under my feet!

Today's thought: Food wasted is better than food waisted!

Diana3271 02-18-2019 09:14 AM

Flower Which low acid coffee do you drink? I remember we discussed it before, but I forgot the brand.

jendiet 02-18-2019 10:17 AM

Granny thank you. Yes I want to reach hearts with God's love. They don't always listen to words....I've always been told I have a pretty if untrained voice...thank you so much for demonstrating and being candid about maintenance. Yes we have dogs and I keep it away and it has a very secure cap...but I know it would be scary.
Diana, I rebuke fluid retention and command your body to have peace. Is it steroids? I love the devotion, and that is so God!!! I do love German chocolate cake too though...in instances like that, with this diet, I take it to go...praying for Pastors wife. No complications. No negative effects and NO resurgence ever!!! In Jesus name

momwb, I have been thin before just not with a healthy relationship with food. It is possible because God wants you to be the best you He designed you to be.

flower, I'm glad you are still here too. You have great insight to contribute and with which to bless our community. My mom has always been homeopathic but when she battled hep. C I actually applied for a job at Akins a health food store and while I was there I KNEW the job wasn't for me and I politely asked the guy if he would please interview my mom for the job....he agreed. My mom got the job, which aligned her to meet a guy that won a battle with hep. C and he taught her what he did to fight and she did same including making HUGE cayenne pepper capsules....

she was also bathed in prayer daily and went through interferon treatments and she came out with NO TRACES of the virus at all.

Nancy, good job on not overdoing it shopping and meeting calorie goals!

Rachel awesome on making goals!!!

Ok, 178.8 today...hoping to get to at least 176 before ovulation...

nancylmrn 02-18-2019 04:23 PM

Sheesh get here late in the day and you have a ton of posts to catch up on LOL
WI down 170.2 so that is 1.2lb drop but my body goes up and down in not so subtle ways I will chalk it up to ...ok lets see how the week plays out. So even packed my gym bag, stowed it in my car last night and was up at 5 am and out the door at 5:20 with teeth brushed, dressed for the gym and hair loking like I hit a wall socket :strong: but did my 30 min on the elliptical and then a shorten version of my weights only spending 20 min instead of 30. Even had enough time after the shower to do an aqua massage.

:coach: to Jen great job on the drop!! LOL felt like a little emoji juice today
granny I hate it when my planned routine is knocked of kilter it just messes me up
weekend that was so good of you organize and donate you time for a family in need if all communities could do this so many things would be right again.

need to get back to work so will try and play catch up tonight but i have read all the posts!!! :grouphug:

Diana3271 02-18-2019 04:54 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

Ms. Connie did well with the surgery. Praise the Lord!

EmilyLarnder 02-18-2019 05:34 PM

jendiet - i am fearing I'm eating too much on non-fast days. I need to start logging calories on those days and try to monitor it.

Shedmyfat- congrats on the loss!!! and Welcome!

Diana - I hope you get feeling better :)

Today's a fasting day.I don't find it TOO difficult to not eat, but I get FREEEZING cold. Which is so unlike me.
on my second cup of coffee with cream. No food yet today.
Again, I am going to try and make sure I'm not overeating on my non-fasting days. Really gonna work at it.

I haven't been exercising very much since the injury. If it was nicer outside I'd be out running. I want to weight lift again. perhaps I will try some small things at home before joining the gym and going gung-ho.

Wedding update: I found a violinist for my wedding for cheap. My sister will play the piano for free for me, and the violinist is charging me $100; although I will likely give her more. I can't wait to walk down the aisle to Canon in D!!! :D

jendiet 02-18-2019 07:46 PM

Emily, do you mean Pachabels Canon? Oh so excited for you. What an awesome blessing!! yes, I was OK on nonfat days for a little and then I just let cravings get the best of me.

have you tried fast 5 which is also IF or the more popular 16:8 (one I use mostly)

Nancy wow for the drop and your fortitude....

Diana, praise God for the good report!!!

so I took a walk starting at 7680 and ended at 10220...so I think I went 2 miles and boys rode their scooters...I got ds3 that safest art on sale and BEST THING EVER.. he loves it!

I had McDonald's for dinner and ended at 1582 but I got snacky with the seaweed and ate a pack and shared 2 with my boys.. .they love it...then I made a pack of ramen sans packet for ds2 and used real broth and strained some in a cup for me ...and now I'm drinking bubbly...a little high on the salt and my app will scold me, but it tasted good and I'm craving it...which I normally dont...

tinymightymouse 02-18-2019 08:01 PM

Hey all, I'm new here but just trying to make some connections and get to know some people. Posted elsewhere as well, but the more the merrier!

Ended up doing really well all day... until dinner when I ate a full day's worth of food in 1 sitting. I guess old habits really do die hard. I was doing so well since starting (again) last July and even managed to mostly stay on track even during the holidays, but am finding it more and more difficult to stay the course lately.

I know this community will help - everyone here seems so warm and encouraging. We got this! :carrot:

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