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Old 09-11-2003, 06:20 AM   #46  
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Hi everyone....

Bluet....thank you...you aren't invading my privacy....I have Rheumatoid Arthritis & have a very rough time with it. So far, have avoid the crippling effects of it...probably in later years. Thanks also, for the compliments...I enjoy searching & giving graphics. Hope all enjoys them.

Sheila....I'm so very sorry about your friend. Know that I care.

Fatpuss...I also, love chocolate! Eat all you want...I'll never tell.

Willow...These early morning hours are rough! You can get up at 3am on purpose if you want..I'm doing it, 'cause I can't sleep..........oh well.

Last edited by Angel-lover; 09-11-2003 at 06:48 AM.
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Old 09-11-2003, 09:52 AM   #47  
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Hi everyone - I'm thinking of you all on this very sad day.
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Old 09-11-2003, 07:42 PM   #48  
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Good Evening All. Dinner is over and before I get to the dishes, I will sit for awhile and chat.

Angel, you outdid yourself today on the graphics. They are beautiful, and it is indeed a sad day. Hard to believe it has been two years. Even harder to imagine it actually happened. I am sure we were all touched by it in a personal way. Our accountant at work lost his brother. On a brighter note, loved the list about the grandkids. Just when you think you have seen it all, they come up with something new. You gotta love them. Hope you are feeling a little better. Aw heck, I hope you are feeling a WHOLE LOT better.

Sheila, my heart aches for you. I have been through that too. People who don't have pets can't understand how the loss can hurt so bad.

Bluet, I am really enjoying your posts, sometimes I feel like we have been almost cloned - we seem to share the same sense of humor. Unfortunately, I don't have a website. I have been thinking of doing one, but haven't been brave enough to try yet. If you look at the bottom of each post, it has several different choices to click on. Profile, website, etc. I have checked out Angel lover's and Connie's - both great.

Willow, if you don't hear from your kids, put a bucket by the front door with a sign that says "Donations for Pizza" or whatever. That will teach them to call ahead. We are going out to the Olive Garden (local Italian restaurant) for dinner tomorrow night. There will be about 20 of us. You may hear about it on the 11 o'clock news. Just kiddin'

Puss, I wonder if your DH can understand Rose on the Golden Girls when she starts talking about her relatives from St. Olaf. I can't for the life of me understand how she keeps a straight face.

OK, I skipped out of weigh-in at Diet Workshop last night. I weighed at home and was the same as last week, but I have this little pain in the butt that was bugging me. Called a thrombosed hemorrhoid. YIKES. Going away today, but still annoying. Haven't exercised for a few days, and I am getting stiff. Maybe tomorrow morning for a few minutes.

Time to get some work done. Have a good night, or day, or whichever one of the two is where you are, if that makes any sense Till the next time, Sue.
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Old 09-11-2003, 08:35 PM   #49  
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Default A bittersweet day, ....

Hello everyone,
I woke up to see all of the remembrances and memorials going on on television, and in an instant I was back to 2 years ago.
I remember that so well.
I had worked late, and slept in (I was on 2nd shift then) and the phone ringing woke me up. It was my niece, and she said, "Are you watching what's happening on tv?" Half asleep, I thought maybe she meant a comedy show or something. Then she told me to turn it on CNN, and I couldn't believe my eyes and ears.
All I got out was, " We're being attacked. ....... I bet Saddam Hussein has a finger in this."

We must NEVER forget those 3000 people from 80+ countries and their loved ones.
And we must never become complacent again.

I pray for peace in the world.

My day wasn't too bad. I woke up not feeling well at all. Had a sore throat for a while now, but my eyes also hurt, and I was beat tired. I called in to work and took a same day vacation, took another tylenol PM and went back to bed until 7:30 AM. That's enough of the overtime for a while.

I had a huge breakfast, veggie, ham and cheese omelet with whole wheat toast. Green tea.

Then I got busy and forgot to eat lunch until it was too late. Had company for a while. Then had a big supper too. Had squash, chicken breast strips, stirfry veggies, whole wheat toast and fresh strawberries.

Today was WW weigh-in. I lost 5.4 pounds, which puts me at 6.6 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I felt pretty good about it.

Well, most of my kids have called to let me know about Saturday.

I'm going to make chicken breast strips with different seasonings; some cajun, some garlic, some lemon-pepper, ....
Scalloped potatoes made with fat free half and half, a big tossed salad, raw veggies and homemade fat free dill dip, a cheese tray, some whole wheat dinner rolls and a big fresh fruit bowl.
I'll make some honey-mustard sauce and some bar-b-que sauce for the chicken. And flavored waters to drink. Whaddya think?

I need to get busy in my dining room and clean, ... or straighten up. That table is where all my "I'll look at it later" mail gets tossed.
Pray for good weather. They keep saying that we're suppose to get rain tonight and tomorrow, but, I don't see a drop yet. I hope it cools off some like they're promising.

Well, I better get moving. Have a good evening all. See ya tomorrow.
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Old 09-11-2003, 08:52 PM   #50  
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Default You were here while I posted, ...

Hi Sue, I see you were posting while I was.

Olive Garden! Oh, ... to die for. I had chicken alfredo fettuccini there and ate the whole serving. It was HUGE, and sooooo delicious! Have fun!! I'm envious!

For your other problem, .... do you sit in hot sitz baths?
I had that very thing several times when I was very young. As a teenager, I had to go in to the Dr and they excised 3 clots out of them. Oh, what a relief! It didn't hurt to have it done. They numbed it with novocaine, and even that was just a small sting. If it doesn't abate, I'd go in and have it relieved. That is about the most painful thing there is, other than a tooth ache.
The preparation H suppositories are helpful to keep them shrunk down too. Put a little KY jelly or vaseline on the end of them first to make insertion easier.

Hope you're feeling better in the morning. I've gotten physically sick from those. Have a good evening.
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Old 09-11-2003, 09:07 PM   #51  
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Default I don't see anything to "click" on, ....

Sue, is there something to click on with every post Charlotte and Connie make?!?!? I don't see anything at the bottom of their posts but a line, and it isn't "clickable" on MY screen. Does that mean that I need to do something to my computer in order to "see" them, or does it mean I misunderstood what you said?
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Old 09-12-2003, 06:26 AM   #52  
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Willow, just to the right of the day and time of posting, in square boxes, it says profile, website, buddy, etc. That is where you cick on. Have a good day.
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Old 09-12-2003, 09:01 AM   #53  
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Hi everybody....it's finally Friday!! I'm not usually this excited...'cause the Saturdays are long sitting here with little to do. But, I've worked my "patooty" off this week! Glad that Remicade kicked in!

One Day@A Time....thanks for compliments. Yes, I'm feeling better, these days. Hope it lasts awhile! Thanks for checking out my site. I've also, had a large, Christian website for almost 2 yrs now, "Vision of Heaven". I've really enjoyed it. I've got signatures in my guestbook from all over the world. If anyone wants to check it out, let me know...I'll post the address. I tried to make some changes...& used up all the disk space before I finished....so...it's not as I'd like it to be. (Should have left it alone! ) I made another webpage for the board.

Willow...I don't know why you can't see the place to click. Remember, if there's no website for that person....there's no button for it. But if they have one, it's at the same area where the pm is. Hope you have a good weekend with your family. Also, hope you're feeling better.

Sheila....I'm so glad your son got the job! Wish him well with it.

Bluet....Gonna check out your website, when I get a chance.

Fatpuss....hope you're having a great day!

Got another big day ahead....I'll check in when I get a chance.

Last edited by Angel-lover; 09-12-2003 at 09:06 AM.
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Old 09-12-2003, 11:16 AM   #54  
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Hi Forumbuddies,

I am posting this from work, so if it ends up being short, then you know I had some task I had to attend to and had to leave.

Also, just wanted to let you know I have a full weekend ahead of me, and I have been helping my Mother with a problem at her house, so if you don't hear from me until after the weekend, just be assured that I haven't forgotten you and you will hear from me on Monday.

Tonight we have that invitation to the Sacristans Leaders home for dinner and drinks. It is to thank all the church sacristans for their volunteer work. Tomorrow Anna Katherine is going to be baptised, we are invited to our DIL's parents home after the ceremony at 4:30 . Sunday we have my husband's family reunion. Our daughter and her husband that live in Steven's Point are godparents for Anna, so they will be coming home tonight and staying the weekend. So there will be a lot of interaction with our children coming and going and "ME" wondering iwhen and f I should be making meals, etc, etc!!!!!! . I usually like to isolate on the weekends, so this is a little much for me.

The problem at my Mother's home is: Honey Bees in the wall of the house and under the enclosed attached porch. The bees are getting into the house. My Mom is 80 years old little and stubborn, for the past two weeks she felt she could solve the bee problem herself. Finally the fumes of the spray she was using and the stress of dealing with the bees over whelmed her and she had to call for help from her children. My sister called me on Wednesday if I could come and help, because my sister is deathly afraid of bees.

Well, I did some research on honey bee hives in the walls of homes, and decided on a plan, and after several "bombs of insect repellent strategically placed in different parts of Mom's house and removing my Mother from her house for the day I think we may have all the bees. Once we are sure the bees are gone, we will walk around Mom's house and calk any existing openings in the siding which will hopefully eliminate the bee problems in the future. Jeeze!!! what a way to spend a vacation day.

So, that is where I have been and what I will be doing until next week. I hope all of you have a good weekend. Willow I know you will be busy too with family matters take care don't work too hard. I'll be thinking of you Puss relaxing over in the British Isle I know you have Mother issues too, good luck. Angel, Sue and Sheila enjoy your weekend, hope your doing some fun things. Hope I did not forget anyone.

By the way I am still excercising " 4 out of 4 days" so far and have added weights to my program. Thanks for the encouragement. Lost another two punds that makes 22. See ya all later.........

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Old 09-12-2003, 11:48 AM   #55  
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Just a quickie to ask Bluet, have you called a bee guy? They are usually really good at getting bees out of houses without killing them. They relocate them to hives in other areas. My friends had the same problem as your mom and hired a bee guy to get them out. Just a thought!
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Old 09-13-2003, 04:52 AM   #56  
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Hi everyone, I din't go up north because mother isn't being discharged from hospital until Monday and DH is delighted. She has been up and about on the telephone to me and my brother issuing orders from her command post up there. I asked her how she was and no mention of the op, just going on about the tinnitus and how no one else has it like she has it. No change there, then. Willow 5.4lbs! I am really envious, I have piled 2lb on this week at home with tall, skinny DH and matching him treat for treat. I always knew that being at home was bad for me!! ha ha. Your menu for the gathering hardly helps, either, Willow. Hope you all have a good time. Is a yellow jacket a wasp? Bluet, years ago we had a wasp nest in the attic and extermination man came dressed like some space-age germ warfare specialist but it did the job. Seems the last nest of the season contains all queens. I am sure you will all have a wonderful Christening day for baby Anna - I dreamed about my daughter having a secret baby girl last week (probably Anna on my mind from the post). It was so real and my daughter looked so natural holding this little 18 month baby it was lovely. When I told my daughter she said it puts shivers down her spine ha ha. Said she would love them later but at this stage in her career - she is now applying for junior doctor jobs in hospitals - it would be somewhat inconvenient. Looks like I am in for a long wait! Angel, I am really glad the Remicade has kicked in and you feel more like yourself. Your icon of the US is so lovely. In London we had the opening of the memorial garden opposite the US Embassy and a service to commemorate the victims of Sept 11th. 67 white roses were laid by the British families of victims there. Very moving. Sue, I think I have on my botton what you have. I described it (and the pain) to DD and she said I should get it seen to. It would have to be a lot worse than what it is before I show my creepy doc. By the way, I have bought that Prep H in the past but for the bags under my eyes - seems models use it after partying all night. It does work there. Don't worry about staying the same weight - could be worse like me, 2lb on!! Sheila - I am really pleased for you all that your son has found a good job so soon. What do they say..'as one door closes (little PD) another one opens'. How is your daughter doing, is she at training camp now? Well our weekend is arranged - sanding and painting the upper levels of the house. DH and I went to the garden centre as DH is getting paranoid about these badgers and the lawn - it's like a grudge match now. DH bought so much repellant he's begining to remind me of that chap in the film Tremors who has a one-man defence station in the middle of the Arizona desert always prepared for battle with anything and stocked with all kinds of ammunition. It was so funny but I am worried that this may start to come between DH and his rest! Ha ha. When I see him standing guard all night in the kitchen waiting for badgers I will know it's getting out of hand. Have a brilliant weekend, friends. xx
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Old 09-13-2003, 08:34 AM   #57  
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Hey Fatpuss.....A yellow-jacket is a member of the wasp family. Lots of people have severe allergic reactions to their sting......

The wasp has a sting, but I don't think as many people are allergic.....

Glad you've got a free weekend!

Bluet...Sheila....& all....have a great weekend!!
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Old 09-14-2003, 12:49 AM   #58  
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Wow, Willow--way to go! And, Bluet, another two pounds for you--congratulations!

I lost 1.8 lbs. at my weigh-in, and was pretty happy. I've been piddling along at .5 and .8 so it was great to see it over a pound. I credit the fact that I ate more. Isn't that weird? I ate more, exercised less, and lost more. I guess my body thought I was starving it and was hanging on to all those pounds.

Ah, the wasp sting. I know it very well because one stung me on the eyelid this summer. I think there's a post about it somewhere.

Oh, Puss, you are having grandmother dreams. I bet your daughter doesn't like hearing that! I wonder if a junior doctor position is the same as a resident here? I watched a British miniseries with the guy named Robson (can't remember if that was his first name or last name) who also stars in Touching Evil. He played a young doctor who fell in love with the head doctor's wife. He would have been a resident here, I think. I don't remember what it was called on the show, though. I discovered I get BBC America--I was so excited. I watched part of some mystery show with that Scottish guy from Four Weddings and a Funeral. Also saw part of something about The Braithwaites. I'm wondering if they are current BBC shows or, like NPR, they buy up all the old shows.

Glad you didn't have to go deal with your mother yet, Puss. She sounds like she creates so much stress--and enjoys it. *Sigh*

Today I cleaned the floors in my dad's "apartment" and my DH steamcleaned the rugs. Then we touched up the outside of the house--the only part left to do is touch up the areas in the carport ceiling and then we'll be totally done with painting. I also weeded, and we got two walks with the dogs in. Saw part of the Ohio State/North Carolina State game, too. Just the good part where it went into three overtime periods. My dad was watching it in the living room while we cleaned his room so when we were done, we just watched it with him and ate lunch in front of the TV. He bought us all spaghetti from a place he likes. I wasn't all that thrilled with it, but at least I didn't have to cook. Both my kids were there--they like free food, too!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. It was beautiful here today. Sunny and 70, with hints of fall in the air. Mount Rainier was out in all her splendor and had that wonderful alpenglow in the evening as we walked the dogs. Beautiful!

Last edited by Sheila53; 09-14-2003 at 12:51 AM.
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Old 09-14-2003, 02:45 AM   #59  
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My name if Jacquie and I have been searching for a group to join that is in my age bracket (59)and you sound like such a fun bunch.

I am retired, have a DH who is still working and 2 DS, 2 DIL's and 4 grandchildren and live in western Canada.

I joined 3FC several years ago then fell off the wagon and haven't lost any pounds or posted since. I have tried WW but just didn't have the motivation to stick to it. Last year I gave a friend of mine all my WW books and she lost 50 pounds !! I have been sooo depressed. I thought if I could find a group to talk to maybe I will find the willpower to succeed this time!!

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Old 09-14-2003, 04:02 AM   #60  
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Jacqui - welcome to the group! You will find everyone here will support you all the way. Isn't that just the way, eh, you give something away thinking it's no good and a friend thinks it's wonderful? I did that with a battery-powered hair remover ha ha.
Sheila Well done on the 1.8 loss everyone seems to have lost this week - weigh-in this morning and I have gained 1.5lb but I will try to get focussed and lose it this week. I know I am better at work weight-wise and DH is off to the Middle East for six weeks next month and it will be easier then too.
Sheila, I loved that series with Robson Green as the junior doctor, Michael Kitchen as his consultant and (name escapes me) his wife. I think Michael Kitchen is so gorgeous though that I would not have run off with Robson Green ha ha. Mind you, I did see him play a real-life doctor poisoner in Dandelion Dead ....Yes, Helen will be in Robson Green's position though not nicking the consultant's wife/husband, I hope. Seems her boyfriend of 2 years laughed at my dream especially the bit where I asked her how she had managed for money and she had said ,"Oh, Mark's been good, he helps when he can". Sounds like you had an idyllic day and evening with the family and productive too. DH and I have to start the painting today...we distract each other too much and end up doing lovely , but non-productive things together instead. My brother said my mother was shivering and covered in blankets when he went to the hospital and my mother was complaining about the tinnitus again and how her DIL doesn't visit. The nursing staff said she is fine, had checked her out and temperature, pulse and BP were ok but she had an anxiety attack earlier and they had to sedate her with a tranquiliser. Said she didn't want her son to have to keep visiting. Strange that because when he does she criticizes everything about him, never says thanks for coming and gives him a load of orders to carry out before he leaves. I can see myself having to go up north in the end because she will behave so badly and make me feel guilty but I feel she is sucking the life out of me the last 20 months. Even her psychiatrist said it's not depression, mainly social and she herself told me last week " I am no good on my own". DH starts panicking at that one, ha ha.
I hope to post a recipe from Rosemary Conley's cookbook - it's a chilli pasta bake and each serving has 250 calories and 3.3 grams of fat. I can vouch that it is very nice.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend, welcome again Jacqui, tell us your goals and which (if any) regime you are following.
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