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Old 01-07-2004, 12:01 PM   #1  
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Default Over 50 and Getting Healthy #10

I thought I'd start this over here because, with the crash, we were back to our old haunt in Support rather than Support Groups, where they'd put us after they upgraded. I'm hoping everyone will find us! We'd just gotten Jacquie back when we crashed, and Kate came along after November, too.

Boy, I had 3FC withdrawal yesterday. I'm so glad they worked hard to get us back up and running. I remember I'd just posted with a story about my Dad so I will start there, I guess.

The other day, I went to give my Dad his mail and knocked on his door. After knocking several times, I opened the door and peeked in to see him sitting in his favorite chair in front of his desk, with his TV on. I called "Dad!" loudly a couple of times and still no answer. My heart just about stopped. I ran back into our section of the house and opened the bathroom door where my DH was sitting on the pot. I told him I needed him to come and help because I was scared to check on my Dad. My poor DH had to finish his business in a hurry! While he was zipping up, I thought, hey, this is my Dad, I need to be brave. So I went back and got really close to my Dad and yelled "Dad!" He starts, and says, "Huh?" I've never been so relieved! He swears he wasn't asleep and that I must not have knocked loud enough. Yeah, uh-huh, right! My grandmother had a stroke in the same chair--my Mom re-covered it, then I re-covered it last year and gave it to my Dad because it was his favorite chair and he'd sat in it so much he'd sprung the cushion. So, I have some strange memories of my sister and I finding my grandmother, and I had a major flashback when I saw my Dad sitting there. Pretty scary stuff.

Well, we had a "major snowstorm" that dumped 4" on us. Now, anywhere else I've lived in the past 15 years, that's just a sprinkling of snow. Here, it's a major event that the news stations covered all darn morning, causing me to miss my noon soap opera, "All My Children." I only watch that one show during the day, so I get grumpy when it's preempted by news about snow. I mean, you can only talk so much about snow, in my opinion, but they managed to stretch it out until 1:00 pm. Sheesh!

I hope everyone is doing well. Jacquie, how is your Mom? I really hope she's doing better. I'm sorry about your friend's sister. That's so darn young to go. And Charlotte, your SIL is so romantic, although that was rather a dangerous stunt! I do hope he gets home by Valentine's Day. It was pretty scary reading about what he's been going through. He's in my prayers as is Jacquie's mother.
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Old 01-07-2004, 12:38 PM   #2  
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Angry Good to see you!

Good Afternoon SHEILA, WoW What an experience to have with your DF... I am so glad that he is alright and it was only a scare. I have been in that situation when my DFIL was alive. He passed on this year at 87.

What a Beautiful grandbaby you have there (under your name)!!! She is really Precious! You just want to reach in and give her hugs

I am so glad to see you and really do hope that the others find their way back too I spoke to Charlotte (ANGEL-LOVER) this morning and she will be on later.

We are in the midst of a snowstorm too... getting it off of the lake, Lake Erie. I think we have gotten over 12 inches here and it's still snowing. And COLD!!!! Only 12* right now with a minus in windchill - burrrrr.

Joe & I had such a wonderful Christmas & New Year Celebration with our friends, but I sure did miss posting to you all and all my other friends here in the forum. He is back to work now, so I can try to catch up a bit again. What an awful thing to happen to the 3fatchicks... they have such a good site here and are trying so hard to fight the huge battle of "bugs and virus's" to stay alive. My heart goes out to them.


I'll be back later...
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Old 01-07-2004, 07:58 PM   #3  
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Hi.......WOW what a mess for 3fatchicks! I feel so bad for them. They worked so hard on the new site! We'll pray real hard for them......

Sheila...I know that was a scare for you with your dad. Did your DH get to back to the bathroom? Poor guy. I know you must have several scares with your dad...he's very fortunate to have you.
Thanks for the concerns for my SIL. He's sending emails almost daily...getting so anxious. I just hope he keeps focused on what he's suppose to be doing, & doesn't get careless. I worry a lot. They're so happy....she's already called ahead to Oklahoma & rented them a house. Of course, that's what she's suppose to do, if he is coming home. I just don't want them to get disappointed. He sent her a long email today of what he missed about the kids & her. The things that doesn't cost any money. How he had wasted time that was precious, & was planning the future. I'm going to be very nervous til he's home.

SunnyD...good to hear from you in pm, & here. It's been a long, long day. Finally got water thawed up. We extended "Tennessee Valley Now" to one I get home later. Also, I was working only 3 days a week. (most of the time) Now, I go in the other 2 days in time for that program. It IS better....just not for me. Glad holidays are over, so I'm not so tempted with the foods. You asked about my treatment in the pm....I'm doing ok, now. Only the very cold weather does affect RA a lot.

Well...need to do a few other things....hope everyone is back soon. Have a great evening.

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Old 01-08-2004, 02:21 PM   #4  
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Okay, everyone, come out, come out wherever you are!!

We need a roll call!

Hey, it was my first day back at the gym today and it felt great. The snow is almost gone, and the temps have gone back up to a normal 40 degrees at 8:00 am.

Gotta go, but hope to see others posting soon!
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Old 01-08-2004, 03:08 PM   #5  
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Hi....ok....I sent a private message to Willow, Bluet, Jacquie, & Fatpuss. Maybe they'll find us soon. I'll go post to the others...they were the first ones I found.

Sheila...that 40 degrees sounds good. It's VERY cold today. Around 10 or 12. I just get chilled so easily. Had to go into town...if I could stay home, it would help so much.
Glad you're enjoying your exercisng.

Talk with you later. Take care.
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Old 01-08-2004, 03:49 PM   #6  
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ok.....I found Loodie...but, somebody HELP I can't find KATE!!

I've sent a private message to all I've there any I've missed?
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Old 01-08-2004, 07:50 PM   #7  
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YAY, I found you!!! I couldn't sign on last night. Finally got that fixed, but by then it was late. What a shame for 3FC and so much work to get everything running again.

Angel: It's very cold here too. It's been windy and that cuts right through you. Single digits tomorrow and Saturday then into the 20's Sunday. That will feel like a heat wave. I will keep your SIL in my prayers. I know how hard it must be for your family to have him so far from home and doubly hard for him being separated from all of you.

Sheila: Your heart must have been pounding to find your dad like that. I'm glad that everything turned out all right. It does feel good to get back to exercising. How often do you go to the gym? I made it to Curves 3x this week

SunnyD: We live near Lake Ontario so I know all about lake effect snow too. Haven't had too much yet. Last year it just kept coming and coming! I could do without another winter like that.

Hi to Willow and Puss and everyone else Hope you'll be back soon.

Tomorrow is weigh-in day for me. I'm looking for it to be a good one because I've cut down drastically since my December feeding frenzy and have exercised regularly. Hope I won't be disappointed.

Take care all,
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Old 01-08-2004, 07:59 PM   #8  
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Hi everybody!
Geez! 3fc really took a tumble, huh? What a shame! I wonder what happened? They worked so hard just recently to change everything around too.

How has everyone been? I've been pretty good except for this blasted hip.

Charlotte, how did you get our info to send us PM's? hanks, by the way for sending that to me. I knew where you were, I've just been so busy I haven't posted. Anyway, I thought you had to find a post from a person in order to send them a private message. Or did you do a search on everyone?

I'm going to send you all a PM with my e-mail address in case this happens again so we can keep in touch.

I'm sure the rest of them will find us. It's the same as before, except they will have to log on again.

I think I told you about my friend and co-worker, Brenda, who suffered the heart attack last Thursday.

I've been working overtime this week, or rather I did Tuesday and Wednesday. I turned it down for today and tomorrow but agreed to work Saturday from 5 AM until 1 PM. I was soooo tired yesterday and I couldn't get warm! I sat down to answer messages and fell asleep sitting up!

I've been exercising every morning for 45 minutes.

Good Lord Sheila, what a scare you had with your Dad! I remember of that happening once before and you got a good scare. Poor hubby! He was probably glad he WAS sitting on the toilet!

Hi Sunny! Glad you're back here! Is the mister back to work now so you can spend some time with us?

Hello Jacquie, Kate, Bonnie, Loodie, Puss, ... Hope I didn't forget anyone.

I had 1230 cals today.
Brkfst; = 1 c. mixed bran cereals, kashi cereal, cheerios and wheaties, (no milk) and 1 1/2 c. green grapes.
Snack; = 1 mozzarella stick.
Lunch; = peanut butter sand. of 2 sl. sprouted grains bread and 2 tbsp. natural peanut butter.
Supper; = 5 oz. skinless, boneless chicken breast cubed, made into stir fry with broccoli, onion, red sweet pepper, pea pods, green beans. 3/4 c. acorn squash with ICBINB spray & 2 sl. sprouted grains toast.
I started this a week ago today, and I weighed this morning and I was down 4 pounds.

When I got up this morning I almost fell because when I started to walk, my hip hurt so bad I couldn't step on that leg for a while. I tried to do my exercises and I couldn't even do those. So, I grabbed my 3-pound weights and leaned myself against the arm of the couch and stood on one leg most of the time and did upper body exercises with my weights. I kept stepping on that leg more and more as I got ready for work and was able to walk on it at work today but I'm really limping bad. I called my DR at Mayo Clinic, (or rather his secretary) and she's going to set up an appointment for me. I'm hoping that he will still give me that steroid injection into the hip joint. I'm scared to get it, but I'm desperate for some relief so I'll try anything.

Brenda's brother came to work today and said that they moved her to a local nursing home today and anyone who wants to see her is welcome to come, but to keep it positive for her daughters who are there.
He also said there are no brain waves, and we may see some movement and not to interpret this as a positive sign because it is only involuntary movements and sounds.
They have her off everything except a heart monitor and they're giving her morphine. He said it will probably be a couple of days yet.
I can't make myself go see her. I last saw her when we worked together one day and she left early that day, and I want to keep that memory of her as my last one.

I have a bunch of e-mails to answer and I want to get to bed early again tonight.
I even remembered to gas up my car (how about those prices!!??) and take out the trash. Wow! I'm cookin' tonight!
See ya all!
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Old 01-08-2004, 09:23 PM   #9  
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Smile So good to see everyone!

Sorry, but this will be brief tonight. Hubby is home and he likes my attention.


Yep... he's back to work WILLOW, so I will be able to post during the days again. Just won't be nights or weekends very much (when he's home). You see... it's just the two of us and all we have is 'one another' (no children) & he works long hours and has meetings some evenings (meeting nights I can post or like now when he's taking a cat-nap), so when he is home we like being together. Right now he has dosed-off on the sofa and so I snuck in to check before I shut down for the evening

down 4 lbs!!!! I am so very happy for you!!! As happy as if it were me!

Oh... I sent you my e-mail address through the PM, but didn't get yours?

Hi KATE, Good to see you! I wasn't able to get to know you before, just didn't have the time to post then, so glad for the oppertunity now I go to 'Curves' too! Love it there. Boy, am I feeling the pain from today's workout - I had not been in over 3 1/2 weeks! You are so good to keep going! My next weigh-in won't be till Feb. now *note the bottom of my post*

SHEILA, It was my first day back to exercise after the holiday's too... it did feel mighty good - didn't it! Good for us both!!! Good for us all getting back on track!

ANGEL, That is so cool that you PM'd everyone to bring them together again... it is so frightening to think we could lose touch with one another after becoming friends. You are just such a cool lady! So smart!


Well, I hear my hubby stirring and my three boys (my kitties) are letting me know they are hungry & it's time to feed them all. I feed them their snack 'wet' food at night, so they let me sleep longer in the morning --- it really works!

So happy to see everyone coming back!!! Hope that BLUET finds her way back, I am worried about her And PUSS, LOODIE & JACQUIE too!!!!! Where are you all?

Till tomorrow... Sleep well everyone!

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Old 01-08-2004, 10:40 PM   #10  
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Oops....sorry for the pun, Katey....just got excited! I hunted everywhere for you, so I could pm you! So glad you made it. I DON'T LIKE COLD WEATHER! Guess I don't have much choice right now, though.

Willow...glad to hear from you. Thanks for answering the pm. There's no address there, though. I did send you mine. I have mine all over the place,even on almost every page in my other, I don't mind. I trust all of you, anyway. Everyone do be careful for awhile. I wasn't really surprised about the crash here. One of the pc's at the station sister's crashed....I had a LOT of trouble with mine the other night. Gateway said they had been bombarded with calls. Someone is messing with emails. Not just a virus.....but, also, people wanting to do all kinds of things to pc's.
Sorry about your friend & co-worker. I know what you mean about wanting to remember her the way she left that day. If she knew you were there, it might be different. But, as it is, it would just bother you & not help her.
Good job on the weightloss!
Take care of that hip.

SunnyD...I understand about being with your DH. I would be with mine....but, he just watches those news networks all the time...they really get on my nerves. He won't talk...wants to hear every word they say.
Thanks for the compliment....but, it wasn't a big deal. I just went to the old messages & at the bottom of their posts I clicked on the pm & sent them a message. Just couldn't find a post of Katey. Almost panicked! Gotta check in the morning to see if anyone from the other thread may be lost. I sent one to Fatpuss, Loodie, Bluet, &, maybe we'll hear something from them soon.

Sheila...hope you're doing well. Gotta go...getting sleepy.
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Old 01-08-2004, 11:55 PM   #11  
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Hi Everyone,

Yes, I found my way.. Since 3fatchicks upgraded and now the crash it is more like trying to get into Fort Knox.

Sorry I have been so negligent, it hurts me that I am so over whelmed at work and have had a couple of viruses to go along with it and have not had the energy to post. I have been reading along though to keep up. It helps me to keep my sanity, other wise I would feel like I am floating alone with my troubles. You all keep me grounded

Thank you Charlotte, I will pm my email address to all of you so we never loose touch.

It is almost eleven pm and I am really tired and must go to bed. I have been going to bed at eight every night this week, but fell asleep in front of the TV tonight. We have one more Christmas visit to make with DH's family this weekend and then we should be done. I will have some time this weekend to post.

Take care

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Old 01-09-2004, 02:40 AM   #12  
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Having a problem getting a reply box up but hope this gets to our page to let you know I will have another go after work tonight.
Best wishes to everyone
Fatpuss xx
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Old 01-09-2004, 02:44 AM   #13  
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Yeaay! Got there!! Am I getting Old Timers or did we not have a dialogue box before the crash? Has everyone got to click 'Reply to this thread' in order to get a box up or is the box visible on the screen when you read the posts?
Angel - I emailed you before I managed this because I noticed the site hadn't updated my new email address from weeks ago, you are a good little shepherd! I am now late for work so must rush and will speak to you all tonight, good friends.
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Old 01-09-2004, 09:35 AM   #14  
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Fatpuss!! So glad you got back! I sent you my email address. Thanks for the pm. I don't remember what all we had before the crash. "sometimers" I have hard enough time trying to keep up with the present.

Well, girls.....almost crashed last night! I have Windows XP, so apparently it's not just Windows 98, as Gateway thought. I sent my daughter an email....almost didn't get it sent, as it kept stalling. Then, that message about the virus came it did at the TV station! I wouldn't click it...then on top of it came SEVERAL pop ups! Wouldn't stop! They were things I had no idea of. Things about viruses. I was afraid to click to take them off, or to shut down my pc! It was late, but, I called my sister. She's my pc guru (even though hers crashed!) She said not to touch anything until I call MSN. I did....& they helped me get rid of all of them....but, then the internet went off & wouldn't come back on. They had me to turn it off & back on, & it came back. This morning I found they had upgraded my MSN (was supposed to wait for CD), & I haven't had any problems, so far. No pop ups at all. That was too close!

Bluet glad to see you made your way! Sorry you're feeling so bad. There's been some kind of flu or virus going around here. I've been very fortunate. Of course, with all my meds, I guess all germs are frightened off!

Hello to SunnyD, Willow (got your pm, thanks), Sheila, Loodie, Katey, Jacquie......have a great day!
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Old 01-09-2004, 07:50 PM   #15  
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Angry Hi there!

Well Hello BLUET It's so good to hear from you today... I received your PM today - Thanks! I saw that allot of groups are exchanging their e-mails at the thought of never hearing from one another again if this site were to crash again. I think it's a great idea. Now I have your e-mail in my address-book and will send you mine on Monday when I next get the chance to post. I try to get in when Joe is busy (like now) or not home.

I am so sorry that you are feeling so down - I wish I could do something to pick you up and bring you Joy again. Although, I have found it a bit harder to stay positive in this very dark and cold temps here. It is so very cold! Seems to be that way everywhere. It makes me feel sleepy... I just could not stay up for my favorite shows last night, I was in bed and asleep by 10:00! Feel better Bluet

Evening ANGEL, I guess I am lucky when it comes to what Joe watches, he pretty much likes the shows I like. He is not a big TV person at all - I am more then he is. And since I got my new Radio/CD player for Christmas I listen to music more. It really perks me up. I have two favorite stations - one is Christiian and the other is Big Band & Swing music - just beautiful to listen to, sometimes they play some old jazz music too. I hear allot of Dean Martin, Fred Astair, RoseMary Clooney... you get the drift. It is so mellowing to listen to. I needed it today!!! I spent the whole day downloading UPGRADES from MICROSOFT and my new ANTIVIRUS for the year. It took all day!!! Whew! So glad to hear that all is working better with your cp again. I still have a huge upgrade to download (3 hours!) but am going to do that another time next week. I am done for now.

So good to hear from you PUSS! It is so concerning right now that people won't find us... so glad you did. Hope the others find their way too! I don't think I understand what you are asking as far as the forum goes. Sorry I cannot answer your questions... Hope to see you back again soon. I really do miss reading your posts - you always have such a neat way of telling your stories


I got so much done today! I backed up all my files and folders so if something were to happen to my computer I will not have lost everything (I have so many pictures!). I had to pay bill's (yuck! ) and balance my checkbook for the last two statements! I didn't do last months, so I had double duty today. I wrote some e-mails to my family. Did the MICROSOFT UPGRADES & ANTIVIRUS UPDATE... And I made two appointments - one is for a mammogram on the 20th of Jan. and the other is an appointment for my Left eye to be checked again on the 19th of Jan. I am okay with that eye... no pain or anything, just pray it stays healthy and I don't lose it to cancer. And they are rechecking my new glasses - I don't think the right eye is right. So that's what I did today

Well ladies, I must be joining my hubby for the evening & relaxing... You all take care of yourselves now and I will try to get in a post over the weekend, if not I will be here on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend with your famililes.
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