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Old 10-13-2003, 08:36 PM   #151  
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Default feelin better, ....

Had son and daughter-in-law and their little guy here on Saturday, plus two of my grandsons from the Twin Cities. They requested, of all things, for lunch, macaroni and cheese and skin-on hot dogs and chips. Gross! I also had Halloween cup cakes for them.

Sunday, my granddaughter from the Twin cities came down, and she and her mother came here to talk to me about my granddaughters financial troubles. She's 19 and will be graduating from Minnesota Business College in a couple of weeks, but she doesn't have an ounce of common sense. My son, her Dad, is fed up with her shenanigans and refuses to bail her out any more.
I gave her $230.00 and told her that's the last time. She needs to start being responsible. Too much partying. Of course, I've never partied!

Food was finally good today. Had cereal, fruit and sk. milk for breakfast, cottage cheese and fruit for lunch and saute'ed fresh veggies for supper.

I found a recipe for granola bars the other day, and I'm going to make some if I can find the recipe again.

I didn't take my protonix today, and I'm tempted to not take it at all anymore. I wonder if that's what is causing the queasy feeling and the pain in my back/upper abdomen/chest, ...Think I'll try just taking zantac for a while.

Have to work overtime all week. Have to go in at 5 AM. It's gonna be a long week!

Charlotte, good thing there with your monitor working again. Are you sure you don't have a resident ghost? How are things progressing with your house? Think you'll get it done by winter?

I'm sure glad for you that the remicade is lasting 6 weeks now.

Sheila, have you had that dental work done by now? Ooooooh, I hope they gave you some good pain meds so you don't suffer.

Hi Jacquie, so good to see you back. I'm envious of your vacation. Sounds so calming.
My diet was out the window for a couple of weeks too, but, hopefully, today got me back on track. I'm trying to stay with more vegetables and fruits and complex carbohydrates, and less meats, especially fatty ones.

What I need to do is get stern with myself about exercise. I'm just not consistent. I need to MAKE myself get out and JUST DO IT!!!
We'll get there yet Jacquie, just watch us!

Hi to you also Bluet! I thought we might have lost you and Jacquie for a while there.
I hope you got your problem with the male jerk resolved.
Those Laughing Cow cheese products are usually in the deli area here where I live. They're good!

I'm betting that your co-workers newly painted office looks fantastic. And it sounds like you worked your fanny off after you got home too. Bet you wore some calories off doing all that work!

You know, I think about Sue a lot too. She was fun. But, I think she's left us, as it's been a long time since she posted. I just hope she hasn't become ill.

Puss, what in the world are earwigs?? I'm assuming they are some kind of insect, but, how big, and do they bite?

We've been invaded by the Asian beetles and the box elder bugs. I'll be glad when it gets too cold for them.

If I'd had all that variety of food that you had this past weekend, I KNOW I would have gained more than 1.5 pounds. Now you'll have time to take it off again.

I can't believe that Christmas is just around the corner again. I am not looking forward to it except for the time I get to spend with the family.
I always feel like I'm not giving them enough for a gift. I DO NOT like to shop.

One of my headlights burned out last week and I just now today stopped and bought another one and put it in. It took all of 3 minutes. I'm such a procrastinator!

Well folks, I need to get things rounded up for tomorrow.
Everybody have a good night/day. See ya tomorrow!
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Old 10-13-2003, 10:52 PM   #152  
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Ooohh, bug talk--yuck! Are Asian beetles the big ones? I can't stand earwigs either, and we always get them in fresh corn. I can't have flowers in the house because the cats knock them over and rip them apart so at least I know I won't have any earwigs in the house. We do have lots of spiders, though. When I lived in Colorado, we had a couple of miller moth invasions. They would move from the plains to the mountains (and then back again), and would totally sneak in everywhere. I would open my silverware drawer and there would be dead (or sometimes live) moths. The vacuum got really full fast. Luckily, it only happened twice in the five years we lived there, but once was enough. Colorado is also where I saw my first tomato hornworm. If you've never seen one, count yourself lucky! We just have slugs here--I can handle them.

Bluet, sorry you're having problems at work. We spend so much of our time at work that it should be a pleasant place, but office politics and weird personalities usually shoot that all to ****. And I bet that office looks really good, despite what you think. Everybody else couldn't be wrong, right?

Laughing Cow is definitely made in Wisconsin. We had to look yesterday just because of those "happy cow" commercials from California. I said if California had happy cows, then laughing cows must be from Wisconsin--they're laughing at all the happy cow ads! And, sure enough, I was right (well, at least about where the cheese ccomes from). Speaking of Laughing Cow, I pounded a chicken breast flat, put a slice of deli ham on it and a wedge of Laughing Cow, rolled it in Italian bread crumbs and baked it for 45 minutes. It was really good! A poor fat person's Chicken Cordon Bleu!

Jacquie, glad you had such a great time. I love that area. There's a little lake near there called Lake Kathleen (must be a relative of Lake Louise?), I believe. There was a one-way road over this incredibly steep hillside and it would change directions depending on the hour. Of course, we had forgotten about changing time zones, and almost had a head on collision at the top of a pass. Oops! It was certainly worth the drive to get there. First time I ever heard a loon was there.

Gee, you make me hungry, Puss. I don't know what a peppermint cream is, but it sounds wonderful. Liz Hurley--the stick woman. I'd be thrilled to look like Judi Dench!

My DH went out to the mailbox today to see if we got anything from our DD. He kept forgetting it was a holiday and found himself trying to go again after the first time yielded no mail. He got so antsy I told him to take a subscription card from a magazine, put it in the mailbox, come back in, then go out and take it out of the box. At least he'd feel like he'd gotten some mail! I know what he's going through, though. I have three letters written to my DD and nowhere to send them. It's quite frustrating.

Willow, my DD left me to pay her bills, and I was so upset when I saw how much she'd charged plus her cell phone bill. I didn't think anyone could make that many calls in a month! At least for two months she will only have to pay the minimum rather than the extra charges. She has to work to support her cell phone habit alone. Anyway, I've bailed my kids out before, but no more. It's sad when they get into bad financial trouble so young.

My DH had his dental work done today. He was only in the chair for an hour--I've got my two-hour session to look forward to on Wednesday. Hah! I cancelled my second acupuncture appointment for the same afternoon. I figured I was probably going to be too out of it from the morning dentist session to become a pincushion in the afternoon. Last week's treatment did seem to help, though, at least temporarily, so I do want to reschedule. And I am looking forward to having the dentist alleviate the pain in my mouth that I've been living with for five months.

I've gotten back on track with my eating finally. I did get sucked in by peanut butter today, but I counted it as part of my food intake so it's still part of my plan. I made a great recipe from a Weight Watcher magazine--a stir-fry with a spicy peanut sauce and lots of veggies. Since my DH had to use the car, I couldn't go to aerobics, but I did a Richard Simmons tape in my living room in the morning and walked my dogs in the afternoon. Since starting glucosamine, my 16 year old dog has become almost too active. She's a Husky mix and always pulled on the leash anyway, but it was tolerable as she got older. Now she's starting to pull again because her joints feel better, and she can drag me around, especially if she sees a squirrel that she wants to chase or a dog that she wants to meet. Luckily, she didn't notice the squirrel today, and we didn't meet a dog, since I had both dogs with me. I could just see me falling on my tush as she pulled me and the other dog wrapped his leash around my legs. Whew--glad that didn't happen!

Hope everyone had a good Monday!
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Old 10-14-2003, 06:38 PM   #153  
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Willow, you are a good grandma helping GD out. Where is the twin cities? Pardon my ignorance. I really don't envy you starting work at 5am, takes me all my time to rise at 0710 after reading till 0100 I suppose it's my own fault. Gosh, all this bug talk, what are Box elder bugs, Miller moths and Sheila's Hornworms? Spiders don't bother me, they are the housewives' friends and I can pick even huge ones up to move them out of the way but your US bugs sound in a different league to what we have. I hope your tweaking the medication helps, Willow, but do take care with it. Sheila, those chicken breasts sound delicious and a good alternative to the fat-laden originals. Peppermint creams are just a variety of chocolate, little ones filled with the mint cream and wrapped individually. They don't seem so bad until I look down at the coffee table and see how many empty wrappers I've got through. Had to laugh at the mean trick you played on DH with the mail box! He is so sweet and sensitive, unlike my DH who used to fall asleep the moment his head hit the pillow and I would be lying awake waiting for the kids to come home from a night club imagining them dead somewhere. I suppose he had the right idea, he used to say there was nothing gained in lying awake waiting for them but I never could sleep till I heard their key in the door. I had an image of your dear dog pulling you along like he was a young pup. The side effects of my cat's medication is increased appetite. We always used to say he'd lost his appetite and found a hog's but now I think he is keeping the fishing industry going. Glad someone is keeping little old Richard Simmons employed, his clones are still gathering dust at the back of my cupboard.
Have been almost good today bar two little chocolate wafer biscuits - had a light dinner to compensate.
Regards to Angel, Bluet and Jacqui and hope you are all well. Sue, I hope you are healthy and happy too, whatever you are doing.
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Old 10-14-2003, 08:20 PM   #154  
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Just staying on long enough to say "hi" and also tell you that we finally got the form letter from the Navy that tells us where to send our mail. Within 1/2 hour of getting it, my DH had driven down to the post office and put the letters in the mail. I also sent e-mails to DD's friends telling them her address--hope they write. Although I don't expect many letters in return (boot camp keeps 'em busy!), I want her to feel like she isn't alone, and that we're thinking about her.
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Old 10-14-2003, 10:02 PM   #155  
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Default Almost bed time, ...

Geesh, with this overtime, I seem to do nothing but go to work, come home and get my things ready for the next day and go to bed, just to get up and do it all over again.

Sheila, Asian Beetles are like ladybugs, but a little lighter in color, more tan than orange, and they are also a lot bigger. They bite too, and if you squish them, they stink something awful!

Tomato hornworms reminds me of a time when I was little, and we were laying outside on blankets because it was so hot in the house, (we lived in the country) and everyone had settled down and was just dozing off and all of a sudden my older(by 7 years) sister came straight up from the ground, screaming bloody murder that there was a snake crawling on her,, waving her arms and jumping up and down and spinning around, and all it was, was a tomato hornworm. I thought she looked like a fool dancing around there, and couldn't help but laugh.
Besides, I thought she deserved it because she had scared me into hysterics once by telling me that there was a big spider on my back, and when I started screaming for her to take it off, she said she couldn't because she was afraid of it. I truly went into hysterics too. There wasn't even a spider on my back, she was just being mean and scaring me. And she also stepped in my dolls cradle and broke it and broke my dolls head. It was the only doll I ever had in my life. To this day, I say she did it on purpose, because I saw her do it. Anyway, the mention of tomato hornworms gave me a good laugh.

Gosh, I was feeling so bad for you and your hubby, missing your daughter so much. It's a hard thing to do, letting go to let them go into military service. It's even worse than when they go away to college.
I'm happy for you that you at least have an address to send her mail to. She'll really look forward to those letters too, because they DO get very homesick.

Puss, The Twin Cities are Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. A huge metropolis. My kids, 3 of them and their families, live in suburbs of the Twin Cities, but everyone calls that general area, the Twin Cities.
Hornworms are usually in the general area of tomato plants. They are about 3 inches long, fat and green with 2 yellow stripes down their back and a little black horn about 1/2 inch long sticking up from their head.
Box elder bugs are kind of pretty, I think, black and red, and multiply anywhere there are box elder trees, but they don't stay on the trees, they swarm the outsides (and insides, if they can get in) of buildings. They like the warmth of the sun heating up the exterior walls of buildings. They don't bite or carry diseases or anything like that. They're just a nuisance. Miller moths are kind of a tan color, and are a real nuisance too. They seem to be able to get in where there is no opening. And of course, light attracts them.

I too couldn't sleep when my kids were out. I think we worry about them until we die.

My foods were pretty good again today. My sister wants me to go out to her house for supper tomorrow night, but, I told her not to wait supper for me. I'll run out there for a while though because my great nephew and his wife and baby are there, with his mother whom I haven't seen in many years and I just loved her. A very nice girl. My sisters son was 18 years old and his fiance' was pregnant, and the week before the wedding, at his bachelor party, he dropped dead of a ruptured aneurysm. This is his fiance and the "baby" who are here now. The son is now 29 years old and has a little boy of his own. They live far away and I haven't seen them in years, and have never met his wife and baby.

I got all the ingredients yesterday, but haven't had a chance yet to make my granola. Maybe tomorrow after work. Hope it turns out.

I better get to bed. 3 AM comes fast.

Hi Jacquie, Bluet, Charlotte and Sue, and anyone else out there. Stop in and say hello!

Last edited by willow_1; 10-14-2003 at 10:06 PM.
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Old 10-15-2003, 05:52 PM   #156  
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Hi Everyone,

What a gorgeous day we are having in Wisconsin today. Autumn leaves are showing their full color, and soon the snow flakes will be flying. Gets way too dark too soon though. I looked into one of those alarm clocks that has a system on the top that gives one the impression that the sun is rising and then you have complete daylight in your room at the appropriate time in the morning. They are suppose to help with SAD. But they cost $150.00 dollars that I am not willing to spend right now. I guess I'll just have to bum along and get by during the winter months until the days get longer again.

After the Packer game on Sunday, I cleaned up the perennial beds and emptied the little pond and covered it with some fiberglass. I did some painting and swept the garage, so I felt like I accomplished something last weekend, but there is always something to do.

I looked up the Laughing Cow on the internet and sure enough it is produced by Kaukauna Cheese, which is just a hop skip and jump from our place. We used to ship to Land O Lakes in the Twin Cities, when we farmed, so of course I had to buy all Land O Lakes dairy products. Next time I am in the grocery I am going to hunt up some Laughing Cow Cheese.

Shiela, your Cordon Blue really sounded good. I'll have to give it a try sometime. Sounds quick and easy too, my kind of cooking. When we were on the farm I had to cook and bake so much, that I just don't choose to do it anymore and being on Kathleen Des Maison's program, I don't eat white flour or sugar, so DH and I put together some protein and whole grains or vegetables and we are perfectly content with that. Good that you heard where to send your DD mail. She is going to be very happy when she gets that bundle of mail from Mom and Dad.

Puss, I am reading another book, and guess what it does not take place in England or any of the British Isles. It take place in San Francisco in the 1920's. It is about a doctor and his reckless son and a woman (of course) that the dear doctor saves from a gun shot wound to the back. It is a pretty good story line, but I have read others that I like better. Aren't you terribly worried about DH in the middle east? I know if I were you I would be worried all the time. If I had all the snackies that you had, I would probably have put on 5 pounds, you are very fortunate that you system is more forgiving than mine.

Willow, you must be just beat. I can't do those hours anymore, I just get too tired. How long do you have to stay on this overtime? You GD is really lucky to have you. Too bad you had to give up your hard earned money because of her over spending. You are such a good person. And to have your doll stomped on too, funny how those memories stick with one forever. I am still getting those damn Asian Bettles in the house. Geeze, I hate those things. Flies too I just get nuts when a fly gets in.

The people in the office are ok with the faux paintng, except one guy wanted to know when I was going to put the last coat of paint on. He thought the faux painting was a first coat primer. What the heck, MEN!

Take care all of you....wishing you all well
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Old 10-15-2003, 08:51 PM   #157  
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Default 2 days left, ...

Have had good food days this week.
Woke up from chest and back discomfort last night.
Working overtime all week, so I have 2 days of getting up at 3 AM yet.

I had a big old baked potato with some chili on it that I made last week and froze in small servings. I mean I made and froze the chili last week, not the baked potato. I put LOTS of veggies in the chili too. I also had some cottage cheese with it.

I made some granola, and it's in the oven yet, so I don't know how it's going to taste, or how many WW points per serving, because I don't know how many servings I'm going to get out of it yet. I made a huge batch. Threw in everything but the kitchen sink. dried apricots, dried apple rings, golden and dark raisins, dates, walnuts, honey, Kashi good Friends cereal, old fashioned rolled oats, banana slices, cinnamon and nutmeg. It made 2 big pans of it. I have the total calories and WW points, but need to wait till I divide it up to see how many servings I get.

I threw some calico beans in the crock pot with some fat free ham slices and will let it cook overnight.

It's kind of cool here today. I love this weather.

WW meeting tomorrow night. Wonder how I'm doing.

Bluet, I'd love to get one of those clocks. Where can they be purchased? Does the light get very bright, as in does it light up the whole room, brightly?

I just have to work overtime this week, as far as I know. But, then again, they could come next Monday and say O.T. all week again.
We just got word last Friday that they had called 9 people back to work as of next Monday. Well, it never came to fruition. They had a meeting late yesterday and said the call-back was canceled, due to some of the Chrysler plants in Windsor, Ca. having shut-downs over the next 5 weeks. In fact, we may have a small voluntary lay-off at our plant because of it. I might just volunteer for it too. I could use another vacation.

I got a good chuckle out of the male co-worker thinking the paint job was a coat of primer.

My neices Brother-in-law, who is a county commissioner, so I know he has a FEW brains, called her one time on Christmas morning, and said he was going to surprise Anita and make some Tom and Jerry's from scratch. He even had the recipe out, he said, and he was having trouble with it. Wanted her to come over and explain a couple things, or terms, to him. My neice went over there, and he had done just fine until the recipe said, 6 eggs,(separated), .......
He had 6 little bowls out on the counter top, each with an egg in it.

I too hate a fly to get in the house. It drives me crazy, and I'll stalk it till I kill it. Also, a mouse. I am terrified of them. And every fall, I get a couple in my house. Then I'm washing all the pots and pans again before I use them because I'm afraid the mouse might have been on one of them.

One bit me one time, and I'm always afraid it might happen again. It just gave me the willies!
My friend and I had just gone to sleep, and all of a sudden a stinging on my thumb woke me up, and just as I woke up, I felt the mouse jump off my hand. Well, I screamed so long and loud, and told my friend what had happened, and insisted that he get up and find that damned mouse and kill it. He layed there and laughed so hard he could hardly talk! he said, "That poor damned mouse was probably so scared from the way you screamed, that it's probably either in the next town (7 miles away) by now, or else it died from heart failure from you screaming."
Then I called the emergency room to see what I should do, because I thought mice might be carriers of rabies or something. The nurse must have thought I was off my rocker, because when I asked her if mice could have rabies, and told her I had just been bitten, she said, "I doubt that it has rabies. Has it been acting strangely lately?" I couldn't believe my ears! I said, "How would I know how a damned mouse has been acting? I've never seen it before!"
Well, finally she explained that she thought it was a pet, white mouse. I said, "no, it's a wild one!"
Well, every time I opened my mouth to say more, my boyfriend howled louder with laughter!
I finally just hung up and cleaned my thumb with antiseptic and slept with the light on the rest of the night. But, I doubt that would have mattered to the mouse, if he had had an inclination to return!

Well, I suppose I should get ready for bed. Only 2 more days of this.

Hello to everyone out there. Have a good day, or evening, depending on where you live.
See you tomorrow.

Last edited by willow_1; 10-15-2003 at 08:54 PM.
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Old 10-15-2003, 11:11 PM   #158  
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Willow, you are such a funny lady. I love your stories.
There are a lot of web sites that explain about the SUNRISE CLOCK, one of them is biobrite.com/cart/clocks.php3. I am not advertising them, I heard about them on the radiant recovery forum and some of the ladies with SAD have purchased either a light box or a Sunrise Clock. Good Luck on your search. This one starts at $124.00, maybe I can talk DH into getting one. He always says I am not good in the morning.

Please don't scare me with those chest pain stories. See a doctor if they continue.

Take care.

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Old 10-16-2003, 03:35 AM   #159  
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Computer kept timing out and then taking an age to re-load last night so will definately change providers on the internet. DH has been saying this for ages but I have been putting him off as the thought of changing/informing everyone of new address etc was too much. I will ask him to go ahead once he gets back home.
Sheila you must feel much better now you have somewhere to send DDs mail. I am sure she will feel more settled when she knows everything is just as she left it and she is missed. Willow - MICE! Urghh! When I was a newly wed I thought I saw one scooting across my kitchen floor and just like the Tom and Jerry cartoons, jumped on my kitchen table screaming and crying. DH was at work but the next door neighbour and his two big sons came crashing into the kitchen looking for a murderer! They eventually found a little field mouse but I was all ready to move into an hotel. I am just the same now with them. Same with hamsters, my friend's kids lost theirs in the house for a few days and I wouldn't go round till it was found, ha ha. Your foods sound lovely, especially the granola. I have never had those bars but last week bought two boxes for DS who never has time for breakfast. No point asking HIM if they were nice, he would eat anything that didn't eat him first! Tragic story about your poor nephew, just shows that we never know the day, do we, and to make the most of life. What's so funny about your neice's relative and the 6 bowls for 6 eggs? My DH doesn't cook but 30 years ago I remember him trying an omelete and he did the same, separate bowls/plates for each ingredient and using nearly every bit of crockery/cutlery in the house. Never again, it did my head in just watching and it took a lifetime to make and the mess! So, if it were a clever tactic then it worked. DD seems to have taken after him in the culinary dept but always has boyfriend who can cook, as can her brother. Bluet, I have heard of lamps for SAD. I remember a local lady killed herself because of that condition. Her DH said she had it for years and had even planned to re-locate to Spain. It must be awful. I am the complete opposite, I love the winter, dark early nights etc. Think it is the hermit in me where you can batton down the hatches and repel all borders. You had a busy weekend with the garden and the pond, no wonder you felt satisfied with the work done. I have decided to leave the leaves until they are all down. Your book sounds good though I prefer thrillers myself. I have recently discovered a new (to me) American author called Brad Meltzer who, like John Grisham, is a lawyer himself and is just as good if not better, his 'The 10th Justice' is a cracker of a read. "The First Council" also gives detailed descriptions of the interior of the White House and West Wing (the author used to write speeches for Clinton, I think) No, I don't worry about DH being in Abu Dhabi politically but I do worry about his health having had 3 heart attacks. He loves the food out there and still doesn't eat healthily though he is tall and slim and doesn't need to watch his weight. All his laundry gets sent out for cleaning - this man is not made for batchelor living at all, good job he has a lovely, charming and calm disposition because domestically, he's a non-starter, ha ha. Product of being an only child and doting mother and GM!
Well I am back to 146lb but I was 145.5 the other week so unless this is going to be the pattern for months and then I slide into big gains again, I have to set my mind to not having 'just that little piece of cake' etc because I can't control quantities once I start on them. I am working from home today - I usually gain through lack of movement- but plan to cook a big curry and big bolognaise mixture to freeze for future days.
Angel - how are you? Hope you are ok and looking forward to the new upheaval of getting your house back for Christmas.
Regards to Jacqui, hope you are well too.
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Old 10-16-2003, 04:54 AM   #160  
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What is a grandmother?

What is a grandmother? (taken from papers written by a class of 8-year-olds)

A grandmother is a lady who has no little children of her own. She likes other people's.

A grandfather is a man grandmother.

Grandmothers don't have to do anything except be there when we come to see them. They are so old they shouldn't play hard or run. It is good if they drive us to the store and have lots of quarters for us.

When they take us for walks, they slow down past things like pretty leaves and caterpillars. They show us and talk to us about the color of the flowers and also Why we shouldn't step on "cracks." They don't say, "Hurry up."

Usually grandmothers are fat, but not too fat to tie your shoes. They wear glasses and funny underwear. They can take their teeth and gums out.

Grandmothers don't have to be smart. They have to answer questions like "why isn't God married?" and "How come dogs chase cats?".

When they read to us, they don't skip. They don't mind if we ask for the same story over again.

Everybody should try to have a grandmother, especially if you don't have television, because they are the only grown ups who like to spend time with us.

They know we should have snack-time before bedtime and they say prayers with us every time, and kiss us even when we've acted bad.
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Old 10-16-2003, 05:02 AM   #161  
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Puss, I don't know if you were being funny, or what, but, ............
it was funny to me because the recipe meant to separate the yolks from the whites of 6 eggs, ..................
Now it seems even funnier!
Oh Lord! I'm losing it! I think I need some more overtime!
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Old 10-16-2003, 07:15 AM   #162  
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Willow - I was being cynical, who else but a man (pardon me if you are a man who is the exception) would use 6 bowls for 6 eggs. I can give you a better example of domestics the hard way, years ago my DH offered to make some hot chocolate drink for us. I said I didn't want mine made with full milk so could I please have half water half milk. DH said yes, he would have the same. What does he do? Maybe pour one mug of milk in the pan followed by one mug of water using the same mug? Nah! Too simple. He laboriously pours milk into two mugs to a half-way level then takes both mugs to the kitchen tap and tops both up very carefully with water and pours both into the pan. I was totally bemused watching these antics and when I pointed out the most logical (as I see it) and quickest way of doing it, he makes every excuse under the sun to hide the fact that it was not practical or logical the way he did it. And he's a scientist!! Case of too many brains not enough common sense, bless him.
I could write a book, honestly.
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Old 10-16-2003, 01:03 PM   #163  
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Old 10-17-2003, 06:43 PM   #164  
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