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Old 09-30-2003, 07:00 PM   #91  
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Story - Again been there done that - It is especially hard for me because my children ar ethe age of the students I teach and not only do I teach my son but alot of his friends - his true friends and their families don't press the issue but I have had a lady call me and ask me to tell her exactly what was on a Science test because our sons were such good friends. Hello? Since when? I just was real polite and said the review sheet had the best info for the test. I wanted to say "why don't you have your lazy kid study for the test?" LOL The school I teach at is of a very rich population so I feel like sometimes like they try to own me - but I taught in the inner city for 11 years and got the scars so I just blow their nasty comments off. I feel you have to cut yourself off from your job - I really do - others wouldn't expect to identify with their jobs 24 hours a day so why should we have to? I don't know how many times I have been in the grocery store and a parent has tried to have a conference with me while my own kids are going bonkers!!! LOL I know it comes with the territory but at times I often think that people are just inconsiderate and we teachers are not always seen as people with lives outside the classroom. Though I do love to teach the kids !!! Well, enough rambling for now - hope your day gets better - be sure to relax!! Fondly, KIM
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Old 09-30-2003, 07:41 PM   #92  
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Happy Tuesday from the teacher who didn't go to school today! WhooHooo.... I was JUST out for 8 days due to the Hurricane
and I celebrate the day I had to take the boys for their doctor's appointments! Sad, isn't it?! Actually, I nearly enjoyed having
the day off ... AND those other days were HORRID due to many many reasons!

So...about my weight loss... I HAD been doing an old version of Weight Watchers by myself (I have neither the time, money or patience to attend meetings!) I exercise (or WAS) like a crazy woman! I do Firm Tapes, WATP, I've got a Pilates tape, I walk on a treadmill. I have also done a wee bit of running both indoors and outdoors. I EVEN have a belly dancing video that is lots of fun! I say *have done*did* etc...cause RIGHT now I'm "still stuck" and have NOT been successful in getting the exercise OR eating back on track since the storm. ....but I'm SURE you're sick of listening to that rant! Sooo...I will spare you!

About the cliques at school. Well.. Yeah, there are cliques at my school. I also tend to spend my "spare" time with my family. BUT, when I do pick to socialize with my collegues we have a great time! And I guess, I do "belong" to one of the cliques! Grade K, Grade 1, and Grade 2 teachers hang tough with each other. There are quite a few of us. With few exceptions, we have worked together for FOREVER. (I've been at the same school for 17 years now!) AND then there is the other Clique... They are the 3 thru 5 teachers. They don't get us. They all wear pearls and sweaters and black skirts on Thursdays. (We aren't against pearls or anything...but COME ON! We do *DO* stupid things ....but nothing quite so stuffy! ) They don't laugh. They don't giggle. They don't get our jokes. They think we are out of control and rude. They socialize in stuffy ways. We socialize and have fun.
so anyway.... there have been "issues" between the groups. BUT, none this year...so far! I'm not sure I answered the question OR gave you a very good impression of my dearest "teacher" friends..... BUT, I will spare you further babble!

I'll be back to babble tomorrow. ..and I will be back to work tomorrow! Until then.....I'm still the of the Out OF Control! Take care! I'm NEARLY back in control of my brain....
next comes being in control of what goes in my mouth! Maybe by the end of the week!

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Old 09-30-2003, 07:55 PM   #93  
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OOOhhhhh, nearly forgot....

I do NOT teach where I live. Therefore, I do NOT live where I teach. I am not even in the same city! I am certain that I would NOT enjoy bumping into the kiddos in the grocery while I'm trying to live my life.

I do every now and again bump into the kiddos that I teach. I had the great experience of loading up on Corona's and limes for a party and waiting in the only line with one of my dears and her PTA officer mom! I also have had the experience of trying to find a new matteras with my husband, bouncing around from bed to bed in the store while a family of 6 kids from school watched. I never DID see them... BUT the whole 5th grade was talking about it on Monday! As was the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st grade. OH DEAR! AND I promise we were NOT doing anything other than selecting a matteras! AND my final favorite story about this subject is the time that the K,1 and 2 teachers went to a bar that has (had...it is gone now!) male dancers. We sat and watched with our mouths wide open as our PTA president stuffed zillions of dollars into any G-String that jiggled near her. Soooo, it isn't always the teachers who get "caught" having a life ...or something like it!

....ok...now I'm really leaving!

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Old 09-30-2003, 07:56 PM   #94  
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Hello all!!! I tried to post last night, but AOL kept on kicking me off. I put so much time in writing to all of you, and it got lost in cyberspace!!!

Kim, WELCOME!!! I'm so glad you are here! I am 38, (39 on Sunday.) I've been married for 10 years. I have one daughter, 5, in kindergarten. I teach public preschool. This my third year of teaching. I just achieved national accreditation with NAEYC. I am (reluctantly) the co-chairperson of our school leadership team. I do the after school program twice a week. I am 70 lbs. overweight. Most of it was gained during pregnancy, not that I was ever a skinny mini. I am doing weight watchers and have become totally absorbed in Dr. Phil's new book. I work out at the gym (recumbent bike and weights) twice per week. I just ordered a pilates dvd. I love to do Richard Simmon's original video...how queer am I? I try to walk to my daughter's school to pick her up on good weather days (one mile). I'm not at all athletic.

There are clicques at my school too. Last year people barely spoke to me. This year is better. The young people are single and party a lot. The people my age and married (the ones I have the most in common with) teach upper grades and are really unfriendly. The people who are nicest are close to retirement, and I have nothing in common with them. I am nice to everyone and go out of my way to be helpful. Sooner or later they will have to accept me. I'm not going anywhere.

I'm gonna submit this now in case I get kicked off again.

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Old 09-30-2003, 08:06 PM   #95  
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Robyn, don't beat yourself up for being off program during the storm. It was not in your control. Concentrate on the future. That you can change. Forget past mistakes...especially those that weren't all your fault. Your ranting and raving is so entertaining. You really crack me up. I'm not at all into doing what is popular, but it just so happens that Dr. Phil is making a lot of sense to me right now. It is only a coincidence that many others agree with me. I tend to blaze my own trails.

Story, in my post last night that never made it on our thread, I suggested you ask Suzanne for help. She helped me when my hard drive was replaced, and I was in your situation. She is really cool. Yes my DH got better, but an hour ago, he started throwing up!!! So, I don't know now. As far as your students coming over to play, personally, I would draw a line. I actually get more involved with my students than other teachers I know. I've attended birthday parties. I even invited a previous student over for a play date with my DD. The parties went fine, but the play date was a bust. She was a different child out of the classroom. And my DD was jealous. If I get invited to other parties, I will attend, but that is it. Good luck handling this situation.

I am doing pretty well on program (not perfect). I don't know when I will exercise this week. Time is very limited because of afterschool program, assorted meetings and appointments, and my birthday party. I will try.

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Old 09-30-2003, 08:17 PM   #96  
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Robyn, you continue to crack me up!!! All three of those stories are priceless!!!

I also don't teach where I live. I teach in the inner-city and live in the suburb next to it. I am only 10 minutes away, but in every other way, I am very far from it. It is nice getting off my exit and putting the city behind me. The only time I see the kids in public is at the nearby mall. Otherwise, we are living in separate worlds.

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Old 10-01-2003, 05:54 PM   #97  
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Hi everyone! I just popped in to say "hi" and that I probably won't be around for a couple of days. My birthday party is on Friday night (at my house). I may not be cooking, but I still have to clean the place. Does anyone else have trouble keeping your house during the week? I'm lucky if we have clean dishes and meals during the week, let alone a tidy house. I really need to vacuum and dust, but it always waits till the weekend. Since people are coming to my house before my cleaning day, I have to hustle tomorrow night instead. Tonite, I have to do lesson plans. I don't have much else to say except this is my last year in my 30's...I'll be 39 on Sunday. One more year till 40!!! I had trouble letting go of my 20's, so I can't imagine what turning 40 will be like. I won't have to deal with that till next year.

I should be back in touch on Saturday. Have a great end of the week everyone!

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Old 10-01-2003, 08:03 PM   #98  
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Happy Birthday Summer! I am so nervous - tomorrow is my closing on the house - did the walk thru tonight - I love my house - say a prayer everything goes well - school was okay - Summer - My house is organized but I still can't get any house work done during the week - so I just designate Saturdays as my cleaning day!!!Enjoy your birthday weekend - my tough year was 36 for some reason - I am a year behind you 37 to be 38 in February! Enjoy!! Fondly, KIM
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Old 10-01-2003, 09:48 PM   #99  
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Hey Ya'll! WOW! I am also right there with you Summer with the birthday....I turn 39 in April...and shudder at the thought! I was one who MOURNED her 20's during the whole year I was 29. By the time the actual 30 rolled in, I was over it! My dh turned 40 this past March....and it was tough on poor Peter Pan! LOL

Anyway, YES, I have a horrid time keeping the house clean, organized, neat, all of the above.... Flylady was at one time my hero. I really need to get back to "flying"! I would rather do pretty much anything other than clean.

I've got nothing else to rant about tonight. But don't you guys worry....tomorrow is my WI...and I'm sure it will get me going about SOMETHING again! hehe

Happy Birthday, Summer! Happy House Closing, 3Mom! Where oh where is story tonight?! Missed you, girl!

take care!
sighhhn me the of Out of Control
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Old 10-01-2003, 10:40 PM   #100  
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Hey all! The kiddos and I went to a movie this evening, a rare middle of the week treat. With dad working late we treated ourselves to a mall run and saw Duplex with Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore. Pretty funny, crude in places, but still entertaining.

So glad tomorrow is Thursday, the week finally starts to get easier at work for some reason. The classes are easier or something. Humpday is challenging, beginning to end.

My house, the common living areas, anyway stays pretty neat, not exactly 'clean', but I'm not afraid to have someone pop in if that happens. It's not MIL clean by any means, but it's okay. Having a couple of teenagers to boss around and force to help me makes a huge difference! And, being the old lady of the group at (gasp! wheez!) 43, I've learned that dimming the lights makes the dust look charming, and not so glaringly obvious.

Today I felt a NSV, felt smaller if that makes any sense. My smaller bra is was actually ready for the next hook, after only a week! Yippee, and so far no deep gouging trenches in my shoulders. God I hate that. I think I'm feeling results even tho the demon scale denies it. Could be all in my head, but I'll cling to my fantasy as long as I can. I did try on a number of clothes from my closet last night and most everything fits, that is I can get into it, doesn't mean in necessarily looks good on me--yet.
Still, it's better than not being able to squeeze into them at all.

Robyn, you're going to have to trade in that crown for a scepter, to banish that 'out of control'! You can do it!

Summer--HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy a big piece of cake for me, I'll be wishing you well from here!


Last edited by storylady; 10-01-2003 at 10:42 PM.
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Old 10-04-2003, 08:02 AM   #101  
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Default IT'S SATURDAY!!!

Happy Weekend, Teachers!

The weather here is cool and comfortable, for a day or two more anyway, then back to same old same old, humid and sticky. I'll enjoy it while it's here and celebrate with a long walk in the park.

The demon scale finally budged, down a pound this week, yippee! My clothes have been fitting better, I could feel a difference, which is great but I like to have that visual, that number get smaller too. I'm psyched! Baked cupcakes for school and some for home, haven't had even one! MAJOR VICTORY FOR ME!! Tossed out a couple of big t-shirts that I'd come to loathe for their hugeness since a few of my smalller things now fit. Ahh, success!

Wishing you all a lovely OP weekend, I'm off to walk and enjoy the lovely day.
p.s. more b'day wishes, Summer!
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Old 10-04-2003, 09:33 AM   #102  
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Wow! Isn't it something that we are all around the same age?! We already have so much in common, and here is something else! Thanks for all of the birthday wishes

Last night, my best friend and her husband came over to celebrate my birthday. We ordered out Chinese so that I wouldn't have to cook, and she baked my cake , chocolate with vanilla frosting & chocolate kisses on top (from scratch). YUM! I was a good girl and only had one reasonable slice. I ate sesame chicken (only 4 pieces), about a cup of pork fried rice, and a cup of egg drop wonton soup (only 1 wonton). Where I overindulged was the frozen margaritas and bahamamamas! I had 5 but only got a mild buzz. They were pre-mixed because my friend says that I make my drinks too strong...well these were definitely too weak. I don't drink often, but when I do, I like to have fun with it! We talked and laughed and had a good time. I wanted to play the game "Taboo," but nobody else felt like it.

I hinted at my DH about my 40th next year...would there maybe be a surprise party? And if there was going to be, could he invite more friends than family? But he is such an old fart. His first reaction was that he wouldn't be able to afford it. His second was that I would be expecting it, so no way. He can be such a kill-joy sometimes.

After getting over that flu-like virus one week ago, I now have a cold. I'm overdosing on echinacea, vitamin C, & garlic. The cold isn't too bad, but it is such a drag to be sick again so soon. When will I become immune to all of these pre-k cooties?! By the way, I don't have a hangover today...cool, huh?!

Well everyone, as you can guess, I will not be on program this weekend.

Story, I'm soooooo proud of your progress. The best part is seeing it in your clothes!!! Hurray for you!!!

Robyn, come on, we need some ranting and raving!

3 mom, good luck with your closing. Buying a house is right up there with the most stressful events in a lifetime. We bought our house 4 years ago, and I plan on staying put for a looooong time.

Have a great weekend all! Summer
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Old 10-04-2003, 07:41 PM   #103  
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5 bahamamamas and NO hangover??? They *WERE* too weak! I also don't drink often. (BUT, I am a "child of the 80's" (ok...so it was the VERY early 80s...but BAH...it was the 80s! ) and I doooo know how to empty a blender AND I do love to giggle and laugh and have fun.... and at times, I have to agree...the stronger the better with those BahamaMamas!

Glad you had a nice birthday! I love love love evenings like yours. Sitting around with good friends, good food and drink and just hanging out chatting away! We actually did that one afternoon and evening during our power outage (there are STILL people where I live without power BTW...I'd have killed someone by now!). We sat with friends, killed a bottle of wine and just the night away! .....we nearly forgot that the power was out...NEARLY! It was great! (even with only the candle light!)

Congratulations, Story! Hot diggity! The scale moved! The scale moved! Gotta love it! Today I had my own sort of "Hot diggity" happen! Today was my grandmother's 96th birthday. I saw relatives today that I've not seen since her 95th "party". Hehehehheheheee..... 2 of my cousins didn't know who I was! (My weight is more than 60 pounds since they have seen me! My hair was down to my fanny. It doesn't reach my shoulders now! ) My grandmother just went on and on and on and on. I was thrilled until she called me by my cousin's name....my OLDER male cousin! YIKES! LOL Anyway, I spent hours serving cake and icecream and getting sodas for people. I received soooo many compliments it was downright CRAZZZEEE! It was wonderful!

Today...for the first day in a long while...I'm OP! even with the small frosting free piece of birthday cake ...which I planned and counted....I'm OP! YooooHOOOO! I'm GETTING back into the saddle, girls! OH, and I nearly forgot. I sprained my knee at school yesterday....nearly fell down on a wet tile floor but caught myself in a very graceful (HA!) manner! My knee is throbbing.... and not too happy. I had hoped to find time to exercise today... however NOW, well.... my knee will make my exercise "hopes" have to wait!

Well...I'm afraid this might win the "3FCaward for Longest post EVER"...but I'm gonna post it anyway!

Hope the rest of your weekend is great! Take care...and I'll check in tomorrow!

Today just sighhhhnnn me the hehhehehe!
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Old 10-05-2003, 10:46 AM   #104  
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Robyn, congrats on not being recognized because of your weight loss!!!

I cannot imagine what it must be like for your friends who are still without power. They must be going nuts .

Well, my cold has evolved into full blown bronchitis. I'm taking Bactrim so that it doesn't turn into pneumonia. I was diagnosed with asthma a little over a year ago, and now every time I get a cold, it turns into something requiring antibiotics. I already bought the yeast infection medication, because it won't be long before that starts up.

My birthday is officially today. I am 39. My husband gave me a game called, "Chocoholics Strip Chocolate." Since I'm sick, I doubt we will be trying it out anytime soon. But, I have a feeling that it will be lots of fun!!!

My DD found a box and put some of her favorite toys in it for my birthday. It was so cute.

I'm gonna get myself together and go to the movies today. I want to do something fun today.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend! It is a long one for me thanks to Yom Kipper on Monday, so I get an extra day off!

Take care Story, Robyn, & 3 Mom

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Old 10-05-2003, 02:50 PM   #105  
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Summer, so sorry to hear it's now bronchitis. My DS had what the dr called 'the onset of bronchitis' when I took him in a week ago. He's been on antibiotics for over a week is not alot better. I'm starting to worry about him seriously. By the way, HAPPY OFFICIAL BIRTHDAY! Only 39, you're just a young thing yet! Keep us posted on how the Chocoholics game goes, sounds like fun!

DD and I went out today, an unplanned girls day out alone (and rare these days). She opened up and talked to me about things and I surprised her by being open-minded and non-judgemental. I can do that, I reminded her, I just have to have the right incentive! Not alienating her is definitely the right incentive. At 14 she faces choices and challenges I didn't until I was much older. I wouldn't be a teenager today for any amount of money.
And the thing about having her, both of them actually, is that I have to ready to listen when they do decide to open up and let me in, be it in the middle of the night or sitting in Taco Bell with music blaring and babies crying. Speaking of Taco Bell, I had the best taco salad ever today. I love them anyway, and can easily forgo the shell and eat only the inside for a mere 7 points. The one I had today was a work of art, so fresh and loaded with tomatoes and green onions--yum!

Robyn, many congrats on the compliments and good times! That's so good for you when you were feeling like the of out of control, you were reminded of just how far you've come and how hard you worked to get there. What a rush, you have reason to be so proud of yourself!
Kim, are you lurking? Come on in, we miss you.

Half the day is gone and I still have floors to clean and laundry to finish unless we all go out to work and school naked tomorrow.
ciao teachers and happy Sunday!
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