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Old 02-19-2007, 12:32 PM   #1156  
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Morning Ladies-

Sorry I was not around this weekend. I was having a nice romantic getaway. I am down another .8 this week. I will take it since I have not been feeling well and I've been eating little.

Suzanne- great to see you got your ticker figured out

Marie - Congrats on your 1.4 loss

Carol- Staying the same is worth being happy about go you !

Penny - Does goat milk taste different?

Have a great Monday Ladies. I am off to go lay down I have a sinus infection and bad throat Yuck!

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Old 02-19-2007, 01:19 PM   #1157  
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Carol - I'm glad your cold is getting better and that you didn't gain this week. Your bread recipe sounds great but I'm trying to eat only sprouted grains in an effort to fix my IBS. Luckily I have found a wonderful 20 grain sprouted bread "Healthy Way" that tastes great! I limit myself to 1 slice a day but I could eat a whole loaf!

Nikki - Sorry you're in the "sick chicks" club! We've all been going through a bit of a rough time lately health-wise so let's hope we all get well soon . The goat milk does taste different but if you like goat cheese or the taste of lamb, you might like it. It does take a bit of getting used to but is WAY easier to digest than cow's milk.

I hope everyone else is having a good Monday.

Last night I was the first time in years that I didn't have the abdominal pain that wakes me up! It's almost too good to be true so I don't want to jinx it. I sooo hope this continues. My friend sent me a book called "The Maker's Diet" which is based on the foods of the Bible. The guy who wrote it had severe Crohn's disease and cured himself by following the food guidelines in the Bible. I've cut out as much white flour as possible and I've switched over to goat's milk most of the time. You are allowed to have organic cow's milk if you prefer it but the goat's milk is apparently much easier on your digestion. It's like a lot of those other diets where you cut out 'empty' carbs. You can't have foods with additives and preferably organic foods that don't have hormones, pesticides or antibiotics in them. I also can't eat pork or other 'non Kosher' type foods like shrimp and shellfish (which I don't eat much of anyway). Luckily, I've been gradually learning to eat healthier, so it's not such a huge change for me. It will be wonderful if it also helps my arthritis - keep your fingers crossed for me!
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Old 02-19-2007, 04:02 PM   #1158  
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Okay, I'm back! I got in early Sunday morning, and haven't done much more than sleep and lounge around since then. I have to venture out for provisions, though--nothing much in the frig except ice water and catsup. i'm feeling much better, but still with a lot of sinus congestion and a constant headache. But I'm finally on the mend, I think. I haven't been able to workout since last Monday. My weight is still at 226 which isn't so bad, considering a 10-day trip and being ill, but that's cold comfort after getting the year off to a fast start. C'est la vie--I'll take up from this point and do my best.

Penny, keep tweaking your diet to make it work for you! My fingers are definitely crossed. I have given up most dairy, which I used to have a couple times a day. But shellfish? I don't think so. A small box from Pike's Market in Seattle should arrive tomorrow, with salmon, halibut and scallops.

Nikki--hope I didn't give you whatever I have . Congratulations on continuing to lose the wieght. A romantic people still do stuff like that?

Carol, it seems like the tremendous snow up there hasn't slowed you down a bit! And you seem to be doing really well with your intake despite your busy social schedule and many commitments. I do't think wonton soup is bad at all, just some broth and a little protein and dumpling. The only worry I have with Chinese food is the salt content, but that's oday too if you balance it out in the course of hte day.

Suzanne, how nice that you have to keep changing your ticker, that's a great problem to have to figure out .

Marie, I hope the party went well! And congrats on the loss, despite the odd Dorito.
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Old 02-19-2007, 07:15 PM   #1159  
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Nikki good for you having some well deserved fun with your honey.
Penny that sprout bread sounds good where do you get that? Never saw it around here maybe its something I could make? Can you use soy milk/ Thats all my daughter drinks.
Oh Judy I loved Pikes Market and yes those fish guys got me good throwing their dang fish at us. Hah hah! I thought that market was wonderful and how I wish it were here. We got fresh flowers so cheap and beautiful oh it was about 3 years ago I guess. But fond memories enjoy your fishes.
The lovely fresh fish will be good for you and a nice start to get back on your regular schedule of being back home. Welcome back I think I had that same cold sinus junk. Oh not nice but almost over. I did pretty well with the breakfast buffet had a little waffle 1/4 of a circle w/ fresh strawberries and yogurt on top and a bit of granola, a veggie omelet w/ little cheese, 2 slices of bacon some cottage cheese with melon and coffee. Not to bad and that was lunch and breakfast. For dinner I ate a roasted chicken sandwich w/ Italian bread and a skinny cow ice cream for dessert tonight and oh I am done. Oh a little glass of red wine to contoract the fats away! The worst of my intake I figured out was the bacon of course. Oh I could of ate til the cows came home. When my friends returned for more I was good and sat and enjoyed my coffee. This is really being good for me. So I have a good start to my week maybe by friday the square white guy will be kind? Take care and have a great week everyone.
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Old 02-19-2007, 08:22 PM   #1160  
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Hi all, the party went great - the house was clean thanks to DH and me. Yes, I finally had gotten up and cleaned. It's still clean since we re-cleaned after the party. DGS had a good time. He was very into the streamers and balloons. The presents? Not as good as the boxes. He did get a fire engine and he really likes that. DH had made him a wooden rocking horse that turned out incredible. He's awed by it, but doesn't quite understand the idea of sitting on the horse yet. My mom made him an incredible quilt that's definitely an heirloom.

The huskies got their teeth cleaned to a tune of another 379.00. I was expecting 500 so I guess I came out ahead??? Both are very zonked out from the anesthesia. After I brought them to the animal hospital this morning, I realized I should ahve scheduled it on a work day. The house was horrible without them and so I got really moody (TOM that showed up today probably didn't help). I asked DH if he wanted to go to Crater Lake to snowshoe since the huskies wouldn't have been allowed there anyway. I needed to escape - my house is just wrong without the huskies. So we did a day trip and shoed in the snow while it was snowing. We couldn't see the lak but it was still beautiful. Then on the way home we picked up my babies and all is right in the house again. And I got loads of exercise.

Carol, order both sizes of the dress, then pick the one that fits the best but don't go for being snug with the hopes that you'll lose it in time. No need to put undo pressure. It definitely sounds pretty. I went kayaking on the Rogue River once and it was to die for fun. I'd love to do it again.

Nikki, wonderful job on the .8 pound loss. We'll all take anything. You're doing a great job and I hope you had fun on your weekend romantic getaway!

Penny, I'm glad you're finding some foods that work for you. I would have such a hard time giving up dairy from Mr. Cow. I love ice cream, milk and cheese. I hate lamb so I'll stay away from the goat stuff.

Judy, welcome home and I hope you continue to feel better. I don't know how you could fly with the pressure. That had to be excruciating.

Suz, I thought when my kayak flipped that it was fun. Oh how different we are. And when I did it was early fall and the river was about 50 degrees. The fun of the roll was worth the freezing body. And I hate to be cold. I'd thought of getting a kayak just so I could roll it in my pool.

Well, time to do another return label with Zappos and choose another shoe. This will be the fourth try. Thank goodness they have free shipping both ways. And I have to reorder DH's skis since they "ran out" of the ones that their live updated website said they had.
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Old 02-20-2007, 06:38 AM   #1161  
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Marie snow shoeing sounds like a lot of fun. How is it for a beginner? Is it something the grandkids will pickup easily? I thought about taking them. I am sure you DGS loved his horse and quilt those will be something he will have to pass down to his children someday. I love gifts like that. Good luck with ordering your shoes.
I am up and ready to go back to work and get back into the groove of things. I was off last week 2 out of five days due to the weather. I really wanted to take off a day this week for the kids being out of school. But it doesn't look like its going to happen. Maybe saturday I can plan something to do with them all. Or I might take a half of day off I could put in for some vacation time today. Maybe friday afternoon. I will ck the schedule of the kids first to see if it will work out. I am making some heavy duty healthy stick to your ribs oatmeal the kind you cook for 8 min. and having a whole wheat english muffin for breakfast and packing a healthy salad for lunch. Well still trying my best to stick to the plan here. I added up yesterdays cals and it wasn't over my limit but close. Glad of that scale day is wed. and friday this week. So take care girls we all sound very motivated lately and thats great!
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Old 02-20-2007, 11:50 AM   #1162  
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Carol, snowshoeing is great for beginners and they make kid snowshoes (I saw them at REI). What I like about it is if you can walk you can snowshoe. It is harder, especially if there's lots of powder but it's doable and a great workout. I bought my snowshoes 7 years ago and other than the gas to get to a snowy place, it's been free ever since. No maintenance whatsoever.

I did 2 miles walking, 2 miles jogging and the fast firm strength workout this morning.

Yesterday food was a nightmare. I had the munchies bigtime. Probably TOM but either way, it controlled me not me controlling it. Luckily I expended loads of calories snowshoeing up and down mountains hills. Regardless, I wasn't too proud of myself. Today will be 1500 cals.

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Old 02-20-2007, 07:43 PM   #1163  
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Marie - Getting a quilt is a great gift. I quilt and would love to have gotten one that is so special. I am glad the party went well.

I worked out yesterday and have been eating well. Fingers crossed that the scale is nice Monday. I am super stressed as I have a certification test this saturday. I have already failed it twice. I failed by less then 5 points each time so frustrating.

Take care all
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Old 02-20-2007, 07:46 PM   #1164  
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Another half way decent day with calories. I wasn't sure what to count my cals at for my ham, cabbage, carrots and potatoe boiled dinner. But I figured it couldn't be that bad so I figured around 450? At any rate my cals total today was at 1450. Still within my boundaries. The salt from ham usually will keep water weight. So I think no scale til friday. No since in depressing myself when I have been pretty good lately. I do feel more in control with foods and portions. I guess we come to grips with what we want know we can only get to our goals with being better and learning new ways. I did drink alot of water tonight guess from that ham. It was lean at least. Marie I think snowshoeing sounds like fun. But now we are getting rain so who knows what kind of weather we are headed for the rest of the week. Yesterday was 9 below out today 39 out now raining our poor world is all messed up. Well have a good evening girls. Lately I stay on track better by checking in more. Nikki think positive you can do this test 5 pts. is doable they say eat a little choc. before a test and it helps your brain. Eat a few choc. chips dk. of course it might help. At any rate good luck. I know testing is not anyones favorite thing but it comes with all the schooling we need.
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Old 02-20-2007, 08:27 PM   #1165  
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Nikki, what is the certification for? Stressing out won't help, that's for sure. Just be calm and tell yourself that you can do it. Look how determined you've been to lose weight. You've lost 37 pounds, and I bet it was after many failed tries at dieting. So the certification is toast because you will prevail. I know you can do it.

Carol, I too am not weighing for a while. Not because of the munchies because that wouldn't stop me because that's what really stops them best for me. But because of TOM. I figure the same as you, why depress myself for something that is temporary?

I did have a bad dinner choice but the rest of the day was healthy and my cals are okay. But regardless, DGS b-day cake for dinner wasn't a smart choice. A yummy choice for sure. Smart? No.

Talk to you all tomorrow.
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Old 02-20-2007, 09:03 PM   #1166  
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Quick check in for me today. I felt good today on day three of my new diet. I slept fairly well with just a bit of discomfort - better than usual. I enjoyed my second yoga class today - boy I hope I get to be half as flexible as my instructor! She also does chair massages, so I'm going to sign up for one of those next week. I made a delish chicken soup with a fat little baby Kosher chicken I got at Trader Joe's. Just threw it in the pot with water, seasonings, bay leaves, onion, celery and carrots. It was yummy for dinner with a pear/gorgonzola salad on the side. I've been eating a lot of veggies - they are filling me up so I don't snack on bad stuff as much. I was at Whole Foods a.k.a. Whole Paycheck and found some delicious crispy shiitake mushroom snacks, they taste kind of nutty. They also had carrot and squash chips which I'll try next time. Kind of spendy though at $4.99 for a small container.

Hope everyone is in losing mode this week.

Last edited by penpal; 02-20-2007 at 09:59 PM.
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Old 02-20-2007, 10:32 PM   #1167  
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Marie- This is the third test for my teaching certification. Thank you for your encouraging words. I was so stressed a friend picked me up and took me for coffee. It was nice to get out and put things back into perspective. I will spend tomorrow - Friday going over what I think messed me up on the last test and with any luck pass it this time. I don't care if I pass by 1 point or 50 lol.

Penny - I am glad you feel better. Tha chicken soup sounds yummy. My mom made a similar one yesterday. For some reason chicken soup when home made makes life better LOL.

Catch you all tomorrow,
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Old 02-21-2007, 11:10 AM   #1168  
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Nikki - I'm sending positive thoughts your way for your test. Try not to stress too much - you'll do great! Yes, home made chicken soup is so much better than canned. A real comfort food without too many calories.

Have a good Wednesday everyone.
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Old 02-21-2007, 05:53 PM   #1169  
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Penny, the chicken soup sounds heavenly. Send some down... I was in for a shock this morning - loads of snow. Okay not in Carol's terms but about 12" and I had no idea it was to snow. School was canceled so I'm at home. We dug out and it continues to snow. But since the ground was thawed and the temps are about 39, it's melting faster than it's coming down at this point.

I walked 4 miles this morning before "work" and during the cool down, my boss called (6 am) to tell me and to ask me to update the website. I wasn't bummed at all. DH had to go to work this afternoon though.

Nikki, I hope the test goes well. Really, worrying will not help so just study as hard as you can and go into it with a "I know I can do this" attitude. Worrying would probably lead to goofy mistakes.

I'm still in a munchie mood. I'll be fine calorie wise, but I'm not making wise choices. Hope everyone else is doing good. TTY tomorrow.
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Old 02-21-2007, 07:28 PM   #1170  
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Okay, another quickie--I'm plugging away at work, dealing with several surprise developments (include being asked 9:40 this morning to speak on a panel at 10:30!). I got a note from my landlords that they will be working on the heating cooling systems today, and would need access to my apartment....which looked like the wreck of the Hesperus, I hadn't even finished unpacking. I am continuing to feel better, but still coughing and congested.

Sending healthy vibes to Penny, smart vibes to Nikki, and positive thoguht waves to everyone else. Tomorrow is wall-to-wall meetings, but I will try to come back and really read through the posts I missed. It's late to be leaveing work, but I hove to swing by the grocery store and come up with something for a staff potluck on Thursday....I'm thinking of something that involves tossing shrimp and snowpeas together in dressing.

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