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Old 02-23-2006, 07:30 PM   #421  
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Post I am still here!

Hello ladies, I have not run out on you! So how is everyone doing? Sounds like all of you are doing well! I need to measure myself,I hadn't thought about that!

Lynne, Glad to have you on board! Sounds like you have a good start!

All of you have such large families! I am an only child as is my DH. I am happy that we have two children.

My DD was unable to go with me to the initail consult with the trainer. He is going to do my physical on next Wednesday. I really liked him. I think this is going to be wonderful.

Concerning the EX. That is a long story. The first day she was there my BP spiked and would not go down. Then I physically got sick. I ended up going home . I felt awful. Today was better. Then of course my doctor gave me some happy pills.

I apologize for not posting! I did read up on eveyone each day!
Thank you everyone for all of your

LOL to all of you!
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Old 02-24-2006, 09:27 AM   #422  
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Default Friday!!!

Hello ladies:

Catherine: hang tough at work, glad you're liking the trainer. I hope you quit smoking. I started again myself a few years ago and wish I hadn't. I don't smoke alot but any is too much.
Danielle: taxes are done and I'm getting enough back to pay off my Mastercard!!
Nori: I hope DD is feeling better real soon. You all deserve a good night sleep

I watched Idol and Olympics last night and I finished reading a book, so I didn't get any exercise in. I read the first two books of a trilogy written by David Pelzer. In his first book, "A Child Called "IT" David suffered child abuse from his mother which was absolutely hideous and the 2nd book "The Lost Boy" was his journey through many foster homes. I'll try to find the 3rd book at the library. He amazingly turns out to be a great man and volunteers his time to children's causes.

Has anyone seen that adorable 16 year old boy on American Idol, he's so cute, not the best singer but you just want to pinch his cheeks, he looks like he's 12. So far I like Elliot from the men and not sure on the girls.

Well, I've chatted long enough, I'm going to make some tea and so some work!
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Old 02-24-2006, 12:09 PM   #423  
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Hi all:

TGIF!! It has been a long 4 day work week. I worked 13.5 hours yesterday and I am exhausted.

My BF and I are off to a wonderful spa this weekend for some well needed R and R. I can't wait. I won't eat too badly, but I won't be weighing in at WW either. That will have to wait until next week.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Take care. Hope to talk to you all soon.

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Old 02-24-2006, 12:18 PM   #424  
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Hi all. Well, today was weigh-in day, up 1 pound. May be muscle, maybe not. Only reason I say this is because I've not been losing much to begin with but had been exercising like a fiend. I was happy with the not losing anything scenario cause of all the workouts, but to gain? ARGH!
It's only 1 measely pound but sometimes disappointing when you work so hard. Nothing I can do about it, it's there, so onward and upward.

Nori, hope DD is feeling better today? Did you and hubby finally get a full nights rest yet? You are a melting woman, 10 inches!

Catherine, I am so glad that you seem pleased with your trainer. Keep us posted! I'm sorry work is rough with "her" there. Hoping today things are better for ya.

Mo, yay taxes are done!! And a bill paid off too, that's awesome! Feels good to be able to pay it all at once, huh? I've heard of those books you're referring too but not read them, glad you're enjoying. Get that exercise in woman!

Friday! Friday! Anyone got any fun plans for the weekend? I'll be back later to see what you're all up to.
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Old 02-24-2006, 01:24 PM   #425  
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Morning everyone..

I'm feeling great...I got up and rode my bike today....I have to work today from 2-10..I really hate that shift..I have to work it once a week and the rest of the week I work 9-6..

Lynn - welcome, you've come to the right place and sounds like your doing great.

Maureen- My seat also hurt too so I ordered a gel seat cover from a bicycle was about $30 but well worth it...and for the water..I hate water too and find it hard to drink also but I have been using crystal light and also at walmart with the cool-aid they have sugarfree drink mix and they both taste really good..
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Old 02-24-2006, 01:25 PM   #426  
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Happy Friday Ladies!!

Here I go again with the apologies for being MIA ... We've had a stomach bug going around so needless to say I haven't been on line!
Just wanted to say a quick HELLO and a BIG CONGRATS to everyone on their losses!
I have lots of reading to catch up on and then I'll be back later today to do some personals.

Hope you're all having a fantastic Friday ... it's absolutely gorgeous here in Nashville today - it's 60 degrees and there's not a cloud in the sky! I love winter but this weather is really making me have Spring Fever!

Toodles for now!
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Old 02-24-2006, 01:43 PM   #427  
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Catherine - glad you liked the trainer!

Mo - I am addicted to AI too. No shocks last night. I like Elliott, Taylor and Chris of the boys-no 1 fav yet. But, could Ace be any hotter??? And of the girls I don't have a clear fav yet either. I like Katharine and Paris a lot. Mandesa's a VERY good performer - seems like a natural. But I don't think she'll get it because of her weight. Crazy how Ruben (love him!) could win being a large as he is and a woman never could do that I don't think. Double standard in our society. I "think" I like Kellie - but maybe it's her spirit and story that I love? kwim? Makes me cry - to have been abandoned as a baby by her Mom and her Dad in prison for her whole life. I think she hasn't had many good things happen in her life and she's so sweet. She needs more confidence.

Danielle - I know how frustrating it must be to see a gain. It can be a number of things though. Hormones, water, muscle...but you already know that. I cannot remember how much you weigh or how much you have already lost. Didn't you used to have a ticker?

Lisa - have fun at the spa!

Hi Stacye! Sorry about the stomach bug. I have summer fever too. I so want to get back into sandals. I wear sandals all summer and as far into fall as I can get away with!!

Donna - shift work sucks. Period! Have a good one anyways!

Well, as soon as Melina wakes up from her nap, we've got to go grocery shopping. I don't like taking both girls, but we need food so bad and I don't want to do it tonight. Olivia's at that age (just turned 2) where she doens't want to sit in the cart - she wants to walk and well, she'll just walk right away from me...
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Old 02-24-2006, 01:47 PM   #428  
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Danielle - your ticker is showing up for me on the previous pages, but not this one. Weird. Anyways, I know there will be weeks like that for me. I'm tracking my calories in vs. calories out and like last week I should have only lost 2 pounds and I saw a 3 pound loss? I don't know why. But it'll catch up if it's just water loss ykwim? So weeks will come when according to the number I should lose 1 pound and will not post a loss. I think very few people lose consistantly week after week for a long period of time.
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Old 02-24-2006, 02:50 PM   #429  
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Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I've just been in one of those moods. Too tired to really do anything. I have managed to workout everyday and eat what I'm suppose to. Haven't really felt like it but I have. I don't really feel like it's doing me anygood but I'm sure it is. When I started back in January I had hoped to be about 30 pounds lighter by May but it doesn't look like thats gonna happen. It probably would have if I had not had so many back slides but there's nothing I can do about that now. Just keep going. It's a little bit easier since my mom started back. Anyway, hope everyone is doing well.
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Old 02-24-2006, 04:25 PM   #430  
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Hey ladies! I haven't been on for a whiiiile. The whole month of February has been a blur. Between school, extracurricular activities, and all those darned scholarship applications, I haven't had the chance to work out more than about 3 times a week. Valentine's Day totally derailed my eating. Thankfully I've gotten that under control and I'm eating about the same amount of calories as I was in January. I don't think I'll reach my February goal, but I'm pretty sure I maintained around 170.

I've finally decided on my prom dress. I love the way it makes me feel
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Old 02-24-2006, 04:42 PM   #431  
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I'm late leaving work but wanted to say nice dress!! Sexy too!
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Old 02-24-2006, 06:16 PM   #432  
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Hey Chickies,
I've been having technical difficulties but they're all worked out now I have missed being here on a daily basis and found that my execise suffered for it when I couldn't come on every day or three and say wohoo another good day. I've done okay with the food but the exercise slacked off big time so back at it. Tommorrow is my weigh in so we'll see how bad it really was ...mind you it is TOM so I will use that as my excuse if I'm up
Take care all
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Old 02-24-2006, 06:33 PM   #433  
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Hi all - I have had so much going on the last week it has been hard. We had to lay someone off at work, plus their is a lot of drama based on who is control and some other things, plus hubby has been out of town for about 4 days. I have tried not to compensate with food - only one break down and had a cookie at work; otherwise I am doing well. My awards banquet is tomorrow night and both dresses I have a loose!!

I did not weigh in this morning, but just put ont he jeans that were tight and they feel awesome - at bit loose.

I am so hungry right now - waiting on dh to head out for a little date (dinner and drinks) he just got back into town!!

I am so proud of everyone - you all have done great - keep it up. I will be back soon - I can not believe I was gone for this long. I need to update my counts still too and set up some goals for March.

Have a great night all - E
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Old 02-24-2006, 07:05 PM   #434  
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Hey Erin - Sorry about the wrok drama. Cookies happen!! No worries! Good to hear from you! Have a nice date with DH.

Hi Katie - beautiful dress!!

Hi Lori - wondered where you were at! Good to have you back.

Serena - as far as those "dated" deadlines - we have to bo so forgiving with ourselves. They are good for setting goals, but they aren't in stone. We do what we can.
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Old 02-25-2006, 11:33 AM   #435  
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Hey ladies! I weighed in this morning at 168 - a very pleasant surprise! I wasn't even expecting a loss. Now I can set my March goals. Well, I have to run to a friend's birthday dinner now, I'll be back later for personals and such.
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