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Old 02-01-2006, 10:16 AM   #196  
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Default I'm back

Hi guys,

I realized it's been forever since I last posted.

I've joined WW. So far I've lost 4.1 pounds.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Take care.

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Old 02-01-2006, 10:54 AM   #197  
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I'm doing good this week...I've been eating good and exercising gald I'm off work today...boy do I need a break...I've ordered some new workout dvd online to try out...I will let you know if I like any of them..

Marinemommy - congrats on the weight loss and the blood know your doing great when your health improves..keep it up..

Lisa - welcome back and way to go on your 4lbs..
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Old 02-01-2006, 01:04 PM   #198  
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Lightbulb Me Again

Welcome all. I'm adding the carrot again just cause it makes me laugh.

My personal diet journey is having issues. I'd rather sandpaper the rear of an alligator in a phonebooth than eat one more Salad B also busted me on a stash of chocolate that I had found. It was so pathetic. It had to have been 6 months old, but old fat boy sure chugged it down. I'm trying but man it's hard. Pray for me and hope that we both hang in there

Later Tators

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Old 02-01-2006, 04:31 PM   #199  
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WOO-HOO...I got to get back into the gym this morning!!! I did the BL low-intensity cardio and only got that far into it before the girls woke up. They are finally better, so I just got them dressed and went to the gym. What a difference 2.5 weeks makes on how crowded the gym was - after 1/1 there were lots of people who were only there for their NW resolutions!! They are gone. I mean, too bad for them, but now it's not a race for an empty machine!! Did 30 min on elliptical and 20 on treadmill at 4mph & 5% incline. I'm stronger already from all the dvd's I've don eat home recently. I could really tell since I hadn't been on those machines for weeks.

So I joined the February points challenge over in the 100-pound club. FEBRUARY Points Challenge = link if you are interested in joining. You get 2 points a day for sticking to food plan, and 1 each for water and exercise. I think it will help me kick this refined sugar thing I have. So far so good today. I wasn't ever pigging out on ... just 50 or so calories a day. But I want to kick it real good this month. DH BETTER NOT buy me chocolate for V-day. I better tell him that just in case!

J - I have to sometimes skip salad for a couple days. Just get tired of it. I do enjoy it usually. I'm a dressing freak - so have to have a good low cal dressing or I cannot do it! I have to enjoy what I'm eating, or I'll just go look for something else. Hang in there. It's so nice that you have eachother to help the other out! She WAS just "helping" you, you know??

Good job, Lisa! That's fantastic!

Donna - what dvd's did you order? Glad you get a day off!

Hi everyone else! Hope you're having a healthy day!
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Old 02-01-2006, 05:10 PM   #200  
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Wink where is everyone?

Well, it sounds like everyone has been doing well this week! SALAD! Well, sometimes it does start to taste like grass. I just put my Rasp. vinegrette on it and eat away anyways.

I would love to go to the gym and workout! I have a free pass at the gym here on the University campus! It is a benefit! But how would you all feel working out next to all those very fit college students? They stand there and look at you like you are pitiful while they are waiting for a machine. Sometimes it kind of makes me sick. I do not have anyone to go with me so that is kind of a bummer! So I just workout at home. That is going ok so far. Well, I am going to go!

Where is everyone else? It seems we are missing a few! Hope everyone is Ok!
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Old 02-01-2006, 05:18 PM   #201  
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Hey everyone, thanks for all your support with my weird weight gain last week. Unfortunately, those ounces that I put on set me on a binge because I was mad at myself for thinking I didn't try hard enough, so from last Tuesday to yesterday night, I was a human cow. I didn't even excersize and I used to do a mile minimum every single day. I'm back on track today, though, but I don't think I will be able to reach my Valentines Day goal but I am going to try. Maybe I should get rid of this diet dr. pepper and drink some water instead! I hope that all of you guys out there are doing much better than me over here in the fabulous oc, jk, it's not all that great. I will try and get a pic on here for all of you, but I am not feeling like putting a picture of myself on here when I am feeling like a moose, so maybe some other time.

ttyl later girls!
love, jen
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Old 02-02-2006, 09:37 AM   #202  
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Default Hi!

Hi guys,

I'm so glad this week is almost over. I'm so ready for the weekend!!

I hope everyone is doing well and don't let anything get you down. Even even you gain some weight or eat too much one day, just start again the next day!! I've had alot of ups and downs, believe me, but I think that the most important part is sticking to it!!! (I love this little carrot guy, too!!).

Hang in there. Together we can do it!! (Oh man, I just sounded like that weird ponytailed guy on the treadmill thing - Tony Little!!). LOL!

Take care.
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Old 02-02-2006, 11:17 AM   #203  
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Default Room for more??

Hi ladies. I started WW flex points (on my own) just a few days after your thread started. I was posting on another thread but it seems to have dwindled to just a few of us and I've asked the others to join this thread as well. There's strength in numbers!

I'm 38, married with DS 11, DD 9. I work full time and don't have many hobbies that don't involve food or relaxing My goal is to lose about 50 lbs by August when we go to Ireland to visit DH family. I would also love to visit Italy sometime soon and want to do it thin!

DH is doing the diet with me so that's a big help. I really love the accountability of posting my menus here and receiving and giving support

I'll try to read some of the old posts to familiarize myself with each of you. My goal this month is to start some type of exercise. I have a pilates machine which helps my back/hip problem (when I use it) but I think I need some cardio type activity to give me more energy and burn fat. Any ideas? I don't want to go to a gym particularly as I already spend too many hours away from home.

Wed Menu: B: cereal w/ blueberries, L: Lean Cuisine & a few shrimp cocktail S: rice cake D: spaghetti & 2 pieces of italian bread (thin cut).
Points: 24 Water: 48 oz. Vitamins: none Exercise: none

I'll write again later this afternoon after I get a chance to read the posts from the last week or so.

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Old 02-02-2006, 11:40 AM   #204  
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Hi Maureen - for cardio work, I love The Firm and Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds. : ) WELCOME TO OUR GROUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 02-02-2006, 06:55 PM   #205  
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Welcome Maureen! I second the Walk Away The Pounds dvd for cardio. There are many different levels of intensity in her dvd' just look around for what you'd like. None of them are complicated though! It's so nice your DH is doing this with you. BTW - How lovely that you have a trip to Ireland planned! You can easily get to your goal by then! I have a dream of going to Italy also. And not stand out as a fat American.

OK, I'm officially addicted to exercise now. While my girls were sick I was doing dvd's at home and I've continued that...inaddition to getting back into the gym now! So I think I should up my February exercise goal ticker. We'll see. I don't know if I can keep this intensity up. But for now it's fun!


Hope everyone is doing well! Almost Superbowl weekend--I know I'll have some food challenges then.
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Old 02-03-2006, 08:56 AM   #206  
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Default Friday!!!

Hello ladies, thanks for the welcome.

B: cereal w/blueberries, tea
L: Lean Cuisine, grapes, clementine
D: turkey sandwich
S: dry cheerios
Points: 22 Water: 48 oz., Vitamins: No Exercise: 15 min DDR w/ kids

Nori: that chicken recipe looks great, thanks for posting, your exercise will hopefully inspire me to get moving this week.
Sarah: Congrats on making it to Onederland!! I hope to join you by the end of March!
Katie: Wow 9 lbs. is super!!
Ashley: I sympathize with your renovations, I just went through the same thing last year. We actually bought a camper for the backyard to live in through the winter. I coudn't wait to sell it when the house was done! I'm thinking about buying Blast Away the Pounds.
ejb180: What is BL? I see that listed and assume it's a DVD????
Donna: congrats on the smaller pants, way to go with the exercise
Serena: congrats on the 4 lbs.
Hellykittyfan: I'm doing WW on my own and don't have all the info, I may have some questions for you!
downonthefarm: hang tough, I found that after 2 1/2 weeks it's getting easier, each day is a new start for all of us.
jamamom & jen1121 hello! Jen: we're very close in statistics, maybe you should make yourself a new goal for February, there's nothing wrong with modifying your goals, just make it feasible from today, it's too hard and discouraging to try to catch up on an old goal. It's the longrun that matters.

Sorry for the super long post but I wanted to say hi to everyone. I only read back the last two pages so I hope I didn't miss anyone. I look forward to learning from and supporting each other. I post my weight on Mondays, here's to a good weekend!
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Old 02-03-2006, 09:04 AM   #207  
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Morning everyone
I'm doing great this month...I'm eating really good and for the first 2 days of Feb I've done 120 minutes of exercise and so far today I've done 30 min...I've also started adding in crunches this week also.

Hope everyone is doing at you all after work
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Old 02-03-2006, 11:01 AM   #208  
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MoNew - BL is the Biggest Loser exercise dvd. : )
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Old 02-03-2006, 12:17 PM   #209  
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Default Goals

HI everyone, sounds like we're all doing great. I went back on WW full force last friday and I've already lost 7 pounds. Yippy for me. Anyway, I know it was just the first week and not likely to get extreme results like that in the future but I was actually surprised at that much. Well, I've noticed everyone has goals that they try to meet but as for me, I just have an ultimate goal and that's to weigh about 135 Hopefully this year. I think it's great that you all make goals to meet along the way but I'm the type of person that if I don't meet my goal then I get extremely discouraged and start scarfing food down so I'm just gonna stick with the main goal and hope it doesn't take all year to get there. I think if I stick with it the way I have been this week that I'll be there by August or September. Just in time for those weight gaining holidays.
Anyway, maybe if I stick with it that long then the holidays won't be as difficult for me as in the past.
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Old 02-03-2006, 02:09 PM   #210  
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Default Exercise Videos

I'll try to get to the store this weekend and pick up either BL or WATP. There seems to be a lot of WATP DVD's anyone have a recommendation for which one I should buy? Should I be ambitous and buy the one that has all 3 workouts!

Did anyone read the message when you first get on the site? They're putting the website onto a new server sometime after midnight so the site might disappear for anywhere from a few hours to a day or two depending on how often your internet provider refreshes....something like that? I love this site, hopefully it won't be long.
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