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Old 11-30-2005, 04:32 AM   #1  
Never give up
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Smile "Every-Day" 21-Day Challenge -- Make it a habit!!

Okay, everyone, as is the tradition, I start a new thread when I personally start a new challenge.

Below is a short explanation of how this challenge works so all you newcomers can take a look and decide if you're game or not! I hope you are! Hop aboard and enjoy the ride. We've got a great bunch of supportive people, so I hope you'll give us a try. A lot of people try for a while and then disappear.. I hope some of you will keep trying. There is NO shame in starting over. Remember, it's not over till you give up. And our motto around here is:

NEVER GIVE UP!!...Just start OVER!!


It works like this: you decide you'll do something for 21 days straight, every single day, so keep it doable. Then you count through 21.....and if you flub it, you MUST go back to zero and start over again. Everyone will be on different days. You can start anytime. At the beginning of the challenge you declare what level it is -- Level 1, 2, or 3. Level 1 means you feel it's a relatively easy challenge for you and means you only give yourself ONE pause day (see explanation of pause days below). Level 2 would give you two pause days and so on...

With a pause day you pause in your counting and continue the next day with the number you left off with. Pause days are NOT substitutes for days, i.e. Day 12 -- Day 13 -- Pause Day -- Day 14..... I suggest taking a pause day late in the game (better to go back to Day 1 early on) if you need a break or screw up when you're well into the challenge, meaning, when you're on Day 15 or something like that.

In any case, the trick is to keep going. The momentum builds and it's great incentive to stick to your guns, cause if you don't.........back to START you go. And the really great thing about this challenge is that you are forming new habits that will wipe out the old! AND, you get to do it with a great bunch of really supportive people to whom you are accountable!

Please join us!!

Last edited by redballoon; 11-30-2005 at 04:43 AM.
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Old 11-30-2005, 04:41 AM   #2  
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Exclamation Beware of RULE CHANGE!!! -- addition of "levels"

Hey, all. I am declaring a stealth start and calling this a wrap on Day 2 of my new challenge. My challenge is making my Shad challenge (with a slight change) official. And that is to do 10 sets of 20 crunches of any kind (any exercise that works the abs or obliques) every day for the next three weeks. AND I am declaring this a Level 1 Challenge, which means I am giving myself only ONE pause day. There should be absolutely no reason why I can't knock out these crunches at some point in the day. I will likely have to try to do them first thing in the morning on days there is a chance I will be out "on the town."

Remember, when you set your challenge, you declare what level it is. This way, you can give yourself a harder challenge and get the extra pause days right away. And, you can do an "easy" challenge and make it harder. Remember, you are the judge. You must know what is hard and what is not so hard for you. Then commit to it!

Last edited by redballoon; 11-30-2005 at 03:03 PM.
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Old 11-30-2005, 07:15 AM   #3  
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Apple: I think u need to look at your challenge like this>> If you have a hard challenge and you make it 10 days and have to start over that is not failure... thats 10 days that you MADE it! thats 10 days that you did something positive for yourself..
So we start over.. no biggie.. the important thing is Not to give up!
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Old 11-30-2005, 08:06 AM   #4  
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Okey I'm gonna have to restart once again. I'll have to make this really simple, cuz I just can't seem to stick to my plan. My challenge will be post here daily. Letting you all know I updated my FitDay. So actually my challenge is updating my FitDay everyday. ANyhoo. I feel like such a loser. I just can't stick to anything. Working, taking care of my ill boyfriend, and now I'm coming down with a head cold. Blech. Talk to you ladies later on. I have a long day today...Good Ol' Split Shift. Blech again. Byeeee
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Old 11-30-2005, 09:03 AM   #5  
Egy Kis Lany
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I'm in for it!!
My Challenge:

To do either Pilates or some weight training *EVERY SINGLE DAY* starting today. This is day one... I think that this is a level three challenge, b/c this is the thing that I've had the hardest time with -- regular working out.
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Old 11-30-2005, 09:51 AM   #6  
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Both of my challenges are level 1

No Soda Day 16
Abs Day 11

I want to start a new challenge, but I am still deciding what I want to do.
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Old 11-30-2005, 10:44 AM   #7  
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Hi everyone! Yesterday was day 14 of ACE. I am not going to assign a level to this challenge as I am 2/3 through and still have 1 pause day remaining from the original rules I like the idea of levels though.

I know some of you have been considering making this a strictly challenge-related thread rather than a chatting thread. If I may add my two cents, I really enjoy the chatting/support aspect of this particular group. Nothing against Miss Curly, but if we all are just posting day 1 done, day 2 done, etc., I know that I would probably stop, and then would probably not do the challenges either. I like hearing about how you all are doing, both the good and bad times.

Of course, this may be because I haven't found another *chatting* thread here in which I feel comfortable, and I don't want to lose what I consider to be *my* group of friends At any rate, please take that into consideration before declaring this a strictly challenge, no conversation thread.
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Old 11-30-2005, 02:12 PM   #8  
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Well, we could always have a 21 day chat and a 21 day challenge threads. Nothing to stop that. I tend to agree Fish that if I don't or can't justify the days challenge I like to mull it over for others to tell me where I have gone wrong or to point out a potential fix that I may not have thought of. And in case you hadn't noticed, I also like to put my two cents worth in.
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Old 11-30-2005, 02:28 PM   #9  
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HEY I CHAT also!....
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Old 11-30-2005, 02:53 PM   #10  
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Good morning all! Just popping in to clear up the apparent confusion. Fish, Shad, I, for one, certainly was NOT considering declaring this a no-chat thread. I was just pointing out that the chatting seems to cause some people to lose sight of the challenge and that we mustn't let that happen!! I think the chat is what makes it a great thread and I am your biggest chatter at times. I just said, if it's going to be one or the other, never lose sight of the challenge and the structure it offers. Chat away, please!! And curly, you are -- relatively speaking -- the quietest person on here. But you are just fine and we love you!
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Old 11-30-2005, 03:14 PM   #11  
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Hi everyone!
First of all, thanks to Red and Curly for your advice and support. I'm actually excited to start up again!
And about chatting, well, I'd miss you all if we stopped! It's optional, and we all know that. There are days where I just don't have the time! I don't think I can handle another thread so lets keep it here. Please!
My new challenge is, well, complicated. Sort of.
I want to complete the last challenge. Sit-ups and arm weights, no eating after dinner. And I'm going to have a second challenge of walking 30 min a day. I know I won't lose any weight if I don't get moving.
And, unrelated to the challenge, I'M ON A DIET!!!!
We're shooting for a pound a week.
Maybe I'll get an earful about keeping it simple
but I think this is the only way to get my act together. Plus I'm feeling super motivated today. So here we go.
Level 2 challenges by the way.
And now I'm really going to wimp out by saying tomorrow, Dec 1st, is day 1. Because it will be easier to count.
Thanks guys! Lets JUST DO IT!!!!
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Old 11-30-2005, 04:03 PM   #12  
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Originally Posted by Apple Blossom
And now I'm really going to wimp out by saying tomorrow, Dec 1st, is day 1. Because it will be easier to count.
Thanks guys! Lets JUST DO IT!!!!
Apple Blossom - That is funny. This morning my husband, who thought today was the first, tells me that he is going to try to quit smoking again. He says he had rationed his cigarettes out yesterday to be practically out this morning. Then, when i tell him tomorrow is the first, he lights up. I'm like, um, why don't you just stop today like you were prepared to do? His reason? Because if he starts on the 1st, he will know exactly how many days he hasn't smoked

Curly - we know you chat just not as much as oh, let's say, Carla (BTW, feel free to substitute Carla's name with mine, Red's, or Shad's )
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Old 11-30-2005, 04:38 PM   #13  
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Good morning.

This is the last day of this challenge. I'm on day 21. I'm trying to sort out a new one but the brain is refusing to think of anything other than the flab today so I will simply start day 1 of the Abs/crunches that I have been doing over the past couple of weeks. I have to learn to let go of what has been and concentrate more on the to be!

So today is:
- Day 21 of calories, water, exercise at gym (done for the week)
- Day 1 of abs and crunches - which are not yet done. Level 1.

Have a good day everyone. It's December 1 where I live. Where does the year go to in such a hurry. The dreaded silly season is now well and truly upon us.
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Old 11-30-2005, 06:36 PM   #14  
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Day 1, starting over.
I made it to day 16, and then there was Thanksgiving. Here I am again. Day one of my NEW challenge.
It's back to WW for me and I am journalling and doing it all. So, my challenge is to journal and to stay on program. I totally CAN do this.
EDIT: My challenge is a level 2, this is going to be very HARD....

Last edited by derrydaughter; 11-30-2005 at 07:35 PM.
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Old 11-30-2005, 07:55 PM   #15  
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day 18 woo-hoo think i will finally make it to 21 again !!!

1 hour of circuit training!!
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