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Old 08-08-2005, 07:09 AM   #16  
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Well back to reality today. I went camping in a remote area this weekend no bathrooms, water etc..................But it was lots of hiking and fishing etc. We even broke a rule or two to go rafting across to the island. So lots of upper body muscles were used. One day I managed to sink into some mud up to my ankles what a mess. I laughed so hard but didn't think I'd ever get out.So much for short cuts! I did lots of hiking up the hill to camp down to the water back up again....Then around to the other side of the water to fish at a good site. We had lots of fun! Not sure about the dill potatoe chips I did get into them. But they at least were the 40% less fat type. Like that mattered after drinking some wine this weekend. Oh well we are only young once and I will jump right back to doing my good stuff today. I did a lot of exercise so I am hoping it counteracted the bad foods!
HikerPam welcome aboard! As you see I am full of exploring the world with some camping and hiking as well. Not going to let any grass grow under my feet at least not yet! Nature is so beautiful and we need to see as much of it as possible.
Breakfast: 1 toast w/ little butter/yogurt= 220 calories
Snack= peach 50
Lunch= salad w/ tomatoes,croutons,cuke, cheese,basil, 1 hard boiled egg 250
Snack= 1 pear
Dinner= [polish sausage lean w/ sauerkraut} 350
Have a super day Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snack= blueberries and yogurt 150
1200 calories at this point trying to stay near 1400 today!
Fluids= black coffee, water w/lemon lots of it!
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Old 08-08-2005, 08:39 PM   #17  
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Hi Carol,

Glad to hear that your camping trip went well. It's been nonstop around here with barely a minute to focus. Take care.
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Old 08-08-2005, 08:44 PM   #18  
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Sounds like you had fun cacmsc. I love hiking and camping. I just came back from an Alaskan Cruise and all I could think about was how much funner it would have been to camp in Alaska instead of living on a big boat. So your adventure sounds great.

I've been doing good on my diet and lost 1 pound of the three that I gained on the cruise. I'll get all of it off and more - that I know. I don't know if I mentioned it here or not, but I decided to got off all my bi-polar meds this past week. Many reasons why, but one of the main was because I can't lose weight while on them. For about a month I was religiously eating 1300-1400 cals a day and exercising and didn't lose an ounce. So I started researching the meds I was on and one is known for making you gain weight (which I did when I was put on it). I just never realized that I would be unable to lose it if I tried really hard. So that was one reason but there are several more. Anyways, I feel like a noose has been lifted from my neck and I feel much more like myself. I'm going through some withdrawal symptoms but they are mild compared to much of the research I did on that too. So I'm doing good.

I exercised twice yesterday (went hiking and swam laps, did weights and situps) and ate good all weekend. Today I went back to work and still ate really good and I'm up to about 1000 cals with another 400 for dinner/snack. I don't know if I'll exercise since I'm pretty dizzy but I did drink lots of water.

Hope you all are having a great day.
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Old 08-09-2005, 06:36 AM   #19  
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Mmarie the med's are tough on your system. I am very aware of what they can do to your system as I work in a field which relates with some of those meds. Have you ever searched into dealing with the bipolar with natural products? If you have a good health food store it might be worth wild talking with them. Sometimes just learning ways to relax can help with some of the side effects. Life sometimes throws us a curve ball and we have to find ways to deal with it. Sounds like you have a handle on it all. Keep up your good efforts. My son lived in Alaska for a year I never got there but saw great pictures. It is a place he would like to venture to again some day.
I did okay with my diet yesterday all but an ice cream cone on the way home from work. I guess my lunch didn't hold me over very well and I didn't eat my second piece of fruit for snack. Once I got home though I kept to my diet quite well. I had a pear and cuke last night instead of snacking on something bad for me. So that I figure counted for something.
Todays plan: bagel w/lt.c.c coffee blk.350
No snack today I have a meeting.
Lunch= salad w/ tom. croutons/cuke/low cal. dressing and some cheese 250?
yogurt 90
Dinner= steak grilled lean, onions and squash grilled a little olive oil spices
1 baked potatoe 200 w/ lt. sour cream
Snack= fruit
About 1400 calories today. Lots of water need to exercise today! Maybe a walk? Something!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-09-2005, 10:30 PM   #20  
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Carol, you know one of the hardest short term thing to do on a diet is not to blow it for the whole day when you have one thing that's not good for your diet earlier in the day. So pat yourself on the back for staying on track once you got home. Also an ice cream cone isn't a bad thing. I have one lots of times - the rolled sugar cone is about 55 calories and one normal scoop of ice cream is between 140 to 200 calories. So really you didn't do bad at all.

Good news on my front - I have successfully lost the 3 pounds I gained on the cruise. Being off the meds has made that possible since it only took a week and a half. I weighed in this morning (with TOM of all things) and nearlly jumped for joy on the scale but knew that would surely break the darn thing.

I'm slowly getting into the routine being back at work. Hectic, hectic, hectic and I like life at a relaxed pace. But there have been so many budget cutbacks in our district that everyone is scrambling around. It's a sad thing that the state of Oregon decided that cutting education dollars was a wise thing. It's just plain wrong. BTW, they gave themselves a 12% raise. Talk about not re-electing incumbents.

Carol, I definitely will never, ever go back on meds. This is the only time I plan to go through withdrawal. If the lightbox and DH can keep the BP under control, then I will go to natural remedies. Never again will I allow my brain to be manipulated by meds again. So I will definitely keep GNC in my mind if necessary. Thanks for the good advice.

I exercised (swam - still need to do my situps and weightlifting), drank oodles of water, and am at about 900 calories so far. I will have something for dinner, but I'm not hungry. So I'll get it up to at least 1200 by the time I go to bed.

Thanks for being here. I love the support of this thread.
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Old 08-10-2005, 06:20 AM   #21  
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Marie sounds like you are doing well and thanks for the advice and encouragement. I did read an article on the site for our local newspaper on food and health. If you get a chance ck it out it is At any rate it was about good foods to fight depression. Some of the foods used are turkey, chicken, beans, legumes, peas and some seafoods. They use them for the people in armed forces. It was interesting info. thought we could all use. It helps to keep or chemical balance in tune. God knows we all need that right? Your so right with gov't and school budgets!
My meeting went well yesterday and it was really stressful. One of my most difficult parents to deal with. But the outcome for my client was a positive one and I was shocked that it went well with the outcome. I could of almost banked my pay ck. it was going the other way. Oh well glad thats done. Today I am not sure about my lunch foods as we are having lunch served at an all day meeting at the hotel. I am learning about the medicaid and medicare info. changes etc.... Sounds like loads of fun huh! 6 hours worth! After that its a swim for sure its going into the 90's today.
I am shooting for being good today! Lite supper a grilled burger in a whole wheat thin pita and squash. Oh last night I cooked a spaghetti squash then added some olive oil, little butter, fresh garlic, parm cheese. It was great I could of just had that for dinner forget anything else. Have a great day everyone!
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Old 08-10-2005, 10:50 AM   #22  
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Hi all. I've been on a real struggle in the last seven days so sorry about not being able to post thoughtfully.

Marie, I'm so pysched that you lost 3 lbs (and more?). Fabulous.

Carol, it is always good to read your upbeat ideas and attitude. Thanks.

Marie, Skinny is back on ISO, check it out. I hope she comes to this thread too. Carol, you'd love her.

Ladies, I promise I'll have the energy and time to commit to this thread again. I'm really trying to sort out all the demands and get rid of some. I feel like I'm at the center of a hurricane in my life and the people/places around me are all wildly demanding. This is the first day in about two weeks (or more) that I haven't had a million appts etc. Hopefully I'll be able to center and get back on track. Funny but this all started after the triathlon ended - perhaps a big letdown that the event didn't take away my challenges with food/weight. Thanks for being here. I appreciate it.
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Old 08-10-2005, 12:27 PM   #23  
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Hope this day finds everyone doing well. Shout out to TOF and Marie for not giving up on me and keeping me in your thoughts! You're great ladies and I enjoy your friendship immensely!

For everyone else, allow me to introduce myself. I'm 38 yoa w/two DD's; age 16-just got her permit-pray for us! and 13 yoa. My DH is retired Navy and is currently employed w/the federal park system. I work for the local county attorney, or DA as most folks know them. I have strayed off track and gained back some of my weight loss but here I am renewing my commitment w/people who I know will be a great source of encouragement and accountability.

My DH and I are doing WW. He has lost 12 1/2 pounds in three weeks and is very pleased. I have dropped four. My official WI is tonight. I weighed at home this morning and it showed a loss but I will wait for the official before updating my profile.

I generally walk at least 30 minutes in the mornings and try to make it to the Y twice a week. Right now, I'm doing well to do these two things as one DD is in marching band (alto sax) and the other is on the volleyball team. There's a game and a band competition every week and their practices overlap sometimes so it's hectic, hectic, hectic! So, DH and I have made to commitment that, no matter how busy we are, that our exercise, healthy eating habits, family time and couple time will not be compromised. We're going to have to grab time wherever we can but we're for sure going to grab it!

Well, hopefully, when you check in next, my profile will be updated and that yucky 219 will be gone! Have a great day!

Oh, Marie-my DH's BP is under good control. He's finally found the right "cocktail" although his goal would be to eventually get off the scrips. I need to read that article that Carol posted; might be helpful.

BTW-Carol-good name! That's my sissy's name and I think the world of her. So, you and I are off to a roaring start! And, thanks for postingthe article.
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Old 08-10-2005, 03:48 PM   #24  
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Hi all. Skinny, my husband and I are on the same page as you and your hubby in terms of the health commitment and the busy childrens' schedule.

As I said before this is the first day in over a while that I've had a chance to plan the day the way I want. I'm realizing that I have to realign my priorities. Funny, by a number of factors have forced me to live low key and close to home in the next few weeks. The factors include an extended family members' illness, a son's fractured wrist and some financial factors. I've been fighting this reality as I'd like to be off to the beach or vacationing anywhere else (mind you I've had my share so I'm not looking for pity). Being home I'm realizing just how much back to the basics we all need around here including healthy family dinners, low key family fun and some less hectic, peaceful nights which will include thoughtful attention to this wonderful group of women.

Thanks for listening everyone. Welcome back Skinny. Thanks to Marie and Carol for standing by me through these ups and downs.
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Old 08-11-2005, 07:02 AM   #25  
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Skinny welcome aboard and hopefully we can all learn something from each other to help with us all reaching our goals. I look forward to any input you have gotten from your meetings that you might like to share. Again welcome! Look forward to getting to know you.
Marie my little grandaughter is coming over to stay on friday. Her bag has been packed for a few days. She only lives 4 min. from me funny huh! But we will have a special evening together. I think Grandpa is planning to let her sleep in the camper if she would like to. We are going to bake cookies to send off to Hawaii for part of a birthday gift to my daughter in law.
Tired you will survive this tough time as always. You have a lot on your plate. Sometimes we all take on more than we need. Give others some responsibility so your not overwhelmed. There has to be some way to make it easier for you. Look at your issues as if they belong to someone else. Then problem solve as you would for your students. This my give you some new ideas and approaches? Just thought it might help? Wish we could find Judy. I feel bad she and Rollmdl haven't joined us. Any ideas there?
I did shop last night for some new jeans and work pants. I tried on the 10's and they fit great so I most be doing okay. I haven't been wearing many pants mostly shorts this summer. I am starting to notice the change in our a.m. still dark at 5:45 etc. summer is quickly moving to fast. I am fitting in two more camping vacations and a trip with the grandkids and everyone monday to Seabreeze. Well talk to you soon. I will write my intake in my journal and be under 1400 calories today and swim for exercise.
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Old 08-11-2005, 10:18 AM   #26  
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I had a nice long post ready and the computer ate it. Sheeze. Anyway, good morning! Hope this day finds everyone doing well. Things here are good. I've had my coffee and I'm listening to Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons". Yup, I'm a happy girl.

Carol, it was nice to meet you. Your story about your gdaughter was too cute. I know from experience there's no one like grandma. I hope you have an excellent visit w/her. You have family in Hawaii? My oldest DD will be traveling to Hawaii next summer w/her school band. She's excited but old mom is having a hard time w/it. She's never been that far away from me before. Two years ago they went to FL and mom did not fair well! I know she's well chaperoned and all but still. My bro and his wife may be going w/her. That will ease my mind considerably! I guess I'll just have to pray hard. He's the same God in Hawaiii as He is here!

TOF-Carol had some good hints. I would be insane right now if my family didn't pitch in like they do. Here are some things we do that helps: I leave a chore chart for my DD's everyday and the chores must be completed before I get home. I also use a system called motivated moms. It keeps all my housecleaning on a schedule so that there is no heavy spring/fall cleaning. They have a website. Just type motivated moms into your search engine. Also, we plan our meals every week and have a menu posted on the fridge. That way, we know every evening what to expect. My DH usually at least starts dinner as he gets home before me. Hope some of this helps. All you can do is the best you can do. Delegation is our friend! I generally take care of mopping, dishes and laundry-among others. Everything is pretty evenly distributed.

Marie-could you repost your cruise pix? I still haven't gotten them to open properly and I'd love to see them. Oh, and congrats on your weight loss!

Well, ladies, I would ask to direct you attention to my signature. At my official weigh in last night, I was DOWN 8 POUNDS! I couldn't believe it. I stepped on the scale TWICE to make sure it was working properly! I have to tell you, friends, I am doing the happy dance! I'm also aware that I am close to the barrier that I haven't managed to cross yet. The less I've weighed on this weight loss journey is 209. I always seem to hit a wall there and I can't, no-haven't gotten below it yet. But, w/your encouragement, I believe I can do it. So, help me stay positive, please. Thanks.

I went to the Y this morning and did 30 minutes in the circuit room. It was great. I normally walk 20 miles a week and go to the Y twice a week to mix things up a little.

Well, ladies, it was great visiting w/you. Gotta run. Have a great day. Be kind to herself and smile often-it makes people wonder what you're up to!
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Old 08-11-2005, 04:34 PM   #27  
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Hi everyone, things are going good here. I'm actually at work and found a few minutes to play. In other words, I'm postponing returning calls because I went to one of the schools for about an hour. One would think me leaving me desk means the world collapsed. "So-so needs you to call immediately..." etc.

Okay, that didn't work - it's now a 2 hours laters... and my lunch time so I'll try again.

Carol, someday I'll have grandkids. For that I'm very excited, but since my boys are only 19 and 20, there's no rush. But, I envy you. I think being a grandparent is going to be such a special honor. It sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. And I agree, summer is going by way too quick. I can't believe I'm already back at work. I really wish I had gotten of the meds earlier so I would have enjoyed my 5 weeks off. They were good, but I'm so much happier now that I would have loved and cherished each day even more.

Skinny - WAY TO GO on the weight loss. I am so proud of you. Getting back on the wagon is so hard but you came back to the right place. The web address of my cruise pictures is You should be able to access them just by going clicking on the link. I'm going to go out on a friendship limb here and give you some of my experience/thoughts on dieting. So here goes... Last spring, I read everything that you were doing exercise wise and you made me tired just by everything you did. You were going at 200% and I remember thinking to myself that you were going to burn yourself out, but had hoped I would be wrong. I thought that because I have done twice what you were doing. Exercising like an obsession. The first time I was way younger and it took about 9 months to burn out and then do no exercise. The second time, I was about 37 and went on a rollerblading frenzy. I skated miles and miles and miles, up hills, to different towns... you get the picture. I was skating an average of 80 miles a week. Boy was I ever in good shape. But then, ka-bam, I couldn't do it anymore and I stopped (a Minnesota winter had a lot to do with that but I didn't restart in the spring). Anyway, I burned myself out on exercise videos (first time) and rollerblading (second time). I love rollerblading and I haven't done it in 2 years because of that spring/summer/fall. So I reaad everything that you were doing and I saw myself in you and hoped that you would slow done. That's where you've got me beat - you seem to have slowed and now given up so I am REALLY proud of you. the reason that I decided to share my thoughts of this past spring is that I want you to keep an eye out that you don't go overboard. You seem a lot like me in our determination to succeed on this journey and I don't want you to fail like I did.

I worry about you too, TOF. School is starting up soon and you're still so busy. I hope that some of Carol's suggestions help you downsize your stress load. I remember waking up one day and realizing that what was stressing me out wasn't earth shattering and that I could/would delegate whether I'd always spoiled my family/work subordinates in the past. I knew I had to destress or it was going to kill me, then the delegation was going to be way more than just destressing my life. So I worry and think about you often and know that you have to make destressing a priority. Higher than losing weight and exercising. That's just my opinion and you can take it or not. I guess I'm a worrier about my friends.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox for the moment. Plus I'm almost done with lunch. I had a Schwan's cheese pizza and they only have 420 calories in it. So that was a good lunch.

I peeked at the scale this morning - yes I really should subscribe to the thread Scale Addicts Anon - and 196.5 was the result. So I've lost another .5 pound. Since going off meds, I have lost 3.5 pounds in a week. I'm eating and exercising the same as before but the weights coming off like it did before I got older. Getting older wasn't the problem, being medicated was. So I am one happy girl.

Also, I did something different yesterday (not the first time, but just not enough times that it still qualifies as different). Between 4 and 5 pm, several little things really ticked me off and my jubiliant mood was ruined. I was home alone and a little bummed. Normally that's a reason to open the fridge and dive in. Yesterday, I looked for and found my Tae Bo tape and decided that punching and kicking would be better. So I did the Tae Bo and felt immensely better. Jubiliant I was once again. I then went swimming and wrote for the rest of the evening. It was so great.

FYI, if you can't tell, I'm in a manic stage and am enjoying it thoroughly. Skinny, that one thing to know about your DH - if he does go manic - it's really nice except I create credit card **** for DH and me. I'm boing really good so far. I'm just chatting everyone's ear off. You guys included.

But, back to work. TTYL.
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Old 08-12-2005, 08:49 AM   #28  
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Hi all, my entry was lost yesterday. I must say that this thread has energy and vitality! I'm psyched about it. I hope it rubs off on me.

Carol - I leaned in your direction last night. I had a sleepover for 6 boys plus my own two. I used it as a carrot for the last two days and we got lots and lots of cleaning done. The party was a big success - very cute watching them all run from place to place in their boxers, each trying to manage the others. Family fun and happiness - you make that happen so often. Hope you're having a great day.

Skinny - congrats on the weight loss. Awesome. My husband and I, like you and your hubby, are committed to this health journey. Like you, we have lots of child activities to plan for and go to. I'm looking forward to another year of your friendship and support.

Marie - I love those words of wisdom. Sometimes I think of the "manic" stage as a stage of clarity - knowing what to do and then the other stage as being emptied out. I also am heading your words to Skinny. I think I've been trying so hard that I've been missing some of the other pleasures in life. I'm seeking a balance and I appreciate your point of view. Good for you choosing the kick boxing rather than the fridge! Awesome choice.

Roll and Judy - hope you're doing well. I miss you.

As for me, I've definately moved from the doldrums. I get the magazine Simple Living which I usually hate but this month there were great articles about happiness and stress less living. One stress buster is to rid yourself of procrastination. I've checked off almost my entire to do list and eliminated the too far reaching goals. Secondly I'm trying to focus on happiness - what makes me happy. I spend a lot of my free time doing things that don't make me happy (why? - habit? guilt? what I think I should do?)Anyways I'm trying to not do those things in my free time and instead choose activities that I like such as riding my bike, hiking, drawing, writing.

Thanks for listening everyone. I appreciate your earnest searching, working towards a good life.
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Old 08-12-2005, 10:35 AM   #29  
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Hope this day finds everyone doing well. Things here are good. Started off my day w/coffee and Vivaldi again so how can I go wrong?

Last night was parent night for oldest DD's band. They did a really good job, especially the colorguard. The cg was really bad last year, even at the end of the season after all that practice but they looked sharp last night. Anyway, it was an enjoyable evening, despite the fact that we discovered that DH's truck was going to have to have a new transmission. Bummer. Anyway, after that we got to see some fireworks that the city set off for the opening of the newest elementery school. It was a good time.

Since I overslept this morning, I'll have to get in my 2 mile walk this evening sometime. It's hot as blazes here in KY. The temp is supposed to be up to 97 w/a heat index of 99-104! And my DD is out in this muck marching! She's stocked up on water, though, so she should be okay. Bless her heart, she certainly is dedicated to the band.

Marie-you didn't upset me at all by going out on the friendship limb. It makes me feel great to know I have such caring friends. You're right, I was overdoing it last time. I feel like I've found the right mix for right now. I may change what I do later but I probably won't change how much for a long time. Anytime you feel I'm on thin ice, please feel free to say something to me. That's what friends are for. Oh, finally got your pix open and all I can say is gorgeous. My oldest DD is considering an alaskan cruise for her graduation present. I may just have to show her those pix! Looks like you had a great time. Oh, and congrats on the .5 you lost and on your healthy decision to exercise instead of eat. Great job!

TOF-eight boys in your home? Sounds like fun. We have kids in and out of our house all the time. I'm glad they feel comfortable at our house. Good job on using that as incentive, by the way. I've used similar scenario's myself. I'm glad you're pulling our of your doldrums. It sounds like your making decisions that are healthy for you and your asking good questions. Women are such nurturers that its sometimes hard to say no. However, if we don't take care of ourselves properly, our ability to take care of the ones we love will be lessened. You're doing great and I'm proud of your decisions. Hang in there. When does school start there? My girls go back 08/16. They're spending their last day of "freedom" w/their Aunt Debbie. I'm sure they'll have great fun.

Carol-check in and let us know how your visit is going.

Well, gotta run. Take care of yourselves, ladies. Thank you so much for your friendship and support. It's greatly appreciated.

Oh, DH and I have a date tomorrow. Yea. I'm planning it but it's not anything big but it will be good quality time. We're going to the Electric Beach for coffee (think starbuck's) and then to the lake for a walk. I've been giving him notes this week w/clues about what our date is going to be. He's been enjoying it a lot. I can hardly wait. I feel like I haven't seen him all week due to our busy schedule. Gotta make time for us!

Just for smiles: I have a sign on my computer that says: I keep hitting "escape" but I'm still here!
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Old 08-12-2005, 02:48 PM   #30  
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Hi all, after I wrote yesterday all h*ll broke loose at work. I had 4 servers crash (all the district office's servers) almost simulaneously. What a freaking mess. I was readly to head out the door and never look back. On top of the servers, the phone wouldn't stop ringing with people kind enough to tell me that were having computer problems. Ah, duh!!!!!! When I finally got the situation under control and able to go home, I swam my laps. My reward for not eating, dropping the remainder of that .5 pound. So I'm to 196, 3 pounds this week. YEAH!!!!!

Skinny, glad to hear that you're going to rein in the exercise from last spring. I know that it's easy to want to lose weight so much that you go overboard. I'm really watching myself so that I don't do that again.

TOF, I think you're nuts. (This coming from a certified nutcase) 8 boys at once. I can understand the carrot incentive, but oooohhh, that would throw me over the edge.

Carol, I hope you have a fantastic time with your granddaughter. Have a lot of fun for me.

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