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Old 07-25-2005, 11:48 AM   #76  
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wow, look how active we are . . . OK. Not so subtle sarcasm there. Hope everyone survived the hot weekend ok.

I gave myself a much needed kick in the butt. July was not a good month as far as motivation, working out hard enough, eating right. This will not continue. I have too much I want to do, to waste time being sick. And that is where I am heading if I don't straighten up and make better choices. Here's to better choices.

Have a great day all.
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Old 07-25-2005, 02:20 PM   #77  
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I don't like posting when I feel I can't be inspirational. I'm just sitting around in the heat, eating and drinking. Bleh. Thanks legal and jolly! I'm glad to hear you are both on the right track! I visited my sister in law yesterday and returned feeling my usual -down on myself I'm such a loser- mood. It sounds so shallow I know, but I'd feel better about myself if I could lose this weight!! I know losing weight won't make me a better or different person where it counts but it would prove that I'm not a lazy or sloppy woman who can't buckle down and get something done!!! Grrrrr
This week WILL be a good one!
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Old 07-25-2005, 03:59 PM   #78  
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Apple, totally understandable that you think you'd feel better if you lost weight! I know I'd feel better about myself if I lost weight!

Jolly, I know exactly how you're feeling! I've been looking at my life lately, mainly since my dad had his massive heart attack, thinking "Oh My God! That could be me! I need to get my butt in gear!" (My dad is only 45 and has Heart Failure from the way he's lived his life... don't want that to happen to me!)
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Old 07-25-2005, 10:34 PM   #79  
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Apple, I too understand the whole overweight/self esteem/ overeat cycle. But PLEASE, don't feel you have to be motivating all the time to be on here. We are here to motivate too. We all need each other.

Yeah, Legal, it's hard. Especially as I sit here right now. I was feeling so proud of myself. I put back a good chunk of dinner. I still ate more than a single portion, but I ate a lot less than I usually do. But now, I am home from work, and it is just screaming my name. I know I don't need it. I know if I eat it, I will just be up all night with acid reflux. But it is really hard to say no. I will let you all know tomorrow how I did.

Have a good one all.
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Old 07-26-2005, 12:08 AM   #80  
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JollyGirl, I hope dinner didn't get the best of you tonight

I hit right at about 1500 calories today (my goal) And I walked 2.2 miles with DH tonight in addition to my 30 minute cardio video earlier today! I definately earned the hour I'm about to spend in the hottub!

I'm hoping I can force myself out of bed in the morning (at 4:30) to get to the gym by 5, exercise until 6, shower until 6:30 and be to work by 7!! Wish me luck with that!!
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Old 07-26-2005, 09:15 AM   #81  
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Good morning. Well, I did and I did not beat the dinner cravings. I did NOT eat any more last night. I did, however, have the leftovers for breakfast. Now, on the days I run, I usually have a bigger breakfast. So at least it wasn't on a light breakfast day. And I will just have to make an omelet on the night I should have eaten the leftovers. But still, pasta? For breakfast?? There is probably a reason you don't see pictures of famous atheletes on jars of Ragu . . . .

I did jog today. Short distance, as I have been not going. Will get the distance back up there. but it was a good run.

Have a great day all.
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Old 07-26-2005, 09:43 AM   #82  
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I'm back! Good Morning!

Had a great time at my in-laws! And best of all - I only gained 1 pound! That made me happy since I really didn't eat what I should. So today it's back to writing down what I eat and I plan on a trip to the gym after work. I won't get my noon walk in this week due to activities going on at work. When I have time I will go back and read the posts while I was gone.

Have a great day!
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Old 07-26-2005, 04:25 PM   #83  
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Smile hello, hello....

Good morning, people. Welcome back, Roxy. Jolly, I'd say that was a great save the other night. Next-morning breakfasts are next morning and don't count to the day before! Good work! Legally, glad to hear you're getting in the exercise. Doesn't kicking back AFTER working out feel great!? Apple, I hate to hear you feeling like a loser? What's up, kid? I know how you feel about not wanting to post when you're feeling down, but heh, why not just come in and chat about whatever...come over and visit us on the 21-day thread. I'm kept pretty busy (very busy) over there and that's why I don't get over here much these days. Feel bad about that though so here I am. Nice to see the old regulars. Well, take care all. Chin up and all. If you're here, you're still in the game! :
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Old 07-26-2005, 09:05 PM   #84  
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Hello all. Roxy, glad your trip went well. Vacations are sooo fun. Red, thanks. I know I did good by not eating it yesterday, it was just the thought that I ate chicken alfredo for breakfast!!! That is a bit nuts. I did do a good job with my food choices the rest of the day, for which I am glad. Each day is a new day.

So, I had an epiphany while jogging this morning. I was feeling bad about how slow I go, when I realized, "Even Lance Armstrong started out with training wheels." (OK, so there is a possibility he didn't, but let's not go there)

Have a great evening everyone.
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Old 07-26-2005, 11:28 PM   #85  
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That's the spirit, jolly! Nothing wrong with alfredo for breakfast. And good attitude with the jogging. You start where you gotta start. No comparing, just emulation! We are all Lance Armstrong if we try hard enough! Remember, you are out there. Some people never move at all. Some people can't. I don't know if you're losing weight these days, but you're not gaining, right? You'll take it to the next notch when you're ready. Easy does it.
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Old 07-27-2005, 06:05 AM   #86  
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Well, thanks for the positives, but I DID gain this month. I was really worrying a lot about the job situation, and was making poor choices with both food and exercise. But, I seem to have turned a corner mentally, so onward I go.

OK. Another roadside ephiphany I had: "Being a hero may involve simply refusing to stay laying on the ground." Yeah. I should work for Hallmark!

So, Red - how goes your workouts these days? Doing weights again? How are you feeling about yourself?

Have a great day all.
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Old 07-27-2005, 06:40 AM   #87  
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Hi, jolly, okay, so you gained a bit. You'll get it off again. Those mental corners are the hard ones but when you turn one, it'll get you somewhere! Yes, Hallmark needs you! "Refusing to stop lying on the ground!!" You'd be speaking to more people than they speak to now, in reality!

Well, how am I doing. At the moment, lousy, but because I have what seems to be a summer cold that I can't shake. My nose is running constantly, get chills, sometimes my lungs get so congested I get asthma and can't breathe. Damn. Really want to be healthy and work out. Even wen to the gym but it was sooo freezing cold in there from the air-conditioner that I felt horrible, broke out in a strange sweat..maybe it just felt strange cause it was so cold. It's often like this in the summer. The temperature is changing drastically and it's very humid. Since I ride outside in the heat I have to be used to the heat. Thus, no air-conditioner at home. I can take and need the heat but with all these air-conditioners I just can't adjust and get sick. Otherwise, I've been getting good food in me and seem to have knocked off some fat. Hit the weights again and that has helped. But I really want to be running, but usually can't because of this cold or whatever and my lungs. Oh well, I'm plugging away, trying to make progress. At the moment I see a little progress..

Well, gonna get to bed now. Hope I can sleep. The brother-in-law was here last week. We aren't buddy buddy, put it that way, but I did the right thing and showed him around. First time in Japan and all that. But, I was sick then and had to keep pushing, another reason I think I really got sicker. Glad that's over.

Money is a major worry, major anxiety. Just can't seem to drum up the work these days.

Well, hope you're doing good today, jolly!

Apple, Derry, Roxy, Legally, Rave, same to you! Hope to hear from you all soon!
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Old 07-27-2005, 04:29 PM   #88  
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Hope you feel better soon, REd. It must be hard doing the heat, a/c, heat routine. Yuck!

I have two NSVs to report. Both yesterday and today I had chef salads. Both times I did the dressing on the side-dip routine, instead of my usual "drown the salad to make sure it is dead" thing. And one of those salads was made at home. Woo hoo. Maybe there is hope for me yet. Plus, I am really trying to wean myself off of so many snacks and junk. I still plan snacks during the day - I don't want to get to the point I go looking for something. But right now it is granola bars, fruit, and/or rice cakes. I ate the last of my granola bars, so I am making a 1point muffin recipe a friend gave me.

Hope to hear from everyone else soon. Take care!!
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Old 07-27-2005, 04:59 PM   #89  
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I realized today just how sick of being fat I am! I've been to the gym 5 days a week for the last 2 weeks, and I am still the slowest walker on the treadmill, and by far the biggest person I see there! I see all these girls my age (22) who look like a 22 year old should look, cute and skinny! And I get so frustrated!! All the more reason to keep going!!

Then after my workout, I took a quick shower and was getting dressed and I couldn't believe how HUGE I looked in the mirror!! I definately NEED to get this weight off! I know I sould rediculous and like I'm doing this for physical appearances, I know my health is FAR more important, but I want to look like I'm 22! Ok, so maybe I won't this year, but by my 23rd birthday (next March) I can be pretty darn cute!!

So I'm starting to REALLY look at my diet. Sure, I've stayed under 1500 calories most days, but that's still by eating potato chips, and other fattening stuff! Starting today I am going to hit my veggie intake! And stop eating crap calories!!

Thanks for listening to me vent
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Old 07-27-2005, 11:40 PM   #90  
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I hear you on the healthier eating, Legal. I really found I enjoyed my salads more when they weren't drowned. All the veggies tasted so good. I want to experiment more with vegetables and good seasonings, in hopes that good flavor will need less calories. Plus, I want to pick up some things that are in season now, like those little yellow zuchinni things and peppers, and freeze them for stir frys this winter.

Take care all!
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