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Old 07-12-2005, 01:26 AM   #31  
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*sigh* I have to set my weight tracker back to the beginning. I've gained back a bit of weight since I've been eating out of control. I'm hoping for a good week to get back on track. I have a huge bucket of salad green in the fridge.....
While I was away I was able to walk everyday, and I took a walk today too.
I'm going to think about setting some goals and challenges. And no beer....
Hey Raven! Good to hear from you. Sounds like things are falling into place for you!
Hi jolly, red, roxy and anyone else lurking out there!
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Old 07-12-2005, 07:35 AM   #32  
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Good morning all. I need a pat on the back. My "personal trainer" is sick. So I got up this morning and had to bathe dog and scrub out crate. Despite that, I did go out and do the short run, which was all I had time for. I feel pretty good I didn't use puppy being sick as an excuse not to work out today.

Have a great day all
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Old 07-12-2005, 08:24 AM   #33  
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Good for you, jolly! That's the way!
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Old 07-12-2005, 08:26 AM   #34  
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Hi ladies, it's been awhile. My dad has not been well at all and I've had so much on my mind, have not had mental capacity to be "here" with you all.
How is everyone doing?
I'm not doing well, but am ready to gulp and get back on track today.
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Old 07-12-2005, 08:33 AM   #35  
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Hi, Derry. Glad to hear from you. So sorry about your father and what a hard time this is for you. I don't think anyone expects you to be in here gung-ho and all but do stop in occassionally to say heh. We miss you.
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Old 07-12-2005, 08:39 AM   #36  
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Heh! I miss you guys as well. I just needed a few days to catch my breath.
Believe it or not, I've actually been really busy as well as kind of greiving for my dad, who is still alive, but not awfully well. This is very hard.
But, being away for awhile, visiting him at both a hosptial and then a nursing home was very hard, and then to get home and realize that nothing had been done here in my absence in terms of paying bills, laundry, etc. It's been kind of a nightmare, and I am heading back to see him tomorrow. My mom took him home from the nursing home yesterday, I'm not sure how long she can take care of him on her own, but I know she wants to try.
I worry a great deal and am not sleeping much these days. Eating has been a bit out of control as well.
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Old 07-12-2005, 10:19 AM   #37  
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Good Morning! So nice to see so many checking in!

Derry - I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. Sending prayers for you and for dad and family. Check in when you can and let us know how things are going.

Jolly - good for you!

Apple - Hang in there. We all go through hard times. I'm in a rut myself. I need to add a few pounds to my weight tracker also, but have been putting it off hoping they will come off.

Yesterday wasn't too bad for me. The only no-no was about 1/2 cup of mac and cheese. I couldn't resist! It's been so long since I had it. I know things will get easier for me once DD moves back to college. I'm not looking forward to it since I'm sure this will be her final move. No more moving back home for the summer. I will really miss her. But I know it will be easier to stick to the plan.

Today I will try to get my noon walk in, but I need to run errands also. No gym tonight, but I plan on walking the dogs and mowing the front yard. If nothing else, I will be sweating the pounds off with all this heat and humidity!

Have a nice day!
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Old 07-12-2005, 03:40 PM   #38  
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Thanks Roxy, I appreciate your thoughts and concern.
I have tried today to behave a little bit. Seems like I can gain control for short periods of time and then all **** breaks loose. At least I got on my treadmill today, first time in at least a week.
Hope I can stay motivated and not allow the bad things in my life to take over.
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Old 07-12-2005, 10:02 PM   #39  
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Hey everyone! I'm headed in the right direction today, nothing great but on track anyhow.
Derry, it is so nice to hear from you! I think about you alot and I'm sending some hugs your way. How is your mom holding up? I really like your new life time plan - SCCI . Especially the calmness. There are so many times even in one day where I wish for calmness. And I mean my own, not the rest of my not-always-so-calm family, although that would be nice.
Hey Jolly! I admire your dedication to your exercise program. Way to go! It's going to pay off for you big time, just be patient!
Gotta run, dinner time!
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Old 07-12-2005, 10:17 PM   #40  
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Hey all. Not much to report here. I still have a sick pup. Hopefully she will be better soon. Still not eating right. I realized, again, I need to sit down and do some planning. I am all excited and hopeful, wanting this new job at work so I can have a fresh start and new challenges. I have to figure out what I would do differently, if given this fresh start. Not good if, one way or another, I get a new start, and make the same old mistakes.

Thanks for all the shout outs for running. Sometimes you just need to get that validation from everywhere. I was a bit dumb though. Because I was running late, and only going to do the short run, I didn't take time to stretch. My knee felt a little squooshy all day, then when I went to ride, I hyperextended it mounting. Oops. Must take better care. . .

It is so good to hear from everyone, even when things aren't going so great. That's what we are hear for. Derry - sending hugs and prayers your way. Wish there was more we could do.

Everyone, have a great rest of the evening (or day, Red). Talk to you tomorrow.
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Old 07-13-2005, 06:42 AM   #41  
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Thanks, guys. I wasn't exactly on program yesterday, but did better than I've done for the last several days.
I forgot I shared my SCCI (Strength, Courage, Calmness and Intelligence) plan with you all. That is still what I want and need, Jolly, you talk about fresh starts and I think this is the way we need to think each and every day... each day is truly a "fresh start" and we have a chance to do it right and do it better.
If I fail today, there is no reason why I can't begin anew tomorrow.
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Old 07-13-2005, 06:59 AM   #42  
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Sure thing, Derry, fresh starts are always there for us. It's about getting back up again and again, or fresh start, however you want to think of it, there's no penalty for flubbing up, just a delay in your success. I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little more like getting your eating under control. Power to you.

I was able to get to the gym after all today. A friend from work called me to ask me about where he could buy barbells as he's wanting to get some fat off. So, great, I thought, here I am sitting home ready to blow off the gym. I have a responsibility to all these people asking me for, I whipped my butt onto the bike and off I went to the gym, where I did a short but sweet leg workout. My asthma (from dust in my room today) made things tough. People would have thought I was panting from the weights even though I was going light. Thing is, I'm sure they didn't even notice. I was glad went. Found out that the gym is nicely deserted on Wednesday afternoons. Normally, i'd go in the morning and it was always crowded then because of some star aerobics teacher. I also was home when the delivery men brought my exercise machine, which I bought used. So the day turned out okay.

Last edited by redballoon; 07-13-2005 at 07:01 AM.
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Old 07-13-2005, 09:22 AM   #43  
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Good morning all. Heck, Derry. I figure if I have a bad breakfast, I can make a fresh start for lunch. Each choice is a new opportunity to do the right thing. As Red says, bad choices don't define us, they just slow our progress. Red, I am glad the day turned out ok.

Well, I overcame the couch demon this morning. I was soooo tempted to just skip the gym this morning and catch a nap on the couch. Buuuuut, after a brief struggle, I did go to the gym. Just did 40 min on the bike, but I figure that is better than nothing.

Here's to a great day for all of us!
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Old 07-13-2005, 10:30 AM   #44  
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Good Morning! Nice to see everyone here! Yesterday was a pretty good day. I stayed busy after work and that kept me out of the kitchen. I think that's the key for me. DH has been working late due to one person quitting so DD and I did all the yard work last night. It was fun, but I'm not use to using the weedeater and my arms are a little sore today. I plan on going to the gym after work.

Have a great day!
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Old 07-13-2005, 10:35 PM   #45  
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Hi all. Well, not much to report here except that I made it home from the part time job without stopping for the ice cream or chips and dip that were calling to me. So that's something anyway.

Still stress eating. Trying to make better choices, and stay on top of my exercise.

Have a good one all.
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