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Old 07-05-2005, 08:54 PM   #16  
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Hey all. Just checking in. Not much new to report. Did a tad bit better on the food today. Have to rein it in, and pump up the exercise again. No excuses.

Where's Chachee with Bat when you need her?

Have a good one all.
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Old 07-06-2005, 03:19 PM   #17  
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OK. this is getting to be a tad lonely here. Where is everyone???? I hate talking to myself all the time. I feel like Sybil.

Hope to hear from everyone soon.
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Old 07-06-2005, 03:33 PM   #18  
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Well, jolly, if you were Sybil, you wouldn't mind the quiet! You'd always have company. Yes, it has been quiet in here. Then again, we don't have many people anymore. I don't write much period and I have the challenge post to do and a couple others. Anyhow, yesterday was okay but I have a cold and yesterday felt felt bad. Went to the gym but could only manage a bit on the bike. Sneezing, nose running all day, feverish. Up early today. Feel a little better I think. Am trying to keep things under control, no bingeing, no "anything goes." I did eat healthily though and even forced myself to make a salad. Often I buy the veggies and they go bad.

Good luck all!
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Old 07-07-2005, 02:41 AM   #19  
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I'm going away for the week-end, nothing exciting, just the in-laws, but I won't be posting for a few days. I've just been kind of cruising along, eating too much as usual. Speaking of sybil, I'm OK and content with myself one day, fat and bloated the next. Today I've just felt generally unhealthy. Yuck.
I need to get it together and I'm tired of saying that. GRRRRR.
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Old 07-07-2005, 07:43 AM   #20  
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Well, I had a breakthrough this morning. I jogged the whole 2 miles without a walk break. I want to do this for a few days, then decide whether I should work on speed or adding distance. It felt good though.

Still seeking comfort from food, which I know is not good. But, after feeling like a sumo wrestler from binging on Chinese food for lunch, I did not have supper, except for V8 juice, raisens, and some little cheddar rice cakes at the part time job. Saved some calories, anyway.

Hope everyone has a good day.
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Old 07-07-2005, 09:49 AM   #21  
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Good Morning! I had a bad day yesterday. Had my out of town monthly staff meeting. Sitting in the car for 6 hours, then most of the day, no exercise and not very healthy food.

I started today out with oatmeal and a banana. Brought a Healthy Choice meal for lunch, shrimp for dinner. Also plan on hitting the gym after work. Hopefully I will have the energy. I'm really tired after the long day yesterday.

Sounds like we are all having a slump. We need to hang in there. I know we can do it together!

Have a great day!
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Old 07-07-2005, 05:06 PM   #22  
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Hi guys. I feel a lot better now. Got in a lot of exercise yesterday and ate well, had another salad too. Trying to get the fresh veggies in again. No time to post, just wanted to say hi and not let jolly get too lonely!

Roxy, Apple, good to hear from you. Jolly, can you try to think of other ways to seek "comfort," ways that won't leave you feeling bad. I mean, you say you're seeking "comfort" but you don't sound happy about the eating. Think of that. So many of our bad habits are illusions. We make excuses saying we enjoy what we're doing and we really don't. Can you turn on soothing music (whatever is soothing for you, that is.) buy an ipod or something so you can do it anywhere. I don't know, I just hate hearing you "seeking comfort in food." Still, you got back in control in the evening. You're getting there. Old habits change slowly often, but I think you're changing. Eating when unpleasant things happen to us is one of the hardest things to change, isn't it? Good luck.

Last edited by redballoon; 07-07-2005 at 05:09 PM.
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Old 07-07-2005, 11:07 PM   #23  
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Thanks Red. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Roxy, where are you? Did you make it to the gym?? Hope so.

So so day. I did have a nice ride after work though. Even rode with another horse without getting out of control. Woo hoo. Baby steps. Just like everything else in life.

Take care all.
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Old 07-08-2005, 09:12 AM   #24  
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Hello Ladies. Well I didn't make it to the gym last night. I was so exhausted after work, I went home and took a nap! I didn't even eat dinner. My exercise this weekend will be working at the BBQ Cookoff this weekend. We help with the Taster's Choice. Lots on standing and walking in the heat. The only problem is trying NOT to sample all the great BBQ! This year it has become a National event so it's even bigger. They hope to have Food Network here in the next couple years. It is a lot of fun.

I have been struggling this week with the holiday, staff meeting, now the bbq. And on top of it we are taking a mini vacation in a couple weeks. I'm really going to have to work hard to make my goal this month. Not going well so far.

Red, sounds like things are getting better for you.

Jolly, all those baby steps can add up!

Apple have fun this weekend.
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Old 07-09-2005, 03:03 AM   #25  
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Hi people. Had a great leg workout yesterday. Am hurting today! Well, no time now. Just wanted to say hi, you know, post so jolly wouldn't get upset. Jolly, how are you? Great with the riding with the other horse. I know how tough that can be. My horse gets all out of control, wants to chase after the other horse.

Roxy, come on, girl. You can do it! Just get back on track, even if it's in a small way. No all or nothing thinking, ok? We gotta learn how to do this eating/exercising thing with whatever life throws us!

Raven, Derry, Apple, others! Where are you?!
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Old 07-10-2005, 10:07 AM   #26  
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Hey chicks..

Jolly - Great work on riding another horse!! I can't wait till I can get back to riding mine. Soon... very soon I hope.

Roxy - I know how work can suck the life right out of you, that's why I always had to work out early in the morning before I went to work, or there was no hope of me getting any excercise in.

Red - Good leg workout!

Well, I finally feel like I'm getting back to me again. I actually was able to trim two horses this weekend!! I picked up a new client who fully sympathized with my back issues and was more than happy to let me take it easy and only do two of her horses to start off with. I'll be out there again next weekend to work on the other three, plus start working with her 3 month old foal and getting him used to having his feet handled. Her horses are spectacular straight egyptian arabs, and are a total delight to work with. But I had to trim VERY slowly and VERY carefully... it took me a long time to just do two horses, but I got them done. And even though it was tempting to keep going, I said enough. I'm glad I did, but I know I didn't overdo it. I'm sore this morning, but not any worse than I would have been after a good workout before I hurt my back. That was a huge relief.

It felt SO good to work a hoof again!!!!

I will be picked up as a permanent employee by the company I'm working for now as a temp around the 20th of this month. They've made me immediately eligible for the monthly sales bonus if we hit our goals. That's cool. I can't remember if I've posted this already or not. Benefits, here I come. It will allow me some breathing room - time to build my clientelle slowly and take more training and get my certification. It's a huge relief. They didn't give me much of a raise, but between the raise and the horses I'm trimming right now, that covers my horse board and feed. THAT is a huge relief. I have a lot of catching up to do, but now at least I have the means to do it. Six months of financial cleanup... ohwell. Hey, the lottery is back up to 100 million.. I should go buy a ticket.

Not sure if we'll get out to see my own horses today or not with Dennis looming. He has a big reach!! In any case, today we need to go buy crickets for the leezards, do some grocery shopping, and clean up the house.

It's nice to have the kids back. They were in Savannah for a week with their dad.

Oh! And .. I lost another pound!! Woo! Considering everything, that's fantastic!
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Old 07-10-2005, 06:11 PM   #27  
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Hello all! I'm trying to recover from yesterday. It was so hot at the cookoff. But we had a great time and my cooker won Grand Champion! Didn't do too bad eating either. After it was over, I did have 2 strawberry dacquairis. They were do good. I haven't had one of them in so long!

I didn't get walking in or to the gym today, but I have been getting exercise. I've been helping DH sheetrock the basement. Later, when it get a little cooler out, I plan on mowing the yard.

Tomorrow, back to my routine! Thanks for the encouragement!

Raven - glad to here you are feeling good again!
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Old 07-11-2005, 07:27 AM   #28  
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Hi all. Raven, good to hear from you! Glad to hear you're picking up more work even with your back still bothering you.
Roxy, get your exercise any way you can!
Jolly, Derry, happy, others, come in and say heh!
I'm doing okay, have been hitting the weights like crazy again. Feels great! Tried and succeeded in eating pretty "clean" today. Going to try to work toward even better days, but not get down when I kind of "goof off."
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Old 07-11-2005, 09:04 AM   #29  
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Good morning all. Glad to hear from you Raven. Straight Egyptian Arabians, huh?? Coooooool. Glad you are feeling better. Red, glad you are feeling good doing weights again.

I had a good but busy weekend. Spent Saturday with at my friend's house on the lake. What fun. Yesterday, had a nice ride on the horse, then spent the rest of the day trying to stay cool. OH yeah, did get a 15 mile bike ride in. No jogging due to a blister. Ah well. Should be better to run tomorrow.

Have a great day all.
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Old 07-11-2005, 11:02 AM   #30  
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Good Morning! Today is going to be a good day! I can already feel it. Started out with oatmeal for breakfast, brought chicken and a salad for lunch. Going walking for 30 minutes during lunch and to the gym after work. Not sure about dinner yet.

Hope everyone has a great day!
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