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Old 10-07-2004, 02:10 AM   #1  
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Default Hi! I'm new here and looking for a buddy...

Hi Everybody! Like my Screenname says ( I was;nt very original I know) my name is April and I am 28 and live in Oklahoma. I started on my journey to lose weight back in Feb and so far I have managed to go from 272 to 230 pounds. I feel great and all now but have gotten into sort of a slump where I don't want to exercise or watch what I eat,etc. In other words I need a reason to stay motivated even on days when I feel like giving up. I just want to get down to maybe 145 which I feel is not an unrealistic goal and can be achieved if i just stick with it.

I just wanted to know if there is anyone here who would be willing to be my Buddy......we could offer each other support and just be there for each other during our weight loss journey.
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Old 10-07-2004, 06:06 PM   #2  
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Hey there! I'm kinda in the same boat as you.. started at 275ish and now i'm stuck at 240ish with no motivation.. I'm 25 looking for a buddy for a little motivation and support. hope ot talk to ya soon!
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Old 10-08-2004, 12:52 AM   #3  
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I am defiantely interested in becoming budddies! I know I can be here to offer encouragement and be one your case when you don't stay focused and motivated. As I would hope you would do the same for me.........I try to stay focused and motivated but there are times when I just need someone to remind me not to give up.

I am going to join a gym tomorrow its about 5 minutes from my house and with my schedule I can go every morning. I'm not going to overdo it but I am going to go every morning....some days just doing cardio.

Are you a member of a gym? If not, What do you do for exercise?
I lost all the weight I lost so far by simply walking....3 miles a day.....thats all I did and I lost. that and watching my diet but as far as exercise goes walking was it.

Do you follow a special diet Or do you just simply watch what you eat?
I just simply cut back on some things and watch what I eat....I'm not on any specific diet though.
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Old 10-08-2004, 11:33 AM   #4  
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Sounds like a plan! I know i can offer encouragment and support too! I'm used to go to the gym but the one by my house shut down. I lost my weight by walking as well. Either at night or on my lunch break.Its a good way to destress as well!! I do light weight training or when i'm feeling adventurous, pilates at home. I'm good about exercising 2-3 times a week, but i need to start doing more since i've kinda hit a flat spot. I did just get one of those Gazelle walkers, which has been wonderful since i live in the city of rain (Seattle). I watch my evening shows and get my cardio in too!

I'm not on any set diet program. I love pasta and bread too much for atkins or south beach. I did buy the 6-week body makeover plan with Micheal Thurmond. It worked but it was a little extreme and limited. So i follow the general principles so i usually try to eat more fequently in less quantity. It takes some planning but i avoid overeating this way. I try to avoid fast food...and always try to make half of my meal fruits or veggies. Thats really about it. It's been working for me so far. Of course i always have to splurge for a day a week on one of two things in moderation .
Well, back to work i go... Hope to talk to ya soon!
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Old 10-08-2004, 08:47 PM   #5  
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Awesome!!!! I could never follow anything like the Atkins diet...though I know people on it who have lost alot of weight....simply becasue I love pasta and bread wayyy too much. I doubt I could ever give them up completely so if I did go on the Atkins diet once I went off it and started to eat the things I love again I'd prolly just gain it all back and then some. Scary thought.

I was doing real good with going out and doing my walking every day then I just got in this slump and have'nt felt like doing it even though i know I need to. Going for a walk is an awesome way to de-stress and just clear your mind. A freind of mine told me to do things like sit-ups when commercials come on and then take a breather while the show I am watching is on then back to exercising during the commericals. I did that once....the problem is though that I don't watch that much tv. There are 2 shows that I watch without fail every week but other than those I don't pay attention to the tv.

I'm just eating smaller portions and more often too.....I don't deny myself those things I love I just eat them in moderation and in smaller portions.
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Old 10-12-2004, 10:50 AM   #6  
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How was your weekend? Mine was good but dietwise it was horible. I went on a long road trip to visit a friend so we ate from drivethu's pretty much all weekend! But, back on track today.

Thats a good idea to do little exercises on the commercials. Now i just need to watch more tv!!
I work in a office so i make a point of walking up and down the stairs at least 15 times a day and always following the rule of walk to a person down the hall instead of email. My motivation for before or after work exercise died a while ago too. I just keep trying to park further away or be sure to walk down every isle when i go shopping just to be moving more. Little things like that seem to work for me as long as i keep increasing the amount. Kinda funny, but it makes me do a little more.

Happy Monday!!
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Old 10-12-2004, 11:20 AM   #7  
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good morning!! i know you asked for 'a' buddy, not more then one, but i hope you don't mind me stepping into your thread. two is better then one, right?

maybe we could all help each other? i am 5'3 and a half, and weigh 190lbs. i want to get down, my ultimate goal, to 130. so i have a lot to lose... I just recently joined a gym (Lucille Roberts) and my brother, who is studying to become a physical trainer, is making a schedule for me to follow to lose weight. i am also going to be counting cals so i can burn more then i take in.

i hope maybe we can all be of help to each other. if not, i will scoot out of your thread
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Old 10-12-2004, 12:18 PM   #8  
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The more the merrier!! Looks like we're all looking to lose about the same amount I've been battling the bulge for too long and its time to win. I need all the support i can get so here i am! Tell us a little bit about yourself if you have some time Talk to ya soon!
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Old 10-14-2004, 02:45 PM   #9  
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HI! I'm new too. I started the program on 10/13. I am 5;7"182lbs. I have two beautiful children. Emily and Dylan. I'm a SAHM. But not for long. My husband and I are getting ready to be self-employed. VERY STRESSFUL!! I have concerned about day care for my EMily. Dylan is in school. I will miss her terribly. But you got to do what you got to do. Oh! It is the perfect time to begin a business in the food industry. We are taking over a little hoagie shop. You know cheesestaks, french fries. We'll sell all the good stuff I can't have. Oh well I;m babbling. Any advice for snacking would be much appreciated! I was on WW before-I think it was 123 success plan. I was successful but then I got pregnant. I too need all the support I can get also. Please reply...soon
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Old 10-15-2004, 01:38 AM   #10  
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I know I asked for "a" buddy generally meaning one....but thats not necessairly what I meant. I say the more people that join in the welcome to everyone!

I've had good/bad days this week.....I've stayed OP and gotten in exercise the first part of the week then the last few I've gone Off plan and gotten lil to no exercise.

I try to remain postive and stay focused but it seems like somedays I just slip and fall back into old habits and then in turn I end up depressed.

I hope everyone here has had a good week this week. I will try to post in here more often Its nice to meet everyone!
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Old 10-15-2004, 11:38 AM   #11  
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How's everyone today? I'm so glad its friday!!! It's been a long week that needs to end. I'm ready for a fresh start. I've been bouncing on and off plan so much i lost track!!!
Anyone have any goals for next week? I have 2. One is to not have any fast food, no matter how much of a hurry i'm in! Second one is to get off my butt when i'm at home. Even its just as small as cleaning/picking up the house watching tv verses plopping down on the couch. Bad habbits are hard to break.
Well, i hope you are all doing well!!! Take care!!

Failure is an opportunity to begin more intelligently.
HW: 271 CW: 243 GW: 180ish!!!
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Old 10-15-2004, 02:03 PM   #12  
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Default I'm basically new, too

Hey guys, I am basically new, too. I am currently at my heighest weight of 265 and have only ever dieted one time before in my life....and that was Atkins seven years ago when I was 183 pounds and scared of reaching 200. I did extreme Atkins for around four weeks and lost about 37 pounds. I was around 145 and carefree, never knowing that I should have probably stayed at 183 and figured out how to eat healthier. Around six months after the Atkins thing (which I abused, by the way) I was up to 205.

Now, I am trying valiantly to pursue a healthier eating plan, but I am not very excited about it. My hubby is trying to GAIN weight and I recently bought all of these gourmet cooking essentials (copper pots, etc.) and have started to learn to cook excellently...

BUT I know I need to lose weight and just being on this site and seeing what some people have done is very inspirational. I am going to start working out and limiting myself to my meals, 2 snacks and nothing else as a start.

Wish me luck!
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Old 10-18-2004, 12:44 PM   #13  
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Good Luck Jeanessa!!! When you cook.. you can make almost anything lower fat by substituting fatty ingredients for low fat. Let me know if you want any recipe websites that have huge low fat sections. Don't give up flavor!!!!

Today is a new beginning for me. Last week i got so off plan i'm just starting over. I planned out my meals for the week to avoid bad habits of quick and easy fatty foods. I even signed up for a Jazzercise class for the next month. Hopefully i'll keep on track and suceed this time. I've set a mini goal for Thanksgiving of 235.
Happy monday to you all!!!
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Old 10-18-2004, 10:39 PM   #14  
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Default Another newbie!!!!!

Hello everyone, wondering if I can join in too?
I just need someone to talk to when I am having
that moment, like right now.
I am 5'1" currently weighing in at 178.5, My heighest
weight was 213.0 last August, when I had my last baby.
I only lost 5 lbs after delivery.
I joined WW in October of last year, losing 16 lbs and then quitting.
I then somehow lost 4 lbs over the summer.
On Sep 22, 2004 I got it in my head, I am going to do this.
I weighed in at 188.0
I started watching what I am eating and trying to put a little of exercise
in each day. But, it is so.......... hard.
I have three girls ages 6,4 and 14 months.
I actually have lost 10lbs as of Sunday.
But I just need some support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to communicate with some people everyday.
We are going on vacation at Thanksgiving time and would love to have
lost another 10 lbs.
Can anyone help me??????????????
Thanks a bunch!!
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Old 10-19-2004, 09:53 AM   #15  
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hey! i read your stories and you guys sound like me. I used to weigh 272.5 now i weigh 230. i had lost more weight and was down to 206 but i kinda got so happy i didnt care what i ate or even if i excerised now i am back up to 230 which is really depressing. Hopefully we all could movate eac other.

cw- 230.0
gw- 180
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