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Old 09-27-2004, 07:10 AM   #1  
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Default Time For Serious Fun #85


We are a thread dedicated to making losing weight a pleasant experience. We laugh, cry and talk together. We have challenges, points for staying on program, drinking our water, and exercising. We have a daily topic to join in. Our only focus is to help us realize that dieting and all that goes with it need not be unpleasant, but can be fun. Come join the fun here at Time for Serious Fun! Everyone is Welcome!


Monday: Mission Monday New mission each week
Tuesday: Target Tuesday We target something to work on
Wednesday: Wednesday's Woes Our day to complain about anything and everything
Thursday: Time for Us Thursday The day set aside to pamper us!
Friday: Fabulous Lbs Down Friday. Report our losses!
Saturday: Sunny Thoughts Saturday We share stories and jokes to help us smile
Sunday: Silly Poll Sunday A new poll to give your thoughts to every week




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Old 09-27-2004, 07:15 AM   #2  
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MONDAY: Today is Mission Monday and our mission this week is REMEMBERING! Think back to your highest weight, how it made you feel, what it did to your self esteem, how it physically debilitated you. Now ask yourself if that cupcake, binge, ice cream, soda pop are worth creeping back up to your wieght because it can happen and happen fast. Work hard to stay OP this week girls and get in those 4 pts!

I will be back in later girls. I have chores and walking to do. I had a terrible weekend of eating lots of junk and NO yep, NO exercise so I have to clean myself up and get back on track. Tomorrow I turn 51 and I want to be a whole lot better at 52 than I am at 51 so I am going to have to work hard to get there.

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Old 09-27-2004, 09:28 AM   #3  
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Morning All ... boy did I miss a heck of a lot over the weekend!! We had our first showing Friday night on the house and then an Open House on Sunday, the realtor said it went pretty well but she thought she should have had more traffic, but what are ya gonna has only been on the market two weeks tomorrow...

Sandy - I agree with everyone need to tell your dh asap !!! No matter how you feel about him now you did love him at one point and he deserves to know what is going on...It will be the hardest thing to do but you will feel better in the long run...I hope things work out, good luck

Amanda - Do not get down on yourself about the weight gain, I think it must be water weight or something, I do not know if you can physically gain 5 pounds in just a week, if you did you are quite a girl !!! JK I also gained weight on my anti depressant when I took them a few years back, but at the time I didnt care...I would have rather gained weight than committed suicide...I know there are some that do not cause weight gain so you just need to check this out with your doctor...

Susan - Good to hear from you...

Kimmy - I almost had forgotten about you girl, come back and post more often!!!

Faye - I too am going to really focus on getting in some walks this week, especially since it has cooled off so was about 55 degrees this morning, so it would be nice time for a walk ... but I will go right after work...I am too lazy to get up early and do before work

I had an embarrassing little moment with dh last night...HE CALLED ME OUT ON MY BINGE !!! I suddenly was eating a buttload of oreos and then some fatty chips, and then like three large slices of colby jack cheese...while I was eating all of this he says "Feel like a binge tonight?" ... I felt so ashamed and embarrassed...the fact that he said something out loud, that someone else saw...really bothered me...lets hope that will stop me in future...

Julie, MSCat, Sandy, Lisa, and everyone have a good day!! Lets go for those 4 pointers!!! Fall is here....

Pre- Happy Birthday to Faye ( 28th ) and me ( 29th )
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Old 09-27-2004, 11:05 AM   #4  
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HELLO BEAUTIFULS!!! Thank you all for just being here for me... I will talk to my hubby... when he gets home here. Havent heard from him since saturday afternoon... he was leaving Cincinnati after the football game yesterday so i have no idea where he is. Just hope hes alright... and if he is, he will get a good tounge lashing from me for not calling. And by the way.. i still love him... i jsut dont want to live like this any longer. Its not fair to him or me. There is no passion... none... it makes life harder and the communication gap seem stronger.
Sandy... i bet you had a blast didnt u... its so nice to be pampered and you are blessed to have such a good friend. Makes you feel good about everything doesnt it.
As for counseling... i put in a call on Friday and tehy are supposed to contact me today about setting up a time. I need to talk to someone, besides you ladies.
Well i have a busy day planned... going to paint my daughters daybed and get that ready to go into her room... since the kids are in school i have the time now and i havent painted much at all this summer... so i am hoping to get back into the swing of my painting... it makes me feel good.
Everyone have a fantastic day... take care of u
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Old 09-27-2004, 06:31 PM   #5  
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We went out to dinner for my birthday tonight instead of tomorrow night so I could get back on track. We have a local Italian place here that is yummy called Bolla Pasta and of course, I pigged out. I did eat a salad but put bleu cheese on it! At least it is now out of the way for another year!

Doesn't look like we had points for me to do today so I am going to say TTFN and see you in the morning!

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Old 09-27-2004, 08:35 PM   #6  
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Evening. I hope that everyone is having a wonderful day so far. Corey and I have been busy moving these last few days. Moving is the one thing that I doing more than anything else, I rather go to the dentist. LOL Carri and Faye Happy Birthday to both of you. Hope this year is better than the last! Got in points for water only. I had too many carmel creams to say I was OP. Was very tired today and thought that the sugar would do me good. YEAH RIGHT! Feeling sorta weak today so I am going to go and get some sleep catch everyone tomorrow.

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Old 09-28-2004, 05:17 AM   #7  
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TUESDAY: Today is Target Tuesday and our target this week is water. Let's make sure we get our fluids in everyday girls! It is important in more than one way!


Let's try and have good pt numbers today ladies and get back on track!

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Old 09-28-2004, 06:54 AM   #8  
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Morning ladies. Just checking in before work. Still feeling exhausted this morning. One of these days I will be back to my old slef but am wondering when that is going to happen to me. I hope that the birthday girls will have themeselves a good time. Here's to a sunny day for all.

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Old 09-28-2004, 08:09 AM   #9  
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GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFULS!!! got all 4 yesterday... and i painted my dds daybed... it looks really nice... i sprayed it a brushed matte nickel and i really like it. so today i will have to put it together. I am going to do my yoga after the kidlets leave for school... or i may do it after i post here... most likely after they leave tho... have to get them up and I fugred out how to take pictures with my camcorder and how to put them on my puter... so now i will have to have someone take my pic so i can put it up here... So Faye i may ned your help in the sizing or resizing department... lol
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAYE AND CARRIE!!! I hope your day is filled with sunshine and laughter... and the year is all that u hope for.
Sandy... just be gentel and patient with yourself... and you will be back to yourself in no time... but u should pamper you some... u did have surgery ya take it easy... or as easy as u can for now.
To the rest of u lovelies... have a fabulous day... take care of u ...
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Old 09-28-2004, 08:50 AM   #10  
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Good Morning Ladies!

Busy day yesterday...went all over creation looking for a laptop computer for a decent price. Was hoping to find a used one, but apparently people don't upgrade laptops like they do desktops. So, I may have to buy a new one. Ebay has "reconditioned" ones for sale. But that means they didn't work to start with and someone fixed them....somehow I just don't trust that concept with total strangers that I can't go back and complain to.

Oh well, ended up eating out for lunch and dinner...but still stayed op. Yay. So, I got 3 points yesterday. Not enough water. Faye, you must've been reading my mind this morning

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAYE AND CARRIE!! Hope you gals have a fabulous day and a great year ahead of you.

Not much else happening here. The kids have school pictures AND cheerleading pictures this week! So I have to fork out over $100 to get just the bare bones packages for FIVE sessions!!!! Crazy.

Well, don't have time to sit and chat too much today. Better get going. I hope everyone has a great day today....

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Old 09-28-2004, 09:07 AM   #11  
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Morning All ... Had a 4 pointer yesterday !!!!! I was very proud of myself and dh, we walking on the trail right after work, I used my pedometer and it said that we walked almost 2 miles...of course after all of that I slept like a baby last night

Faye - Glad to hear that you had a great time last night for your birthday ( a
day early ) ... and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY !!!!!!!!!!! I too have picked an Italian place to go for my b-day tomorrow night...and calories and fat be damned! Hey like you said it comes once a year...

Julie, Sandy, Sandybrat - thanks for all of the b-day wishes...I am only 31 once so better enjoy it huh???

Hope everyone has a great day...we have another showing tonight of the house from 6-7, I do not know why the need an hour, it is usally just a half and this is sort of inconvenient with the dog and all but I guess you do what you have to do to to you all later!
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Old 09-28-2004, 01:52 PM   #12  
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Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I got the most beautiful card from my younger sister yesterday. We are going out with dd and sil and stinker pot a week from Friday for dh and my birthday combined. She is taking me to get a manicure/pedicure tomorrow and taking me to lunch, which will be fun. Of course I got the new digital camera for both of our birthday's which is nice. Now it will take a year to learn how to use it!

The Wilkinson family has a curse on it, I swear. We have had, what 2 weeks with no problems and now I found the downstairs bathroom flooded this morning and can't find where it is coming from. I checked the tank, pipes and bottom of toilet, under the sink, it is not coming through the ceiling, can't find any water around the bottom of the fridge. I cleaned it all up and then there seemed to be more and I am wondering if there is a problem with the neighbors maybe. Who knows? That is all we need more problems!

Carri: Hope your house opening goes well. Someone just right will want your house!

I need to scoot and go check the bathroom floor again ladies. Oh the laundry the laundry from this!

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Old 09-29-2004, 05:52 AM   #13  
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Morning dearies!

Faye, I am shocked that it is now 5:40 a.m. and you haven't posted anything yet! Must be swimming in your new pool. Honestly, I hope that there wasn't anything wrong at your place and that your lake was comming from the neighbors. Still though like you said the luck. I think that your day out today will be just what the doctor ordered. Enjoy it!

Carrie, I hope that you enjoy your bday dinner out. As for walking the 2 mi awesome. I often have wonder how many miles I walk in the course of a day, guess that one of these days I am going to have to break down and buy me one of those great toys to see. I know that there are days that I feel like I have walked at least 5 miles at work but I know it wont be that much, but then agian who knows.

Julie, have you thought about checking out Tiger Direct? There are sometimes pretty good deals there also I think that price watch has some deals there as well. I was shocked when I herd how good of a deal you were getting on the school pics. One little barebones packs here is almost 30 so I end up not getting Corey's I wait til pics are taken at the store where I work at. For 13 I get a really big package and the quality of the pics are better than the schools so why not.

Girls, I need lots of prayers. I found out last night that there is a position comming open with Keebler(2nd) for an area rep. My boss is transfering to another area. I talked with him last night and got the scoop he is suppose to get up with me today and tell me more. He has told me that he will help me anyway that he can with this job. While there will be many hours there willl be weekends off which will be better for Corey, plus there wont be so many late evening! The money is much better for part time work so I am thinking that fulltime will be better. Also I go back to my doctor today to get the staple removed and such. SO I need all the prayers that I can get.

Gotta go and get this hair fixed before I have to wake up this youngin. Hope that eveyrone has a super day

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Old 09-29-2004, 06:29 AM   #14  
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WEDNESDAY: Today is Wednesday's Woes. What can we help you with?

later girls!


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Old 09-29-2004, 08:38 AM   #15  
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Morning Ladies!

Faye! What the did you do in your last life to deserve all this???? You must've been a hellraiser!

I had 2 points for op yesterday, no exercise and not enough water (I don't think...) I ended up going out again to look at laptops, and well....I'm just NOT a patient person. When I want something, I obsess the **** out of it until I'm just spinning my wheels and wasting time. So, I just went ahead and bought an expensive new machine that I hope will last me well into my 10th novel or so! I had the money set aside, and I know from experience that if my vehicle knows I have makes sure to have something go wrong to take it. Or the kids, or the house....SOMETHING goes wrong and we have to siphon it off until there's nothing left. So I just bought it. And Hey, THANKS for all the great ideas for other alternatives...I appreciate it.

But now I can write anywhere and anytime...I'm thinking if I go to the library in the mornings to write, I won't have the fridge tempting me every five minutes! Wouldn't that be nice. AND I now have a dvd player that the kids can watch on long trips in the car! BONUS!!

Sandy, I've got my prayer hat on for you and that new job! You deserve a little good news right about now. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. Don't stress out over it. OH, and about the school pictures...I get the barebones package that is around $15 per kid. This may be the last year I do it, though, cuz I'm never that thrilled with the results. I take way better pictures. But I remember how exciting it was to have school pictures, and to have one of your whole class...I don't want my kids thinking they aren't worth the money. Which is how these studios make all their cash, I know, parent guilt. I can't believe they charge an extra $5 just to pull down a colored background!!! I have no idea what the cheerleading pics will be like. The cheapest set of those is $8. Just wish they weren't all in the same week.

Carrie--Enjoy your birthday today!

Amanda, Susan, MsCat, everyone else....where are you ladies? Hope you're having fun wherever you are.

Gotta fly now,
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