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Old 07-03-2005, 12:37 PM   #2311  
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Hi! I'm having a nice but low-energy weekend. I think I'm just deeply tired avter so many months of stress and changes. I've been puttering around, tossing clutter and listening to jazz. I slept late this AM and didn't work out, so I'll take a long walk on my way to the movies later this afternoon. I'm a bit depressed about not making much more headway, and wondering if I can do something to give myself a jumpstart. I was hoping to be closer to 220 by July 4, instead of hoverering over 230. A friend told me to do my best to maintain until August, when I will be done with the job switch and traveling. I think I will take her advice, and not beat myself up--until August 1, when I will have run out of excuses Debbie, we can send each other loving kicks at that point, if you still need 'em.

Gray--I used to do the Master Cleanser fast in the summer. They gave me a tremendous sense of confidence--you know you have willpower if you can go for days without eating a bite!--but I would spend the next week eating everything that didn't run away.

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Old 07-03-2005, 01:52 PM   #2312  
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Hello All,
I've found my way back here again. I feel like the Prodigial Racer!
I'm just letting other things take priority and I would be ok with that if that's what I really wanted but I don't! I want to focus on losing the rest of this weight and that includes getting back to doing what I know what works for me and that's posting here daily and making it to my workouts, and choosing healthy foods instead of skipping those and eating other things and thinking "A calorie is a calorie", because it isn't! I did that last week and it resulted in a 3 lb gain. I was so mad at myself when I got on the scales. I'm over 245 and I swore to myself that I would NEVER go back over that number again.

I can let that defeat me or use it to move me forward. I'm choosing that later. I went for a walk yesterday morning and I'll go for one tomorrow morning as well and I will continue with my workouts like I used to and get my fitness level back up. I won't have cookies for breakfast...I've been having my eggs or ceral, and I won't have nachos for dinner and nothing else. No..I'm planning to succeed. I talked to DH about it last night and he has agreed to get focused with me again, so I can stay on track.

Sorry I've been gone ladies. I truly miss you all.

(((Girlie))))...Hang in there with the job. I hope you and your boss came up with an Action Plan to get you on board the way they want you to be. If not, go back to the boss and discuss that. It's not fair for them to bring something up to you and not help you get where they want you to be. This is new for you and they are failing at training you if you aren't where they think you should be.

Debbie-Make it a priority to get back to your workouts. I know how easy it is to get away from them.

Judy-I know it's hard to lose weight when a person has so many changes happening at the same time. Just focus on keeping healthy and I think weight loss will result. It might not be at the pace your would like it, but just focus on not gaining.

Have a nice days ladies. I'll see you tomorrow.
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Old 07-03-2005, 04:51 PM   #2313  
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No scale today! I really want to wait until Wednesday before I weigh in again. I need to break the daily-weigh-in habit for myself. I'm doing good today though. I sat down last night and wrote out what I was going to eat today and so far I've stuck to it, which is great. I'm going to go to the gym this afternoon and I want to do an hour at least. My goal is to exercise 1500 minutes this month. I've done 60 so far.

Hollyhock, thanks for your feedback. I also asked in the Nutrition forum and the woman who replied there (Ilene, I think?) said that she ended up binging the day after she tried a juice fast. That concerns me because I feel like that defeats the whole purpose of doing it - to detox and get my body back on track a bit. I've read a little bit online and will definitely do more research before doing anything. Thanks!

Debbie, I'm sorry you've had a rough week. Why don't you try to get to Curves today? There's nothing you can do about last week now, but you could get started again today. Or, go to the park and run around with your grandson, or take him to the pool (if you're not as swimsuit-phobic as I am), and just run around with him until you're both worn out. That'd give you some exercise too.

Judy, the binge the day after is what I worry about a little bit. My willpower isn't all that powerful . Ideally the scale will have moved when I weigh in on Wednesday and it will be moot anyway. It sounds like you're in quite an upheaval right now. I think I agree with your friend that you may want to focus on not gaining instead of trying to lose. I don't know if you're an emotional eater like I am but when I'm stressed, the first thing I want to do is EAT so I can imagine that the stress of moving and switching jobs is very hard.

Susie, I think you've got a really good outlook and awareness. I imagine that the 3 pound gain must have been really upsetting. You'll lose those 3 pounds though and I think it'll help a lot for your husband to help keep you focused. I know my husband has been my biggest cheerleader and has been such a great help for me so far. Just get right back on track, you can do it. As your signature says, "a slip up isn't a reason to give up."

Last edited by gray eyed girl; 07-03-2005 at 04:53 PM. Reason: posted too soon
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Old 07-04-2005, 08:32 AM   #2314  
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Happy 4th everyone,
I did much better yesterday on food. I stayed busy. I didn't get around to structed exercise, but I was active. We went to a kind of a family reunion. We have no family for 600 mls. Our friends of 25 yrs have a big family get together on the 3rd so we always go. Everyone spent several hundreds of dollars on fireworks. It would rival fireworks shows of some small towns.
I will weigh when I go to curves tomorrow.( I threw my scales out!)
I'll be very surpised if I make our June goal. I going for the same goal in July.
Join me.

Everyone have FUN and be SAFE.
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Old 07-04-2005, 09:23 AM   #2315  
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Debbie~ HI, I maintained. I have consistantly been 225 in the lornings for a week. I was up to 227. No 5 lb loss. I am up for the same.In Jan I had hoped to be a 200 for my 40th bday on the 21st. Didn't happen but at least i am down and feeling fit.
Gray~ you are doing so well.
(((Susie))))~ happy to see you!! You CAN do this!!!
Judy~ I like your plan.
Hello to everyone!!

The weeds were as tall is me out front!
It took a full lean of my body with a bit of force. Today my hands ache from the act.
Yesterday was good and peaceful. Kids were tired but mostly pleasant.DS is still sleeping!!
I picked up lots of fresh groceries. We watched About Schmidt on tv last night. An enjoyable movie. Poignant. I loved the everydayness of the characters and settings.
6 kids today as far as I know. 8 tomorrow. I have a grade 8 boy coming to help on Tuesday's.
That is about it!!
Have a spectacular day.
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Old 07-04-2005, 12:48 PM   #2316  
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I started this morning with a walk. I thought it was a good way to start the day. I'm just sort of puttering around the house this afternoon. Tonight we will go to the City of Blue Ash's Family Fourth Celebration for fireworks. A bunch of our friends go and we enjoy it every year.
They always have a headliner act right before the fireworks and this year it is Richard Marx's.

Debbie:I hope when you go to Curves tomorrow you will have made your June goal; if not, you have something to shoot for in July and I want you to think about what weight you might have been if you had not set a goal. I know you will reach your goal...sooner or later...if you just keep trying.

Holly: Do you EVER slow down? I have no idea how you get so much done! You have such a healthy attitude about life, I know that it will soon spill over into the weight loss effort, just keep doing what you have been doing.

Grey Eyed Girl: Keep up the good work with staying off the scale. I think if you are one who needs to weigh everyday to stay on track then that's fine. Me, I found out when I did that I would let myself eat more if I was down, so it wasn't working for me to weigh everyday.

Have a great days ladies.

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Old 07-04-2005, 03:15 PM   #2317  
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Susie~ LOL, I wonder why other people dont have as much as me to do!! LOL!!!
I know I make choices and I am happy with them. Nice walking!!!!
I thought I DID have a lazy weekend!!
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Old 07-04-2005, 08:44 PM   #2318  
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Hello all......having a nice quiet weekend here. No plans.....being single in the world of couples allows me to use long weekends the way I read two books, washed my car, did a TON of laundry, walked everyday, ate healthy, slept in a bit, stayed up a bit late, drank too much diet pop, took naps, played with the kitties, mowed the yard and all in all did what I wanted to do when I wanted to do commitments to anyone.....I was nice and relaxing!!

Hope all had a good weekend too!...oh yes, weighed in today and down a pound!!! Moving towards my goal of 230 by the End of August!!!!
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Old 07-05-2005, 12:29 AM   #2319  
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Thanks, Susie. It actually helped a lot at first, but I got stuck on a plateau and since it's taking longer than I thought to start losing again, weighing every day and seeing the same numbers was getting discouraging. Plus, I think I'd like to focus more on how I'm feeling and looking, and less on the scale. Thank you for your encouragement!

Well I had a horrible day today. Diet-wise it went great until about 4, and then my kids got a little too rough playing together and my son got hurt. He fell and smacked his face really hard. Blood everywhere, screaming baby boy, confused and upset baby girl. I thought at first he was going to need stitches but we got the bleeding stopped and I don't think they'd do stitches, and the ER on July 4th is the LAST place I wanted to be. My baby boy bit a big chunk out of his lower lip, his little chin is all bruised and it looks like his nose is going to bruise too. Once he was taken care of I just started eating. I really don't like that it's so easy to fall back to using food as comfort.
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Old 07-05-2005, 08:12 AM   #2320  
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Hi Gray, I had a little emotional eating here as well. The best thing is we KNOW what we did and we can try to work on it for the future.

Yesterday was pretty nice. I did have a little more to eat, but still stuck to no eating after 5. Didn`t have the time to work out and that just ticks me off, I did well sat and sun, it just wasn`t going to happen yesterday! I even got in a step session on Sunday with the elliptical, and my tapes should be here soon. So I`m still motivated, girls! whoo-hoo!

Sunday evening my son ran out of his room with fear, in tears that he stepped on our kitten and it hurt it`s leg (poor thing it was an accident, I felt so bad for him) The poor thing was hurting badly, limping and crying. Now it`s 6 pm on a Holiday weekend, so we call everywhere. My husband had to go to Boston (an hour away from us) to go to the animal hospital. It gets better, cause my car has all but broken down and we had to call my sister to bring him up there! So yeah I had a little emotional picking myself. They got back around midnite, kitty is fine luckily it was not broken, just a sprain. She`s limping a little but walking on it and getting better.

I`m feeling the early signs of PMS... mood swings, chocolate cravings I think are at bay due to me having a slimfast chocolate bar every day. Those things really help. And I weighed today just to see the damage to kick me in high gear again, and I`m up to 219. Only one pound, but not the direction I`m trying to go in! So today begins a new week for me. No weighing til Saturday here!

With all the goodies on the boat lastnight, cookies, chips, donuts...I had a diet coke. SO there are little successes to report!

I did get myself outside the last 2 days for a relaxing lay in the sun, just a little something I`m trying to do for me. Part of "what I`ll do when I lose weight" is get a healthy tan, why wait? And I actually felt pretty good lastnight with a golden tan and my better fitting size 16 jeans (stretchy of course, but they`re still a 16!).

I`ll be back tonight to chime in some more. Mom arrived lastnight but stayed with my uncle, she`ll be coming by later this morning and my house is a disaster! Have a great day, I hope everyone is doing well... and to those of us who had a tough weekend... It`s Over!!! Lets all get back to US!
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Old 07-05-2005, 08:36 AM   #2321  
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Good morning,
One of my goals for today is to be sure to post to the board, so I'm getting it done early and hopefully setting the pace for a OP day for myself.

We had a nice time at the fireworks last night. I just love them! I did ok with the food. I did have a milkshake on the way home, but hey I skipped the funnel cake and I choose to have a ear of corn for dinner. It was a little hard with everyone eating and snacking around me, but I reminded myself that when I can buy a smaller size, it's going to be worth it.

Caro: I'm glad the kitty is ok. What an ordeal! I am dreaming of a size 16! What you had to say about the tough weekend being over and getting back to US is very motivational for me.

Grey: It's so easy to fall back to food for comfort. I'm not sure how to not do that, but it's a learning process. Why don't you think of something else you can try and have it ready to be in place the next time you have stress overwhelming you like that. Is there someone you could call? Could you get on line and post instead? Just some ideas I'm tossing out there.

Hope everyone else is OP today and recharged..let's do this ladies!
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Old 07-05-2005, 12:42 PM   #2322  
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Susie~ goal accomplished!!!!!

I eneded up with hives all over my body yesterday that just got worse and wosre. May have been some weeds on Sunday triggered it.At night my feet and hands swelled. This morning I woke with my whole body and face all swollen up. I took an antihistamine. Just a few bumps today. The itching is better. Still swollen. I called a tele-health line and they recommended the doc. I will wait it out. Right now I feel really tired. I have a grade 8 boy here to help with the kids. I will lay down later. baseball tonight. No appetite.Lots of water.
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Old 07-06-2005, 08:42 AM   #2323  
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My plateau is over!! I weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 218! I am so happy I could cry. I am so proud of myself that I didn't give up the way I ALWAYS do when I hit that plateau. What a great surprise this morning!
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Old 07-06-2005, 09:27 AM   #2324  
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Holly- Oh that sounds terrible I hope you`re feeling better today.

Susie- I got a couple 16`s I fit into, my 18`s are starting to fit comfortably, and the 20`s are ready for the closet. I have a few size 14`s from 5 years ago sitting out for motivation! My husband is already complaining I have way too much clothes. So I hope to make him happy and get rid of them all by the years end! I`m not sure he`s realizing the new wardrobe I`ll need to replace it all, LOL. That keeps me going. Shopping for clothes has become such a depressing chore, I hope someday it`s fun. I hate the way I feel after trying to find a pair of jeans that fit great. A new pair of jeans should make us feel great, not horrible.

I guess that pound can be accounted for, I started my period yesterday, so I dont feel so bad about one pound, when it`s usually 3 or 4 the day I start! I might wait a little longer than Saturday to weigh, just to give my body time to get back to normal. I`m having terrible cramps that go down through my legs, but thankfully no pain this month from ovarian cysts (usually it`s every other month). I did get in a great work out yesterday, I`ve always heard exercise helps for cramps. Did some stretching last night too that felt great.

The exercise has made this month so much more tolerable, I`ve been on medication before for PMS and since going off about a year ago, it`s been getting bad again. Last month I had 3 days straight of crying, picking fights with my husband, feeling totally out of control, couldn`t deal with the kids. It was so bad. To the point I almost kicked him out and he didn`t deserve it at all. This month, I was a little short and moody on Monday and thats it. Nothing compared to last month. I was ready to try the medication again, but I`m going to see how this works for a few months.

I guess I`ll be doing my own little project to see who`s right after all.... Tom or Brook? lol

*Gray*- How ya doin, girl? Have you gotten on the scale? I was wondering if you were taking measurements as well? you might be surprised to see inches gone even if the scale isn`t as low as you`d like. I took mine yesterday, since April I`ve lost about 2 inches off each measurement. I had to wait to have my sister find our numbers from our last attempt to lose weight together. I was thrilled to see the difference, although small, it`s pretty good considering how long I was off track! I`m especially happy about losing 2 inches off the upper arms, a big target area for me!

*just read your post!! I`m so happy for you!! My next mini goal is 215, are ya with me?? Keep up the great work! You have motivated me seeing that big 30 under your name!!! You must be feeling great.

Have a wonderful day, will check in later!

Last edited by Caro30; 07-06-2005 at 09:28 AM. Reason: happy banana dance for gray!
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Old 07-06-2005, 12:29 PM   #2325  
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Hi Ladies,
I'm out of the office today at a computer class and it's very boring. The thing I hate about it is that when I go into work tomorrow, I'll be swampped.
Oh well.

I just did something I'm not very happy with myself about. I bought 2 candy bars at lunch and ate them. Now, why couldn't I just bought one? Why do I do that to myself? I really need to find that answer within myself because I know it's a key to turning things around. Just not sure how to go about exploring that answer. Ideas? Suggestions?

Holly: I hope you feel better soon. Maybe you should go and see the doctor instead of waiting it out. Just be sure you rest...I know you need it.

Grey: CONGRATS! You got over the plateau and you didn't give up. What an inspiration you are.

Caro: I used to deal with PMS a lot. I had a hyst about 2 years ago. Not for PMS reasons but for a lot of other reasons. I've never regretted it, but I will say it wasn't a piece of cake afterwards.

Ladies, I ate that candy but I think that I can move on from it. I just won't have any dessert tonight and I'll be sure to work really hard at my workout. No sweets tomorrow to balance it out.

Have a great day. Hope to hear from everyone else. We miss you when you aren't here.

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