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Old 02-06-2004, 08:13 PM   #1  
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Default Stay at home moms #125

Welcome to a thread devoted to women who have the priviledge of taking care of our families while winning the battle to control our weight and have better health! Feel free to join right in! We look forward to getting to know you better!
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Old 02-06-2004, 08:20 PM   #2  
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Hi everyone.
Andrea, I hope that you don't get bad morning sickness. I didn't have it really bad either time. Candy, I hope that you are feeling better. We never got the flu here, just colds.Spryng, you probraly won't read this until later, but have fun with dh. Melinda, I have never been to an oyster roast. Sounds like fun.
Well, I didn't post much this last week because I was feeling lousy. I had been working out, but hadn't seen much results in the past couple of weeks. Well, my mom came over today after her divorce hearing, and she told me how good I looked and that she could really tell that I had been working out. Well, I had condsidered giving up on working out for awhile, but after my mom complimented me, I decided to stick with it. So hopefully this is a turning point for me. Well, everyone have a good weekend. Hi to Ginny, Geri, Lori, and missy. Hope I didn't forget anyone.
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Old 02-07-2004, 08:46 AM   #3  
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Good morning! I am feeling good this morning. Did a video workout in this morning. My DH and JW are sleeping, so I have time to shower before I get my nails and toes done today. JW came with us to the party last night. He kept me busy, so I did not have time to overeate.

Ricci: You are lucky to have such a supportive mom. I think the workout is more representative than the actual weight b/c you lose the inches. My mom has never had a weight problem. She constantly nags me. She has been a little easier on me since I have had her 1st grandchild. She is Asian and that culture does not seem to hold back on telling someone that they are fat. I have just learned to live with it. She is a wonderful mother, but I think the weight thing is her culture. Having a child has made me realize how important it is to stay healthy. It is not so much the number on the scale as the health issue and total well being.

Have a good weekend!
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Old 02-07-2004, 08:57 AM   #4  
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Just a quick post, will write more when I have time, but just wanted to let you ladies know that Avon has a sale on that stretch mark creme, its buy 1 get 1 free. Sounds like a pretty good deal!!

Last edited by alsbttrfly; 02-09-2004 at 09:11 AM.
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Old 02-07-2004, 12:42 PM   #5  
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Good Morning!

Spryng, congrats on the 1lb loss!!! You are going to be there before you know it.

Ricci, I'm glad your mom noticed how good you are looking! Makes all the work seem worthwhile doesn't it!

Melinda, have fun getting your nails and toes done! I've never had my toes done before. I think it would be so relaxing!

Well, today is my normal weigh in day, but I haven't stayed op this wk since I'm pg. I still weighed this morning and was at 158. I lost half a pound this week. I'm starting to feel kind of sick at my stomach so I think it is affecting my eating some. Well, dh is home so I don't need to stay on here long. I talk back at ya later!
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Old 02-07-2004, 08:24 PM   #6  
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Hi all! Melinda Wow! Congrats on your loss and your workouts! You are doing sooooo good! It is so cool that we live so close. I actually lived on James Island as a child. We will definitely have to meet one day!

Spryng and Andrea, hope you are enjoying your time with the dh's. Andrea, I hope you don't have a rough time w/ morning sickness. I only experienced nausea both times, which was bad enough, but have friends who actually lost a lot of weight due to throwing up. Yuck!!! How did you do with your boys? (Sorry if you mentioned that already but I didn't really get to catch up.)

Ricci, way to go with your workouts! Sometimes we can't see the improvement we are making because we get to see ourselves naked in the mirror and know that we don't exactly look like a supermodel but it is sooo wonderful when someone else notices that we are losing and firming up! Keep up the good work!

Lori, thanks for the info. I was scared at first because I just bought the thigh stuff and would have been sick if it was now on sale. I'm hoping to hear from Spryng and anyone else who has tried it if the stretch mark stuff works.

Well, I am still coughing like crazy. I think there is nothing worse than coughing. It keeps you up, wears you out and just overall sucks!
I am ready to be better. This is day 8 and I need this to go away!

Anyhows, hope you are all having a good weekend. Hi Ginny, Geri, Missy and anyone else I may have forgotten. Talk to you all soon.
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Old 02-07-2004, 10:04 PM   #7  
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Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Lori, thanks for the info on the streach mark creme. I may have to get some. Candy, I hope you get over being sick. That horrible cough is usually the last thing to go. I had mine for a week after my other cold symptoms were gone, and ds #1 had his for two. I will check in here tomorrow.
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Old 02-08-2004, 01:04 PM   #8  
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Hi everyone,

Just a quick posting. Have been working on the half bath. Should finish up all painting and cleaning today. The color looks cool!! So nice and bright. Taking the boys over to my gf house this afternoon so I get to relax!! Talk to you all later!!
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Old 02-08-2004, 06:30 PM   #9  
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Just wanted to check in and say I'm still here! We have had a busy weekend and I haven't had time to post. I will be back tomorrow. Dh leaves in the morning. Have a great rest of the weekend! TTYL!
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Old 02-09-2004, 09:56 AM   #10  
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Good morning all!
So sorry I was MIA all weekend, but with DH home we stay out late and all that, so I am sorry. But he just left a couple of minutes ago so things will get back to normal.
Well we did get a van!! I was hoping to get something in the late 90's, but we ended up getting a great deal on a 2001!!!!!!!!!! I was so thrilled! It's a 2001 Ford Windstar SE Sport extended minivan. We don't actually have it at the moment. It had just got to the lot so it hadn't been detailed yet (even though it was very clean) so they are bringing it to me today or tomorrow, but they sent us home in a 2003 Chevy Venture which is super nice. I'm not used to newer anything so this is heaven for me. Our car was a 1990 olds cutlass cierra that had many problems and it's so nice to be in a vehicle that starts whenever you want it to and even has a cd player!!! Our car didn't even have a tape player so this is great! But anyway, I am anxious for my van to get here. I'll take a picture and post it when it does. It's blue.
That same day we took the kids to chuck e cheese (they were so good at the car lot for 4 hours!) and that was alot of fun. So all in all it's been a great weekend. Just sad that it is over now and DH is gone.
Well I promise to get personal later. I still have to catch up on posts. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and lets all plan on having a great OP week!! TTYL!
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Old 02-09-2004, 12:06 PM   #11  
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Good morning. Just wanted to say a quick hello. Will wants to play upstairs and Tony is taking one of his cat naps so I don't want to be down here too long.

Congrats on the van Spryng!! I love new vehicles.

OK, gotta go already! Hope everyone's having a great day so far.
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Old 02-09-2004, 01:10 PM   #12  
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Yes, I am back from the missing. Had a super busy weekend, and then 4 out of 5 of us got sick (nothing awful, just felt a bit crummy with no energy).
But I have to be short- hope that tomorrow will be easier.
Andrea- sorry bout the morning small meals- of whatever (healthy!) that goes down ok. Feel better!!!

Ricci- congrats on the compliment!!!!!! Sometimes that is all you need to keep going- funny how you were just getting down about weight loss and Dm said something nice!

Melinda- glad that you are feeling good and got a little time in to pamper yourself! You deserve it.

Lori- thanks for the heads up on the stretch if I could just get the blubber off!!!!!!! Hope your day goes well

Candy- sorry about your awful cough. I used to try to figure if I could get activity points from all that hacking.......celestial seasonings makes a tea for coughs- and a really nice echnecia one with zinc for colds. Have you tried anything like that??? If nothing more, the hot liquid soothes.....gee am I dumb or work for a MD's office!!!!! Hope you feel better!!!

Geri- glad your redecorating efforts are coming out great. Sounds cool.....what color scheme are you using?

Spryng- congrats on the new van!!!! Sounds like you had a nice weekend with Dh. Hope your week goes well.

Gotta go- hope I can get back here tomorrow and be a bit less rushed. Have a great day!
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Old 02-09-2004, 06:34 PM   #13  
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Did not make it to the gym this morning, JW has some congestion and a runny nose over the weekend. I wanted to make sure it was cleared up before I took him to the nursery. He did let me get about 30 min from a tape while he was playing on the floor.

Has anyone had an onset of new illnesses since having their babies? Two weeks ago I had an asthma attack, hadn't had one in about 15 years. My nose has been bleeding and I got an ear infection. My doc said that the preg. hormones protect you for awhile, then your resistance is down. My thinking is that the asthma attack is due in part to the extra weight. The shortness of breath also comes when I am full of milk, especially during the night when I have not breastfeed. My point of all this is that having this asthma attack gave me a wake up call to get my butt back in shape and to lose weight. I know you did not need all of that, but I feel better now.

Ginny: I am following WW with my old stuff, but don't have the points for the activity. Do you have a run down? Not knowing is probably better, b/c I do not give myself an excuse to eat more since I worked out.

I hope everyone is having a good week. Getting my nails and toes done was just what I needed.

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Old 02-09-2004, 07:45 PM   #14  
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Spryng, congrats on your new van!!! I don't know how you did it with 3 kids! We decided on a van after we took a trip w/Sean in our Saturn when he was 6 months old. Between his carseat, stroller, diapers and everything else, we were loaded down. Glad you had a good weekend w/DH! When will he be back?

Ginny, seems like alot of us have kinda been MIA. I'm still doing bad, spent most of the day in bed. Thanks for the tea suggestion. I have been drinking lots of echinacea tea (Traditional Medicinals) and taking herbs like mullien, licorice root, and siberian ginseng but now it feels like I am getting an ear infection!!! I did an herbal ear drop of mullien, garlic and olive oil. Seems to be helping. Anyhows, no matter that I work for a dr's office because I don't put much faith in traditional medicine!!! I am always open to natural remedies!!! Glad you hear you and your family are doing better. I'll be glad when we get past this season.

Melinda, congrats on getting in the workout!!! Sorry to hear you have had a recurrence with some previous health problems. I too used to suffer from asthma and didn't have a problem for over 8 years until after Kylie's birth. That is also when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia. I would suggest you be especially conscious of what you eat, eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies. You are already doing really great with the exercise!!!

Geri, glad you got your bathroom done. It sounds great! How 'bout a pic? Hope you and Will had fun playing today!!!

Hi to everyone else!!! I have got to get some work done but it is just so hard when you don't feel well. Hope everyone has a great night. Oh, I was down 1 lb last week which was really disappointing considering I was sick all week and not eating much but I guess the lack of exercise kept me from losing more. Oh well!
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Old 02-09-2004, 10:42 PM   #15  
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Hi all,

Feeling very tired tonight so I'm turning in early. Just wanted to wish everyone a good night!! Talk to you tomorrow.
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