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Old 06-09-2004, 02:29 PM   #1  
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Default Stay at home moms # 190

Welcome to a thread devoted to those who have the ultimate job of taking care of their family. Here you will find wonderful women raising a family and trying to find time to take care of themselves and their weight too. So if you are a SAHM jump right in and say hello and to all you who have been here before I look forward to a new day with you!!
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Old 06-09-2004, 02:36 PM   #2  
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Hello everyone,
No, my monitor didn't die, yet. It sounds like everyone is doing really good. I can't remember anything from the last thread.
Spryng, that afghan is adorable. I can't do anything but a couple of basic stiches when is comes to crocheting.
I got my exercise in this morning, before 7:30!. I hve been getting alot of my daily stuff done first thing in the morning before I take Eric to school. I think I am beginning to like it. I weighed myself this morning, and am down two lbs for the week. It's not my normal weigh in day, but I didn't weigh in last friday. Yesterday, I went and enrolled in school, so I have that to look foward too at the end of August. I hope everyone has a great day.
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Old 06-09-2004, 02:37 PM   #3  
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Ricci, you and I were posting at the same time, lol. So I'll just copy and paste my last post here.

Hello again! Just a quick post from me, I'm about to go down for a nap.

Di so sorry you lost your post! I really hate it when that happens. When I write a really long post I always copy it just in case. My other computer used to lose posts all the time but this one is much better. Sounds like you had a rough night too. Maybe you'll get a nap in today too. And I agree with you about how you deal with falling off plan. I felt so guilty last night when I ate that cake. The sad thing is it wasn't even that good and I wanted to stop eating after the 3rd bite but I didn't. I ate the whole piece and it was a big piece. But then and there I decided I would exercise like crazy that evening and that is what I did. After I got my exercise in I earned 6 activity pts! So I was only over by 2 pts yesterday. So I think that is great. It shouldn't affect my WI (well nothing is affecting me WI's lately because of this stinking plateau) but if I was to see a loss this week that cake shouldn't influence it. I look forward to your WI tomorrow!
Crystal, hope your cup cake session is fun! My kids love to help with desserts.
Lisa, I just use a st ives lotion from walmart. It's for extra dry skin. And I also have that body luster from bath and body works in warm vanilla sugar that smells heavenly, makes my body really supple and has little shimmery things in it to look like a healthy glow. I love it and so does my Dh LOL. I like nair too. Not for my legs though I use it on my bikini line, lol. I still shave my legs and every now and then wax them.
Michelle, it's crazy how much you and I are alike, LOL. Cracks me up. So are you working the front desk or cleaning the rooms?

ok, now I am off to la la land. TTYL!
oh, I did get all my pics uploaded this morning so tonight I'll post a few for you all.
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Old 06-09-2004, 02:39 PM   #4  
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Ricci, congrats on the 2# off!! That is great. And it sounds like your exercise is going great. What school did you enroll in? some college courses or something?
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Old 06-09-2004, 03:34 PM   #5  
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Good Afternoon girls!!

I'm having a rough time of it these last couple of days, just tired all the time, it may almost be time for tom to pay a visit which could also explain my scale woes lol despite my hard work it is not moving lol. So it is hidden now and hubby said he didn't want to hear me *****ing about not being able to weigh lol I just laughed at him and he was all no no I know you and you are going to go through withdrawls lol. Damn men they aren't supposed to know us that well

Spryng - Well I'm working the desk and cleaning rooms lol I'm the first person at this hotel that has ever volunteered to help out in other departments and I figure hey it will look good and let them know that I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. I took yesterday off from exercise and I'm starting again tonight after work. Im planning an hour of walking and 30 minutes of resistance training.

Crystal - Girl I feel for you!! I wish you were feeling better, OHHHH one thing that did help me sometimes was to suck on hard candy, I actually had preggie pops and they had ginger in them and they definately helped on my days when my nausea wasn't soo bad. I wish I hadn't gotten rid of my maternity clothes I would have sent them to you but i just gave them all to a Teen/Single Mom pregnancy center.

Di - I know how you are feeling too. Being sluggish, ughhh I hate having these thyroid problems and one week I'll be super energetic and the next I'll be dragging my butt on the floor (OMG that just put the image of a dog dragging its butt across the ground GROSS!! Funny but gross lol) How do you deal with days when your body is really sluggish?

Ricci - Glad to see you got a post in and Congrats on the 2 lbs down!! Keep up the good work!

Lisa - I use suave lotion for my legs and it has that stuff that thins out the hair, I like it, I also like nivea OR Bath and body works sells shea butter and omg it is wonderful!! So thick and creamy and it smells like coconuts which I love lol.

Well guys I gotta get ready for work, I think I'm going to come home and eat dinner after I work and then I'm going to take Taylor to soak in the hot tub at work, its a 15 person hot tub so I'm sure it will be like a huge bath to her and she likes them extra hot so it will be fun, I'll even wear shorts lol!! TTYL!! Have a good evening I'll post again when I get home!
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Old 06-09-2004, 06:42 PM   #6  
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Default Ei yi yi

Sheesh - i can barely keep up these days! I had a nice day. I got some organization done - still more to do tonight. I'm planning to stay up after Liam goes to bed and get everything ready. Anyway, a friend came with me to get my hair cut so she could keep an eye on Liam in the waiting area. It was soooo nice ti do something for myself and it was just the attitude adjustment I needed!

Spryng: Don't worry too much that you got off plan - sounds like you really dealt with it well.
I'm sorry to hear about your disorientation with no electricity. How frustrating! I'm still not positive about the bikini either, but maybe my abs workouts will truly pay off and we'll talk then!

Lisa - I think you're being very wise to ease yourself into the workouts. You don't want to burn out and get discouraged. but you're doing a wonderful job. Those are funny stories about your son About Aveeno leg hair stuff - this seems to work only if you have very fine hair. THat's my understanding As for a good moisturizer, Jergen's Ultra Healing Intense Moisture tested very well by Good Housekeeping (I saw it on Good Morning America). Oops - I just read Crystal's reply - maybe she can better help

Michelle: cuddling with the family sounds nice. I'm sorry you are so tired. Ypu may be right about tom because that happens to me too. I also love the smell of coconut! I have pina colada bath gel and lotion. Yum, yum, yum.

Crystal - Happy Birthday to Ally! Wish I could have some cupcakes. Actually, today I've eaten so few points, I probably could!!

Di - sorry you were up all night. I wish you a better night tonight. I watch Starting Over too!!! We can totally discuss each episode I agree with what you said about how we deal with slipping up in our eating habits. I need some baby proofing stuff as well - Liam is scooting all over the place and has already tried eating some wires.

Ricci - on the 2 lb loss!!! Hooray. You're right on track.

Well, For some reason I ended up eating only a 2 point lunch, so I have lots of points left, even after my 7 point dinner of WW Salisbury Steak with Mac & cheese, and a sourdough English muffin on the side. I may be able to check in later when I'm up late organizing!
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Old 06-09-2004, 08:01 PM   #7  
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And I forgot to tell you gals - I put on a pair of pants that I haven't worn since before I began my diet and they were oh-so-big! They were almost falling off. I can't wait to take my 10lb loss photo in that skirt and top - I haven't wanted to try on any clothes in case they aren't that big - I thought it might disappoint me.
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Old 06-09-2004, 08:16 PM   #8  
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Leigh, whoever thought having old clothes hang off your body could be sooo exciting??!! Congratulations, that must have made you feel so good. Ahhh, babyproofing, it's a never ending battle most days. I'm hoping I get more sleep tonight, at least a block of it being longer than a couple hours, heck, 4 in a row would be awesome.

Michelle, I don't have any fantastic advice on what to do when you thyroid is sluggish somedays. I usually combat it with tons of caffeine, which isn't the most healthy alternative. LOL oh well I do what I can. I hate feeling lazy, but somedays I just do no matter what I try. I don't think I like that image you left me with of a dog dragging it's arse across the floor! LOL Take it away!

Steve is out late tonight, so dinner is alone, which makes life a little easier for me actually. He will be home in time for some hot tub relaxing and he owes me a massage and I intend to collect. The boys are really out of whack today, so that makes me out of whack as well. Tomorrow we are visiting some friends for a playdate and I still have to go out and buy a b-day gift for him. It's not looking good, I may have to dash out tomorrow morning or something.

Night for now, I'll check in tomorrow.

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Old 06-09-2004, 08:37 PM   #9  
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Good evening all!

Dinner came out good. I didn't make the pepper steak, I ended up making those mexican pitas so I could have one for lunch and then had two at dinner! lol. But still all within my pts for the day. Tomorrow I'll make the pepper steak. I am getting so sore from my workout last night. Usually the second day after working out is my sorest day so that will be tomorrow. fun fun, lol. But I am sore from my shoulder blades down to my calves so I know I got a good workout in last night and I still plan to get in my Firm Abs tonight.

Michelle, I really hope it is TOM that has you feeling so worn out. I'd hate to think it is your thyroid acting up for you. You are such a light hearted and spirited person so I know feeling so tired must get you down. And congrats on getting dh to hide that scale!! See the addiction got to you. You can only weigh yourself when you know you won't be upset when it doesn't go down each time so once a week is much better for you. But then again weighing once a week makes it much more fun and you have something to work for each day! And that hot tub sounds sooo good. The tanning bed tonight felt great on my sore muscles... really relaxing. I didn't want to get out, lol.
Leigh congrats on those pants being big! That is a great NSV!! Doesn't it make you feel good. I have a couple pairs of size 13/14 shorts (they are junior size so they are cut smaller) and all I wanted to do was wear them this summer. I couldn't get them over my knees when I started ww and I threw them on yesterday and felt weird because I hadn't worn them in awhile (I have a couple favorite shorts I wear constantly) and they felt so strange because the butt was baggy and the waist was baggy and I wasn't sure what was going on until I looked at the label and saw what they were lol and I was very happy to know that.

Well... I started this post and had to run off because Tanner pulled on a lace table runner and pulled down the fish tank and two glass candles that busted into a million pieces. I saved the fish! lol. Took me awhile to clean up all the glass. So glad none of the kids got cut. Now they are in the bedroom watching Finding Nemo and I'm taking a breather.
Ok, I'm off here to watch Mistic River and work on my blanket. TTYL!
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Old 06-09-2004, 09:23 PM   #10  
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Hey Kids!!!

I am a busy lady today, and I don't know what I have done!! LOL!!! Anyone have those days. My house looks good finally, all except my room, and I am working on it.

I am almost certain I will be below 200 this week and I am so excited!! I have been eating very well and drinking as much water as I can. I wore my pedometer today and am counting my steps. I am starting to walk with a friend in the morning. I saw some commercial with women who lost weight and had saggy skin...SCARY!!! So that was a huge motivator! I am hoping if I exercise alot I won't look like that. I can't afford plastic surgery to correct it!

Congrats to all for the big losses and the big clothes! I have on some capri exercise pants that would fall off if not for draw strings. Time for some new ones anyway cuz they look odd being big everywhere else.

Leigh...I will be up with you, cuz I am determined to have my whole house clean at once!!

Back in a bit, someone needs me.
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Old 06-09-2004, 09:31 PM   #11  
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Evening ladies!
Spryng - I know what you mean about being sore. I'm sore the day after doing my toning tapes. But I also figure at least I know it's doing something! Mexican Pitas sound good. That's awesome about the shorts being too big! It is a great feeling. I can't wait to see Mystic River! DH and I have it on our list to rent.

Di - hot tub??? That sounds wonderful. Part of DH's father's Day gift is a gift certificate for a massage at a spa here. We both love massages. Oh, the other part of his gift is dinner in Nashville, and me taking Liam out one weekend day so he can work on editing our home movies. That's his big hobby. Gee - I kind of went off on a tangent there, didn't I?

I see one of Liam's top teeth pushing through his gum, which thankfully explins his behavior the past few days. The house is coming together nicely. It isn't so much that I need to clean - it's more I have to finish getting my scrap space in order and doing a final surface straighten once that's complete. You know how organization is first messy? Later
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Old 06-09-2004, 09:55 PM   #12  
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Hi ladies,

Geez, you miss morning post and it takes half the night to catch up

Had to go to the mall to pick up the boys pictures today. Wasn't looking too forward to going because Will has been acting up in all stores. I took the double stroller which he generally loves to ride in and he did great. He remembered there is a train in the mall and I was hoping (foolishly) that he would forget all about it. He would never get on the thing...just wanted to watch it. Well today he finally rode in it and he didn't give me any hard time when it came time to leave. Maybe because I mentioned we were going to get him McDonald's for lunch (bribery gets you everywhere some days ).
So, anyway, I didn't get my exercise in today...oh well.

Ricci...congrats on the 2# babe! Glad your monitor is holding out. your sense of humor. Please stick with us and post as much as you want. Our computer is in our basement so I don't get on much during nice weather because we play outside as much as possible. I have a great tan already! Sorry the TOPS meeting went friends and I bring the average age of our group down (and we're all 40!)

Spryng...glad the kids didn't get cut and the fish survived. You actually can watch a movie when the kids are awake? Never in my house. Congrats on the workout. If it will help I will make the sacrifice and let you send the chocolate cake my way .

Michelle....bring on the Margarita's and I'll get Jimmy and we'll have another break in the deck party!! Wooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo...sorry, got a little carried away there . We've had 2 small parties but one was inside due to the rain. This afternoon the 3 of us spent almost an hour in the "big Pool" (ok, it's like 30" high) and about an hour or so later the wind shifted and it's darn cold out.... needed a sweatshirt just to water the flowers. Tomorrow is supposed to be cold too . Maybe I'll just post all day and drive you all nuts..ha ha. Or I could exercise and clean the house...hmmmm.

Leigh, I was wondering about Dh...the few times I caught any G8 news it was a black man named Wendell and not Jonathan. I'll keep checking it out though. Caught some of the Regan coverage tongiht and it really bummed me out. Poor Nancy...she's 82 and has to go through all this state funeral stuff. It is rather touching.

Di...the never stop getting into everything. Good luck with the new thingies!

Well, hello to everyone else out there. I'm tired and going to go straighten upstairs. I'll check back in tomorrow.
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Old 06-09-2004, 10:21 PM   #13  
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Lisa...Glad to see you really taking your plan and making it work for you! I think small, short term goals will help you stay motivated! That's what I have done and I have lost over 26 pounds(can't wait to see how much over on friday!) since 3/30.

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Old 06-09-2004, 10:27 PM   #14  
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Lisa - how wonderful that you felt good about your choices at lunch! Good for you. Also, I do think the smaller goals are a good idea. I suppose this depends upon the individual, but mini-goals work better for me (as you can see in my signature).

Geri - Glad Will cooperated at the mall - I find these things are always hit or miss. And no amount of planning can really do any good! Yeah, wish they'd either put DH on air or just send him home! I'll let you know the next time he's supposed to be on, though.
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Old 06-09-2004, 10:58 PM   #15  
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Hey Girls!!

Wow so many posts!!

Di - LOL well I was thinking about having some caffeine to combat the sluggish feeling but I just couldnt do it lol coffee makes me sooo jittery I hate that feeling so I'll just have to deal with it! lol Sorry about the dog butt image lol I have a sick sense of humor girl!!

Lisa - Sorry to hear your TOPS meeting was horrible!! From what I've heard usually TOPS is pretty good! Maybe you should report that chapter. It doesn't seem as if they are doing what the group was formed to do. Good job on setting some short term goals!

Spryng - Man oh man I am coming to your house for supper, and then we both can go to Geri's house for margaritas afterwards lol!! Your dinners always sound so great!! I still haven't made the asian burritos maybe this weekend! Don't you love how your muscles "hurt so good" after a workout? I just love it!!

Geri - Well I think we need to have a "fat chick" breaking in the deck party lol and it better not rain or the Wisconsin weather gods will have to deal with the wrath of michelle, **** hath no fury like a womans scorn lol I watched the Reagan Funeral too and it brought me to tears! He really was a great man!! And didn't Nancy handle it all with such grace? I was so impressed and touched!

Cindi - How goes it girl? I can't wait to see your weigh in!!!

Leigh - I think I see one of Teagans top teeth coming in too but when I feel the gums there doesn't seem to be a tooth lol oh well we'll see in the next few days. Can you believe our lil babes will be 8 months old soon!! It seems like I just had her yesterday.

Well girls of course I'm exhausted again I swear tomorrow I'll be up and running like normal or I hope so at least, So I'm going to go to bed early and get a good nights rest and hopefully I'll be all good tomorrow!
Have a good night girls!!
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