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Old 05-31-2004, 11:01 AM   #226  
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It's a restart week for me (last week I slacked so this week I weigh the same) so we can restart together.

One thing that helps me - make it as easy on yourself as possible. It may mean sitting down for a half hour once a week to plan, but at least you don't have to go through the whole process three or four times a day. Have you ever visited for suggestions? One of the tips there - after you do your shopping, write the point values on everything as you're putting stuff away. This has helped me SO much. I keep a sharpie in the kitchen so every time I figure the points for something, I write it on the container - so I don't have to do it over and over. For things that don't have containers or for recipes, I have a list that I'm always updating and I keep it on the fridge. I'd rather just figure this stuff out ONE time, than have to do it over and over. She even suggests that for snacky things (pretzles or whatever) divide them into serving sizes so you can just take a baggie and go instead of counting it out. I don't do that, but I do measure out my serving and then put everything away. It also helps me to just shut off the light and stay out of the kitchen after I'm done with my last planned food for the day. I put my journal away (so I'd have to dig it out if I ate anything else), shut off the light, and get involved in something else.

Hope any of that helps.

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Old 06-01-2004, 09:33 AM   #227  
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Thanks so much for the encouragement girls I went to my WI tonight, and you're never going to believe this, but I lost!!!! ... Only half a pound, but when I was seriously expecting a gain of at least 3lbs, it sure felt good to be told I'd lost!! Can't imagine how that's happened but I'm not complaining. I even asked if they wanted to re-weigh me just to double check, but they didn't, and when I got home I checked on my own scales and they showed the same half pound loss ... I've checked each week on my own scales and they've always been exactly the same as the WW scales, so I know it's not a mistake. Needless to say, this has given me a bit of a boost, and I'm feeling happy and positive about the whole 'diet' thing once again

It was such a different story earlier today ... I'm going out tomorrow night for a friends birthday (Oh no, not another meal!!! ) and went shopping today to try to find something to wear ... I know I've told you all this before ... that Marks and Spencer is the only place that has clothes to fit ... Well, I must have tried on just about every outfit in the store and couldn't find anything suitable that fit me properly!! ... I was so depressed On top of that, I had an argument with Nick this morning, all about my weight, because I told him I thought I'd gained, and he's basically getting p****d o** with me for not having any willpower ... I ended up in tears, not because of what he said to me, but because I'm angry with myself, and I'm the only one to blame. Anyway, decided I had to buy something to make me feel better, so bought loads of expensive sexy undies to cheer me up ... not that I LOOK particularly sexy in them, in fact I'd prefer not to LOOK at all ... but it made me feel better! ... Now I have two surprises for Nick ... a weight loss ... and the undies!!

So glad I went to my meeting ... I hope I've learned my lesson!!

Have a great week everyone!

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Old 06-01-2004, 11:24 AM   #228  
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First, congrats on your loss! FAB!

Also, I understand so much about the clothes thing - I have just broken down and wailed in more dressing rooms than I care to admit. Ironic that tho there are few plus sized clothes we'd want to wear, there are absolute heaps of frilly undies? Oh well, at least the bottom layer is pretty!

Last - why on earth is your husband making you feel bad about your weight?
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Old 06-02-2004, 12:01 AM   #229  
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Hi guys!

I totally hear you on the clothes thing. Nichola, I'd be more than happy to send you some stuff from here if you'd like. Or you could order from some online catalogues, have them sent here, then I could send them on to you if you'd like. Nothing picks you up like something new to wear. I always say "I'm not buying anything new until I lose 25 pounds, but then I feel like crap about the way I look and get all depressed and in the dumps and then eat eat eat." So I've bought some new things lately, am feeling pretty good about myself, and am starting to get back on track. We can do this!

Lots of hugs,
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Old 06-02-2004, 02:24 AM   #230  
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Hi Girls,

Glad to say I'm feeling really good today.

Brandy, that's a good point about the undies ... if they make undies for the 'larger lady', why aren't there more clothes to fit us ... perhaps they expect us to walk around in our bra and knickers ... now that would be a sight for sore eyes!! In answer to your question about why Nick is making me feel bad about my weight ... Well, quite frankly, he's heard it all so many times over the past ... OMG ... about 15 years!! He's heard all the excuses, the sob stories, put up with all the tears and frustration, tried to support and encourage me when I've lost motivation ... all to no avail. I think he's just about sick and tired of listening to it all ... and who could blame him?! ... I'm sick and tired of listening to myself!! It must be difficult, for people who have never really had a weight problem, to understand why we can't just 'go on a diet' and lose the weight. He did actually say that to me, and said he thought it should be easy ... they just simply don't understand what it's like to watch everything that you eat and never be able to overindulge on a night out. He's just as guilty as anyone else for sabotaging my efforts ... he's always coming home from work and opening a bottle of wine with dinner ... several points that I usually haven't calculated on having ... and can't say no! Anyway, we've had a good talk about it and he's apologised for upsetting me ... but quite honestly, I can't say I blame him ... I think I'd probably do the same. I can only say that I hope I've learned something from this ... I've wasted so many years already and don't want to waste any more time looking like I do.

Lorraine, thanks very much for the kind offer. I've considered doing this before, but I figure that if I can't find anything to fit properly when I can actually try it on, then it's highly unlikely that I'll get anything to fit properly without being able to try it ... you just never know what size to order. I used to order a lot of my clothes through Freemans of London, who will deliver to HK, but I've had to send so much stuff back ... which costs a fortune!! But one day, in the not too distant future, when I'm slim ... I may take you up on that offer.

Thanks again to both of you for helping to pull me through this ... I'm now well and truly back on track ... I even bought some of the points scales from WW last night, so no excuses!!

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Old 06-04-2004, 08:32 AM   #231  
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Lorraine, you're such a sweetie

About the not buing new stuff till you lose - I have so done that. It never works. Five years ago I said I wouldn't get my roots done till I hit 230. Clearly that didn't work out. It's just easier to diet and feel like I can be successful when I feel good about myself - and it's hard to feel good about yourself in ill-fitting clothes, roots showing (or in my case, four gray hairs standing straight up and waving at all who pass by), nails all ragged, etc. I can not threaten or punish myself into losing weight. Much like puppies everywhere, the reward system works better for me

Nichola, I used to talk to Mark about my weight misery, plans, and schemes but then he would like...comment. I was so friggin indignant. Of course, his comments were just suggestions on how I might make things easier on myself. Still, it used to make me INSANE He was never insulting and prefaced every comment with, "I don't think you need to lose weight at all BUT..." and then he'd tell me about some article he read or whatever. Puh-leeze. I have been dieting since I was six. I am an expert on all the reasonable and not so reasonable ways to lose weight. Now he knows that if I am talking, it is possible that it's all talk and all he needs to say is, "I don't think you need to lose weight at all." Period. And even then I have been known to get PO'd I am not an easy woman to live with. Poor husbands

Speaking of husbands, mine has spent about 9,034 hours at work this week so it's possible he'll be coming home early today. We are thinking of going to the movies. I LOVE going to see a movie in the middle of the day. Yay

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Old 06-05-2004, 12:33 AM   #232  
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Brandy ... only 4 grey hairs? ... Lucky you!! ... I must have 4004!!

I do agree with you about treating yourself to make you feel good ... if I don't feel good, I get depressed, and we all know what happens when I feel depressed!! ... That's why I bought the underwear ... and I'm treating myself to a hairdo next week ... If I can't find clothes to fit then I guess I will have to treat myself some other way

As for 'poor husbands' ... I really do sympathise with mine. Whatever he says to me is the wrong thing ... When he keeps quiet, it's the wrong thing to do ... it means he's not being supportive! When he makes any comments or suggestions, it's the wrong thing to do ... he's critisising me! He can't do right for doing wrong as far as my weight loss is concerned.

So far so good this week ... although I don't hold out much hope for a loss at my next WI ... the past 2 weeks has got to catch up with me sooner or later ... guess I'll just have to try a little harder.

Have a great weekend!

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Old 06-07-2004, 11:41 AM   #233  
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Enough about poor husbands, more poor us!

Ok, just kidding I'm glad I'm not married to me.

I have made a little decisions for this week - I'm not weighing myself. I am sooooo close to my 10% I don't even want to see the scale again till I'm pretty sure I'm there. Does that make sense to anyone? I'm tired of ooching closer, I'm going to wait till next Monday before I weigh myself - I am BOUND to be there by then.

Normally not weighing everyday lets me sort of kid myself, but I am VERY focused on FINALLY getting there. I just can not stand to see a single half pound over 239 at this point.

Anyway, hope things are going well for all of you guys. I'm still journaling and moving along pretty well. Sooner or later I'm going to have to exercise

Take care,
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Old 06-10-2004, 10:23 AM   #234  
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Hi everyone!

Brandy...that makes total sense to me! Nothing would frustrate me more than being 0.2 away from my 10% and having to wait another week.

I had my first weigh in since the rededication and I'm down 1.6! I'm thrilled as I've decided that each week my only goal is to be down 1 pound. At DWLZ there was a great thread about "If I ONLY lost one pound a week where would I be?". Breaking things down into that little increment really helped me. 29 pounds lost by Christmas, 54 by my 5th Wedding Anniversary, that kind of thing.

Well, I'll be away for a few days. We're going to Vancouver this weekend, so I'll be back on Monday. I'm going to fight really hard to stay on program.

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Old 06-11-2004, 08:38 PM   #235  
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Congrats on your 1.6!!! That's GREAT!

Hope you had a great trip!

I'm still holding out on weighing in and now I've been hit by PMS. I've been really faithful to the plan but I feel kinda puffy. I may skip weighing in (but I'll stay OP!) just so I don't have a disappointment. Even tho I KNOW any gain would be water (it would HAVE to be) I just don't want to deal. But we will see. Curiosity might get the best of me.

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Old 06-11-2004, 10:34 PM   #236  
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Lorraine, well done on your 1.6lbs loss, that's great ... keep it up! Have a great trip

Brandy, I'm keeping my for you to reach that 10%!!

I went to my WI on Tuesday and stayed the same. I didn't expect to lose anything due the past 2 weeks, so wasn't disappointed. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to make next weeks WI as there is staff cocktail party, which has been arranged by the class parents, so I have to attend. I'm going to have to try extra hard to stay on track for 2 weeks without a WI!! I think I will weigh myself at home to make sure that I don't become complacent, and think that I'm being good if I'm not!!

We have just provisionally booked flights for 14 July to either Thailand or Bali ... at last hubby is able to take a holiday!! It's been so long since he had a proper break, I'm really looking forward to it. However, now it's become a reality that we're actually going on holiday, I'm wishing that I'd stuck to my plan properly as I would have been well on my way to goal by now. Instead, I've only lost 7.5lbs and still look like a beached whale in a swimsuit!! ... I get the feeling of deja vu ... I've got about 4 weeks left to make a difference!!

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Old 06-13-2004, 10:10 AM   #237  
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Fingers crossed on your next WI, Nichola - even if you have to do it at home. You are doing SO WELL! And the vacation sounds great! That's a month away - a LOT can happen in a month if you stay OP! Start working out! Even if the loss isn't huge, working out will make a difference in how you look.

We are going on vacation in September (you all remember - with not one but TWO 19 year old Barbies, right? Yeah) and I've just finally faced it - weight loss is great but I'm going to have to start working out if I want to seriously cut down on any embarassing jiggle factor.

I can not face weighing in on Monday. I have been really, really OP this week. I've done well, I KNOW I have but I have all the signs of PMS, including sausage fingers which means I'm retaining. The next number I see on that scale WILL be in the 230s, so I'm willing to wait another week. I know that any bump or non-loss tomorrow would HAVE to be from PMS-related stuff but ugh. I just don't want to know. Ya know?

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Old 06-21-2004, 12:10 AM   #238  
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Hi guys!

Seems to be quiet here...Hope everyone is well. I've had an up and down week, so I am hoping for a decent showing at the scales, but we'll have to see I guess.

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Old 06-21-2004, 12:57 AM   #239  
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Hello Ladies! Feels like ages since I posted. Probably is. Glad to hear everyone is doing great. Between weight loss and holidays, you all are on track.

I've started doing WW again, since I gained back some of the weight I lost. Yuck! I have to stop being a baby and take my program seriously. I'm just so sick of being FAT. I know I've said this a gazillion times, and this will make gazillion and one.

Wish me luck!

P.S. I changed my start weight to reflect my new starting point, so as not to confuse my self and to be honest.
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Old 06-21-2004, 10:03 AM   #240  
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Hiya girls!

Good luck with the scales Lorraine

Raff, much luck to you as well! and congrats on starting over

I have had a rough 10 days diet-wise. I have just been all over the place - not binging or anything, just not as careful as I could have been. PMS and TOM are evil, evil, evil

Still haven't weighed myself. I keep putting it off. The good thing would be to finally weigh and see that all my hard work has paid off and I'm down a few. The bad thing would be - well, if that didn't happen

I need to change my stats in my sig - or at least order them somehow. I have had this vacation coming up for ages, it's now three months away (yes, we have to plan very far in advance) and as there is beachiness involved I want to lose as much as possible!!! So I may be up for a week to week challenge or count down or some such.

Glad to see a little activity around here again

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