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Old 01-17-2007, 04:00 PM   #1  
haggy-saggy aprongutarse
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Default Cows Gone Wild

Now, i wasn't suggesting we show our udders---but let us try and kick up some dust around here---i am fat,lazy,refluxing and lethargic------i am also a basket case worrying about the ds although he is eating marginally better [ he eats hardly any breakfast or lunch but eats a very large pasta dish each night for supper and also eats a snack] ---that is better than the NOTHING he was eating a week ago-----anyway---we had the blood tests,we are having the gi series,so i have to learn how to sweat it out without having a heart attack myself-----this morning i got up at four am cause i was feeling so stressed and crappy-----i surfed the net til i calmed down-----ANYWAY I DIGRESS AS USUAL------------- let us go wild---------------and if you think by going wild i mean drink more,then you are right. tell us what going wild means to YOU!!!!!
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Old 01-17-2007, 09:44 PM   #2  
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Going wild is when your kids are doing nothing to weigh on your mind and you frolic through the day with a smile on your face.

I really like that show Armed & Famous. Anyone else watch it?

My own ds is supposed to make a appt to have his wisdom teeth out. So far, it's been four months. Today he went to the clinic and they asked for $100 so he left. He asks me what he's supposed to do and I say, "Call your dad." DS could pay the $100 but dad agreed to pay for wisdom teeth stuff so he should start paying. Basically what I'm saying is ds is a guy and guys do not ever make sense or get things done that are important.

Blah. I hate that Kiwi keeps leaving.
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Old 01-18-2007, 05:48 AM   #3  
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Yes, the Taffy Haired one is quite the Belle of the Ball..what with her traipsing about!

I am Fat,Flabby and Flatulent..Going Wild for me would mean food is involved..mass quantities of really crappy food..But I'll definitely join ya in a virtual margie (strawberry :yum: )

No I haven't seen that show yet... I'll tune it in since Reality TV is up my alley.. DH calls it "crap tv" in yer watching that Crappy (insert show name ) Again!?

I swear both our hearing is going...
DH was talking about a coworker named Airick.. Airick did this and then Airick said... I'm like WHO is Airrick... well he meant Eeeerick.. I guess he's picking up that Southin Drawl Then we had a spat about an All leather couch... I'm like WHAT are You talking about .an all leather couch?? That's what you said----Nooooo, I said A Full Electric House... (Fer some reason DH doesn't want to go with propane.. )

We did pick out a house design that only needs some tweaking.. The one I liked on the outside needs far too much modifying as it is ridiculously big and has stuff I dont want or need... so when I really took a look at it , it was just the outside that I liked... It has lots of peaks and angles .. (which I am finding out that the more corners on your house the more $$ it is.)

This is the one that I like the outside

This is the one we are 99% sure of.

We both like this one, but I did more checking and had about 5 houses I mulled over.. DH never wavered from this one--for some reason I started to see a big owl face in the peaks .
/\ /\
O O It kinda weirded me out

Last edited by Schatzi; 01-18-2007 at 05:54 AM.
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Old 01-18-2007, 08:18 AM   #4  
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I don't have time to look at floor plans before work but must ask about Eeerick ... is that someone off the Adams Family? You don't really say ear-ic for Eric do you? that is wrong. It's air-ic. Poor Shotsdh.
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Old 01-18-2007, 08:43 AM   #5  
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Shotzdh says he loves you.
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Old 01-18-2007, 08:50 AM   #6  
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I find this funny: Our area had a "Storm". It was all the tawk on the TeeVee last night...All the preparation what with salting and brining the roads... Folks on Standby..
We got a dusting - a millimeter of snow ... with ice though. The area is in COMPLETE GRIDLOCK! 217 traffic incidents !! Schools are not Delayed opening but Shut down...The news is hysterical "this is a BIG storm"... Ooops just saw a car go slidy ! (Maybe it's not that funny... Icy roads...)

Just thought our Nawthin friends would like to know

This is my first snowfall in Nerth Caroliner!
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Old 01-18-2007, 11:09 AM   #7  
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We've been having a snow storm here too, Schatz. Probably about 4 inches, but ppl have gone crazy. All the schools are closed. Cars are sliding all over the place. Here's a video of the way ppl drive in the snow here----
This should give you northern cows a laugh.
Schatz---- I love your house plan. I especially love that there are pictures of what the finished interior looks like. Beautiful!!! I see no owl staring back at me. I can imagine Schatzi rocking on the front porch when she's 80. It looks like a house to make a home in. Very solid.

Air-ick is correct out here on the left coast.

Bagz, good to hear DS is eating better. Hope all his tests give you some answers.
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Old 01-18-2007, 02:01 PM   #8  
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Sorry, I have dry skin and my bra straps keep falling down. Please forgive my rants. I will try again.

Okay, deep breaths. That's better. The eplan one is pretty, but too big, I agree. Gotta watch those roof lines $$$$$$$$$$. The other one is very nice -- of course, it was watching me, but I don't think it would do that out in the wild. Over on the right side of the house, it was winking.

Originally Posted by Cowpernia View Post
Blah. I hate that Kiwi keeps leaving.
You're sweet. I do keep coming back. See? Here I am.
Originally Posted by Schatzi View Post
I'm like WHO is Airrick... well he meant Eeeerick.. I guess he's picking up that Southin Drawl Then we had a spat about an All leather couch... I'm like WHAT are You talking about .an all leather couch?? That's what you said----Nooooo, I said A Full Electric House...
You guys are hilarious. Really now, are you saying that he is pronouncing Eric "Ay-Rick" ? Because that sounds like a southern thing. I think most people say something between Air-Rick and Eh-Rick.

Originally Posted by Schatzi View Post
We got a dusting - a millimeter of snow ... with ice though. The area is in COMPLETE GRIDLOCK! 217 traffic incidents !! Schools are not Delayed opening but Shut down
Yes, isn't it amusing? I always used to make fun of NC for that.

Speaking of treacherous driving, I let DD drive the entire trip on Tuesday, the day after we got about 7 inches of snow. Interstates were all cleared, I don't think they cancelled schools. Where it was more frozen rain etc, the roads were salted and we had no problems at all. The day before was a little hairy, so I'm glad we weren't driving then, but the key thing is we now have lots and lots of snow, but there is really no driving problem. Amazing, huh?

DD and I had a lovely time. We stopped at BF's school and took him out for his birthday dinner. It was so funny, we didn't know where we wanted to go out for dinner, but we drove by a place I had eaten at years ago with DH and friends and I knew it was very good, so we stopped there. High end Italian place with linen tablecloths and "classical" music piped in. It was a bit more expensive than I would have liked, but I thought it was a better choice than some noisy trendy place; BF was a little under the weather recovering from a cold. So anyway, we sat there in this completely deserted dining room and made fun of the weird music choices. DD said it was the Hallmark Channel. Honestly I never heard such depressing music in a restaurant -- we made up stories to go with it. But it was a great meal, and once we stopped whispering because it was so durn quiet in there, we had a good time. Then we took BF back to school, met his roommate, accused BF of stalking DD (he had at least a dozen photos of her on his wall), bought DD some ice cream and finally headed out to Boston. Where we stayed up until 2 am, Dd unpacking her stuff, her roommate chatting with her gf online, a hall neighbor eating pizza and plinking on DD's guitar. Oddly, nobody seemed to think it was strange that I was spending the night; these kids are so utterly tolerant it's weird. DD slept on a borrowed blowup mattress and I slept on her very high bed -- had to jump to get up on it. She got up early and went to buy her books, then came back and climbed back into bed. We slept till noon! Then I took her out for apple pancakes and to run a few errands, and left town about 3 pm. Very nice time. That is until I got on the road and started getting weepy. When will that ever stop? Yeah, I know, never.

The drive back was not bad at all -- very sunny and the roads were dry. I have never seen it so cold, though! I have a thermometer in the car, and it registered as low as 23 BELOW ZERO!!! It was about 10 below at home. Today the temp has "shot up" into the 20s almost. Beastly, but I'm sorta glad it's real winter. At least there's snow to play in. Jet is loving it.

Later, wild things. I already had my wild times this week -- from getting very silly Saturday night with our visiting friends to bowling and playing pool. What would be really wild would be if I could find some way to get fit and healthy.

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Old 01-18-2007, 06:05 PM   #9  
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Right in the middle of a hurricane. Really. His name is Kyrill and he's nasty. Kids got to come home from school at 11 this morning. House may lift off any minute. No, actually we're all fine but I DO NOT like wind and there's a lot of it and things are rattling and I'm just waiting for something outside to break. That's what I get for not growing up in Flaaawridderr.

Will post something sensible and not self-absorbed tomorrow
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Old 01-19-2007, 09:45 AM   #10  
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poor sugar!!! i heard about the storm in Europe!!! i called dd in denmark and she said it was windy and rainy but not as crazy in more southern regions---i think Central was the worst we heard of---germany and austria ,holland and england!!!hang on,cause i heard the winds were dying down today!!!!----we are having a storm today----everywhere but HERE on the coast it is snowing---we have rain and wind----all the schools are closed all over the province except OUR region which did not impress the ds!!!------kiwi!!! your adventure sounded so sweet---i find the same thing with the dd's friends---they don't seem to mind parents being around---- i think it's the way they were raised =----unlike they way we were raised-----we were raised by the generation who liked to separate the kids from the adults----i think we were more involved -----LIKE A LOT MORE@!!!! there is NO WAY I would have wanted my mother in my dorm room!!!!!--shatzi===the houses are beautiful------just stunning----i can't wait til your house warming party---kiwi [OR AS I THINK WE SHOULD CALL HER ' taffy '] can organize the games!!!
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Old 01-19-2007, 05:55 PM   #11  
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Originally Posted by Bagzz View Post
there is NO WAY I would have wanted my mother in my dorm room!!!!!
I know! I thought for sure when we went back to DDbf's dorm they were going to suggest I wait in the car -- but no, apparently they just assumed I would go in with them. It's nice to have a bit of a grownup relationship with them so early -- must have been another decade before I acted like an adult with my parents!

I hadn't heard about the hurricane Hope everything is allright with Sugar. Isn't that kind of unusual for Germany?

We're having all that lovely snow, Bagz (Sorry DS -- you can come over here and play in it if you want!). And thank goodness because the local economy took a really big hit last winter with not enough snow to sustain any snowmobile business to speak of. That's huge around here, also ice fishing, although you wouldn't catch me out on the ice yet this year. We already have had some scary accidents with snowmobiles and trucks going through the ice. Here's an article partly about my town. The restaurant mentioned is my regular hangout.

Hey, guess what? I went snowshoeing today with my pupster! She had to wear her bare feet though... Can you imagine dogsize snowshoes? heehee

Anyway, it was good exercise, rather exhausting in fact, even though I only went as far as what would normally be a 20 minute walk. Took me about an hour I think. The dog is still melting out in the mudroom -- she had so many little snowballs on her feet and leg hair that I made her stay out there.

I also started my new PT -- they had to switch me from OT to PT because the OT guy left for greener pastures. The PT girl is very nice and gave me some silly putty to squeeze in my spare time

Later, cowsies,
Don't be too jealous of my beautiful snowy.. winter.. wonderland...

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Old 01-20-2007, 12:58 PM   #12  
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I'm here. No one else is. Bye
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Old 01-20-2007, 07:11 PM   #13  
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AWWWWWWWWWWW TAFFY!!! I AM HERE!!! EVER SINCE I GOT ME NEW LAPTOP I HAVE BEEN ADDICTED TO THE COMPUTER---I CAN USE IT AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE,THE SHOP ,THE SUPPER TABLE---IT IS JUST SO EASY TO CART AROUND!!!---RIGHT NOW I AM DRINKING A MIKE'S HARD LEMONADE --CRANBERRY--AND WAITING FOR THE MOVIE TO START--WE ARE WATCHING THE SPELLING BEE MOVIE THAT OPRAH RECOMMENDED---DS AND DH AND I--- my doctor came into the shop today with his wife--he is so sweet---he just wanted to tell me that ds's blood tests were fine---no major problems!!! --now we will wait til next week for the xray---hopefully that will reveal whether he has acid reflux---other than that i guess we can only blame stress and anxiety for his problems--- poor kid--awful young to be joining that club!!----my gosh,the shop is soooooooooo boring this month--i am loooosing money [not weight]---and i have a giant tax bill to pay because of how well we did in december----retail really can SUCK~~~!!!!!!---it's freezing out again---i must let the cat back in~~~!!!
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Old 01-20-2007, 07:12 PM   #14  
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in case you haven't seen him before, that was dd20's visiting cat [over the holidays]---his name is Webster and he has two different coloured eyes~~!!!!
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Old 01-21-2007, 10:45 AM   #15  
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Maybe you all had the same guy on your local news, but I was surprised. It was Christopher Something-mann (Werrmann?) from Germany reporting on the storm. They called it a storm not a hurricane. We saw people holding onto lamp posts while they waited to cross the street. Here, we drive across the street so that was interesting.

So nice to see MeDogpatch in the news. What does Scootic mean? You all scoot around somehow? The mental pictures are not pleasant.

DS is irritating me. He never emails or calls with good news, just bad news. I hear about car problems, missed meals, hard classes and now he said, "too bad UF doesn't like merit scholars anymore." No explanation. He says he's out of money as the scholarship funds aren't in yet and makes it sound like he's starving. But he doesn't say that right out. He had the chance to work over Christmas break but didn't so what can I say?

PT sounds good. Silly putty is fun. You can make your own, I think.

Just watched a movie from the 30s or 40s called "Twentieth Century" with Carole Lombard and John Barrymore. Ho hum.
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