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Old 04-01-2005, 11:09 AM   #61  
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Hi guys!!! Does anyone have the problem read everyone's posts and forget exactly who said what?? I need to keep a notepad with me so I can refer back and talk to everyone separately like you all do so well! Monet, I even like your different makes it easier to read!

Well, we never got our rain here...and it is a little cooler than yesterday, but still beautiful! I have been out with the kids and our new double bike trailer...this is my first day out with the bike trailer and like any mom, I am a bit nervous about its safety...but, it seems extremely stable. We are taking a break now for fluids and then we are going back out on it.

Today I had the same was good..but, I burned my egg a bit.

Question to you all...I absolutely have a snack I LOVE..and I want to make sure it is okay. I cut up a small apple and then, in a little custard dish I melt some peanut butter (smuckers, natural) and a little make it liquidy (is that a word?) Tell me, is this okay and on plan??

I had liver for dinner last night (we went out to eat) and they wanted to put a "potato" with, I asked them if I could substitute, they did. It was good! I saw that liver was okay here and there...I read it in the book.

I am glad that wine is okay. Tomorrow night I have to go out with DH to "casino night"--he is a manager at Enterprise Rent-a-Car..and they put on some fun events. So, tomorrow night is going to be wine, beer (a no no) and pizza...what to do about that? Last year, they just had pizza...chips...pretzels...and no veggie trays or anything good. I scraped the cheese off the pizza last year (was cutting out bad carbs then too)--is that the best thing to do? Maybe, eat before I go?? Oh, I will play it by ear...but, I won't fall off the wagon.

I don't know if it is in my head, but, I am feeling a bit looser in my pants??? I just can't wait until I feel "wonderful."

I may try that detox, Monet..I am contemplating a 10 day ordeal. I think 10 days out of 365 shouldnt' cause too much upset in my family???

Okay, will check back later. I have to work tonight 2-8pm est. (yes, it will be edt soon!!! 4/3 right?)

Thanks for all the kind words about my Grandma...

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Old 04-01-2005, 11:18 AM   #62  
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Default had ONE nice day this week...well, actually yesterday was pretty nice, too, but I was grocery shopping and mostly missed it...BUT, day before yesterday it was in the mid 50's and I had my wash drying in the sunny breeze and now...They actually had the words SNOW and ACCUMULATION in the forecast for the weekend!! At least we've finally gotten rid of the the leftover piles before this new coating takes place. Cripes! It's a wonder we don't all come down with P-neumonia, as my mom would say...!!

Sebray!! So nice to see you back on the boards again!! Trust me when I tell you that any weight loss I've had has been painstakingly slow. But I'm holding fast to 166 and I'm down a jeans size from 16's to 14's!! And I zip them standing up and can breathe as well!! Get back on the wagon and catch up with me m'dear!! Believe me, I'll be at 166 for a while!!

Thinwithin: Welcome to our cozy corner of the boards. Have you tried Cauliflower Soup? I can't remember if the recipe is in the Sugar Busters book or the South Beach book, but it's made in the crock pot and is really good!! I'll try and find the recipe and post it in the recipe board.

Monet: You're detox is sounding just...lovely? At least it seems to be working for you!! I hope the benefits include more than weight loss. Don't stay on it too long because your hubby's'll be needing some protien soon!! Just stay safe!!

DRUM!! 15 pounds is fabulous!! You've got me beat and in less time, too!! Keep up the great work!!

Susan: I'm glad your 'puter made it through the big ZAP!! That's scary stuff!!

Cindy: I'm going to plant some beefsteak tomatoes, red and green peppers, radishes, peas, beans and maybe carrots. The easy stuff that my brother and I used to grow in our garden when we were kids. I LOVE gardens.

Julia: I'm happy for you that you don't have to take that vile solution for the diabetes test...That test ruined my whole day with both pregnancies! Bleh! Good luck with the new Gyno!

Crystle: Great pictures!! Thanks for sharing!!

BOB: So sorry you're not feeling do have all the luck!!

Toni, Jack, Sarah and anyone else I missed: HIYA!!

I would love to reply further, but I have to get ready for Girl Scouts and remember to toss in lunch, as well. I have to clean off my back porch and mop it...this time of year, the mud is unbelieveable!! And the litter box has been neglected, as usual, and I have to do that up, as well, then clean my clutter corner in my kitchen and dust and...well, I better just get to it!! Have a great day, guys!!

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Old 04-01-2005, 11:23 AM   #63  
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Good morning...

Today is a lazy day, I went back to sleep after making dd I knew I had a little time because she usually watches her fav shows in the morning Anyway, now that I am up, I hope to be more productive today despite the feeling of laziness.


SARAH : What a sweet and thoughtful dad.....the florentine omelette sounds yummy! Yes, the omelette was totally legal so you can enjoy it again and again!! Take your time with SB book, just don't worry with every little tiny details, as long as you get the whole concept, that is the most important thing, IMO. I believe that SB allows red wine (dry red wine??) but on a limited basis which I believe you will have to use your own judgement. I don't drink wine of any kind but I love cooking with it though...just add such good flavour to the dish. Sorry to hear about your grandma, will keep her in my prayers.

TONI : Get back on the wagon asap and you will be just fine. Are you grand kids still here? Oh no...hope whatever sickness lingering in your house will go away soon.

BOB : I know what you mean about sick of being tired. I just cannot imagine your frustration and how much you are going thru...over and over again. I do not know what to say except that my prayers are with you and hope all the bad stuff stays away from you for a long long time

COUNTRY : Your garden must be such a sight when it comes to harvesting the fruit of your labor. I don't do wellwhen it comes to yard work of any kind. My legs gets wobbly and then I get I always do a little at a time...sounds worst than my grandma...LOL.

THIN : I have not heard of Ball ground but then again I haven't heard of many places Looks like you already have some neat tricks to sneak in the veggies for your kids As for portions of lasagna, I always try to use my own judgement which I may not be right but I try to be sensible. I usually just cut a square of lasagna that looks like the size of my palm, not bigger unless I intend to indulge that day. I am pre-diabetic so I have access to a glucose meter where I can measure my blood sugar 1 to 2 hours after meal. If my blood sugars are well within the good range, I know that portion is okay for me. As for pasta, half cup of cooked pasta is 1 serving. I stick to one serving. If you have veggies, meat and other stuff cooked with the pasta, then it will be more than 1/2 cup right. Yum....your menu yesterday sounds are quite a cook, please do not hesitate to share your recipes with us. I love trying new recipes.

It's time to pay some bills and then get my chicken marinated before lunchtime is here Will check in later.


HEART : My eating hasn't been as well as I would like to but there is always better choices on the next meal. Glad you are back on the wagon

CINDY : Our yard is pretty bare until last Fall when we finally asked the landscaper to help us put in some plants and trees. Our backyard is still pretty bare but we will work on it slowly. We had our house built my husband since he is a builder, as well as an My veggie garden has yet to be materialise but it is still in my to do list...maybe next

FILLISE : Glad your computer is okay. It is raining here for the 2nd day...sighhh, I really missed the sun now. I am glad we don't live near any creeks though.

SEBRAY : WTG on your exercise!! Like Monet said, don't pull your hair...just relax and hope the words will flow out easier. There is sure a lot going on right now but do take good care of yourself I am doing good. The morning sickness is gone and the baby is doing fine. Can you believe that I am 17 weeks now?? My belly is getting bigger but not too noticeable yet

DRUMFLOWER : Congrats on the 15 lbs loss!! WTG! Baggy clothes are always very motivating...bottle up that motivation and keep making those great decisions

MONET : Glad you are feeling better today. 9 lbs is awesome! Sorry, I haven't been up to Buford but I am keeping you in my mind when I do. I am so out of stocks but I am also so lazy as well.
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Old 04-01-2005, 11:28 AM   #64  
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I am here...only for another minute..but, checked back...and I just have to say YOU GUYS ARE SO NICE! I am thrilled I found this board. I feel confident I can do this WOL and you guys will become good "friends!"

They used the word "snow" for us for tomororw too...I think that is a crappy 4-letter word!

Yes, the wine is a dry red. Only way I will drink it, I never have been able to stomach sweet wine..which is good, I guess.

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Old 04-01-2005, 11:35 AM   #65  
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SARAH : There is no way I could remember what everyone's typed in their posts. What I do is I open up two windows. One window is for me to type the replies while another one is for me to read as I reply to each posts. I am not sure what others do but this has work well with me otherwise, I will need to pull my hairs out trying to remember what everyone I haven't ride a bike for a longgggggggg time so if I were to start now, I would be nerve-wrecking too Looks like you are doing wonderfully as it is, keep it up. As for your apple, peanut butter snack, it is totally legal. Enjoy! You are absolutely right about eating a little before you go out to someone's party or an event where you know that they do not have much or any legal stuff. Sometimes I will still eat a little of the illegal stuff but I portion control it but that's if you can control the portion. Sometimes we just have to make the best choices of all the not-so good choices available there but then again, you really don't have to eat them either especially if you have something at home before the party. It is really up to you but most importantly, enjoy yourself!!

Okay, really have to go.

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Old 04-01-2005, 11:45 AM   #66  
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I'm glad to see the board hopping so much today.

Well I didn't get my TM in last night. Just not enough time. Will try to get it in over the weekend. I was hoping it would be nice enough to walk outside this weekend,but I don't think that is going to happen.
I had a pecan encrusted chicken salad at dinner last night and 2 glasses of wine.

bf: protein bard
lunch: bean burrito (ww shell)
dinner ?

Country, with your garden and all your meat, you won't even have to go to the grocery. Shame you can't grow chips! Don't overdo with your back.

Ken, glad you like your new ob/gyn. That is very imporatant. WTG getting our of that test again.

Laurie, get back on here soon. Have a good weekend.

Cindy, it is cold here today too. Oh well, we just have to be patient.

Susan, hope you are having a good day even though it's raining.

Monet, WTG getting all that stuff done. Congrats on the 9 lbs. That is awesome. I only work one body part a day. CHest one day, biceps, one day, lower body. That way it doesn't take too long and I quit doing it. I don't workout on the weekends either.

Sebray, sounds like you are one busy person. School will be out soon. Hang in there.

Drum, Congrats on your 15 lb loss. Baggy clothes are a wonderful feeling.

Thin, portion sizes are the standard government guidelines. Meat 3 oz (size of a deck of cards). You don't have to count calories or carbs or fats so just watch your portion size.

Sarah, most of us open notepad from word or a word document and read and flip back to post as you read each one. Then copy and paste into your reply. Your little snack is legal. Eat a salad before your go out. Then just eat the topping off the pizza. Have a good time.

Tech, have fun with all th ose Girl Scouts tonight.

have a great day and a great weekend.
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Old 04-01-2005, 12:58 PM   #67  
Addicted to potato salad!
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Just a quick menu post:

BF: 1 1/2 slices of bacon, 1/2 grapefruit, grapes
snack: mildly illegal granola bar
Lunch: 1/4 pound of sea scallops sauteed in lemon juice and olive oil, more grapes and an apple, 20 oz water
THe rest of the day is still unplanned...

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Old 04-01-2005, 02:58 PM   #68  
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just a quick post this morning/afternoon.....i got on the scale this morning and im down 1.5 pounds...not sure if its because when i weighed myself before it was in the afternoon/evening and today i did it as soon as i woke up...but either way im not complaining hehe its amazing how just a little bit of loss does wonders for your motivation the kids and i are going to make some cc cookies today but i dont have enough splenda to substitute so ill have to be extra good when i eat them....going to get back on the gazelle so happy that i havent been sore at all after using it so far.....

i had my advisement for next sememster and found out i have to take 2 classes this summer in order to stay on track for fact im basically going to have to kill myself for the next year and a half in order to graduate on time but ill be able to graduate in exactly 2 years if i follow my adviser's we'll see... i just want to get past this summer....i have to take a second year french class (its been12 years since ive had my 1st year) but i need it in order to continue on with my studies....i think ill audit the class....that way it wont affect my gpa...

Keng: WOW 17 weeks already?!?! has it been that long since ive been here?? Im so glad to hear u and the baby are doing u know what ur having yet? or is it too early?

Tech: Im running Im running ill try to catch up to you although with my hectic life right now i doubt ill be able just so glad that youve lost so much

Jack-K: yes school will be out soon but only for a few weeks then i have to start the summer semester.....i wonder if i ran away if anyone in my family would miss me

well thats all i have time for today....gotta jump back on the gazelle before i start cleaning and then more school work

hope everyone has a great rain/snow free day
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Old 04-01-2005, 02:59 PM   #69  
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ps. im not changing my ticker until the loss is consistant hehe....maybe in a couple days if its still the same ill do a ticker update
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Old 04-01-2005, 03:06 PM   #70  
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Default Good afternoon ya'll.

Boy is it windy today. It feels so nippy afte being so warm earlier in the week. I finally tried the nappa cabbage. It's okay cooked but I loved it raw. I took a bite of the chicken and rolled it in one of the leaves and it had a wonderful texture and taste. Something I will try again with different fillings.

Monet...awesome on the weight loss. Is your energy level okay? How is are the caffiene headaches?

Jack-K...chips did you say chips.. Good thing I can't grow them. Don't know why they are such a challenge for me but they truly are. Last week I had some pepper chips that were SO good. Hope the weather lets up so you can walk outside a little this weekend.

Tech...your menu seems so light. I bet all that snow gets so old. I have a friend in New York and I think they only had about 3 months last year without snow.

Sarah..We're glad you found the board also. You are such a blessing. Your apple snack sound delicious. It would make a good topping for oatmeal at breakfast. Don't let me kid you I'm not a breakfast eater but if I were I'd eat it..LOL Sometimes I take a packet of Splenda and mix it with the peanut butter and they dip the apples in it. Never thought of melting it.

Kenj...Are you going to find out the sex of your baby before it's born? My son's girlfriend is due in Oct. We went to the first visit and told him he could go home because they don't do anything on the first visit and they did an ultrasound. They are going to do another one next visit which really surprises me that they would do so many.

Thin...praying the weather lets up soon. You dinner sounds delicious....spicy is good. We eat such spicy things I don't realize how spicy until someone outside the family tells me that it's either too hot. salty or garlicky.

Drum...have we already meet? I don't remember so in case we haven't...HOWDY! Welcome back and congratulations on your weight loss.

Heart..hang in can do this. Remember you are helping me get back on track. Grab my hand and come on. ((hugzz))

Toni and Bob...hope you guys are feeling better today.

Love and hugs,
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Old 04-01-2005, 03:12 PM   #71  
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Eating far:
B - omelette w/spinach and asparagus (2 eggs, a little cheese) - hot sauce over top

L - chef salad w/carb well-light dressing (no sugar), 1 egg, ham/turkey/cheese

S (at work) - celery/apple

D (not yet, planned) - Donato's Low Carb Italian wrap (everyone else is getting pizza---the low carb wraps are whole wheat...and it has good stuff on it...hopefully it is legal...)

I am glad my apple snack is okay!!! I think I am going to get some almonds from the store. Something cool...I don't crave, no desserts anymore. I am THE BIGGEST DESSERT ADDICT! and, I don't need them anymore. It has only been about 5 days...I am AMAZED!

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Old 04-01-2005, 03:29 PM   #72  
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I'm actually feeling a little better today. Not quite as tight in the chest as in days gone by. MAYBE....JUST MAYBE these antibiotics are helping!
NOW KATE HAS THIS CRUD.....MY HOPEFUL SALVATION IN THAT IS THAT SHE HAS HAD A FLU SHOT AND A PNEUMONIA SHOT!!! I just fixed her some chicken soup, and she's in there watching CNN...waiting on news from the POPE...Bless his heart, he just needs to let go, THE GOOD LORD is ready for him.

Kate sent me to the drug store for her remedies...VICKS VAPOR RUB for her chest, COUGH MEDICINE with an EXPECTORANT....The first five yrs of my life were spent coated in wasn't until I had my T&A that I got any better. It's truly a wonder in a jar! PLEASE KEEP HER IN YOUR GOOD THOUGHTS I sure don't need her in the hospital!

I stopped and got my FRIDAY MOVIE PICKS:




I'll let y'all know how they are...

Thanks for all the kind words from each of you...I really appreciate it..It's good to know that your friends are there for you!

I heard from MISSY and I want to pass along her note (at her request)

Hey girl!

Sorry that I've been MIA yet again! We just haven't been following plan and I don't feel like I should go to the board when I haven't been faithful. We are starting back on Monday come **** or high water. We got a 4 year old foster child last night. A little boy named Levi - yes like the jeans. He is really sweet but I don't think that he will be with us for very long. His grandparents are going to attend a hearing for him on Monday and they may get custody which would be great for him. He was supposed to go tomorrow but it has been moved to Monday as of this afternoon. I'll keep you posted. Tell everyone on the board that I miss them and fill them in on my scoop. I hope to be back on the board next week.....

love ya

I'm off to rest...I'll check in later

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Old 04-01-2005, 04:42 PM   #73  
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Hello from Detoxland! I went and did my weekly volunteer thing at the church office. It took longer than usual, and I was pretty tired of it when we were done. I am feeling pretty good though! I woke up with a headache at about 4 this morning, but it subsided before I got up at 7, and has not returned. Energywise I am doing well. I took a nap, and slept very soundly for an hour.

Not sure what is going to be going on tonight. We often go out on weekends for dinner, but that is not an option tonight! I would love to go to the mall and do some shopping. I have a gift card I have not used yet. It depends on how Tom feels when he gets home. He is going to a deck building party tomorrow, so I might go then if he doesn't want to go tonight.

BOB: Thanks for passing on Missy's message. I will be praying for Kate. That crud going around can linger. I hope she gets over it quickly. I love Vicks Vapor Rub too. I used to use it a lot as a kid. Especially for a stuffy nose, though I know now you are not supposed to put it in your nose!
My kids loved Finding Neverland, let me know what you think.

SARAH: Its amazing how the desire for sweets just disappears once you quit eating them! I once decorated and served a wedding cake for 550 and did not take ONE lick! It just did not interest me in the least! Other times, when I was not off sugar, I could have eaten a whole bowl of icing and not gotten sick! I am a sugar addict, and should avoid it always!

COUNTRY: Headaches are much better! Thanks for asking! I love nappa, and it is good raw. I made a cole slaw with it and a fennel bulb and served it with fish, and it was really good that way. If you cook it, cook it lightly, as in a stir fry. It is what is used in egg rolls. I use it in egg drop soup too. I have steamed it and served it with a ginger sauce on the top.

SEBRAY: Do you have to graduate on time? Would it be better not to kill yourself and take an extra semester? (ducking...don't hit me!) Way to go on the exercise and weight loss! Take it..who cares if it was a morning or afternoon weigh in?

JACK: You know, I think I asked you that question about weight lifting before and just forgot. You method sounds good...and easy to keep at ! I may try that. Do you do more than one exercise for each group? Bill Phillips and Joyce Vedral both recommend three, so maybe I will try that. I need to do some weight training...and I have not been to Curves in ages!

KENG: When you come up to the BFM, let me know then! Have you thought about checking out the Super H mart over by Gwinnett Place? You ought to check out the DeKalb Farmers Market too. If you got off 285 at Ponce de Leon, and went inside the perimeter, its down about two miles on the right. It has the best selection and prices on produce I have seen anywhere. You would love it!

Time for me to go try and get something done. I actually cleaned up the kitchen when I got home! I need to go make more of my lemonade, and see if there is something I can fix easily for my boys for dinner. I will check in later!

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Old 04-01-2005, 05:44 PM   #74  
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Default have me so psyched for this detox. I am seriously thinking about it.

What day are you on??

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Old 04-01-2005, 05:46 PM   #75  
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just a quick pop in....ive been fooling with my Diet Power...dusting off the cobwebs lol...and i managed to put the gazelle into its exercise database

Monet: i have to graduate on time simply because the classes i need for my major are only offered in the fall/spring...the ones i take in the fall are prerequisites for the ones in the spring so if i miss any of the fall classes i have to wait another year to take ANY of my core classes and i dont have enough classes left over to fill in for that year while i wait

well i have to run agian lol ive been putting off my school work all day .... all for the excuse to use my new gazelle....i think ive used it for about an hour today lol
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