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Old 03-31-2005, 12:51 PM   #46  
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Oh Monet...I just checked the Master Cleanse...Lemonade Cleanse etc..sites that pulled up...oh long are you going to do it?? I probably missed when you originally said about it, but..I am too lazy to look at old!

I would LOVE to detox my body..I have a history of bad "tummy" and joints family all has problems like that..and headaches...etc. So, a detox would be good. The only problem is..I cook for my family (which consists of DH, DS, DD, DM (mom) and DD (dad)) on a daily basis..and I would probably get some flack for this. I used to be a vegetarian..and I got so much trouble from everyone!! I am pretty strong willed though.

So, what has everyone eaten today? My father..he is awesome, made me and my DD breakfast. She got pancakes...and I got a florentine omelette! It was made with eggs, spinach, some bacon (not much) and cheese. Please tell me this is allowed?? I am reading and re-reading the book.

What is everyone's take on red wine? I like to have a drink now and then and I have cut beer totally out (yay) and I really just need to know if wine is actually okay. In the book it says that 1-2 glasses are okay? I have the New Sugar Busters! has a chart...I think...(yeah, now you guys are thinking I am an alkie!)

Still no rain looks like bad rain is coming still..and I have looked at the radar...oh my...storms during my kid's nap time...looks like mommy might not get "tae bo" time..haha!! I grab a little workout time usually when they nap. I have already gazelled for 20 minutes and plan on doing the elliptical tonight for 30 min. I am really trying to get the exercise back into my life.

By the way, thanks for letting me know all of your locations. It makes it easier to think...okay "monet from georgia" etc. etc...yeah, I am crazy...I know..haha!!

I will check back later...

OT, just found out my grandmother's blood is way down again...she has been fighting pneumonia for the last 1 1/2 months and she is bleeding internally somewhere and they don't know where. Please keep her in your prayers. I know the inevitable will happen some day..but, I don't want it any time soon.

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Old 03-31-2005, 01:13 PM   #47  
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Good afternoon.... All is fine here. Busy with the grandkids still. My eating is horrible and I can't wait to go grocery shopping tomorrow and get some better food in this house. I've got to get back OP. I really want the sweets out of my house but the kids have candy everywhere. Next week is sugar detox for me. Monet you are brave for doing your detox. I did one, one time for 7 days. But now I just don't have it in me. Everyone sounds busy and doing good. Bless you Bob I'm so sorry you're sick again. Welcome the new people. Better go now. Hubby is home sick from work. We've all got the sore throats here.
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Old 03-31-2005, 02:22 PM   #48  
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Another day in CONGESTION LAND!! IF...I could only start hacking up the gunk! I know that would make me feel better.
I've decided to stay home until Monday. I don't want to undo what I may have accomplished.

JACKIE... What about going to KINGFISH???? I love that place...if I lived in L'ville, I would be there at least three times a week....maybe more!!!!

Ok, That's the extent of my ability to sit here...I'm so tired of being sick!!!

I'll check in later...

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Old 03-31-2005, 02:40 PM   #49  
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Just checking in....

If anyone has a Whole Foods, I found these cute little bunny snack crackers. They are Called Annies Whole Wheat Bunnies. Sometimes you just need a salty snack. They have white cheddar in them. Pretty good and 50 crackers are a serving.

I did manage to do my wts at lunch today. Now to get home in time to get the TM in too.

Sarah, you take 5 lbs any way you can get it.

Monet, what areyou going to do when you have to cook for small group, etc? Just not eat? hang in there. You know I bore easily. We are always on the go somewhere. I do stay home on Mondays & TUesdays.

Thinwithin, Welcome. I hope you will stay with us. How about some zucchini, mushrooms to spaghetti sauce, They are pretty disguisable. It's great you are taking action to keep your kids eating healthy.

Sarah, your omelett is fine. I drink wine. I only drink white zifendale or a red zifendale (which I just discoverd). I usually have a drink in the hot tub every other night and on Friday and Saturday nights when we go out. I'm a bigger alkie than you. :wink: Sending prayers for your GM hope they find the problem.

Toni, hope you are feeling better. You can count on kids to give you an illness. They seem like little germ breeders. Enjoy the last few days with the kiddos.

Bob, I was hoping you would be better today. Is Kate fixing you chicken soup? I thought a a fish place but with Lent just passing, we are all tired of fish.

Guess I better go pretend I'm working.
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Old 03-31-2005, 03:07 PM   #50  
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Default Good afternoon.

Ut oh...I did something wrong and deleted my post. What a goober. We've been working in the garden again today. The speckled butter beans are planted and another row of Marglobe tomatos. They are kinda punny but we've hoping they will take off. There is still another row of super sweet that need to be planted and the radishes. My legs are like rubber and my back is in rebellion.

Welcome Thin! What kind of veggies do you kiddos like? I hear you about the sauces and gravies...yum. At first I gave up milk gravy but now I just make it with ww flour if I want some. Sometimes I add different cheeses to it and call it a sauce. It works great with pasta, meat and veggie cassaroles. lush... Just teasin'. You are so faithful to your exercise. You are still an inspiration and super modivator. I don't think I could drink the salt water. The other part doesn't sound too bad. Praying you get good benifits from your efforts.

Sarah...I agree. It's neat knowing where everyone is from. How do you like your gazelle? I've contimplating buying one for a long time but was afraid it might get old too fast. It looks fun though. Praying for you and your grandma.

Bob....Sounds like a good plan. You need to rest and get your strength back. Hope you feel tons better soon.

Toni...sorry you caught a nasty sore throat. Luckily the kids candy doesn't appeal to me but an open bag of chips....they just taunt me.

Sebray....hang in there. With classes almost over and summer around the corner you'll be able to focus more on you.

Susan...thanks. We can do this! ((hugzz))

I guess I've taken a long enough break. Back to work.

Love and hugs,
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Old 03-31-2005, 04:01 PM   #51  
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Oh my, I am so behind again. Glad to know the board is hopping though It is sure wet and raining here and I am so ready to see the sun again. I think tomorrow will be rainy as well

I went to see my new OBGYN today (actually saw a midwife) and was very pleased with how the practice works and how efficient they are. I managed to "convince" the midwife that I do not need to go thru the glucose screening test like everyone else who is non-diabetic and she agreed that I shouldn't need to. I am so happy because I really don't want to do thru that 3-hr test drinking that yucky sweet stuff again since I am already "diabetic" (my family dr diagnosed that I am pre-diabetic) or close to. Now, all I have to do is monitor my blood sugars in the am and 2-hours after meals which are totally what I expected and happy about. I have also started to gain some weight which my I glad because I lost quite a bit of weight during the 1st trimester, basically down to 100 lbs but now I am back to 105 lbs. The weather is starting to warm up so I am going to incorporate some walking whenever the weather permits.

Menu for today so far :

Breakfast : 1 piece for ww bread with a piece of spam (not so good choice but that was the faster protein I could reach for before heading out)

Snack : Fruits

Lunch : Veal scalloppini with lemon butter sauce, brown rice veggies pilaf, green beans, and some cauliflower stir-fry.

Snack : Fruits and a protein, not sure what protein yet.

Dinner : Some leftover from lunch and will add some protein as well.


SARAH : I don't believe I have welcome you yet since I have been away. Glad you are here and looking forward to know you. So far I gather that you are a very sensible and positive are right, baby steps!! Keep it up. I am in south of Atlanta, GA but originally from asia.

MONET : Your post about having lunch at the Japanese restaurant makes me crave for Japanese food. I love teriyaki...of all sort. I have to find a Japanese restaurant here that I like and most importantly serves reasonable lunch menu so I can take advantage of it with some girlfriends once in a while Hope your detoxing gets better everyday. The only time I came close to "detoxing" was before my colonscopy procedure and boy... that was hard.

CINDY : How are you today? It is rainy and wet here but the temp was still nice and warm.

TECH : Your daughter is more technology advance that I am...LOL, now more so with I am sure she will enjoy it tremendously. Tech, my family is half way across the world so I can understand how "lonely" and sad when holidays come. Over the last 2 years I have been very fortunate to "find" and "adopted" some new families here which has been how dh and I spent the most of our holidays with. I also tried to create my own "traditions" and fun for some holidays so I don't feel so lonely and sad when the holidays come. Infact, I just spent Easter with my neighbor and her family up the street, it was so much fun. My neighbor told me I am like her "daughter" now which makes me feel so good being apart of a big family. I pray and hope that God sends you more wonderful people your way and hopefully become your extended family which you find comforts in spending time with them, especially more so around the holidays. I have been praying for mine for years and finally found them

FILLISE : It was nice and sunny here in GA until today but the temp has been nice and warm. I am certainly enjoying seeing the flowers bloom. Glad you are feeling much better now that spring is here

ARCAYNE : I don't remember if we have "met" you since I took a break from the board
but I look forward to get to know you. Congrats on your 12 lbs loss but most importantly, for making an excellent choice in eating well. Keep it up!

BOB : Oh my, my heart feels for you. I am glad your illness is diagnosed and hope the antibiotics works quickly and efficiently so that you can be back on your feet again. {{{hugs}}}}

COUNTRY : Love the pics...what a sweet family

SEBRAY : Glad to see you back. Check in whenever you can

THIN : Welcome, glad to have you here with us. Spaghetti sauce is definitely a good place to sneak in some veggies such as diced carrots, spinach, onions etc. If you make their fav casseroles, sneak in more veggies. I make rice pilaf of all kinds, mostly with chopped veggies like bell-peppers, onions, spinach, cherry tomatoes, eggplant is good too, zucchini etc. The choices are unlimited, just make sure the dishes are well seasoned and delicious so they would overlook the veggies. If they like cheese sauce, cover their veggies with cheese sauce. Do they like soup? You can add lots of them in soups plus veggies make the soups very tasty. If they do not like steam or boiled veggies (which I don't as much since they taste a little blend to me), try stir-fry with some delicious sauce, or roast them. I like roasting veggies like asparagus, zucchini, broccoli, onions, squash, fennel, carrots etc. Most of the time I will marinate the veggies first in any combination of sauces/herbs or spices/seasoning for 5 to 10 mins and then roast them (in one layer) on a oven safe sheet pan, like 400 degrees for 15 to 20 mins, depends on how big your veggies are cut up, what the veggies are and how tender or crunchy you like them. If you make meatloaf or meatloaf patties, add in finely chopped veggies like celery, carrots, onions, bell peppers, mushrooms etc. I love meatloaf or meat patties with lots of veggies. How about breakfast cheesy burritoes with some chopped veggies, cheese makes everything taste As for what to serve with ww paste, you can serve it with stews (loaded with chopped veggies which by the time the stew is done, the veggies will not be too visible. I also stir-fry ww pasta with veggies and meat. You can stir-fry them together with some nice sauce which are not full of sugar or lotsa not-healthy ingredients. A lot of sauces can be make with chicken, beef, veggies stocks with ww flour, spices seasoning etc which can be very yummy. You can also make ww pasta bake with broccoli, bell peppers, cheese, ground meat etc too. I do not have any recipes at this instance but I will try check my cookbooks and see if I can find anything that you can try. Hope you stick around with us.

Got to go...spent too much time online already

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Old 03-31-2005, 04:12 PM   #52  
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Wink Thanks for the ideas!

Thanks so much for all your ideas! I can't wait to try them! I live in a small town in North Georgia called Ball Ground. We are about 80 miles north of Atlanta. I do roasted veggies quite often, with the only problem being they pick out what they don't like. If I do the sauce for pizza or pasta I can run them through the processor and no one will know Mwahahah! When I make veggie suop I process my beef broth with some kidney beans and add it to my base with the tomatoes. Hubby and kids love the "spices" that I put in. Sneaky I know!
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Old 03-31-2005, 04:43 PM   #53  
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Only have a moment to post. Eating has NOT been good. But I'm back on the wagon today.

CINDY- I checked out the reviews for the walkblaster and figured that it wouldn't be challenging enough for me in the long run. Sounds good for beginners to intermediate though.

Here's my menu for the day:

BF- boiled egg and yogurt
Lunch- had various steamed veggies topped with a slice of cheese
Snack- another yogurt
Supper- will be 2 hamburger patties with legal sauce(no bread) and legal coleslaw(homemade).

I have to go!
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Old 03-31-2005, 07:36 PM   #54  
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Aww..its almost Friday. Been a long week and Im so looking forward to the weekend.
Our good weather is gone. It dropped 30 degrees today and rained most the day with lots of wind. Oh well ... Just have to wait it out.

Fillise- I think this year Im going to grow some radishes and red peppers. Last year I did a couple different hot peppers and chilies ( like the ones for chilie rellenos), the year before I did tomatos ( I do just pot growing with veges) . Outside of that I just tend to my plants and flowers . I still have alot of planting to do in our backyard since we havnt finished out there yet. Our house was built a few years ago with no landscaping in the back outside of grass so weve been adding a little every season.

Sebray- yea on the gazelle. I have one too and love it!

Thinwithin- just wanted to say HI !

Bob- Get better !! Im sorry your still not feeling well.

Kengjw- Im great today.. raining here now

Thursdays menu
b- 2 eggs, with sprinkle of chedder, 1 slice ww lc toast
s- 1 oz almonds
s- lc yogurt
l- turkey roll ups, 1 cup diced cantaloupe
s- atkins bar
d- marinated pork tenderloin medallions, romaine/spinach salad with diced brocilli and redpeppers, oil & vinager.
s- 2 triscuits with chedder
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Old 03-31-2005, 09:14 PM   #55  
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Default Stormy Alabama

Back to the rain--4 inches today and bad storms. I thought my power adapter on my computer got fried last night (I unhooked the computer, but not the adapter). Thankfully it is ok!

I just wanted to pop in and say hello. It's been a long day and I'm really tired. I'll try to do replies tomorrow.

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Old 03-31-2005, 10:37 PM   #56  
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Hello from Detox land! I actually feel pretty good tonight. I am cheating though and not drinking the laxative tea, or doing the salt water flush in the morning, due to having someplace to go early. Its my volunteer day at the church, so I don't want to have detox elimination issues while there!

I just ordered $100 worth of stuff for the art festival for the kids area. I got modeling clay, watercolors, drawing paper, ( the color pencils were out of stock! darn!) potholder looms and loops, and paints for the community painting. (we have a very large stretched canvas for people to paint on) We had a meeting tonight and I am feeling a bit encouraged. The music will be awesome! We will have classical piano, viola and violin, celtic, a harpist and flutist, bluegrass, and some contemporary stuff.

Another great thing that happened today...I finished the VBS stuff and sent it to the director! Hooray! I just hope she doesn't find anything wrong with it that I have to fix!

I really should do replies, but I am kind of tired, so I am going to head off to bed now. Will try and do replies in the morning before I have to leave!

Sweet dreams everyone!
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Old 04-01-2005, 12:28 AM   #57  
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ok well i got 2 days in on the gazelle......15 mins yesterday and 21 mins today im also working on a project for one of my teaching teacher's portfolio....i have to do a report for 7 disability categories.....well ive bought the binder and made the pretty cover sheets for the categories...but i just cant bring myself to type the papers i guess that will get put off another few days hehe....i have a good excuse though....i have to use this weekend to study for 2 big exams i have coming up on monday and tues.....then i have to write a paper about my beliefs on education for another do i put into words how i feel????? not going to have any hair left after this semester

I still dont really have time for replies other than to hope that everyone is ok....

Julia: how are you feeling???? how is the baby????!!!! hope you are doing ok

Monet: let me know how you do on the detox...ive seen the lemonade cleanse before but it sounded REALLY NASTY!!!!!! hehe hope that is going ok for you...and if its not too bad i may do it myself lol.......

Thin: WELCOME!!! hope you enjoy SB stay with it and it will work for you.....the ladies here are THE BEST!!!!

Cindy: i am loving my gazelle but my toes keep falling it me? my shoes? or a common thing?

Tech: WTG on your loss!!!!!! looks like you're the winner in our race hehe keep up the good work

BOB: so glad to see you sorry you're not feeling well...hope you feel better soon!!!!

i ate soooooo bad today....BK and Mickey D's all day well im off to bed since its after midnight.......
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Old 04-01-2005, 06:09 AM   #58  
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Hello everyone! Sorry I have been missing in action. But I have stayed on the plan and have lost 15 lbs so far since the middle of Feb. It really feels good that my clothes are getting baggy again! Plus with weather warming up, my gardening will be a great deal of exercise for me! It is nice to see all the new members! This is a great group. I will try to stay in touch! So what have I missed?
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Old 04-01-2005, 07:53 AM   #59  
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Good Morning from Detox land! Slept pretty good last night. I did not keep waking up to go potty, so I figured the scale would not be very exciting. Not so! I hopped on the metal monster and I am down NINE pounds since Wednesday morning! Those of you who have been around awhile and know how I struggle to lose even one pound can probably guess how I feel...

So, I will continue another day on this. I did not do the evening and morning rituals because I need to leave in an hour and a half and would not have had time! Tonight and tomorrow I will though.

DRUM: Good to see you! I was wondering where you were! How is the weather up there? Cindy says not so good...and you are not too far from her, right? The dogwoods down here are sure is pretty with everything in bloom! The Yoshino cherry trees are blooming too, which means we will have to make sushi and go sit under the ones in the office park near here, eat sushi and drink sake! Its something my family does every year...

SEBRAY: I suggest chewing on your nails, rather than pulling out your hair! Good to see you! You need to watch Supersize Me. It is rather inspirational for avoiding the BK and MickyD places. I have not been able to stomach them since I saw it. The extras on the DVD with the french fries that never decomposed make me lose all interest in fast food fries! Good luck on your tests!

KENG: If you ever are coming up to the Buford Hwy Farmer's Market, PLEASE PM me and let me know. We could meet for lunch. I would love to take you to my favorite Japanese sit on the floor on cushions! (they have cheater holes under the table for people like me who can't sit crosslegged!) The brown rice she serves is really good. I hope she will perfect brown rice sushi and then I will be in there all the time! It is only one exit up from the BFM.

FILLISE: Do you feel like a duck yet? I swear we are going to need a boat to go check the mail! I hope we get some sunny weather soon!

JACK: When I have to cook for small group I just will sit down with my glass of lemonade I guess. I am sure I will get all kinds of questions, but I guess that is to be expected! You are doing great with getting in your TM and weights! You aren't over training with the weights are you? I have always heard you need a day or two inbetween to rebuild what you have stressed to gain strength. Tom alternates days with his weight lifting and aerobic exercise. He will do only three weight workouts a week, alternating upper and lower body so he has plenty of time between workouts to 'recover'.

CINDY: I am sorry the temps dropped so much! Aren't you glad its Friday!

HEART: Do we need to send BOB and the wagon your way?

THIN: I used to process eggplant and add it to my spaghetti sauce. The family loved it. Until they found out what I was doing, then suddenly it tasted funny! Kids! Wow, Ball Ground is not too far from me. I can tell you all the places to find hard to find agave! (I get it at Sevananda in Little Five Points because they have the best price, and my kids go down there a lot and can pick it up for me!) Do you ever get down into the Duluth area?

COUNTRY: Thank you for the prayers! I need that more than anything! I am glad you are getting the garden all planted! I wish I was! And Tom is going off to help a young guy from church build a deck tomorrow, so he won't be working in the garden again! All the stuff I started from seed is up and almost ready to go into the ground!

BOB: Hope you are feeling better! Are you taking the Vitamin C I told you to take???

ARCAYNE: Have you gone to the water class yet? Are you doing ok? Its great to have you back!

TONI: I hope you are enjoying those grandkids... Did you get the chance to shop so you won't be faced with temptations and nothing legal?

SARAH: The detox is going well. I am not sure I would recommend it to anyone...but I guess after a few more days I will have a better idea. The big weight loss is a plus, but its really not the best way to lose. I think if people go on it for weight loss, its the wrong reason! I knew I had a lot to detoxify my system from. I have been on a boatload of medications over the years...and I am hoping this will heal something inside me and allow me to lose weight normally. I found cooking for my family was not too difficult. It smelled divine, but I did not have to make choices. You know? I have gotten very little flack from my husband so far, but he keeps asking me about protein.

I think that is everyone...time to go hop in the shower! If I missed you, please point out my error! I would not want to do it intentionally! Later!

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Old 04-01-2005, 09:28 AM   #60  
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Wink I have a question

Good morning from Georgia! We are under another flood watch because of all this rain. When is it going to end? The question I have is how do you judge portion sizes on lasagnes and casseroles that you make up yourself? Some recipes have serving info at the bottom, but what if it's something you just come up with on your own? I made baked chicken with a lime and garlic marinade last night and a brown rice pilaf with mushrooms, onion and garlic. Yummy! The kids loved it, they just complained about it being a little spicy. Maybe I will tone down the marinade a little next time.
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