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Old 06-13-2004, 10:25 PM   #1  
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Default Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 6/14-6/20

This is the SUGAR BUSTERS WEEKLY SUPPORT BOARD where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:

Look for our QUARTERLY RECIPE BOARDS to post your favorite recipes and to see the most recently posted recipes. Recipes from the quarterly boards will be archived in proper categories at some point.

We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:


We also have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on which is located on our weekly support board:

Then there's our latest addition to the SB BOARDS which is called OFF THE EATEN PATH This board is for everything NOT related to SB. You can use this board to post questions or comments on just about anything (okay, within reason). A book you recommend, a cleaning tip, a great website deal, etc. etc. Here's the link:

NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit POST REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.

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Old 06-13-2004, 10:27 PM   #2  
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Default Motivational Monday!!!!

Deb’s computer crashed, and on top of that she is heading out of town for her much needed vacation with her sweetie….so she asked me to start the Board for her in her absence…. I am starting a littler earlier than she would normally, but here we go:


Confidence is not demonstrated by arrogance. It is evidenced by patience. Confidence is not loud. It is quiet, calmly persistent and effective. Confidence is not boastful. Rather, confidence is capable. Confidence does not change course with every shift in the wind. Confidence adjusts to the changes in order to remain on a sure and steady course. Confidence has the strength to be kind, and the courage to be truthful.
To become more confident, endeavor to be more patient. To build your own confidence, do the preparation that will make you more capable and effective. Focus clearly on your purpose even in the face of disappointment. Act with sincere kindness toward others, and give truth the highest priority. These things define confidence; they will bring out your own confidence.
Deep-seated confidence will add real value to everything you do. You cannot take it from someone else, or expect for it to be given to you. It is the result of the way you choose to live your life. Confidence is yours when you decide to make it yours. Go confidently forward and truly make a difference in your world.
Ralph Marston

Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.
George Herman "Babe" Ruth

Never, never, never quit.
Winston Churchill

The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
Frank Loyd Wright
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Old 06-14-2004, 07:02 AM   #3  
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Good Morning! Sometimes I feel like I am talking to myself here.

Its a gray overcast morning here, and I just realized I am out of one of my thyroid meds. I hope I can get it filled, but its the special formulary one that sometimes takes a day or two. Grrr...

I am determined to make it totally on program today. Anyone want to join me?

CHALLENGE: Lets have a week challenge. Post your menu each and every day. Make sure you get in at least 1/2 an ounce of water per pound you weigh. Sound ok?

glug glug...I just got in about four...

Have a great day!
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Old 06-14-2004, 09:21 AM   #4  
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Default Good Monday Morning!

Monet--I'll join you! I finally got to the grocery store this weekend and stocked up on SB legal foods. I should be good to go for today! Glad the cake is over and done with and you can relax a bit!

Yesterday I made the best salad. On a bed of romaine lettuce, I chopped one apple with the skin on, cubed one avacado, crumbled an once of blue cheese, and topped it all with a handful of walnuts--YUM! No need to dressing, the flavor combination was fabulous!

Took the plunge and ordered a new computer last night. It will be way faster that this one and I will upgrade to a DSL line when it arrives. That should help with this board because it takes SOOOOOO long to load--especially towards the end of the week! The preliminary ship date is the 21st--which is next Monday, though I wouldn't be surprised if it takes longer. It's a new notebook, but one with lots of juice--I can't wait!!!!

Got to go get dressed. My intern will be here in a little while and I should probably not be in my jammies when he arrives!

Have a good OP day everyone!

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Old 06-14-2004, 11:10 AM   #5  
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Good Monday Morning:

Here is my contribution for Motivational Monday:

"I've missed 9,000 shots. I've lost 300 games. Twenty-six times I was trusted with the game-winning shot....and missed. I keep failing, and failing, and failing. AND, that's why I succeed." - Michael Jordan

Whenever you fall off this way of eating, just get back up and go on. Whenever you miss a day or week or month of exercise, pick yourself up and move on. We can succeed, even with our setbacks. Michael didn't use them as excuses to give up, so we shouldn't either. Granted he makes a boatload of cash for doing what he does, but we need to do this for us, because there is no-one more important than us!

Every night before Britt goes to bed, we say, "It's great to be alive, I love myself & I love my life." We really need to learn to appreciate all the wonderful things in our lives, even when we fall on hard times.

O.K....enough of that. Let's just say I needed that talk after yesterday. I took Britt to Pizza Hut to redeem her reading certificate "free pizza." I ended up getting the all-you-can-eat buffet....bad idea. We got there right when they opened so the food was fresh and hot. I had a salad and iced tea, but then managed to eat 5 slices of pizza; some of them were little slivers of slices, but I ate until I was stuffed, and it's been a long time since I've done that. I left there feeling really disappointed with myself. Every time I'd get a slice, then they'd bring out something I really wanted more (like jalapeno & cheese)...yum! Anyway, it didn't seem to affect my weight too much; I was still at 120#'s this morning. I've gotta just do good this week so it doesn't catch up with me.

I hope to bring the girls to the gym with me, even though Britt thinks it's ultra boring. I only plan to bring them with me one day a week, and then go early 2-3 days. I want to take them by Old Navy since they have Father's Day caps for $1, and Father's Day t-shirts for $5. We might even go by Michael's and get some paint and let them put their handprints on it. He will only wear it around here, but that would be just fine with them. I already bought Lane a little t-shirt that says, "I love my daddy," and Britt one that says, "Daddy's Girl." I"m going to have them wear those of Father's Day.

Anyway....that's about enough about us.

Tranquil: Thanks for starting the board this week!!!

Monet: I'll take that challenge with you. I need to stay OP today after my binge yesterday. I have already had a bowl of oatmeal with agave, flax meal, nuts & blueberries. That always fills me up for awhile. I will stay OP the rest of the day, and definately be drinking that water. When I go to the gym, I drink 32 ounces in about 2 hours. I hope you are able to get your prescription filled today!

Fillise: I'm jealous! I'd love to get a new computer. Mine is getting old and is really a piece of crap. Jammies....intern....we won't go there .

I hope everyone has a great day!!!

Take care,
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Old 06-14-2004, 11:34 AM   #6  
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Hello everyone......I used to belong to this group and wanted to stop in. I have been on Atkins (don't shoot!) since September and am doing great. I am on the Atkins boards everyday just like I used to be with all of you. I stop in here once in a while to see how you are all doing. Today I thought I would actually say hello.

Hope you all don't mind me lurking about.

Monet, Fellise, Tranquil, Deb (have a wonderful vacation), Pancho, Heartmom, BOB, Teensybean, Jack-K, Melf, CountryMom4Him, Rosalie....and all the new members since I was last here!

Thanks for all your support in the past. You were a wonderful group.

My plan when I have reached my goal on Atkins is to adopt a Sugar Busters approach to my eating. I still have to do some research on what is going to be best for me but maybe you will see me again on these boards someday.

I think about you all and hope you are well.
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Old 06-14-2004, 12:32 PM   #7  
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Ok, so far here is my menu:
Breakfast: 3 organic eggs fried in smart balance, 1 slice ww toast, hot tea
Lunch: 3/4 of a protein bar (not feeling too good, thus the small lunch)
Water: 32 oz so far.

FILLISE: Good to see you! I am glad you got the groceries to stick to SB. We can do this! We can! I hope the ship the new puter sooner than they said. What kind did you get? Laura wants one, but its going to be a while...her last cellphone bill about gave poor Tom a heartattack!

PANCHO: I liked that quote from Michael Jordan. Its true...if you want to succeed at something, you have to keep trying until you get it right. I have not gotten it right in six years, but I am not giving up yet! I like your father's day ideas. So cute! You could also get iron on letters and iron on something like, "I am my daughters hero!" Or if you want to be corny, "My daughters look up to me"

JANE: No one will shoot you! If Atkins works for you, great! I would do Atkins if I could lose on it. I just don't! But I love it, and its not all that different from SB. Cut out the whole grains, and eat a bit more fat and SB becomes Atkins! Its good to see you! Don't just lurk! Let us know how you are more often!

Last edited by Ellen; 06-14-2004 at 01:29 PM.
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Old 06-14-2004, 12:37 PM   #8  
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Hi everyone; Just popped in to say howdy! I've been around but just lurking. Am going to try and take this week each day at a time. Need to get back into the routine of eating right. Starting off by getting back into drinking water. I've been doing pretty good till the week ends come and then I feel like I have a special licence to eat!!! LOL..... But it will come. I think I'm going to try to make a recipe my sister makes its for Cabbage lasagna, that will give me something to eat durning the week. So I'd better get ready and go to the store for a bell pepper. You all have a good day..... Long lost Toni
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Old 06-14-2004, 01:28 PM   #9  
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Just had another 8 oz. of water, and ate about five dried apricots. I have a hard time only eating a few of those.... I also had a small container of natural applesauce. I was trying to eat light and bland for my stomach. Its been acting up.

TONI: Good to see you! Now that you are no longer lost, I hope we will see more posts from you! Let us know how the cabbage lasagna turns out. Sounds like a low carb dish. I have heard its pretty good if you use Nappa cabbage which is real mild flavored.
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Old 06-14-2004, 03:17 PM   #10  
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A quick afternoon stop:

Monet--I'm getting a Dell Inspiron 9100. It's going to have the wide screen and a 3 ghz processor. They just emailed me and said they started building it today! How many minutes does Laura have on her cell phone? My niece used to call me every month to run interference for her with her parents when her cell phone bills went over. Fortunatley they got tired of both of us whining every month and for Christmas they gave her many, many more minutes!

Jane--Good to see you back!

Toni--Good to hear from you!


So far so good today!
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Old 06-14-2004, 04:31 PM   #11  
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FILLISE: She has 600 minutes. Plus unlimited nights and weekends. She went over 750 minutes worth, and had 2258 of the unlimited minutes logged. I don't think she needs more. She has connected to AOL IM with it and I think that is where a lot of the minutes came from. I know SHE thinks she needs more, but I don't think so. Wouldn't you agree? The new computer sounds nice...It should not take them that long to build. James could do it in a couple hours with his eyes closed, so I bet you get it early!
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Old 06-14-2004, 05:08 PM   #12  
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Afternoon All

It has been a beautiful day here but now it is overcast and looking like rain. Hope the rain holds off as I am supposed to go lawn bowling this evening. This morning I had a good workout at badminton.

I'm trying to eat good to-day after messing up on the weekend. For breakfast I had shreddies with 1% milk. Lunch was 1/2 small can salmon on 2 slices Ryvita plus one more with fruit spread. Also a few raw baby carrots. Snack was 1 nectarine. Dinner will be Ratatouille Meatloaf. My oven just pinged so I have to leave this and go put meatloaf in the pan and into the oven. Back again. I cook the meat loaf in a deep pie dish with the ratatouille on top. Yum. I made a batch of oatmeal squares today. I used an oatmeal cookie recipe but added walnuts, coconut, sunflower and sesame seeds. Some will be going into the freezer. I am going to Quebec for a few days with a group from bowling. The bus leaves at 5.30 a.m. Sunday morning so thought this would be a good snack to take with me. May not feel like breakfast at 4.30 in the morning and don't want to be tempted with donuts when we stop for a coffee. Probably take some fruit and nuts for snacks too.

Monet - I accept your challenge for staying on programme to-day. So far so good although I have a bit of catching up to do with my water intake. Just got down two large glasses though while sitting here. Hope you don't have to wait too long for your thyroid med.

Fillise - Your salad sounds good. Glad you have got stocked up again for SB.

Pancho - I liked your MM contribution. All we can do if we fail is to keep trying if we want to reach our goal. Same with this woe when we fall off the wagon we have to pick ourselves up and start again. I do that quite offten.

Jane - Good to hear from you. If Atkin's works for you that's fine. You are still welcome on this board. Drop in anytime.

Toni48 - Good to hear from you. Let's know how the cabbage lasagna turns out. Maybe you can share the recipe with us.

While I've been sitting here the sky got black, the wind was howling and the rains came. So I probably won't be going anywhere tonight. Maybe settle down with a good book.

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Old 06-14-2004, 06:58 PM   #13  
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Good afternoon:

I've been good, but didn't get to the gym. Lane is sleeping now, and didn't want to take an early nap, so I couldn't take her to the gym in a grumpy mood; that wouldn't be fair to the people in the nursery, and I'd get an interrrupted, I will go Wed. a.m.

BF: Oatmeal with agave, flaxmeal, nuts & blueberries
Snack: Flax chips with melted cheese
Snack: Grapes
Lunch: Wendy's Chili with onions & cheese & small Caesar salad with lite Ranch
Snack: Legal cookie
I will have 1/2 of a cantaloupe soon & then I will be making ham & eggs for dinner.

I know that is a lot of food, but I do better when I eat more!

We went to Old Navy, and every store in town is sold out of the shirts & hats. I ordered the shirt online, but couldn't find the caps anywhere. Oh well, we should get it in by Wed., and still have time to put the handprints on it. I just ended up paying far more than $5 for it.


Jane: Hope to see you back when you meet your goal on Atkins.

Monet: That's not corny (My daughter looks up to me); it's quite cute. Eating has been good for me too. Do you want to keep the challenge going through tomorrow?? I have a banquet to go to tomorrow, but I pre-ordered my dinner, and it will be lemon chicken and wild rice; it s/b overall legal. I will get the salad and not eat any rolls or dessert. I will just have iced tea. I enjoy dried apricots too. I bought some for the trip....such an easy snack.

Toni: The weekend is tough for most, if not all, of us. I have to tell myself that it is just another "week"day. I have to stay busy since I find that I eat out of boredom. I am not a stress eater, and I don't usually go overboard at outings or BBQ's. I just find when I am home that I am walking around the kitchen looking for something to eat, whether I am hungry or not. Good to see your posts. We hope to see more of you in the coming days/weeks.

Rosalie: Have fun with your bowling group; sounds like it will be a good time. Remember, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Making those bars/cookies was a great idea, and will keep you away from those doughnuts. I agree with what you said. It's better to allow ourselves to "screw-up" every once in awhile, as long as we know that we are going to get back on track. That's the difference between succeeding and failing. We mess up and climb back on instead of messing up and giving up!!

Well I better run.

I'm not going to the movies tonight; we are going to go next Monday. But, I do have my banquet for my Mom's Club tomorrow evening that I will be going to. It will be a nice night out with just the girls (moms).

Take care,
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Old 06-14-2004, 07:04 PM   #14  
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OOOPS, I forgot....I've had 48 ounces of water so far today. I also had an iced SF, NF latte from Starbucks.

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Old 06-14-2004, 07:15 PM   #15  
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Good afternoon. It is another dreary day, and the wind is blowing hard. Good news is that it is supposed to get hot this week. Sure do hope so.

We are planning on taking the boat down in the morning. We were going to take it this morning, but don't want to pull it in this wind. Hope we start getting some nice weather so we can go down and use it.

Monet, I will take your challenge.

B--Ground beef patty, mock danish, 1 mug decafe.

L--Tuna salad on romaine lettuce, 1/2 cucumber, 1 deviled egg, 1 slice cheddar. (1) RS Sugar Free Pecan Delight. Whoooops!

For dinner I have planned a dinner salad with rib steaked grilled, and some coleslaw.

I drink at least 96 oz of water a day, so no problem there.

I went out this morning and replanted my squash. I am hoping that it will still have enough time. It is not like I am late getting it planted or anything. It just didn't come up because of the cold. Hopefully, we will have a late fall because of all this cold and rain. Sure hope so. I am going to have some fresh lettuce this week. Monet, want to send me over a fresh tomato to go with?? Just kidding!!

Tranquil-- Thank you so much for starting our board. We would be lost without it.

Monet-- want to send me over a fresh tomato to go with my fresh lettuce?? Just kidding!! It is overcast and dreary here again too. And the wind is blowing 25 -30 miles an hour!!

Fillise-- OOhhh I am jealous. A new computer. I would like to get one, but just can't justify it. I pretty much have only been using mine for checking the boards. Haven't had any projects going for a long time.

Pancho-- I stay away from the Pizza places for just that reason!! When my son was home, he brought home on of Papa Murphy's "Veggie Delite's" It was okay, but not what I would call a great pizza. He ended up eating the rest of it. But if I had been to a out!!

Jane-- We each have to do what works for us as an individual. I am back to eating more of a PP way right now. The sugar cravings were starting to get to me. I was letting myself have little treats......and it got out of control. Don't be a stranger, we can support each other no matter what woe we each choose.

Toni-- Nice to see you again. We just have to take each day as it comes and do our best. We are behind you 100%!!

Rosalie-- Good for you. Planning ahead is one sure way of staying OP. We are planning a short trip soon and I am taking all my stuff with me. My hubbie's sister isn't one to do much cooking, so I am taking fresh veggies and fruits and dh is planning on deep frying an 18 pound turkey. She also just had a total hip replacement so I am sure we will be on our own. There is a small little cafe right across the street, and you can't beat their prices. A complete breakfast of your choice of bacon, sausage, ham or side pork, 2 eggs, hashbrowns, toast and coffee is 2.95.....I usually just eat an omelett without toast and hashbrowns, but dh loves this other meal.

Well, I will be back later to verify my dinner and water! Have a great OP day you all!!
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