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Old 03-17-2001, 06:05 PM   #151  
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What a day!!! Traffic is terrible down here in the winter.
No offense Rosalie, but someone needs to teach the people from ONTARIO HOW TO DRIVE!!!

STAR: I know you probably already said you were a SEC fan, but I must have forgotten! WE CAN ALWAYS USE ONE MORE....and I DEFINATELY AGREE WITH THE SAYING! We'll be counting on you to help us when PIGSKIN time rolls around!

SPARKLE: If you don't mind me asking, what other board do you post on?
Do you all have the same influx of tourists that we do here in FLA?

OH OH...Skeeter says it's time.....I'll catch everyone else later.
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Old 03-17-2001, 06:06 PM   #152  
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Well, tutor training is over and I have a mini victory to report. As I’ve reported in the past, it’s my duty as teacher to bring the breakfast refreshments. So this morning I took all kinds of bagels and those yummy cream cheeses and Brummel and Brown Spread. Plus a box of choc covered donuts. Well, there were left overs and I packed them all up in a bag and carried them straight out to the library assistants/students who work in this building at XU. (Yes, the place who’s team was eliminated last night. Boo hoo. Yes, and I know BOB, not the SEC so it really doesn’t count, right?) Anyways, I didn’t even take one little nibble. The strawberry B & B looked tempting, but I stood strong. I had saved a few pieces of cheese and triscuits from lunch and munched on that while cleaning up. That feels so good to be committed. Let’s hope it lasts!!!!!

HOPE---Here are the links for the crockpot that was posted earlier by someone else. (I can’t take credit for them.) I’ve only scratched the surface of it. The site has a ton of different links and I haven’t gotten to all, but have already found some wonderful things to try.

RAPTURE---I know what you mean about hitting a point where you just can’t seem to get going on the right track. I’ve been there before with other attempts to lose weight. I feel with SB that I must get rid of the sugary things in my life forever. Before I always thought I’d diet UNTIL I got the scales to be nice and THEN start back with my old way of eating. No wonder, nothing has ever worked. So even though I do have moments of weakness, I am really trying. As long as I tell myself I’m doing the best possible job I can do on this, I will stay with it. There are days when I beat myself up and then I just kind of get up and start over. Also, this board keeps me going. I have developed some good friendships on here and I must keep going for them. I know they want me to succeed and I don’t want to sabotage my own efforts. Plus, hearing about the people who are hitting their goals or are very close, make me want a bit of that action. Just know we are all pulling or you to do well. Also I agree with FILLISE . . . reading the SB book over and over really helps.

RHROO---Hey, girl! I feel like I haven’t talked to you in AGES. Not since before my big trip. So I’m glad you are well and liking what you are seeing on the scale. Don’t get too cocky with that success and go wild with the sugar. HA!!!! Just kidding. I’m one to talk about that. Years and Years ago I was three pounds away from goal, proceeded to get the skinny girl big head and put every pound back on. How unhealthy is that! Rest assured you WILL HIT 135 and when you do we’ll all do the happy dance for you. It won’t take you long. You are less than 10 away. That must feel awesome. Good work, dear friend!!! Think of where you started. Whew, that’s some determination.

BEACH---Congrats on the drop! What a nice surprise, huh? Your motivation thoughts were so great. I really appreciated them and I wasn’t even the one who asked about it. I also agree that we should post our weights if we feel comfortable. When I see where you started and where you are now, that really makes me want to keep going. Have fun at the beach!!!

Speaking of corned beef and cabbage . . . I saw a crock pot recipe at one of the links. Should I look and post it on the recipe board? I know it’s too late for St. Pat’s day. And a word of warning . . . watch out on loading up on the cabbage. May come back to bite you in the you-know-where . . . if you catch my drift.

And here’s another odd thing . . . DH and I had French toast tonight for dinner. Seems like a kind of sacreligious thing to do on SPD. Especially considering that we both have real red hair and look totally irish. Hmmm.

OVERCOME---Your holiday stamp is precious. You make me want to give up quilting!!! Your hobby looks like lots more fun. I still cannot believe that you brought up that book last night. I read more after the chat and I really do like it. Maeve Binchy always comes up with the best villains. Maybe villains is too strong of a word, rude people is probably a better choice. There’s already two in this one who need some humbling experiences. I’ll say no more.

Here’s a little bit of info I found in my new WO book. It’s entitled White Flour: a sad story. When white flour is refined: 93% of fiber is removed. 50% of linolenic acid (an essential fatty acid humans need to take in for basic health) is lost. 22 minerals and vitamins are reduced to 20% of original content. Most vitamin E is removed. Then it is fortified with 3 B vitamins and iron. Further bleaching strips the remaining nutrients and leaves dioxin residues.

Think of that the next time your achin’ for a cookie. Girls, have a wonderful evening. I’ll check back later. DH & I are being a boring married couple tonight and staying home. No green beer for us!!!

Take care.
185/???/139 (I promise to do my post-vacation weigh in next wednesday!)
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Old 03-17-2001, 06:16 PM   #153  
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Default HEY BOB

Did you see that we posted at the same time again. Good to see I'm getting back into the swing of things and back on schedule. Ha!!
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Old 03-17-2001, 08:59 PM   #154  
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Well, a beautiful day here in paradise, and we worked in the yard, planting a few more roses.

Star--Before Spurrier, no one ever said that their favorite team was who ever was playing the Gators. Now that the Gators are a winning team, all the other SEC teams are not so happy with FLA. No one every paid us any attention before 1990 with our 7-4 or 6-5 seasons. I think the Gators would rather be "hated." I was in Red Stick the year the Tigers upset the Gators. Watched the fans tear their own goal posts down, too. It was a sight to behold. The announcer was saying something about the fans staying off the field, and people were pouring over those walls like ants on a popsicle. A few--about 10--measley policemen ran out on the field, but they were no match for the LSU fans. It was really funny.

Fillese, was it you taking the Relafen? Anywho, if you take it with meals you won't need to take any other drugs such as antacids. I've never had any problem IF I take it with food. The doctor always recommended that.

We worked in the yard, and I have to say that I have no energy. Don't know why. I could have napped all afternoon.

Bought a few more fish for our pond. Got two beautiful yellow koi for the big pond in the back.

Deb, we went to Penneys tonight and used our 25% off ticket. The prices there are fantastic because there are sales even without the 25% off coupon, and with that you can practically steal the merchandise.

OK, SEC fans, you gotta pull for the Gators to go all the way to the final four. They are in the toughest division, with both UNC and Mich. State, who won the whole thing last year. They beat UF in the finals. Gotta have an SEC team win it. We had 6 teams in the tourney, and it looks like the SEC has caught up with the ACC in Bball.

Gotta go. Have to get ready for my class tomorrow.
Here's a pix of me lounging in my back yard on the patio by the pond.
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Old 03-17-2001, 09:14 PM   #155  
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I got four movies....count em....FOUR!!!

I'm watching "THE CONTENDER" right now...IT'S FAB!!

2. Nurse Betty
3. Dr T & the Women
4. Meet the Parents

I'll let you all know....

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Old 03-17-2001, 10:20 PM   #156  
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Evening Everyone!

Got home a little bit ago, boy, I can see how I am going to keep busy tonight-you gals have been busy on the board today! Eli & I just went for lunch and to a few stores, nothing exciting. Tomorrow, going to the Renissance Festival with our UK friends-hope I don't get bored, kids seem to like going to it.

You'd all be proud of me, I actually wore someting NEW! A new blue top, new black stretchies (okay, so the style isn't new), and a new pair of shoes! You wouldn't recognize me without my usual "uniform."

Hey, for all of you eating corned beef and cabbage, doesn't the cabbage make you have (I'll put this nicely), flatulence???

ROSALIE, we have Lindt 70% here too, I actually have 4-5 bars I've yet to open. BIGO & I found some on sale for $1.50USD last week. Yes, the name of one of the UK chocolates was St. Michael, the other is Thorntons, which is the one I tried, VERY GOOD! Your motivation is inspiring, many people would give up because they haven't seen the results they want, but you keep trying, and I know your rewards come far and few between for you, but hey, they do come!!!

BLOND, your menu looks okay, but you may want to think about cutting back on your cheese consumption-it may help you a bit, you can try using less, and see how it goes. Try to increase your water a bit, that too can help.

HOPE, thanks for posting your BIO on the BIO BOARD, it's nice to learn a bit more about you

RAPTURE, to throw my 2 cents in on what keeps me motivated-#1 is this board and the wonderful group of women on it! #2 is watching the scale go down #3 seeing my clothes getting bigger on me #4 wanting to meet my goal & #5 reading the Motivational Board ! Possibly you lose your motivation because you expect results fast and get discouraged when you don't meet your expectiations?? Just a arm chair theory. No one has to tell you that this is going to take time. When I first started SB I thought I'd be at goal by my last birthday (in Oct), here I am almost 6 months later and I'm not at goal yet. I didn't get discouraged as my bday came and I knew I wasn't going to reach that goal, I knew that in the summer! But I've stuck with this WOE because I love it, and not having cheated in almost 1 year is more amazing to me than the weight loss. I know I will reach goal in the next couple months and after doing this for a year, what's another couple months-it goes by so fast. Just stick with us, stay focused, and you'll meet your goal!!!

RHROO, hope you didn't have to work too hard today. Honestly, if I knew the dookie cleaning would produce 7lbs, I'd rush out to the store and buy whatever it takes to get rid of it! I'd be at goal too!!!

FILLISE, CONGRATS on the additional loss!!! I'm going to have a glass of water just in your honor!! Reading the book again to get motivated is a great idea.

BIGO, oh yes, you definitely know how to brown nose-but really, you don't need too, I already like you! Thanks for those great words about me, you make me really feel important! I feel the same about you and hope all the gals on the board get to meet you as well-you are so much fun! Hope you enjoy your movies, I want to see Meet the Parents. Sharon went to see HEART BREAKERS, said it was hysterical.

BEACH, glad to hear you are getting in your walks, I know how hard it was for me getting back into my walking after being sick, so I can sympathize. Hey, great about the scale going down-you're doing so great!!! Can't wait to see your beach picture!!!! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time, and you surely deserve a vacation!

STAR, thanks for the dancing report, I can just invision you!! You SHOULD celebrate, it really is a great accomplishment!

SPARKLE, sorry to hear your board was down, we can totally relate to that, when they were updating the boards, they were down for a bit over 2 days! I guess those of us who live in more tropical climates are lucky to be able to go exercise outside moreso than the northerners-but then again, come summer, rains do put a damper on my walking many days.
I went looking for sneaks today, found a pair I liked, though they didn't have them in my size (they are kids). Can't find a stinkin pair in women's-hate that! Sounds like you had a full day planned, hope your day was great!

CHERI, didn't realize you were a vegetarian-do you not eat beef, or does it go for chicken and fish as well? My son is also a vegetarian, lacto-ovo. I thought it would last a week, it's now 4 years!

OVERCOME, hey, you showed some great self-control at the rubber stamp thing!! Way to go!! I forgot all about the salt in the corned beef, not that I am eating any today, but it's good to remember when everyone is crying that the scale is up-just remind them about the salt!! Anytime anyone wants to schedule a chat, just post it-it doesn't have to be me doing it, anyone can I like the school site, but have to agree, too many cardinals.

QUILTER, got the pictures today, they're great! Thanks for sending them. I'm going to see if Sharon can get to her scanner and get them scanned so I can post them, if not, do you think Paul can do it for us?? Congrats on resisting the temptations of the foods today! How did you make the French toast, with which bread?? I made some with EZ bread a few weeks back, it was awful!

GATOR, glad you got some great deals at Penney's today! I found Michael his fav. socks that have been discontinued, got him 30 pairs for a price of $15!! He'll be getting some for the next few holidays! I can only imagine you working in your yard, it's so pretty!!!

Well gals, I'm outta here for the evening. I'll check in tomorrow sometime. I'll be gone most of the day, so if I don't get on in the AM, I will surely catch up with the board in the evening.


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Old 03-18-2001, 12:11 AM   #157  
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Default A Dilemna

Big Orange Babe, Gator Gal, Beach Fan--what oh what am I going to do if UNC and UF meet in the tournament?????

As an ACC fan, I'm sworn to hate the tarheels and root against them whenever possible. As an SEC fan, I'm sworn (it's an actual city ordinance in Auburn) to hate the gators and root against them whenever possible. What's a girl to do?

For everyone with advice on the Relefen. I'm taking it with food and so far no problems. I think it will be ok! Thanks for relating your experiences. Now if my knee would just stop hurting so I can get back to the gym!

I hope everyone had a good St. Patty's day--we eye-talians don't go in for that holiday too much, so no corned beef and cabbage for me!

Must go to bed now. I'm having a meeting at my house tomorrow--must feed people lunch. I have two dozen cookies in the kitches. I've bound and gagged the little buggers so they can't call out to me in the middle of the night!

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Old 03-18-2001, 12:25 AM   #158  
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Hi everyone!

I am so bummed It's the case of the missing entry. I typed this whole thing out and "poof" and empty screen.

Oh, well. It sounds like everyone had a good day today. I thank you all for all of the motivation. Seeing where some of you have started and how far you've come. It makes me impatient to get to the place where you all are. Thanks.

Debbie: I used to be a vegetarian and then I slipped and started eating meat again. Well, that wasn't doing me any good and so just recently, I started getting back to basics. I really feel so much better not eating meat. I do eat fish, dairy and eggs.

Kim: When are you coming to Indiana to visit your brother again. Maybe we can hit Starbucks and Trader Joes.

Well, it's getting late. Thanks again for all of the input and help.

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Old 03-18-2001, 01:10 AM   #159  
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Hey GatorGal,

I too was at that LSU and Fla. Game (1997 I believe). Florida was ranked No.1 and LSU beat them! It is an experience I'll never forget. It probably ranks as my all time favorite LSU win, maybe a tie for that famous "earthquake" game against Auburn. That was the game when LSU scored the winning touchdown and the earth actually moved. The crowd noise registered on the graph machine at the building that monitors earthquakes. True Story!

Unfortunally, LSU hasn't had anything to brag about since. All though we did beat that team from Tennessee this year!!!!!!!!

But alas, we have a million dollar coach as well and maybe the "Eye of the Tiger" will be back!!!

In the meantime, please know that I ALWAYS pull for the SEC...even when it's Florida....SO GO GATORS TO THE FINAL FOUR!!!!!!!!

But come October 6, 2001 at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, it's the Tigers and the Gators!!!

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Old 03-18-2001, 07:04 AM   #160  
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Good Sunday Morning Everyone!

Thought I'd get in a quick post before I hit the pavement-trying to wake up, as I'd much rather be in bed.

Eli just got word that his conference is going to be in LAS VEGAS the end of May-lucky guy. I told him, do or die, you find a way to make it to Trader Joes!!!:sneaky: Honestly, I only want 3-4 items, olive oil, Marantha Almond Butter and the tomato splash, at least this is what I want for now-the list may grow.

FILLISE, glad to hear things are going well with the new drug. Hope your meeting goes well today, I'm sure it will!!!

CHERI, I know EXACTLY what you experienced with losing your post out there in cyberspace-it happens to me more times than I care to remember. Funny thing is, right when it happens, I can't remember for the life of me, half of what I wrote in the first place! We don't eat too much meat in our home, and most of the time, it's lean ground lamb or beef when we do, once in a while, Jewish pork chops I find I tend to get sluggish when I eat a steak, or something in the meat family that's heavy. It's hard having Michael being a veg. as I have to make him something different on days we eat "little animals". I hope you and Kim can get together and go to Starbucks and TJs-take a picture of me along just to make me feel like I was there-dying to find a way to get to TJ's, Starbucks doesn't do a thing for me!!

Time for me to get dressed and start pounding the pavement. I'll check in with you all tonight. Please remember, tomorrow is Monday and we start the new board!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!

Miami, FL
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Old 03-18-2001, 09:37 AM   #161  
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Good Morning Everyone!

Deb, Hope you had a good day at the Festival. Your new outfit sounds great!

Overcome, I'd love to see some of your rubber stamping. I'd love to try some rubber stamping but I am afraid to start one more thing. I just bought an embroidery sewing machine and I am really enjoying it.
I teach 3rd grade for now but I am a 1st grade teacher at heart. I taught 1st for 10 years. Hope to go back one day. I love your school site. It is a great resource for children and teachers. My little girl and I can' t wait to go back and play on it. My husband & I went to the Poconos on our Honeymoon. It is a beautiful place. We said that we would bring our children back one day, but we haven't yet.

Quilter, Thanks for the crockpot links. Do you quilt by hand or with a machine?

Have a nice day everyone. I'm off to fix breakfast for my children.
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Old 03-18-2001, 09:45 AM   #162  
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Good morning All you Winners!!!

Hey before I forget, I got an email from VIV yesterday (and chatted with her briefly on IM). She said to send greetings and hugs to everyone. She’s a bit blue with some bad things going on with her dad. (Ill health and 3000 miles away) So she told me she doesn’t want to be a “downer” on the board. But to let everybody know that she’s lurking and with us in spirit. Let’s all keep talking to her on the board, just like normal--like she’s posting everyday. I think her trip to FL will be a good boost for her emotionally, but the thing with her dad will probably hang over her head like a cloud. Anyways, she sounded okay last night. Just wanted to pass her message on to you. I think she needs our good thoughts and prayers.

ORANGE---So that’s where you were last night. Right after we posted (together) I thought you’d be back on. What did you think of meet the parents? We watched that last week. I would have gotten the heck our of dodge the minute I shook hands with the dad. What about his last name? Pretty funny, huh???? Did you post pictures of you and Deb, and Gator? I can’t seem to find them. Be sure and show Skeeter Cousin Maddie’s picture. Okay? She says, “Woof!” to him and you, Auntie Orange.

DEB---Yes, I’ll see if Paul can scan the pictures. If he doesn’t have time, I’ll try and do it at his office one night after work. Shouldn’t take but a minute. I’ll let you know. We made our french toast with the PF SGWW bread. Did you know PF has two kinds of 100%SGWW? A thin smaller loaf and a sandwich size. We also use the cary’s sf syrup. I like it and only use a couple of drops. Because I put enough cinnamon and vanilla in the egg mixture, you don’t need that much syrup. Also, I have a question about the unsweetened carob chips . . . I bought them at WO the other night and have twice now snacked on them. Just having 1 or 2 tablespoons at a time. Do you think this is okay. AT first I didn’t think I’d like them becasue they definitely don’t taste like chocolate. But I really like them now. Is there anything in them that would be illegal. I bought them in the bulk aisle and don’t have all the info about them.

CHERI---We haven’t set a day to visit my brother. I know we’ll probably be there during the Easter weekend. My bro is a minister and the only time we go to church is when we’re visiting them. So we’ll for sure be there then. Is that too crazy of a weekend to hit TJ’s? Are you going to Michigan for the holiday? Anyways, let me know what you think. Isn’t Easter like the weekend of the 17th. We’ll probably both have that Friday off and will come over then. That would be so great if we could get together.

Well, guys, Paul and I are purging an upstairs storage room. He had all this old computer equipment (and I mean OLD) that was just taking up space. He moved a lot of it out yesterday. I told him seeing all that stuff go was getting me “hot & bothered”. (The perfect afrodisiac!!! Anyways, I have a bunch of stuff that needs to go so I think we’ll do a couple trips to Goodwill this afternoon. At least it’s not raining today so we won’t have to get drenched while unloading all the stuff. Take care. Have a wonderful Sunday. I’ll check back later.

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Old 03-18-2001, 10:13 AM   #163  
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Hey, HOPE!! You and I posted at the same time so I missed your message. I knew I liked you . . . you're a teacher. I love teachers. Such an IMPORTANT job!!!! As far as the quilting goes, I have always pieced and quilted by hand. This current project I am piecing by machine and will quilt by hand. If I ever get it finished . . . the machine quilting is MUCH harder than the hand piecing and things don't always come out as even and measured perfect as they do when you are doing it by hand. I'm flat-out frustrated right now. But machine quilting makes the quilt stronger so that's why I'm doing it. Thanks for asking. I'm like you though, Overcome's stamping sure looks inviting. I'm thinking that's a craft for my future.
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Old 03-18-2001, 11:29 AM   #164  
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It looks like a great day outside. The sun is out and makes me want to get out and take a walk.

Kim: Easter is on the 15th. I'm not sure yet if my two sons and their families will be coming down on Good Friday or not. If they don't, it would be great to finally get to meet. I'll let you know.

Deb: Kim and I will be sure take your picture down each isle as we go.

Overcome: I really like doing stamping too. I got into it when I lived in Michigan. I am making a scrapbook for my Grandson right now. It's so much fun. I like stamping on furniture and walls too. It looks so nice.

Viv: Hang in there, you and your family are in my prayers.

Hope: Have you found any other good recipes for your crockpot? I'm thinking about getting mine out and trying to see if I can find some vegetable stews, etc. for it.

BOB: Let us know how the movies were. I picked up the movie "I Dreamed of Africa" with Kim Basinger. It was good but sad. Also went to see "The Mexican" with Julia Roberts and Brad Pitt. It was good too.

Well, I'll check in later. Everyone have a great day!

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Old 03-18-2001, 12:14 PM   #165  
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Default Good Sunday afternoon everyone

Hope all who were celebrating St. Paddy's day had a good time and enjoyed their corned beef and cabbage. Given me an idea for supper this week. Haven't had that for ages. It doesn't have to be St. Pat's to enjoy it.

It's a bright sunny day here but no flowers showing their heads yet. The lawn is still partly covered with snow and we have about 6 feet of the stuff on the corner of the lawn. It's the dumping ground when they plow.

BigO, sorry those Ontarians are driving you crazy down there. They must be going berserk when they get to the hot weather after being frozen up here. How were the movies you watched last night?

Beachfan, glad to hear you are doing so well. Another 2 pounds down, WOW. And you thought you would have trouble maintaining.

Starchaser, I hope there were no hidden cameras when you were doing your HAPPY DANCE. That's a great loss. You have reason to be happy.

Quilter, it was great that you could resist all those goodies. Congrats. Would you mind posting the link for the crockpot Corned Beef and Cabbage. After seeing the description of white flour that you posted makes me more resolved to stick to the SGWW.

I've checked out some of the crockpot sites and have copied a few recipes from CHERYL's KITCHEN. I'm cooking the Swedish Cabbage Rolls to-day. Tomorrow I may try the Sweet and Sour Chicken. Then there's Sweet and Spicy Garbanzo Stew which looks good. (No sweetener in the recipe but does include sweet potato.) If they turn out O.K. I will post them on the recipe board.

Well, at last the painting of my bedroom is finished. Now I have no excuse for not cleaning up the house. It's been a mess for so long with stuff all over the place. It will be nice to get it organized again.

Deb, congratulations on the new outfit. I am sure you looked wonderful. The reason I stick to this woe, apart from the fact that I feel better, is because I know if I go back to the old way of eating I would gain again and I really don't want that to happen after coming this far.

Viv, it's always hard when someone is sick in the family but even worse when they are so far away. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope things improve for your Dad.

Have to go and do some chores now and get this room straightened out.


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