South Beach Diet Fat Chicks on the Beach!

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Old 05-26-2021, 09:16 PM   #76  
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Evening! Didn’t do step workout because hubby said he wants to go for a walk, so since I can still feel the last step session I’ll go walk with him. Didn’t have breakfast like I was planning because I got busy so I e only had the peanut butter muffin and my Chop Stop salad before dinner. Dinner was a turkey burger patty with light Swiss, mustard, and pickles in an almond flour tortilla. so good! Now I better see about that walk!
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Old 05-27-2021, 08:55 AM   #77  
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Wow, it's Thursday already? This week is flying and I am not sure why. I had one of those hungry days yesterday, but I stuck with eating on plan, but did have more than usual. I tried to drink more water too, as I know that often helps. The scale didn't move this morning, so maybe tomorrow? I remember reading somewhere that hungry days are your body fighting to stay at your set point, however I don't know if that is really true but it makes sense. Let's hope that today my body decides to stop fighting me, I eat a little less and I am rewarded by the scale gods!

Syckgirlsfy, I hate it when restaurants stop serving what has become one of my favorites! Maybe the cilantro and the feta will come back as things open up more again and they gain more traffic after all the shutdowns? We can hope, right? I am not familiar with Chop Stop, but anyplace you can get a good salad is something to celebrate. I envy all your great produce in CA and all the healthy restaurants. I hope you and your hubby enjoyed your walk! We got nasty thunderstorms through here yesterday afternoon and evening with some serious lightening. No walking outside here in the evening!

Muffin, it's so wonderful to hear that you had two great days in a row! Ahh, now I understand about giving up the coffee. I sure hope that you can find a solution to enjoy at least one cup a day. Watching hubby drink coffee while you can't would be such torture. Just smelling it...I know a couple of people who don't drink it, but love the smell. I don't like hazelnut flavored, but love the way it smells. Keep up the good work on meeting your goals! You are doing awesome!

Welcome IVC07! Are you following the South Beach Diet? If so, are you following the older one or the newer Keto?

Have a Terrific Thursday everyone! We are not far from a nice, long weekend!
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Old 05-27-2021, 10:41 AM   #78  
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Happy Thursday, I can't believe the week is almost over.

I wake up a bit later today, but I already did my exercises. Now I'm having a cup of green tea and enjoying my breakfast. This afternoon, I'm taking the boys for their 1st Covid Shot. I didn't want them to do it yet but they really want to get the vaccine. I'm not looking forward to the weekend, hubby's birthday is on June 1st, so he wants to celebrate this weekend. He wants to go to a German restaurant on Saturdays and on Monday he is planning on making ribs and chicken wings. I have never eaten at Geman food so not sure what I can order to stay on plan besides a salad. I also need to make sure I have some meals prepared for me on Monday so I can stay on plan

My goals for today are the same, I think I'm going to stick with those for a few weeks and see how I do.

Have any of you read the SBD Keto version? I'm not interested in doing Keto, I just want to see what is the difference. Most people I have seen that follow a Keto diet eat very little portion of veggies and fruits. To me, those are super important to a healthy diet. I might just buy the book to read it.
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Old 05-28-2021, 08:55 AM   #79  
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Hi Muffin,
I bought the SBD Keto version as an ebook for my kindle when it first came out. I haven't read it in a while but it is very keto oriented. Dr. Agatston said to keep your carb allowance under 50 grams on Phase 1. But if you are having cravings or your hunger is increasing between meals, to cut back on the carbs. On the allowed foods list Phase 1: Pretty much any meat as long as it didn't have carbs including bacon and sausage. Nuts and seeds are allowed, but watch the portions. Full fat dairy, but watch the amount of carbs. Oils like avocado, coconut, olive, etc. but not canola or peanut. MCT oil. I remember he talked a lot about that in the book. I think he was adding it to coffee? I can't recall exactly. The usual vegetables but I don't recall the amounts except carrots were added as limited. For fruits, it was unsweetened coconut, olives and lemon and lime juice for cooking. Mayonnaise was listed under condiments, not fats, and it was no sugar added and olive or avocado oil types. The allowed sweeteners are Erythritol, Monk fruit and stevia. Beverages were almond milk, full fat coconut milk, tea, coffee and sparkling waters. No diet sodas are listed. He listed legumes, but the list says in limited quantities. And there were keto friendly chocolate chips listed. If I remember correctly, you go to Phase 2 with 100 grams of carbs when you are ready to maintain more than lose. I remember he also talked about Intermittent Fasting quite a bit, but I don't remember the details.
This is a sample menu for Day 1, Phase 1
BREAKFAST Plain whole-milk Greek yogurt with walnuts and cinnamon (1 cup yogurt, 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts, and a dash of cinnamon) Coffee or tea SNACK Chai Tea Latte LUNCH Deviled Egg Salad with cucumber slices (1 ⁄2 medium cucumber, sliced) DINNER Pan-seared salmon fillet (3 ounces) with cauliflower rice (1 ⁄2 cup) (Give it a flavor boost by adding herbs, spices, or garlic., and Parmesan) Roasted Brussels Sprouts Prep: Sear the salmon in a frying pan with a little bit of olive oil. For an additional boost of flavor, top with 1 to 2 tablespoons of tzatziki sauce. SNACK 1 Chocolate Chip Cookie with a glass of whole milk (8 ounces) T O T A L D A I L Y N U T R I T I O N 1,353 calories ■ 63% fat ■ 25% saturated fat ■ 16% carbs ■ 29g net carbs ■ 25% protein

There is a SBD website with a free newsletter. Of course, they also send you ads to buy the meal plan and snacks when you get the newsletter, though!
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Old 05-28-2021, 09:13 AM   #80  
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TGIF! So the scale gods were a bit kinder today and I am down a little bit. Progress! I have some major organizing to do today. I have been letting things slide for the past 14 months of the pandemic but now it looks like we may be having company again and I can't ignore it any longer. Things around here are not dirty, just unorganized. I gave it a half-hearted attempt a few times but didn't make any real progress. Today will be the day. Maybe having a deadline will whip me into gear? I KNOW I will feel better when it's done. The new normal hasn't been very Zen!

Muffin, you are heading into a challenging weekend! I have been to a German restaurant in the past and I don't recall them being too diet friendly but I hope I am wrong. There was lots of emphasis on beer in BIG steins! Maybe you could look up the menu online and try to plan ahead? Congrats to your boys on getting their first shot and happy birthday to your hubby!

Syckgirlsfy, is this the week for your Ghost Town campout? Hope you are doing well and have a great Friday!

How is everybody's weekend shaping up? After some beautiful weather, we are getting yucky and rainy for the beginning of summer. Monday may turn out okay, but it's iffy. I feel bad for everyone who had cook-outs planned.

Hi to everyone reading and I hope your weekend is great, no matter what you have planned! Drink your water! (I have to keep reminding myself )
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Old 05-28-2021, 10:46 AM   #81  
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Good morning! I sleep in this morning (much need it) I already had my celery and green juice, did my exercise and I'm ready to start my day. The boys are happy because Hubby came home last night (he usually travels M-F for work) Today, I have to make sure I ship my sister's box, I keep saying I'm going to do it but keep forgetting and her poor dog still waiting for his bed. I also need to go grocery shopping, I run out of veggies for my green juice and we also need fruit.
I'm very happy because so far this week I have met my goals. I weight in this morning and the scale was down another pound One thing that I noticed is that I'm following the same routine every day and it is really helping to make good choices. I have been having the same breakfast every morning. Lunch is a bit different, but I'm trying to have it at the same every day. For dinner, I'm sticking to a big salad with either fish or chicken breast.

MJMS- thanks so much for all that info. I was just curious both diets are so contradicting, I feel that the keto version will be very hard to maintain as a healthy life style. Good luck with your organizing project. My husband has been to Germany a couple of times and he loves their food but every time he describes it to me sounds very rich in fat and carbs. I never developed a taste for beer, so I'm not worried about that. I will definitely be checking the menu before we go.

Hope you all have a great Friday!
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Old 05-28-2021, 12:25 PM   #82  
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MJMS next weekend is our camping night at the ghost town...we didn't do this weekend because they require two nights and one is really all we need. It's only 2 hours away.

Scale down a pound to 164.6 - I had two shots of whiskey last night only and half a brownie. Water weight is almost gone but we'll see what the weekend brings.

I forgot to check in yesterday - breakfast was deli ham and light swiss, a peanut butter cream cheese muffin
lunch was chicken breast and green beans, I had a snack of a protein shake
dinner was a chicken salad

okay, FRIDAY!!! I took June 1st (tuesday) off, so I have a 4 day weekend. AND my new Xbox series X is set to deliver Sunday! I do realize at my age it might seem strange but alas, I am a gamer lol.
Just having coffee so far, may make egg white and sirloin omelet here shortly. Not sure of the rest of today. Checking back later!
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Old 05-28-2021, 04:20 PM   #83  
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okay just had lunch - 1 can of starkist solid white albacore tuna, olive oil mayo, relish on an almond flour tortilla. YUM! I might do another step workout today, this afternoon after work. Not sure, but if I want to have 2 shots tonight I need to. Pretty much settles it!

hope you are all having a great start to the long weekend!
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Old 05-29-2021, 08:29 AM   #84  
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I made good progress with my organizing yesterday, so I am happy! It always looks worse in the middle of it and I have to keep reminding myself of that so I don't get discouraged and have a mini meltdown. It also seems to generate many little side jobs that can get distracting, too. But I persevered and got three hot spots done that I had ignored for a long time. And since two of them involved food storage, hopefully it will help me on the Beach, too. We moved and downsized almost two years ago and my storage is much, much less than it was, so it's a challenge to stay organized for me.

I'm waiting on my Hungry Harvest being delivered this morning. It will be good to be stocked up with good produce. It's started raining yesterday evening, rained all night and is supposed to rain all the way to Monday morning. Not a very cheery weekend. It will probably be good for me to get some more organizing accomplished. Maybe, lol!

Muffin, Congratulations on the pound! You are doing so well! It sounds like having a routine for your meals is working out really well for you. Sometimes I think it helps just not having to thing too much about food. It helps my mind not wander to things that I might rather eat that aren't so healthy or on plan. I hope you were able to get your package mailed and got your fruits and veggies. Enjoy your German food tonight! You will have to report back so that we can live vicariously

Syckgirlsfv, You are dropping back down nicely, too, from your water weight! I am sure that your meal planning and your exercising are a big part of that! Hooray for a 4 day weekend for you and a new Xbox. You sound excited and have plans for lots of fun. Good for you after working all week. You need and deserve it!

Have a Super Saturday, everybody! Anybody that is reading, please feel free to hop on and join us on the South Beach, no matter which version you are following!
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Old 05-29-2021, 12:51 PM   #85  
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MJMS nice job on the organizing! I did that a few months back and ended up getting a storage unit. I love it!

okay full disclosure, I had FIVE shots, not two last night. ugh. Still 164.5 but I’m expecting some water weight. I will make sure and sweat some of it out today! I also told the hubby I am not drinking anything tonight!

so far drinking coffee I’ll probably have a peanut butter cream cheese muffin since there are a few left. I got a rotisserie chicken last night so lunch will prob be that. I think I need to do a little grocery shopping today. Back later!
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Old 05-30-2021, 08:38 AM   #86  
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Good Sunday Morning!
Thanks for the compliment on my organizing Syckgirlsfv. Only a little bit of it happened yesterday. Instead I ended up getting into some cleaning that seemed like a good follow-up and preview to the next round of organizing that will happen today. Hopefully, I burned a few calories! The scale was a little kinder this morning. Yesterday I had a slight bump-up and today it is at a new low. I hope I can hang on to it! As I have mentioned before, up and down before I stay down, seems to be my pattern. I lose slowly these days, too, so the tenths of a pound that my scale registers are a blessing and a curse!

Syckgirlsfv, you can do five shots of whiskey? You would not want me to be your drinking buddy. I could never keep up and I am not sure that I could even do whiskey. I am more of a Grey Goose girl with a mixer. You'd mock me for being such a wimp, lol! I hope that since you have worked hard all week that you don't get much of a bump up or any at all. Sometimes we all need that kick back evening! A good rotisserie chicken is a good thing to have on hand, isn't it? So tasty!

Hey, Muffin! Hope the German restaurant was fun! If it was too good/bad, hop right back on plan today You are doing too well to give up!

Hi to Maral427 and CrystalBelle and anyone else reading! Have a good Beachy Day!
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Old 05-31-2021, 09:16 AM   #87  
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Happy Memorial Day to the Beachers in the USA! Remembering and thanking all those that have given their lives in service to our Country.

Today the scale was down another smidge. I finally have hit 30 pounds lost from my high weight. And I don't ever want to find them again! Now, to keep going. Today we are invited to a BBQ at my DD and DSIL's home. The almost 3 year-old grandson will be the entertainment, I am sure. Hopefully he keeps me focused on him and moving and less on the food, although they are pretty healthy eaters over there. I just need to watch my carb portions, probably.

Almost June! Time to take stock of the past month and see what we can tweak for continued weight loss. Hope your May ends with a bang and here is to new beginnings!
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Old 05-31-2021, 11:28 AM   #88  
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Happy Memorial Day! " The brave die never, though they sleep in dust, their courage nerves a thousand living men" -Minot J. Savage

Saturday we went to the German restaurant for a late lunch. That place was huge! 2 floors, a rooftop and they also had a bar. They had live music and it was very entertaining, hubby had a blast. We ordered a giant pretzel for an appetizer which I had a very little piece. The boys really enjoy it I let my husband convinced me and I ordered the Hollandaise Chicken Schnitzel which came with white asparagus and green beans. I peeled the breading part and ate a little bit less than half, it was ok but nothing to die about it. The boys didn't like their food too much either, it was too greasy, Hubby on the other hand love it! For dessert, we got black forest cake for the boys and German chocolate cake for us After lunch, we decided to walk around the farmer's market. I would definitely come back for the music, but not the food
Yesterday, we went to church in the morning and then came home to do some cleaning. It was super hot outside and in the afternoon we got lots of thunder but not rain for dinner I had leftover veggies from last week with chicken breast. I had a very lazy day and didn't drink enough water.

This morning the scale was up 1lb I didn't want to do my exercises, but I suck it up and did them anyway, feeling better now. For lunch, the hubby is grilling burgers and hotdogs and for me, we are grilling Mahi-mahi fish with mushrooms onions, and red peppers I'm also steaming some green beans.

MJM- congrats on hitting 30lb weight loss I hope you have a great time with the family!
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Old 06-02-2021, 11:29 AM   #89  
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morning! I know I went a litte MIA, but nothing super exciting to report. Weight was 164.0 on Memorial day, but I did imbibe mucho whiskey lol I am 165.4 this morning which isn't too terrible considering! I will definitely clean it up this week. I exercised every day over the weekend though, step workouts every day with a weight workout at the gym on Monday. All is well

so far just coffee - my plans are to make an egg white omelet with spinach and either ham or sirloin. Lunch will most likely be a turkey burger patty from the bbq the other day in an almond flour tortilla (I'm really liking those) with melted light swiss, pickle, tomato. Not sure about dinner yet! Back later
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Old 06-03-2021, 08:39 AM   #90  
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Everyone join us on the newer South Beach June/July 2021 thread!
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