South Beach Diet Fat Chicks on the Beach!

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Old 05-05-2021, 11:42 AM   #31  
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Rainy day here, today. But the sun is trying to peek out and the temps are in the high 60's now and heading into the low 70's with no more rain. The scale stayed the same today, even though I got into some salty popcorn last night. Not the worst snack but it was unplanned and the salt is never good. I was too sparse with the veggies yesterday, too. Today is a day to do better! There is a small lake near us and today there was a family of geese swimming with 4 little goslings. So cute! But they don't stay little for very long. The cormorant also made an appearance yesterday. Such a gangly bird, but amusing to watch when it flies and tries to land.

I hope everyone is having a great Wednesday and is seeing success on the scale or in those NSV's! Join in the chat, if you can!
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Old 05-05-2021, 05:15 PM   #32  
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hello! I am still okay, scale is up almost a pound this morning but I knew oats would do that to me the other, I broke down and had the vaccine yesterday which threw me for a loop! I didn't really eat much yesterday and drank TONS of water because that damn shot made me thirsty. I also had one wild ride of a night! Aches, chills, blazing headache...all gone this morning but I am tired and a bit fatigued from it.

Full disclosure: I swore I would never get this shot! But when your employer is going to require it, and you don't want to be told anything, you beat them to the punch! I am much better now.

Breakfast: egg whites, sirloin, mozzarella, red peppers, green salsa, light sour cream.
haven't had anything else yet. Food is rather uninteresting to me today! I am, however, going with the hubs to BJ's tonight and sipping on a margarita! I deserve it!
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Old 05-06-2021, 09:48 AM   #33  
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The day started off well diet-wise, but went off the rails at supper time. We got take-out and I didn't make a good choice. And in case I didn't know that, the scale reminded me by being up .7 of a pound. Sigh. Hopefully most of it is water because I don't think the calorie count was that high for the day. Lots of water today for sure.

Syckgirlsfv, sorry that the vaccine made you feel lousy. It is so weird how people's reactions to it are all over the place. My first dose I had a sore arm and a head and shoulder ache across my neck that night and fine the next day. My husband had a little bit of a sore arm and that was all. The second shot, I reacted much like you did and was also fine the next day except for being tired. I do remember the pharmacist saying to drink lots of water. For his second shot, my husband had no reaction and didn't even have a sore arm. Go figure! But, I do know that my reaction was very much preferable to getting Covid. It's a terrible disease to suffer through if you do get symptoms. And so many are suffering months after, not to mention those that lost their lives. The pictures coming out of India in the news now are horrible. So much suffering.

Today is a good day to work on getting the weight down and boosting that immune system! I hope everyone reading has a great day and meets their health goals!

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Old 05-07-2021, 11:31 AM   #34  
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I had the J&J shot, so one and done! I don't mind the symptoms because that just showed my immune system went to work!

weight back down to 165.6 - not bad because we did go out for Cinco de Drinko! We went to BJ's and I had a Bulleit old fashioned and one shot of Bulleit straight up. This phase 2 of SBD allows for 2 drinks per week LOL so those were the two, and strangely, I had no desire for more.
diet does work on cravings! We split an order of sweet potato fries (I was impressed with how non greasy they were) and an order of roasted tumeric cauliflower. So did pretty well for being out! haven't really switched fully to phase 2, either. I am more comfortable with not having the carbs but once in a while I will.

so far today: coffee! Planned menu:
B - flax and cottage cheese pancake (maybe add a tiny bit of coaches oats for flavor)
L - salad w/romaine, mango habanero rotisserie chicken breast, feta, zesty lime dressing
D - I am not sure yet! I had some meatballs from Pavilions deli yesterday when I picked up the chicken and they were so good I want to make some. Maybe with turkey...we'll see.

need to do a step workout for lunch today...haven't done anything since getting the damn shot.
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Old 05-07-2021, 12:44 PM   #35  
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TGIF, everybody! Hope it's a good one! Eating yesterday was not great again. Sigh. I have to get back to it. I feel much, much better when I eat on plan. I just get lazy in my choices and in my prep. I'm giving myself a kick in the rear today!

Syckgirlsfv, good job on the weight! A couple of drinks for the holiday weren't bad at all and it didn't seem to affect your loss. It's good for your mental health to kick back sometimes, too, and that's important. Your lunch salad sounds good! Have fun with your step workout!

I hope everybody reading is heading into a delightful weekend! Let's all make healthy choices!
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Old 05-09-2021, 10:16 AM   #36  
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Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there and to everyone who has mothered another as a mentor, teacher, favorite relative or friend!

As for me, my weight is still up slightly from that low that I saw, but it has not been a stellar eating week either, so I am lucky that it is not more! Tonight will be making a shopping list and doing some planning for the week. That will help a lot.

Feel free to hop on and join this thread anytime. The more the merrier! Have a great day everyone!
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Old 05-11-2021, 02:05 PM   #37  
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I got a haircut today. It has been a long time and it feels good! Hmmm, maybe it will show on the scale? Probably not, but a girl can hope! I haven't weighed in a couple of days as I know that I am retaining water from too much sodium but I am probably trying to avoid seeing that number still up even if it isn't the sodium. Trying to get back on the horse but it has been challenging the last few days. I have to keep trying, though. That's the nice thing about the Beach. It really is just plain healthy eating in Phase 2 and always a good thing to get back to, even without the weight loss part. We'll see what the rest of the week brings.

Hopefully you are having a fabulous time in Vegas, Syckgirlsfv! I bet with all the walking and even with vacation treats that the scale will be kind.

Make it a great Tuesday everybody!
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Old 05-14-2021, 09:00 AM   #38  
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Muffin, Nicole1288, Lisaward4, CrystalBelle and Maral427, please feel free to join us on this thread to give and get support on the Beach! This thread will continue until the end of May and then, hopefully, we will have a group of us posting and can start a thread for June. That would be wonderful!

As for me, I am not doing so wonderfully on the Beach right now. Life is getting in the way and I am not sticking to the principles as well as I should and I am not losing. But, I have not given up and I will regroup soon. In a few more days, things should settle again and I can get back to planning and prepping. Two things that I really need to focus on to be successful. Monday is looking good for a weigh-in and a restart.

TGIF! I hope everyone has a great weekend and will join me soon. I hope Las Vegas is wonderful for you, Syckgirlsfv! "See" you soon!
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Old 05-14-2021, 05:12 PM   #39  
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Hello MJMS and Syckgirlsfv thanks for keeping this thread alive

These past months I have fallen out of track and have gained 10lbs, my sugar dragon is out of control and it is time to get things under control. This week I missing PH1 and 2 but I will be officially back in PH1 next week.

MJMS- would you be restarting PH1?
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Old 05-14-2021, 07:13 PM   #40  
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Hi Muffin! Good to see you! I am sorry to hear about your sugar dragon. I know it too well. To answer your question, I probably won't do a full phase 1 but I will for sure have limited phase 2 foods. Probably one starch and one fruit per day max for awhile. I am not craving so much as I am just not planning and following the program. If I feel like I am having too much in the way of cravings, I definitely will do phase 1 for a bit.

Have a great Friday evening and a good weekend, too!
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Old 05-17-2021, 09:59 AM   #41  
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Well, it's Monday. Time to face the scale this morning and it wasn't pretty. Up 3.6 lbs. from my low weight a couple of weeks ago. It's doubtful that it is all a true gain. I haven't overeaten that much, but it does contain some retained water that most likely came from too salty and carb heavy choices. I'll give myself credit for facing the scale and weighing, though. When I avoid the scale, I KNOW that I am in denial mode. Time to give myself a kick and get back on the healthy eating and movement wagon. Hopefully, I will be rewarded with a quick pound or two drop of retained water and the motivation will help me get my mind back in the game!

How is everyone else doing? Anybody want to join me this week? Jump in and let's all have a successful week!
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Old 05-17-2021, 12:12 PM   #42  
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Good morning, I started PH1 today, so far I'm doing good but I usually struggle at dinner time. I wake up at 5:30 am took DS2 to school for AP testing and then I went on a 2miles walk.

MJMS- drink lots of water, that will help you lose those extra lbs from too salty and carb heavy choices.

Hope everyone is having a great Monday!
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Old 05-17-2021, 12:21 PM   #43  
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You are so right about the water, Muffin! Thanks for the reminder. I needed it! I am going to grab a big glass right now. Good for you on the 2 mile walk! Not easy when you have gotten up at 5:30. It's too tempting to say your tired and head back to bed, but you did it! Stay strong through dinner time and get your reward on the scale tomorrow!
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Old 05-17-2021, 07:47 PM   #44  
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Well, Vegas was awesome as usual! The scale was down to 164.6 when I left for there and of course up water weight of 5 pounds when I got back, but it went down fairly quickly and I am at 164.2 as of yesterday. I did drink last night with hubby as I had a paid holiday today (Jewish holiday) so I imagine water weight will happen, but I’m able to shake it fairly quickly as long as I stay on track with food and I don’t drink again for a while.

Today I haven’t had much - turkey patty for breakfast and then 3 turkey sausages a little while ago. I didn’t get up until after nine so I didn’t even eat breakfast until like 11. Kind of threw me. I’ll be sure to eat green veggies (thinking green beans) and a good protein source for dinner. Back tomorrow!
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Old 05-18-2021, 07:55 AM   #45  
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Happy Tuesday! The scale is slowly inching back down for me. It always goes up so fast and comes back down so slowly! I have to remember that if I keep to the plan, it will come down, though. Yesterday was a good day doing a phase 1.5. Not a true phase 1 because I did include a serving of sweet potatoes as my phase 2 carb, but that was the only phase 2 item. And I got my half hour walk in. I need to extend that today.

Muffin, how did day 1 go for you? I know that you started off really well yesterday! I hope today is just as good!

Syckgirlsfv, welcome back! It sounds like Vegas was awesome and you have already dropped to below the weight that you were when you left! You sure are rockin' it! Way to go!

Everybody reading have a terrific Tuesday! Jump in and join us for a chat!
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