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Old 09-08-2006, 06:48 AM   #61  
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Good Morning Chicks! I got 6 hours of bad sleep but it's better than nothing. I still feel about the same.

LaZBoy is coming to bring my new furniture today. My fingers are crossed. I'm in no mood for it to be a problem today. Jim is taking me out for dinner tonight. I'm not sure what I'll have but there will be plenty of good Core choices.

I'm going to try to catch up with you all but I know it won't be easy.
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Old 09-08-2006, 08:18 AM   #62  
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Frouf, I just LOVE reading about your daily adventures! Despite my grumpiness....I was laughing out load at your packing trials and tribulations. Thanks for that! I'm glad that you solved your packing dilemma. I really hope that today goes smoothly for you and that you get off on your trip without a hitch. I hope you make all your connections in Chicago. But....if you don' me! You really need to get away and relax. I did look at the pictures of your ship and it is truly amazing. It ALMOST made me be brave enough to take a cruise. I'll have to just find a 2 day one sometime. I'm glad that the tropical storm is heading away from where you'll be. I want you to have a safe and fun trip.

Paula you sound just like my Niece. She had a hard time letting her oldest DD go to preschool but was very happy that she did. They all need to learn how to socialize. I like butternut squash but have never eaten it in soup. Maybe I'll get brave this year and try your recipe. I cook a lot but am not very creative so recipes are a must for me! I never made pumpkin pudding either, but I'm very fond of the crustless pumpkin pie. It's time to make one I think. I'm very excited to have another cook on our board.

Hey Niki! We miss you. Come back when you can!

Sandra, I hope your air is better by now. It's sad that you are living with those conditions. You are doing so great on your exercise. I am SO very proud of you. Good luck at your weigh in today!

Rhonda, I think you've done amazingly well given your situation. Try not to let that small gain slow you down. Just get right back on the wagon and keep on going!

Poor Kathy! You work way more than I did when I was still on the job. I'd have to find a new one with less hours. Life is WAY too short. Your meals sound wonderful and perfect for your current work situation. Have you heard from Shaun yet?

Melissa, how did the practice go? Good Luck tonight. I know you will be outstanding! I wish I could be there to cheer you on.

Ok...I'm taking my sick little self off of this computer. I'm going to start a menu thread and have breakfast. The Terminix guy is coming this morning and after that the delivery guys. I need to shower and be dressed to deal with the furniture. Then I'll be ready for dinner when it's time too!
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Old 09-08-2006, 08:53 AM   #63  
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Goooooood morning, all! I'm excited about work today because I'm only going to be here for 8 hours!!! Yeehaw! After this week, that'll seem like a half day!

Vickie, I wish you felt better but am so glad the new furniture is coming today. I too hope that there aren't problems with it because if there are, woe to the delivery people! They might feel the wrath! Enjoy your dinner out tonight. As for the job, I guess I enjoy nerdy engineering stuff enough that it doesn't really bother me. It's fun for the most part and the way I look at it is, everybody has to be somewhere and I might as well be here! The housework is always waiting, and there's lots of people to talk to. Since we're in a secret area and nobody else can come in, we have lots of fun in here. Of course, most of that fun includes lots of food too.

Frouf, I was also laughing at your packing trials! You are going to have a blast whether you're doing it in wrinkled clothes or not! I can't wait for you to get back and tell us all about it. I can already picture the looooong Froufy post with details!

Melissa, I was wondering how the practice run went too! What did you make? Do they still make that chicken broccoli ring? That was always my absolute FAVORITE!

Hello to everybody else! I need to do some work now but I'll be back in a bit!
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Old 09-08-2006, 09:16 AM   #64  
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Default No Cake For Me!

It was a great night for me -- Jim and Sarah had pizza for dinner, i had a spinach salad. They had the chocolate cake, I had some grapes. I really did not feel deprived -- OK, I did lick the knife! Thankfully the scale is back down this morning.

Vickie, I'm glad to hear the dr gave you some meds. Hopefully today you will feel better. As for the pumpkin pudding - very easy, I make buttescotch ff/sf pudding shorting the milk by 1/4 cup (1 3/4 instead of 3) and add in pumpkin pie spice into the mix. Once the pudding is made I mix in a can of pumpkin. Ends up very thick and good. If you like the crustless pumpkin pie, this has the same flavor without having to cook.

Frouf, good luck packing. At least you are just packing for yourself. Imagine if you had other to pack for as well. I did hear that Florence is heading to Bermuda. My sister and BIL are cruising out of Boston to Bermuda in 2 weeks. I think they should be ok by then. We should be getting its left over rain by mid/late next week.

This weekend is going to be busy. Our Labor day cookout was a wash out last weekend so we are having it Sunday. The moon walk is being delivered tomorrow. I'll be making core potatoe salad and cole slaw and getting chicken burgers for me. My neice is also doing core and is bringing diet coke cupcakes with ff coolwhip for frosting. I need to plan a bit more to make sure I don't go too far off program. But I know I'll burn alot of calories in the moon walk. We rented one last year as well -- boy, it works out your legs!

Hope everyone has a great OP day!
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Old 09-08-2006, 10:59 AM   #65  
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hey everyone,

I've missed you. Computer at home crashed. Not able to get on at work this week. Getting back computer tonight. Misssssssssssssssssssssss you all. I'll stop by later.
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Old 09-08-2006, 02:56 PM   #66  
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Hi Stacey - come back when you can!!!

Kathy - a SHORT 8 hour day! (and I can barely get thru 7.5 ha ha ha).

Vickie (and chickie) glad you enjoyed my PACKING trials and tribulations - honestly I was a wreck - literally had to lie down on the made - made dh get off his computer to 'help' me (he was of little help by the way- kept telling me to UNPACK STUFF - did I really need everything? what was he thinking - yes I need 3 makeup bags and 2 toiletry bags and 15 pairs of underwear - jeez! ). I do feel much better now that I have this problem solved - but wait til I try to lug these 2 babies thru the airport - you won't see me smiling then!

Eating too much of course - as we were out for lunch yesterday and today one of my work colleagues is leaving for new job - so some 'indian' food at lunch and some cake just now (lemon coconut - how caribbean!).

Melissa - how did the practice go? Any leftovers?

Vickie - hope you are feeling better and that the furniture is perfect! By the way:
The Terminix guy is coming this morning
what or who is this? (all I could think of is some relation to the Terminator? ha ha).

I am trying desperately to clear off my desk and stay calm and avoid any last minute crises! Already put on my 'out of office' message on voice mail and email to give people the hint!


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Old 09-08-2006, 03:29 PM   #67  
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Terminex is an exterminator, so yes -- sorta like the Terminator! For buggies!

I just finished gagging my way thru another cleanout of the breakroom fridge and predict that I'll have a nice 20-25 pound weight loss, seeing that I don't think I can ever eat again. You would NOT believe some of the unidentifiable crap I found in there but I will spare you the details. If I were to describe some of it, we'd ALL be puking!

See? This would be all of us!

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Old 09-08-2006, 06:28 PM   #68  
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hi there. it's been a whirlwind today. i went to wi and was up .8. that didn't upset me. what did was curtis found some tiny feathers near our hummingbird feeder that's in the front yard. i am soooo upset over this. the travel trailer is parked too close. the tire on the rear is a great perch for predators. so? i took the feeder into the house. the hummingbirds still have the one out back and it's in a cat-free place.

i went to w a this afternoon. i had a great time there. it helped lift my spirits. the smoke is still thick. we've decided (again) to stay home. we're hoping the air clears after a cool front comes through this weekend.

frouf, have a good time on your trip. i'm thinking you and your gf may be another lucy/ethel pair. i'm waiting on the adventures to be posted.

i hope all of you have a good evening. i'll be back tomorrow. i have a headache now and need to go.
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Old 09-08-2006, 07:50 PM   #69  
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Hi All:

Well, cuzzin Sandra we can commiserate on those gained ounces!! How about a family challenge...we try to drop the extras by Monday!

I've been good all day but for some reason just want to EAT. I guess I better get out the carrots.

So, Froufy heads out tomorrow and we're all envious. Have a great time and we're waiting for the emails from sea!

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Old 09-08-2006, 08:20 PM   #70  
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okay, cuz. you're on. i need something to get me motivated this weekend. i've been doing the same as you. been hungry--so far i'm op. monday am we should have those extra ounces off. they are just "ounces", aren't they?
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Old 09-08-2006, 08:32 PM   #71  
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i took this photo from our back deck. the mountains in the background are almost hidden by smoke. there are actually several peaks.

there are a lot of folks complaining of sore throats. my eyes are burning. curtis and i are staying inside most of the time. the local news is downplaying smoke conditions because there's a college football game in town tomorrow. $$$$$ would be lost if folks didn't come to watch.

we are hoping the air will clear soon.
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Old 09-09-2006, 12:08 AM   #72  
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Hi friends!!
I'm absolutely exhausted but wanted to come say hi. I'll catch up tomorrow.

Frouf, have a wonderful trip!!!
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Old 09-09-2006, 08:12 AM   #73  
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Good morning! Judd just left to go to his bike rally but it's raining a little. He's going anyway.

Melissa, come back when you can so we can get the report!

I have nothing but laundry on the schedule today, plus helping Judd get his things packed for tomorrow. He'll be back either Thursday or Friday, depending on how things progress.

Okay, I'll come back in a while to see if anyone shows up!
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Old 09-09-2006, 10:12 AM   #74  
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Good Morning Chicks! My Sister called last night and asked if they could come over to go out to lunch with us at a restaurant near our house. Of course, my house is filthy so I have to run around and clean it up so it looks remotely presentable. You cannot have your big Sister see your house filthy. She says not to bother but she has no idea how bad it is!

I'll come back later this afternoon and catch up. Be well!
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Old 09-09-2006, 10:59 AM   #75  
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Good Morning All:

It is a cloudy and wet day here in Toronto. At least I don't have to worry about watering the garden.

I am planning a very quiet weekend and am headed for the sports club because I was told that they have a new machine, like an elliptical but doesn't hurt your knees. I love to walk but am having trouble with my knees on the pavement and the treadmill.

I was thinking that I might get some of those foam pads that are used to cushion a floor for children, put them on the floor and use my WATP tapes. I've got to take care of my knees....I obviously need to move to Montana and join Sandra in the w a classes.

I'm super motivated this weekend for the Monday one-pound challenge. But, I've noticed that my scales just don't like to go down!
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