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Old 09-04-2006, 03:37 PM   #16  
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Thanks for all the welcomes everyone! I'm glad I came out from hiding - of course my eating this weekend has been off -- pizza anyone?? And Lazana Saturday night. Oh well, today is a new day. I am going to do my weigh ins on Thursdays -- I lost my weight doing WW at work. I think the new session starts in a couple of weeks. I know I'll have to pay for this one, but not again! The started offering 6 weeks instead of the 12.

I made a big batch of chicken, quinioa and lentil stew - I added extra veggies. I ended up with 8 lunch servings. I only work 3 days this week, so I now have 5 in the freezer. My big no no is snacking at night. Bought some great english tea yesterday from a british import shop in Plymouth MA. Delish!

Weather in New Englad is wonderful today - sunny and about 70. Yesterday we were washed out by left over Ernesto. Its going to rain alot on Wednesday. Oh well.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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Old 09-04-2006, 03:39 PM   #17  
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Kathy, congrats on maintaining your loss for 3 years!!! Keep up the great work. Its funny how everyone's body is different - I went from 16/18 to 12. I love being 12 - of course I wouldn't mind getting into more 10s.

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Old 09-04-2006, 04:25 PM   #18  
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Okay, now I'm REALLY going to get out of here. I just made Judd's lunch (a little late, but he wasn't hungry after eating *10* donuts this morning) and now he's satisfied for a while. I can escape the house ... need to go to Garden Ridge and get another rug runner like the one we got yesterday. We love the colors, and so now we're going to get another so that we have all rug (and not carpet) from the back of the entry, thru the family room and into the breakfast room out the back door. It's about 20 feet of carpet and it's where the dogs make a trail. Hard to describe but I'm going to drag Sandra over here later this fall so that she can back me up on my assertion that these freakin' dogs are ruining my house!

The rain is still going and I am still doing my big happy dance. We've gone from 100 degrees to about 85 ... and cracks in the ground are filling up so hopefully my water bill will go down quite a bit!
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Old 09-04-2006, 05:06 PM   #19  
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Busy, busy today!

OK Rhonda and Sandra, remind me how to do 0 point soup. Sounds like I need some of that in my life.
I just realized that it's September and my birthday is the 28. It was almost 2 years ago (on my bday) that I joined WW online and found you all. Insane? Yes. My goal was to reach 145 (or close to it) by my last birthday and here I am another year down the road and almost at the same place where I started. Boy, that will motivate a gal. So bring on the directions for 0 point soup. I'll go look and see if we have it here somewhere too. I've got to do something different. My goal is to exercise every day between now and my birthday. That's 26 days now. I mowed for about 30 minutes today and so today's good (for those of you who don't know I have a manual mower, so it's serious exercise). The challenge will be Tuesdays when I have class. Well see! Thanks for listening to me ramble. I know it's the same thing over and over and eventually I will just have to do something about it.

Frouf, I hope that you got some stuff done today to alleviate some of your worries. I'm so excited to hear the details of your trip. And I don't blame you for not going to work today. You've got plenty on your plate!

Sandra, you know I've heard that skinny chicks get cold? You're still inspiring me podner.

Rhonda, thanks for the reminder about the soup. It's cooler here now and I think I could handle some good soup.

Vickie, I hope that your day is going well! Glad you got your labels too.

Paula, congrats on your fabulous loss, I just noticed. Sounds like you're a great planner!

Well gals I'm off to get something done. We just got home (of course we were there longer than expected) and I need to plan suppers for the rest of the week. Thursday is my practice show here at the house and then Friday is the real thing--nervous!! I'm nervous about knowing the recipe well enough to do it and talk at the same time.
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Old 09-04-2006, 05:15 PM   #20  
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So Melissa, here's my zero point soup recipe: green beans, onion, celery, corn, chicken or vegetable broth, canned tomatoes, and cut up chicken.

The other version, which is Core but not quite 0 points, is the black bean, corn, Ro-Tel and chicken. Another really good one for cooler weather, plus it makes a lot and freezes well.
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Old 09-04-2006, 06:35 PM   #21  
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There is a recipe on 3fc recipe board...called Garden Vegetable Soup.

If you can't find it, let me know and I'll post it here.

I made up a soup tonight just to get rid of the left overs:

Tomato soup
Chopped turkey breast
Chopped smoked ham slices
White kidney beans
Raw spinach

Season to taste...I chose southwestern spices, but anything should do. It was very tasty.
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Old 09-04-2006, 07:18 PM   #22  
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Thanks gals!
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Old 09-04-2006, 08:27 PM   #23  
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I just got home from the post office and grocery store (again!) -- got some envelopes, stamps and writing paper to send to Shaun. I was going to send it at the automated postal center, but their labels are so freakin' big that they'll cover up the address. I'll just have to take it to the post office tomorrow and have them put the smaller label on it.

I also bought a rotisserie chicken and took it off the bone into a quart storage bag; then got more broccoli, onion, orange bell peppers ... cut them up into storage bags. Now when I cook dinner this week (at 8:00p.m., no less!) I can just grab the vegetables and throw them in the steamer, then get the fish out of the freezer and we should be eating within 30 minutes of my arrival home. It is going to be a hard, hard week ... but has to be done. I have to work a minimum of 50 hours for the next six weeks. It's gonna be a tough time.
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Old 09-04-2006, 08:32 PM   #24  
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hi, paula. you are certainly one dedicated core folk. congratulations.

melissa, i won't post the 0 soup recipe. kathy and rhonda already have. just remember if you're core-ing, you can put anything in it that's core. you can use sf/ff refried beans as a base, too. well, podna, remember what dr. phil asks--where do you want to be this time next year? i'm filing that with other words of wisdom i've attached to my behind. they help keep me pointed in the right direction. sort of like jet propulsion.

i'm getting the heated mattress cover out now. also, i bought some tylenol pm. i'll sleep like a baby tonight for sure.
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Old 09-04-2006, 08:32 PM   #25  
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and i just looked at your tracker. did i ever tell you congratulations for losing those 14 lbs? well, congratulations, podna!!!
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Old 09-04-2006, 08:36 PM   #26  
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kathy, you're kidding. that beautiful photo of you could not be someone anywhere near 50. you look like a young chick.
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Old 09-04-2006, 09:13 PM   #27  
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Sandra, are you trying to tell me that 50 isn't a young chick?

I do think I have a Peter Pan complex, though. I have somehow convinced myself that I'm 30 years old. That's going to be increasingly tough to pull off though, seeing that Shaun is nearly 29.

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Old 09-05-2006, 01:34 AM   #28  
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kathy, 50 is a very very young chick. and the older i get the younger it gets.

Last edited by ontarget; 09-05-2006 at 01:40 AM.
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Old 09-05-2006, 08:58 AM   #29  
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Good Morning Chicks! It POURED here last night and it's still raining now. I'm up and about to go get ready to weigh in. It won't be good but I'm going any way. I got all messed up this week using too many WPA's complicated by the fact that I couldn't get on the treadmill until yesterday because of my ankle. I'm looking at today as a new start....again. I will get some form of exercise very day beginning tomorrow.

I either have a lousy chest and head cold brewing or I have the worst allergies ever. Either way...I just wanted to stay in bed. Sigh.

I have a million errands to run after my meeting and I have NO idea what's for dinner. Not a good way to start a new week.

Hope you are all well and on program.
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Old 09-05-2006, 10:46 AM   #30  
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Poor Vickie - sorry you are under the weather - hope it's not a cold (my allergies have been really bad this season too!). Here's to a good WI and fresh start!

Great soup reminder - yes almost time for Froufie's Famous soup - have to start getting those ingredients together - I really enjoyed being able to freeze some and bring it to work for lunches - esp when the cold weather gets here! UGH!

I am at work - but have slight back pain today? (pulled something?) so I am a bit hunched over - did not sleep well - neither did dh who was wandering around at 3:30 am!! Gloomy out now but at least rain has stopped and sun trying hard to peek thru.

Forgot my runners at home so not sure about the gym after work (esp given the back pain?) - still consumed w/packing and travelling and going over details in my head - this is not RELAXING!! Now I have become an amateur meteorologist as well as I watch tropical depression 6 on weather tracking sites to see if it shall become a hurricane and affect our itinerary - I am a gal of many skills it seems? ha ha

And an interesting article on portion sizes:


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