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L.J. 12-13-2005 06:06 AM

Melissa, I think SF offers some really great meals. It's not like it used to be that is for sure. So good luck to you....as the saying goes...'Whatever Works'
And yes sometimes we ALL just need to shake things up a bit. I believe our bodies do get bored.....same thing day in and day out...So go for it!!
Some people just can do core on an on-going basis. I know I can relate to that. I know I for one HAVE to change have change every few weeks, that is what works for me. We are all different, not one size fits all!!
Actually, in the office, I work with a girl who doesn't even do WW as her program, so see!

Good Luck!!

Katpo 12-13-2005 10:16 AM

Melissa, I'm telling you what girl, Aaron will LOVE SlimFast and you will too. Let me tell you what Judd eats. He was 290 when he started on Oct. 4 and is now about 261. He got to eat more when he first started (1900 calories) and is now down to 1700.
Breakfast: shake or meal bar
Snack: banana and graham crackers
Lunch: shake, 1/2 sandwich of turkey and cheese on WhWh bread, sliced tomato
Snack: Wheat Thins and hummus
Dinner: one of those great recipes they have on their site*
Snack: SF snack bar, or piece of fruit

*The recipes are so good and they are things that we'll all eat. They are also as Core as it gets. It's things like black beans and brown rice, creamy mushroom chicken, veggie turkey chili, fish and veggies in foil packets, turkey burgers, grilled tenderloin steak (filet mignon), chicken pineapple kabobs ... there are probably 30 recipes and all the ones we've tried are great. There is also a dinner salad with FF dressing. You can also have a Lean Cuisine or WW Smart Ones and salad at dinner too.

He likes the convenience of breakfast and it keeps him full until his snack. He also drinks a ton of water and last week started going back to the gym. I like that the eating plan is one he can keep going with, even after he loses what he wants to, because I'll still be making these recipes for dinner. He can keep eating the same things, just substituting cereal and milk for his breakfast and cutting out the lunch shake/bar. Their website is also very user friendly.

Itryharder 12-13-2005 10:25 AM

Wow, I had no idea that SlimFast had such a comprehensive site. Thanks for the information and :goodvibes: to everyone.
Judy Itry
234.6/202/thinner into onederland :cool:

Katpo 12-13-2005 10:40 AM

Yep, it's not like it used to be. When he first started telling people he was doing SlimFast they would say "oh I tried that a few years ago and it didn't work." That's back when it was a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, and a "sensible" dinner. :lol: No snacks, no fruits and vegetables throughout the day, nothing like it is now.

Froufy 12-13-2005 11:03 AM

Well slimfast does sound like it has improved - and we obviously have good "proof" that it works! Congrats to Judd for doing so well - and good luck Melissa and Aaron - and of course you are NOT allowed to leave either!

Vickie - hope all your pain is gone bye-bye!

Sandra - I guess you were not around for my rendition of "little rabbit froufrou"? Which has been shortened to froufie or just frouf for my closest and dearest friends! :) (which also explains my affinity to bunnies!)

So I think I am still pmsing a bit - as I feel very emotional and cranky. Kids not helping the situation as dd "woke" me up this morning even tho I TOLD HER REPEATEDLY last night that I was not driving her to school just because it is cold (dressing appropriately would be a good option no?). We do live in Canada and there will be many cold days.

So what do I find when I come downstairs - well dd is "waiting" for me - (she usually leaves around 7:35-45 to catch the bus about a 5 min/2 block walk) and it's like 8:15!!! Claims I never said I was not driving just that I was not leaving in time to drive her - she is driving me CRAZY!!! I was livid.....she has now lost her computer time for the week (I will not be manipulated by a 14 yr old) and drove her to the BUS STOP and told her she still had to take the bus (of course she is already late as school starts at 8:05 am)...along with all the OTHER PEOPLE DRESSED PROPERLY AND WAITING AT THE BUS STOP!

I could feel my blood pressure just rising. I was able to calm myself down while singing along to my Michael Buble cd! We have an appt w/therapist tomorrow am and I hope we can address this issue as well!

Last night I was also thinking about the travelling thing - wondering if it was worth it? Of course need to leave dd and ds behind which is a whole other issue! I think dd can stay w/her dad - at least part of the time - and last time we left ds home alone it wasn't pretty! He had one of those "parties" and we ended up getting robbed! So you can see our reticence - but it is 2 years later - is it possible he has learnt something and matured since then???


Vickie 12-13-2005 11:18 AM

Good Morning All!

Frouf, almost every day you and Kathy help me realize that I was not equipped to have children. I know the joys are many but the difficulties would probably have made me have a stroke.

Slim Fast does sound much better than the olden days. If I was going to do it, I'd actually rather have a shake for lunch. I'm really struggling with coming up with Core lunches these days. I just do NOT want to eat what I have been eating. I think I'm a bit bored. I'm too busy with the holidays to look for an make new recipes. I just want quick and easy right now.

Gotta go get to my day.

Katpo 12-13-2005 11:31 AM

Lunches are so easy for me to make now. It's the same thing every day and I have it down to a routine ... put the bread on a paper towel, put the cheese first, then the turkey. Cut sandwich with a steak knife, put it in the baggie. Get a roma tomato out of the fridge, use the same knife and cut the tomato on the cheese wrapper that's on the paper towel. Put tomato in a small tupperware container, put all food in a lunch bag and trash in the garbage can. I could do it in my sleep now.

Frouf, that DD of yours is going to have a rude awakening someday, isn't she? Good grief! You're right Vickie, I'd keep my girls but trade Shaun in for just about anything. He didn't come home last night -- well, his car wasn't out front this morning. There are three possible scenarios: (1) he's upstairs asleep and his car was repo'd; (2) he had an accident but his DL, car registration, etc. doesn't list our address; or (3) he just stayed out. When he left, I asked where he was going and he told me to Tony's house. Tony lives with his parents, so I doubt he stayed over there all night. I just don't get it.

I'm still full so I'm thinking lunch is either cancelled or greatly delayed. I would hate to weigh right now.

kimberlydrn 12-13-2005 11:34 AM

That's funny that you all are talking about SF because I was just reading about a girl who has lost 30 pounds doing it. I'm getting ready to go check out the website. I get bored so easily with different weight loss plans. I'm always switching things up. Right now, I guess I'm just taking it easy. I've got a potuck Friday, Sunday, and Wednesday. I'm going out to eat with girlfriends Thursday and of course there is Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I'm not even going to stress about it right now. I might end up with a couple of extra pounds to lose but that's O.K. I am keeping up the exercise though. I feel so much better when I do. Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

Vickie 12-13-2005 11:39 AM

I'm hungry. I think I'll go eat breakfast. I'm tired of bananas. I need to get off my lazy butt and make my applesauce for my breakfasts.

kimberlydrn 12-13-2005 01:29 PM

Have any of you heard about the no diet diet and if so what do you think about the concept?

Katpo 12-13-2005 01:39 PM

I have and it makes sense if somebody could stick with it. I think our bodies were designed to be able to eat a variety of foods, in reasonable amounts, without eliminating things that are good for us (such as carbs!) ... but I don't mean things like cakes and cookies. That's not good for us anyway, no matter if underweight or overweight or just right.

If it's the one I'm thinking of, the professor says "eat when you're hungry and stop when you've had enough." Is that it?

dannyb 12-13-2005 02:10 PM

Hi, everyone.

Well, I lost a completely undeserved 2.6 lbs this week by virtue of my liquid diet on Wed & Thurs and my partial fast most of yesterday due to medical issues. When I was able to eat, I didn't stay on program as closely as I need to. Still, a loss is a loss, and now I've got to get back on track and preserve that ill-gotten gain, right! Hey, I'll take it!

dannyb 12-13-2005 02:15 PM

oh, on the SF subject, I had a few of those when I couldn't eat solid food. I don't think that would work for me long term, but I can see how one can lose a lot of weight that way!

septembersgoal 12-13-2005 03:00 PM

Hey all! Just checking in quickly. Today has been a monster of a day.
Thanks for the encouragement. I agree with Vickie, I think Core is best and will probably be my way of eating long-term. But since DH is doing this right now I feel like it would help to do it with him. Also, I really want something to help me through the next few weeks until Christmas, cause I know I won't be op then! ;)
I really appreciate all of your support though. I won't be doing SF long-term, probably just until Christmas, unless it just really grows on me for some reason (which I doubt). I don't like the shakes, I just like a few varieties of the meal bars. We bought a bunch last night.
I'm not off to a good start today though. My schedule has been haywire and I've been VERY stressed at work today. This job is driving me nuts I tell you. Anyway, I didn't stay very op today but was close. I tell you what, I sure miss all the food I was eating on core though. That's why core is a WOE and SF is a diet.
OK, I have to run but I'll BBL to chat with all of you. We are going to visit our college student but then DH is doing a guitar lesson so I'll have some down time tonight.

septembersgoal 12-13-2005 03:10 PM

I thought this was interesting gossip:


tanya123 12-13-2005 04:15 PM

Oh, yay!!!! :D

I like them both so much. And Matt really needs someone who'll make him be nice to himself.

p.a. 12-13-2005 04:24 PM

Wow isnt that nice for them,,,they look so good dont they??
Well I have my staff party tonight,,it should be ok food wise but Im bringing home cookies from a cookie exchange.....that could be trouble! They are going straight to the freezer.
omg the kids at work are getting so excited....you can just feel it every day. I know there will be lots of tears next week..some just cant handle the excitement.
Its still snowing here....enough is enough!
I wonder if some of you could go on a different plan each week?
week 1: core plan
week 2: flex
week 3: SF
week 4: fit day ??
you sure wouldnt be bored..haha and it sure would shake your body up..
Im still likeing Core. But its still sort of new to me.
Kathy yoru dh is doing great..wow 30 pounds is amazing.
Is that where you got your name Froufy...the kids love that song..... I dont think I would have as much patience with Dd as you do..I would be letting her walk no matter what the weather is like....hang in there..i raised two teenage girls,,,there is a time when you become friends again.
Kim keeping up with the exercise should combat against the eating out you have this holiday.....and its easily one of the things we tend to pass on when theres no time. Good for you for sticking to it.
Good luck to you and your Dh Melissa
Danny glad the surgery went well,,congrats on the 2 pounds down.
Ok off to the supper now.....have a great night eveyone!

L.J. 12-13-2005 05:52 PM

Vickie, why don't you just continue with Core but have an Optima SF drink for lunch, quick and easy for you during your busy times...with mixed fruit or something. Worth a shot.... Shock that body!!!!!
I am a firm believer that our bodies (but probably us) absolutely get bored with the same ole, same ole......I can just hear mine saying "oh boy" "here comes (fill in the blank) again" "Wowwee lucky me!!"
You could probably count pts for the can of SF if that will help. Probably about 4 pts for the can. Is that a close guess Kath??

Just something different Vickie...you have been the one true hard core'er for over a year so go for something a bit different even if only for a day or two. It can't hurt if you consider it in your WPA, and it just may shake (no pun intended) things up !!

I still enjoy core lunches best of all..so easy, a different core soup (canned of course :D ) or tuna/chicken or egg salad....in a container, and call it a day, and the beauty of it, not having to count....measure yes, count,no! Also like Barley with FF chicken broth and mixed vegs like a combo of, peas, carrots and corn niblets..every one in a while.
Usually a tuna pack or 3oz Chicken or 2 HB eggs which ever one, mixed with FF mayo..I am so used to that now.
Hardest part for me....dinner...I hate to cook after a stressful day at work or any day that ends in Y :lol: ......Too much like work :D
Still I have to measure...... I can't, for the life of me, get that satified/full thingy down, even though I work there now, and hear stories and suggestions all day.

ontarget 12-13-2005 05:55 PM

kathy and melissa, about this sf diet. are you using a book or are you getting all your info online? just wondering. also, what about energy levels? kathy, does judd have as much energy as he used to have?

danny, congratulations on losing that weight. i think you deserved the loss.

i am considering sf. melissa, you knew i would when you said you were doing it. i am very curious about the energy levels, though. my body does weird things (archerywise) when i am fatigued. i have to keep my energy level up.

kathy, i am very impressed with judd's success. be sure to tell him. he's had an impressive loss. is he planning to lose more? i don't know if i could get curtis to try sf or not. we'll see.

Katpo 12-13-2005 06:01 PM

Sandra, he gets all his info online. He has a lot more energy and has been doing more around the house lately. When I asked why, he said it was because he felt a lot better. He's planning on keeping on though; and is (I think) shooting for around 200.

I think you can probably find all the info you need by digging around on the internet.

ontarget 12-13-2005 06:02 PM

vickie, i've been having some boredome in food choices lately, too. guess we built ourselves some ruts and will have to climb out, don't you?

i am soooo excited!!! i had a feeling matt was with someone on the show but i thought it was jillian. they will be good for each other. i hope their relationship grows and grows.

frouf, i've never heard of that song. my son is 38. i've been out of the loop a long time.

linda, it's good to read your perspectives on dieting. i am amazed but not totally shocked that someone working for ww is doing a different diet. guess she got bored, too, eh?

i need to get off here and do something irl. i'll be back later. have a good day, everyone.

ontarget 12-13-2005 06:04 PM

thanks, kathy. i actually went to their website last night and did some reading. i'll go back and take another looksee.

septembersgoal 12-13-2005 08:30 PM

Hey I'll be back in just a few minutes, but Sandra I wanted to tell you that I think that it would take awhile for your body to get adjusted to sf plan. Maybe if you did a core/sf plan it would work better. It is a lot less calories, at least for me, than I have been taking in with core.
I sure didn't mean to convert anyone! :lol: I'm just trying it for a couple of weeks, I still believe core is the best plan out there.
I'll be back in a couple of minutes. Is anyone else here? :lol:

Katpo 12-13-2005 08:42 PM

I'm here! Listen you guys ... it would nearly be possible to do them both. I can guarantee the dinners would be Core. The choices for lunch and the snacks can also be. The only non-Core items would be the shakes and/or meal bars. If you were doing Flore, you'd be well within your points range (I think). Anyway, Lord knows I'm not trying to sway anybody but I'm just telling you that it works for Judd. And the best part is that he can adapt it when he reaches his goal -- and can keep eating the foods but just cut out the shakes. He's not having trouble sticking with it.

It's just another way to shake up the ol' metabolism and doesn't have to be a forever change.

septembersgoal 12-13-2005 08:49 PM

Kathy, that's exactly what I was thinking. Of course I am going to use it as an excuse to have baked Doritos and rf cheez-its for a little while, but SF really pushes the fruits and veggies. It also restricts the number of snacks you can have, which is a BIG problem for me, especially at night.

septembersgoal 12-13-2005 09:00 PM

Danny, I hope that you are feeling better. Congrats on losing those 2 pounds!

Patti, hope you're having fun at your party. And that you aren't buried in snow! :snowglo:

Linda, thanks! It seems like you are really happy with core right now. Sounds like things are going well for you!

Sandra, I definitely didn't think that Matt and Suzy seemed "together" on the finale. But maybe that's because they had seen each other already and she hadn't seen the other guy for awhile. Who knows!

Just a minute...

septembersgoal 12-13-2005 09:05 PM

Kim, it seems like you are doing so well with core. I've been very impressed by your progress.

Vickie, that idea might work for you, if you could handle the bars or shakes. I personally cannot handle the SF shakes, but the bars are okay, especially if you get something else to eat with it.

I don't feel like doing anything tonight. We delivered a Christmas/Finals Week gift to our adopted college student and now DH is downstairs teaching a guitar lesson. :ginger:

ontarget 12-13-2005 09:08 PM

i'm still thinking about sf. i just printed off the menus for 7 days. i'm still doing ww right now, though. actually, sf is a lot like flore, isn't it?

melissa, amazing race is tonight. it's another favorite of mine. curtis doesn't really care for it cuz of the bickering.

vickie, are you feeling better? are your meds working yet?

kathy, we saw 2 episodes of raymond today. (we do almost daily. lol)

ontarget 12-13-2005 09:08 PM

i'm still thinking about sf. i just printed off the menus for 7 days. i'm still doing ww right now, though. actually, sf is a lot like flore, isn't it?

melissa, amazing race is tonight. it's another favorite of mine. curtis doesn't really care for it cuz of the bickering.

vickie, are you feeling better? are your meds working yet?

kathy, we saw 2 episodes of raymond today. (we do almost daily. lol)

septembersgoal 12-13-2005 09:11 PM

Sandra, it is a lot core. The meals, like Kathy said, are almost all core. And they recommend fruits and veggies as snacks. So very core, except for the meal bars/shakes! ;) So I don't think it is a stretch to do that for awhile and then go back to core. Interesting thought!

septembersgoal 12-13-2005 09:19 PM

Time to switch to #35!

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