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Old 09-10-2005, 09:48 AM   #211  
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Wow, Vickie! You wrote a book!! I read in one of the WW magazines that walking shoes should be replaced every 400 miles. I don't know how you can tell how many miles a shoe has walked without keeping records though!

Judd has OnStar in his truck but the friend drove. The friend took his cell and Judd's (actually mine) is at home. But he had full access to a number of phones throughout the day, even on the course. What ticked me off was that the friend had said it would only be about 30 minutes (apparently incorrect info, but I didn't know it at the time) and I waited 3 hours before calling back. I figured the friend hadn't given him the message. Oh well, he'll be home today and will either still be mad or will act like nothing happened. I may or may not be cordial ... haven't decided yet. That was certainly unnecessary for him to speak to me in the tone he used. Haaarrumph!!

I got to work at 6:45, a teeny bit later than I wanted to but I had to get up at 2:30 to go outside and see little DD's boyfriend's new car. Actually, I had heard the door (alarm) open but it didn't close so I got up to see why. Kate said the BF had come in to use the bathroom and was going right back out, so they had left the front door open so it wouldn't make extra noise. He's so proud of his car and I must admit, it's a cute one. It's just like DD's Mazda except it's the turbocharged model with all the ground effects and fancy stuff. Her's is plain Jane vanilla.

I guess I should work for a while. BBL!
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Old 09-10-2005, 09:53 AM   #212  
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I guess I did write alot! I was making up for all the little posts that I didn't make yesterday. Hope Judd at least says he's sorry. My shoes have gone way more than 400 miles. Maybe the New Balance store should be one of my errands today.
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Old 09-10-2005, 10:16 AM   #213  
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Chicks, keep your fingers and toes crossed. We are going to talk with one of FIL's friends who just opened a car dealership. He has a car there that we are interested in and he is willing to work with us. He said he might even be able to buy our car before we get it fixed on Monday!! So we're hoping all of this works out.
I'll catch up with you all later.
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Old 09-10-2005, 10:30 AM   #214  
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Good luck, Melissa!!!

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Old 09-10-2005, 11:27 AM   #215  
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Hope the car works out for you Melissa! It's so exciting getting a new car, and even more so if you get a good deal!

Vickie, I wish I was going with mom and sister, so I could stop by and see you. Darn kids, interfering in my world travel plans! I think they're bringing a lot of their own food, and plan on eating in the hotel (it has a microwave and fridge) so I don't know that they'll go to many restaurants. My mom is a Wyoming rancher's daughter, and doesn't like crowds. I'm sure that the auditions will be crowd enough for her!!

So this morning Shred had eaten everything, and was frantically, and ineffectively, trying to climb up the side of the glass jar. I took pity on him and cleaned out his jar, gave him about 3" of dirt and new plants. He immediately burrowed himself into the dirt and he hasn't come out since. Tomato worms, according to my research, pupate underground, so maybe he's thinking of doing that. I can't believe I'm taking such good care of a horrible, disgusting, garden pest!

And, to change the topic directly to food (eww!) I made the Onion Barley soup last night, and it's very yummy. It reminds me of French Dip, which I adore. The recipe made a lot, so I'm taking some over to my mom later.

I've got to go hang laundry now, and do some dishes.

Later, ladies!
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Old 09-10-2005, 11:56 AM   #216  
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Good Luck, Melissa! Fingers and toes are crossed.

Angela, maybe next time! I have a chicken barley soup recipe to make that I'm dying to try. I'm excited because I think the barley is going to thicken the broth a bit. I'm hoping I'll feel like it is a lightly creamed soup.

Off to check on the painters. I brought them iced cold water about an hour ago. They are nearly done. Seems like it will be a 5 hour job. The color is beautiful. It doesn't match the brick perfectly but that's my fault. I'll pick a different color in 2 years when we go through that again.

See ya later.
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Old 09-10-2005, 12:08 PM   #217  
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Good morning!
Well, I guess it's just about lunch.

Vickie - I too looked at the Panera menu and didn't see much. I think they do have a fruit cup. Maybe just not on the menu. Will probably get a bagel and fruit cup and just eat half the bagel. French toast bagel and whole grain bagel are the same for points. Go figure!

Hope you get the new car, Melissa.

Angela - my DH would have flushed Shred days ago.

Kathy - my DH would have forgotten all about last night. I tend to stew over things for days and once it's out of his mouth it's gone. I called to check on him last Sat. when he was supposed to be home at midnight and it was 1:00 and still not home. He thought I was nuts., but he's the one that said a couple of saturdays ago he thought someone was following him and when he got to our street he went past the house and around the block so they wouldn't see where he lived. Coincidence that this other car followed every street for probably 7 miles.???

Not much on the schedule for today. Kids of course want to go miniature golfing, or bowling, or movies or something, but I don't. TOM here, not in the mood for much., except maybe chocolate.

All these children do is fight!!! From the minute they get up in the morning until they go to bed. Is it the age difference?? Now they are smelling farts............

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Old 09-10-2005, 12:53 PM   #218  
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I'm bored. I wish the painters would leave. I want to go out. I forgot they still have to make sure all the windows opens since we painted the sash and they are painting the huge cedar sided shed. I forgot about that. I guess today was a 6 hour job for 2 guys? We do have a big house.

Speaking of cars following people....Angela, did they ever find out who was burglaring your neighborhood?

Hope you are all having fun. I'm hoping the pool is heating up.
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Old 09-10-2005, 02:46 PM   #219  
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Nope - at least I haven't heard any word that they found anyone. I'm hoping they've moved on, after at least 3 of us caught him in the act.

My mom recently got new siding, which took the workers almost 3 weeks. She felt like you Vickie - trapped in her own home! They were up on ladders, looking in all the windows, and you never knew when they'd have to open a door to wrap something around the jamb. Once she even came over to my house to shower because of them. Thankfully, they finally finished, and the house looks great.

Shred still hasn't come out of the dirt. I bet he's settling in for good... I'll be sure to keep you all posted. I know you're really curious.

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Old 09-10-2005, 02:49 PM   #220  
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The painter is STILL here. I must be making it too nice to hang around here!

Now my plan is to go out to eat for a very early dinner and then go swim until it gets dark. Jim hasn't checked the pool temperature yet but it just has to be high. Ugh, it is so hot and humid here. Just like Florida.
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Old 09-10-2005, 02:50 PM   #221  
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Wow, I am SERIOUSLY talking to myself today!
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Old 09-10-2005, 03:45 PM   #222  
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good afternoon, chickies. it's good to see so many postings here. we are getting our much needed rain. the smoke is washed from the air. life is good.

vickie, that was odd yesterday with her working on her puter. we actually don't know each other. curtis and i know her husband via archery. i guess i'm getting to know her now, too, but i'm not sure. i'm glad all is working out with your paint. i hope you get to feeling better quickly.

melissa, i'm sending you good vibes on the car. good luck!

kathy, i hope you have a better day today.

angela, when did you say the auditions are?

lisa, our grands fight constantly, too.

i've had days when i talked to myself, too. hmmmmm? maybe i'm doing it now. last night when i was trying to go to sleep, i had a brainstorm. when we shoot the indoor archery tournaments, we have about 5 minutes before each time we shoot (about 12 times). a couple of years ago when we were competing at texas a&m, some of the aggie varsity shooters had headsets on while they were waiting. i didn't think much of it. however, "phantom of the opera" music totally relaxes and destresses me. i got out my handheld cd player today and popped the "poo" (that sounds weird, doesn't it?) disc in and sat here listening to it.

i am definitely taking the cd player and poo with me to tournaments. people will probably think i'm on some kind of dope or something cuz i'll be sitting there with a stupid smile on my face and my eyes half closed.

got to go. i'll catch you later.
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Old 09-10-2005, 05:53 PM   #223  
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Okay Angela - I don't think we are allowed to write words like "pupate" on this board - please refrain from this type of language in the future!

And definitely send Shred over I really could use the help! I am having a horrible sugar laden day - so discouraged and unmotivated I feel bad even posting here!

Took ds to McDonald's for breakfast - that kinda started the downward trend - not the breakfast so much - it was ds's hot fudge sundae that he did not finish - well guess who licked the cup clean?

Then out shopping to buy some new smaller pots - and I walk into the store and guess what - it's their 50th anniversary or something and there is this big huge cut up white sheet cake w/white and blue icing - so I have a small piece - and it was so good I have another - I am now fliying high on sugar!

Got the pots, went next door to Winner's and tried on some tops - I don't know why I did this cuz I was already in a foul mood - and you can imagine that NOTHING looked good - with this big spare tire hanging around my middle - and my face all sallow and my hair all icky - was hoping to find something "nice" to wear to the convention this weekend, but this fiasco just left me more depressed!

Got home and had "lunch" even tho I was not hungry - well I didn't throw out the liverwurst - so inhaled that - and found some leftover potato chips - and I guess that's enuf eating for the day?

Have to shower and dress soon for evening convention activities which include a dessert reception - how timely for me, the sugarholic! I know nothing will look or feel right tonight so I will just grin and bear it.

Vickie - glad to hear the painting is going well, and hope you get that swim in. We are having gorgeous weather - sunny with a nice cool breeze!

Angela - I am so super excited for your sister - sending good luck vibes and best wishes for her success!

Melissa - hope you have a new set of snazzy wheels already lined up!

Kathy - boy I can relate - men can be so dumb sometimes - all it takes is a littly itty bitty phone call but somehow they can't seem to manage that. I would not let him be angry at you - I don't think you did anything wrong!

Sandra - please don't let anyone know you are listening to your "poo" - this will certainly send the wrong impression to your hunting pals!

Lisa - hang in there -actually maybe a movie is not such a bad idea - at least they will stop fighting and can sit quietly for a couple of hours? (while you munch on some popcorn?)

Well I sure better go get ready cuz it's going to take a while to get me decent lookikng - no idea what to wear so it will be one of those clothes flinging scenarios in the bedroom.

Hope everyone has a nice evening!


P.S. No I didn't go to weigh in but my scale reads up about 3 lbs which has only added to my depression!
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Old 09-10-2005, 06:01 PM   #224  
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frouf, we are so alike. i'm in a sugarfest now, too, and feel guilty about posting. in my last post i tried to talk about everything but what was really going on with me eatingwise. i know several, including vickie, were probably reading between those lines, though.

i didn't wi this weei either--and to top it off, i just awoke from a nap. now i need to get this bod moving. maybe i'll treadmill a bit.

have a good time tonight. try not to throw clothes all over the place when you're getting ready.
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Old 09-10-2005, 06:19 PM   #225  
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Hee hee - "pupate" is as bad as the "urine" the other day. You never know what you're going to find on this board!

I have had the munchies very bad this weekend too. I think it's the heat, or that I'm getting sick, or the moon phase or something. Who knows??

Frouf, I hope you manage to enjoy yourself tonight. What is liverwurst like? I don't think I've ever had it.

Sandra, the actual audition is on Friday, but they have to wait in line Thursday to get a wristband thing. I guess there are also callbacks (sort of) and you could audition several times, so who knows how long they'll be there.

We went to the zoo this afternoon. There's a donkey there who is massively pregnant. The zoo people expected her to give birth in August, but I think they must have miscalculated. She's HUGE, and very uncomfortable-looking. Hey, our lives might be annoying, but at least we're not a hot, overdue pregnant donkey!!

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