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cher123 07-12-2005 02:15 PM

Kathy, not journalling was one of the biggest perks of Core for me. I hate it. I was going to do it this week, if I didn't lose last Saturday, but I got a break. It's the last resort for me.

ontarget 07-12-2005 02:22 PM

vickie, i hope your tests shows good results. you've worked hard. you should have a payoff. i read what you wrote about drinking water being more critical with core than flex. i think you're right. i need to chug some now. (i hope i'm pleasantly surprised friday.)

kathy, sounds like this is PLAN K. (for kathy) i can tell you're focused now with your new plan. good success to you!

my arms are still vibrating from that tiller. surely, i'll lose some flab off them. :lol: curtis is gone to the dentist. when he gets back i may go to a local nursery to get "liquid fence." i hear it works to keep deer out of your beds. i hope so. they've already started nibbling on my rosebushes.

Katpo 07-12-2005 02:23 PM

Cher, I know what you mean. I have been in the habit of journaling for so long that it's second nature, like buckling my seatbelt. Plus I have to write a list anyway each day so that at night, I'll know what to fix and take to work the next day for lunch and snacks. I have a lot of things here but they're mostly canned emergency things. I'll just have to concentrate extra hard on doing it without writing it down. Actually I guess I can still make a list without it becoming a journal! Just a yellow sticky would work well enough.

Sandra, those arms are getting a workout whether they want it or not!! I've never heard of liquid fence but I wonder if it would work inside??? I'd like to keep the dogs from going upstairs during the day. :lol:

ontarget 07-12-2005 02:38 PM

kathy, you're a hoot. do you have one of those little gates to go at your stairs? i've seen folks use those to keep dogs where they wanted them.

Katpo 07-12-2005 02:40 PM

We do but the opening is wide and we were having a hard time trying to figure it out without permanently drilling into the post or wall. We thought maybe where the stairs turn around and go back up, we could put one there, and install it permanently. It wouldn't show and they'd only be able to get up halfway. It's a thought ... that is if the liquid fence doesn't work. :lol:

ontarget 07-12-2005 02:46 PM

i hear liquid fence has a bad odor at first. i don't think you want to try it. :lol:

aghiowa 07-12-2005 03:09 PM

Kathy, try an electric fence! Imagine your family's surprise when they try to go up the stairs. Oh yeah guys, I forgot to tell you about the electric fence. Sorry about the burns. Heh heh. (nervous laughter)

OK, maybe I'm a little wacky today. :D

I'm off to make some doll clothes right now - I'm working on a beautiful pink gossamer gown. I think it'll go in the "bee-yew-ti-ful" category. :)


Vickie 07-12-2005 03:15 PM

Angela, VERY funny! Not usually your sense of humor but I like it! You made me LOL!

Vickie 07-12-2005 03:18 PM

Kathy, we have the same problem with our dog/cat. I found a really nice wood pressure type gate. I don't remember how wide it went though. We couldn't use it because we have a railing on one side. I think it was Dr. Foster and Smith. How wide of a gate do you need. I didn't want to mount the gate permanently either.

Katpo 07-12-2005 03:49 PM

I can't remember how wide. I bought one that had a bar across the bottom that sat on the floor, and then the pressure things on the side went against the wall. I'm tempted to just get the one that installs permanently. If we ever move, it'll just be someone else's problem.

Very funny, Angela! I had to laugh at that one! Of course, you know *I* would probably be the one who got burned! :lol:

ontarget 07-12-2005 05:12 PM

kathy, i'm home with my liquid fence. it says "deer and rabbit" repellent. there was some dog/cat repellent for sale, too. :lol:

angela, you constantly amaze me. are you taking these doll clothes to the doll shop?

vickie, did you get to swim today?

ontarget 07-12-2005 05:18 PM

i know. i know. i need a life. i was just looking at what the temp is at each of your parts of cyberspace. it's almost as hot here in montana as it is in texas. not humid but lots of hot sun.

Vickie 07-12-2005 05:59 PM

No swimming today! It's been overcast all day and now it is actually raining. Straight down heavy rain. It started about 4 minutes ago and I'm hoping it goes like this for at least a couple of hours. But, I'll take what we can get. It's supposed to be REAL hot here starting Friday and all weekend. I'm sure I'll get plenty of swimming in then.

Goldenberry 07-12-2005 06:17 PM

Thanks to everyone's thoughts on "my rant". Definitely some useful advice. (-:

Vickie 07-12-2005 06:21 PM

Well, the rain only lasted for 10 minutes but it was quite heavy.

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