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WWEnthusiast 07-10-2005 05:49 PM

Crustless Pumpkin Pie
I saw the eecipe Angela has on our Core Recipe board....is that done the same way as the one Vickie posted a long time ago...I did try that one and loved it....and now can't find my print out of it...or on the board..
I may need a little more explicit instructions...if either of you don't mind... :D

Katpo 07-10-2005 05:55 PM

It's there ... I have to search for it all the time! :lol: You'd think I would just print it out and post it on the fridge, huh? Let me see what I can find!

Okay, here's one:

Crust less Pumpkin Pie
Whole Pie - 4 pts! (but zero on core!)

1 - 15 oz can pumpkin
1/2 cup EggBeaters (or 2 eggs)
1 1/2 cup skim milk
3/4 cup Splenda
1/2 teaspoon salt (I just sprinkled a bit)
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice (I used 1 1/2, love the stuff)

Beat till smooth (I just whisked it all); put in Pam sprayed pie pan. Bake at 400 for 15 minutes, then at 375 for 45 minutes till knife inserted in center comes out clean. Serve with FF Cool Whip.

And another:

Crustless Pumpkin Pie

Recipe By :
Serving Size : 9 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories :

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
2 cups pumpkin or squash -- cooked and pureed
2/3 cup Splenda (use a little more if you're using squash)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
3 whole eggs
9 ounces fat free evaporated milk

Mix pumpkin/squash, Splenda, and spices.

Add eggs and beat lightly.

Carefully stir in milk thoroughly.

Bake at 350 for 50 minutes in a greased casserole dish.

septembersgoal 07-10-2005 06:44 PM

I know this is really random but I just need to vent...
I just talked to my 12 yo cousin in PA. They (he and his parents, my aunt) come to visit every summer around the 4th of July. They stay with my grandparents in the next town over. I spoke to them about 1 or 2 mos ago and they weren't sure when they were coming. So I get online to ask him when they are coming (he is ALWAYS on IM) and he says they got home yesterday. He said that he asked if they should call me and his mom said that she was sure someone told me they were coming. So frustrating! Now everyone is going to be mad at me for not coming to visit when I had no idea. No one called me. That's how my family (father's side) works. You should just assume everything. I should just know things without being told. And then if you mess up b/c you didn't know, you get a guilt trip for who knows how long. It is enough to make me just want to throw in the towel w/them sometimes.
OK, that's enough. Sorry, but DH is at work and I just needed to vent about that. Thanks

Katpo 07-10-2005 06:46 PM

Oh good grief. Sounds like you can't win with that side of the family! Did you tell your cousin you didn't know they were in town? I can't imagine that everyone assumed that everyone else told you. If you get grief over it, you should point-blank tell them you can't read minds, but if you could ... you certainly wouldn't start with THEIRS!


Sheeeesh!! Families!

WWEnthusiast 07-10-2005 06:50 PM

That first one is the one Kath....Thank You!!!! I have a hankering for it!! I will now copy and paste it to my email

Katpo 07-10-2005 06:56 PM

You're welcome!!

Vickie, I just remembered you asked who we played. We were playing the Blue Jays, and swept them 3-0 this weekend. It was a great series.

Vickie 07-10-2005 09:37 PM

Hello Chicks! I've had a loooonnng day. Got the house put back together after the garage sale and swam for 3 hours in the pool. Didn't get as much "execise" as usual but it was better than nothing. Tomorrow I'm going to try real hard to get back on the treadmill. The pool was fabulous. When I got out I cooked dinner (cornmeal chicken and baked potato). We just finished eating at 8:15. I know it was too late but we did'nt want to get out of the pool. We're (more me) like little kids once we get in there!

Melissa, your house changes sound cool. Hope you got that nap. I'm sure you were tired after all that work! Sometimes you can't win with your family. With any luck the Cousin will tell everyone that you didn't know that they were in town.

Linda, your "voice" sounds happy like you really did have a good day. You sound pleased with yourself and you should be. Sometimes I use the D word but mostly I say snack. Even the Core desserts are really desserts so why bother trying to call them that! Hope you manage to string a whole week's worth of these good days together. I like the crustless pumpkin pie recipe that uses the evaporated skim milk. I actually think it is the recipe on the can of pumpkin with the baking times adjusted to account for no crust. Thanks, now I'm going to get a craving for it..........

Kathy, I'm glad you had fun at the game and that you won. We got swept this weekend by the A's. Man we just cannot beat those guys. Good thing they probably won't be in post season. Of course, we don't seem to be able to beat the Rangers either. We got some bad umpiring today. I wish someone would improve the quality of the umpires. I'm sure you roasted out there today. We listened to the Sox game while we were in the pool. Life is good. Speaking of Sandra, when is she due back?

Well, gotta go shower. I just heard Jim come down from his shower. No more food for me tonight. Maybe just a hot cup of tea with some skim and splenda while I watch TV. I also have to take a quick shower to get the chlorine off of me. I'll be back in the morning. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your evening!

ontarget 07-10-2005 09:44 PM

hi, ladies. we're home. i'm exhausted. i won but didn't set any new records except for being the first senior woman to shoot all 3 state championship events in the same year here in montana. my feet held up and i was able to finish and i shot a respectable score. curtis was going to take a photo but the camera's battery was dead. oh, well, life goes on.

it took about 9 hours of hiking and shooting saturday and about 6 hours today of the same. it poured rain about half the time saturday. today it just sprinkled. i did have fun, though. you'd think i'd lose weight, but i pigged out at the end both days.

i am re-starting core in the am with a vengeance. i am ready. i'm even tired of eating. hopefully, the doctor won't want to do foot surgery and will release me to do some exercise. i'm thinking that if i can climb mountains all day in the rain, i should be able to treadmill. that 2nd cortisone shot plus my orthodics got me through this weekend. i'll know tomorrow afternoon if the foot condition is just being masked or if that old foot is better. keep your fingers crossed. i REALLY need to start exercising.

i apologize for not answering your posts. i am reading and catching up on what's been going on with each of you. it's good to be home and be back online with all of you.

i'm going to have to close for now and go to bed. i'll see you tomorrow.

Katpo 07-10-2005 10:22 PM

Wow, all you tired chicks! Sandra, congrats on getting thru the weekend! Vickie, you sound better so I hope the elbow is starting to ease up a little.

I just got back from Walmart getting snacks for the breakroom at work. Ugh ... that just really whips me! We have 50 people in our department and so I'm continually restocking the fridge with drinks and the bookshelf with cheese crackers, animal crackers, Little Debbies, bananas, etc. Now that I've spoiled them, they expect it. When I first took over the duty, there were only drinks! Oh well, life is still good.

And so my lunch is all ready to go tomorrow. I'm going to try and get to work at 6:00 so I can work 11 hours. We'll see how that goes but the plan is 4 days of 11 plus my 4 on Saturday to make 48. We can't get OT unless it's over 48. Anything between 40 and 47.999999, they consider a little "gift" to the company. Um, yeah. While I can appreciate the concept of casual overtime, I'm not giving anything away so it's either 40 or 48 for me.

It was Hank Blalock statue day (I probably already mentioned that) and I just looked on ebay. They're already listed, most going for around $20. We're keeping ours for the baseball room, and then the extra (since Judd and I both got one) we're giving to a guy at work who does PT ushering for the Rangers but they're not allowed to get the giveaways. He's a nice guy and a hard worker, so we have no problem giving him our extra one.

Nighty night to all. Tomorrow is a great place to start over!! Let's do it!

aghiowa 07-10-2005 10:29 PM

Good evening! Man, I pigged out today - it started with that stupid open house party thing last night. I just can't stand a few feet away from delicious-looking food for 3 hours and not have some! And today was worse. Sigh. I will be back on track tomorrow with you Sandra.

Congrats on getting through the tournament, by the way!

My mom said she's rethinking whether to quit meetings or not. I think we may move our meeting day to Monday to the leader we like more.

I'm going to bed soon - see you all in the morning!


septembersgoal 07-11-2005 09:14 AM

Hey ladies, just quickly dropping in before really starting to work this morning...hope everyone is off to a better start than I am. Woke up late and am SO tired today. I am just hoping that today goes by quickly. I am considering going home, eating, and going to bed until DH gets home from work.
Anyway, Sandra I'm glad you are back and hope the foot doesn't hurt too much today.
Kathy, good luck with all those hours of work...I can't imagine.
Angela, I'm sure that you will do great today. You have so much discipline.
Vickie, sounds like you had a good day. I hope that you have another today!
I'll "talk" to you guys later. I can check in and read posts throughout the day but can't really reply.

Vickie 07-11-2005 09:23 AM

Good Morning, All! I had 9 hours sleep last night but it was after a REALLY busy day yesterday. I feel pretty darn good.

Sandra, welcome home and congratulations on your victory! I had NO doubt that you would be succesful. You are a VERY determined woman when you set your mind to something. I'm glad your feet held out. My elbow is hurting fractionally less every day. Tomorrow will be a week since the cortisone shot and I still have a bruise bigger than a half dollar around the injection site....and don't bump me on the elbow or I cry! Maybe I'm not as strong as you are. God forbid I have to have something really horrible done some day! That's alot of hiking you did. I hope you're rewarded with a loss.

Kathy, I wish you worked with me while I was working. No one in my office ever wanted to do anything for the whole office. We had a refrigerator and once a month we rotated the responsibility of cleaning it. They'd all whine and complain like they were 2 year olds. I took my turn when I was a Manager and even cleaned it still when I was the Director. They used to joke that it was good to have the month after me because I always did such a good cleaning job. I say if you're gonna do it, do it right! Do they know how you spoil them? You must have gotten to the game early to get your statues. Our park only gives out limited amounts and people line up on good give away days. I laughed when you said it is in your baseball room. When we moved here, I gave Jim the 4th bedroom for all of his White Sox stuff. I didn't want it throughout the house but lots of it is really cool. So we have a room with no furniture except for HIS curio cabinet (with all his team autographed baseballs back to 1950) and the walls have floor to ceiling pictures. We have bats and all kinds of other stuff. My baseball card collection is in there along with some jerseys and Jim's seat from the old ballpark.....the real Comiskey park. He loves to take people to his Sox room!

Angela, everyone, even you, is going to have a bad day now and then. I have every confidence that you'll be back on track. Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I think the sheets are a FABULOUS reward for your efforts. I've never had 400 count but I love 350. The other day, I washed the sheets in the guest bedroom and they are just regular sheets. I made Jim feel them and we both winced. They feel so scratchy! I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for some good deals since I could use another set or two. That would be a great reward for my 50 pound loss.

Well, it's almost time for breakfast and I am going to try to treadmill today. When does our Froufie come home?

Hope you all have a great day. Kath, did you get to work at 6:00?

Vickie 07-11-2005 09:25 AM

Melissa, sounds like caffeine is in order for you today. Be careful, when I'm tired I have a hard time staying on program. Try to keep your tummy full of Core food today. Hope your workday goes fast......and painless.

Katpo 07-11-2005 09:55 AM

Good morning, all!

Well, I started out a teeny bit later than I wanted to, but got to work around 6:45. Still not too bad. I need to make a fast trip to the post office during the day sometime, so if I'm working 11 hours that'll put me here until 6 tonight. We'll see how it goes later in the day.

I was up a pound this morning, 158!! Good grief, is that the wrong direction or WHAT?? I have no idea why except that I've barely had any water this weekend, plus Saturday night I had salty mexican food, and then yesterday I broke my resolve and ended up with beer at the game and fried pickles before it at Hooters. So it's what I deserve, I guess.

All in all though, I'll be okay. I think I'll try again to make a Labor Day goal tracker.

Vickie 07-11-2005 10:19 AM

Hmmmmm.....fried pickles. I love pickles but I'm not sure I'd like them fried. You couldn't be.....ummmm....pregnant :s: ....could you?

Gotta go hop on the treadmill. I'll be back for the announcement later!!!!! :lol:

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