3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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mumto2 07-07-2005 05:45 PM

Okay, I've done it! Went through the CORE recipes and have made a menu for one week. I started out doing it for 2 weeks, but then realized DH still on soft foods for a few more days so will start on Sunday.

Here's a question. Is chicken corn soup CORE? I know some people like chicken corn noodle soup, or chicken corn rivel, but if I only use the chicken and the corn maybe a hard boiled egg or two wouldn't it be CORE?? Was thinking of making that tomorrow cuz DH could eat it too.

So, I will start CORE again tomorrow. You heard it!! I am recomitting myself to CORE once again. The first week I lost 3 lbs., and I've been the same now since April 27th, so I'm hoping for a nice loss next week., since it will be like the first week again, right? Will still WI on Saturdays. Must still check out the snacks to see what's available besides jello, pudding, and string cheese.

kids calling.


ontarget 07-07-2005 06:01 PM

good for you, lisa. i'm going to start anew monday. we're leaving town tomorrow till sunday night. i'll be doing a lot of walking (ouch!) and will be carrying grapes and bananas for healthy snacks so i don't think i'll do too badly. also it's hot. i should sweat some ounces off easily. i don't know about the soup. it sounds core to me. if it's made with core ingredients--it's core. (that's my understanding, anyway.) good success to you. you sound focused and determined. that's over half the battle right there.

WWEnthusiast 07-07-2005 06:14 PM

Ok All you Successful Core'ers.....riddle me this...
I look at your menus everyday.....and I am still amazed and astonshished by HOW LITTLE you eat....so once you all finish your seemingly small breakfast's .... you wait 'how long' before you have your banana or fruit???
And that sustains you till your lunch???
and then a fruit or something small midday sustains you till dinner????
I am so impressed by all of that and realize now why you ARE successful.
I think I would be soooo hungry...I am still amazed the days I read your menus.....you all are awesome....
I am still hanging in there....and maybe I'll get some motivation from your daily menu's and actually do one of yours :D

Had a good day today but I am feeling an urge :lol: ut-oh!!!

Angela- fabulous!!!!!!

Good Luck Lisa.....seems like I am always recommitting :lol: i-yia-yia!!
I too need something more than jello, pudding and string cheese....and I have had smoothies a few times, and now I am tiring of them too....Lord!!!
I am not sure about the chicken corn soup, but I can look in the CFC, if no one answers that.
I am still on the fence about it all. All of this, all of a sudden, seems like such work!!! The thinking, the planning, the getting on the scale each week!!

I just wish I had the RESOLVE that Vickie and Angela seem to have. I did so well for 4 years.......this past year has been the worst, the absoulute worst!!!
I am looking to lose a measly 15 freaking pounds....10 to get me back to goal and 5 for good measure........

Hope this urge leaves me soon..... for I see Moose Tracks Frozen yogurt in my future this evening :D .......problem is I probably won't be happy with just a serving....which is deemed 1/2 cup....I don't think so :lol:
And yet another WW week is coming to an end I once again I don't foresee a successful w/i. If anything I will still be playing with the same 1-2 lbs that have plagued me week after week after week....get the picture!!!
Well I am off to talk to Frank for a while, He is the MOST supportive husband, I swear...how he deals with me is amazing....Bless his heart!!
Also want to check out the weather regarding "Dennis" here we go again!!!!!!
The forecast keeps changing and it's coming further East now....great!! Didn't we just go through this.....my Lord some homes still have the "blue roofs"
Well 'See' you all later....Gotta say...I love this board...........there is ALWAYS something happening here....Ciao for now....Linda

ontarget 07-07-2005 06:24 PM

linda, it's been hot here so i haven't been able to cook in the afternoons. we have air conditioning, but if i cook, the house just doesn't seem to stay cool enough. this has helped place me in a tailspin. i am taking off till monday. when we get back from the state championship, i'll be ready to rumble (as they say).

here's a snack idea and it's all core:
make a big fruit salad and toss it with a small pkg of vanilla (or other of your choice) sf/ff pudding dry mix. add about 1/2 cup of pineapple juice from a can of pineapple tidbits or chunks. this makes a wonderful fruit salad.

here's what i had in my latest one:
pineapple chunks
frozen peaches

you could also use strawberries, blueberries, mango, etc.......... just stir it up and keep it in the fridge. it's even better the second and third day.

ontarget 07-07-2005 06:25 PM

also, what about those cheese crackers? i think vickie posted them. they are good with salsa.

aghiowa 07-07-2005 07:59 PM

Linda, I eat breakfast (one serving of hot cereal + fruit, and around 2/3 cup of skim milk) around 8, then my snack of fruit around 10:00 or 10:30. Lunch is usually leftovers, or salad, and they're generally fairly large servings + 1 cup of milk. Then I also have a serving of fruit if I'm still hungry. If not, I save it for 2:30 when I start getting hungry. Between 2 and 4, I'm usually ravenous, so sometimes I have a graham cracker or fruit or nibble on dinner when I'm preparing it. Then a pretty big dinner around 5:30 or 6:00 - main dish, side of veggies, + 1 cup milk. Most nights I also have a smoothie or a mini bag of popcorn around 9:00. That doesn't seem like a very small amount of food. I just try to follow the comfort zone. I eat when I'm hungry, and stop when I'm full. That said, there are plenty of days when I mess up and go way off plan. Like my 3 brownies today. :o I'll do better tomorrow!

I'm curious now...are my amounts of food similar to what everyone else is eating?


septembersgoal 07-07-2005 08:13 PM

Gosh I feel like I eat a ton compared to everyone else. Let me think aloud here...
I usually have some oatmeal for breakfast during the week. On weekends I'll make some eggs w/canadian bacon or something like that. But let's go with during the week (when I'm better). I eat bfast around 8:30 then have lunch around 12 (sometimes earlier, sometimes later). I usually eat quite a bit, probably 2 servings of core soup or a salad w/soup, or LOs and a salad. I also usually try to eat a little something sweet with lunch, like sf/ff pudding, applesauce, jello, or a small chocolate. Then I usually have a snack around 3. I TRY to eat applesauce, a piece of fruit, or some popcorn. Then we eat dinner around 6 or 7. I usually have a piece of meat, some brown rice or potato, and a veggie/salad. Usually have a dessert w/dinner, and then a snack later in the evening. WOW, it IS a lot! :lol:
The hard part for me is keeping it core! Hope that helps Linda, even though I am not the shining example of a core-er...and haven't lost nearly as much weight as these other chicks!

septembersgoal 07-07-2005 08:21 PM

Well ladies I hope everyone is doing well!! Just off the top of my head let me see what I can remember...

Vickie, hope you are feeling better.
Sandra, hang in there, and have fun this weekend.
Kathy, I hope that you guys can works things out quickly. You put up a tough front, but I don't buy it. ;) Let us know how things are going.
Lisa, hope your DH is feeling better, and good job with that meal plannning! It makes all the difference.
Angela, I'm glad to know that you ate the 3 brownies. It makes me feel better. :o Sorry but it is true!!! :lol:
And to everyone I left out, hope you are having a great evening.

I'm going to try to get some stuff done and turn in early. DH didn't have to work tonight ( :cp: ) so I won't be staying up late to see him. :D

You know how I am going to have an all-core week???? Well I already have my first challenge. We are going to my in-laws tomorrow night or saturday for lunch or dinner. (She's the one that loves to feed me...) BTW, I never said thank you for all of the input on that situation. I really appreciate all of your ideas, and I am going to have to put them into effect this weekend for sure. I am thinking I should take a dish and my own drink (??) but she can be easily hurt when it comes to food. It isn't an ego thing, she just loves to make people happy with food. I am going to have to be strong ladies.

Hey, how about a challenge this week? They really help me.

OH BTW, got a letter in the mail today about the state job that I applied for, they want me to send a transcript so that has to be a good sign, right? If only I could find it. :lol: So send me some winks for that please!! Oh, and w/i tomorrow too. :lol: I don't think that it will help though. TOM is approaching (past due) and I've not eaten core-ly this week. So I am anticipating being up.

OK, I have rambled on long enough. I'm off to get some stuff done around here, and go to bed. :D

Katpo 07-07-2005 08:54 PM

LOL! Okay, Melissa, you got me. DH came home in the WORST mood today, I mean he was ranting and raving and going crazy. Seems that the neighbor had put all sorts of glass in his trashcan and when it got emptied today, it all fell out somehow and was in the street. To make it worse, he was getting home about the time Judd was and WALKED RIGHT BY IT! Judd said there were tomatoes in the street and a ton of glass. He knew it was theirs because in the middle of the pile of glass there was a store receipt that had their name on it. And they were just going to leave it! These are the same neighbors who have that shuttle launchpad and/or sacrificial pit and/or wrestling ring thing in their backyard. If you haven't seen it, I would be more than happy to post a nice picture. Anyway, they are idiots who leave all sorts of junk out in the driveway for months. They have made me mad on more than one occasion and it's been big stuff, where I just wanted to go over and kick their butts. Seriously. One of the biggies was when she asked if I wanted to go into together and give another neighbor a baby shower. The two of them were good friends at the time. I said sure ... then she proceeded to tell me we had to have it at my house because she didn't want to clean hers. And I got the cake. And I bought the invitations AND printed them AND sent them out. AND bought the food. AND had 25 people in my family room on a very very rainy day. Then she waltzed around like Miss Hostess and I was the hired help. Sorry about that rant, but we intensely dislike these people.

Okay where was I? Yes, sweeping the glass. So big DD had first come in and told me what he was doing, then when he came in I said "what's the deal with the glass?" and he just went off. I thought he would have a stroke. He wasn't mad at me, but at them, and was just telling me about it. And then I said (now write this down on your calendars, because I don't say it often) ... "I'm sorry I've been in a bad mood for a few days." He said he figured it was because of him (well, duh!). He said no problem, then went and sat down to watch TV. I had stopped to get something to eat on my way home, am not cooking because the DDs both went out for dinner. I think he's getting my point that I'm tired of doing it all around here, and it's going to stop. He'll have to grow up and be a big boy.

I made a list of food and tomorrow will try to stick to Core with the rest of you. I was going to wait until Monday, then I remembered what Terry said about the next decision. Those were some wise words!! In case you didn't see it ...


Eating right isn't one big decision you make. It's thousands of little decisions like which dressing you grab for your salad or whether you pick sugarless gum or a candy bar when you're at the candy machine. If you don't do well on one little decision, don't worry -- you'll get another chance to make a better choice at the next decision point. Don't wait for the next day or the next Monday or the first of the next month. Just do better on the very next decision.

WWEnthusiast 07-07-2005 08:56 PM

Angela, Sandra and Melissa....thank you all for your imput. Angela it sounds like you mostly have the 'smart' three meals a day, but good portions and then some good snack choices. I will check the menu out tomorrow and get some ideas... Melissa I felt like I WAS the one eating way more than what I was reading on the Menu board. I got some good ideas from all of you though, and I am going do to this dag-nab-it!! :stress:
We only talking 15 pounds, you'd think what my problem was!!! I did give it some thought after Vickie mentioned something, and I came up with the FACT that sometimes I JUST don't want to do this....I have what I call 'being on program burnout'
but coming here for suggestions and imput helps greatly, like just now...Thank you all for posting back to me....and so it goes tomorrow again.....gee one of these days it will sink in :-) Ok so now I have WASTED 4 days of my Labor Day goal....Well tomorrow seems like a good day to RESTART - it will be 7 L O N G years that we have relocated to Florida.....oh lucky me!!! :lol:
Oh, I did make the crispy cornmeal chicken, but it didn't come out all that great, it was good, but I felt like something was missing. Tomorrow night it's Shrimp and brown rice with sautee mushrooms...well it sounds good.
Maybe I'll make a goal for the WEEK.....to stay on Core for the full week, no messing around, then maybe with the Grace of God....I can go two, and so on, and so on....ok, I won't get crazy.. :lol: How 'bout one day at a time or as Vickie always says "one meal at a time"
Ok, my intentions are good for tomorrow so we'll see....hope everyone out there is well...Vickie I hope you are feeling better.
Kathy I really hope things with you and Judd are better now.
Sandra hang in there with me girlfriend.
Lisa good luck to you.
Cher - how are you doing?? Those last 10 are a pain aren't they....ughhhh. I'm there with ya though. Let's do it!!!!
Terry- you are just amazing.......what can I say.....you are an inspiration.
Hope to 'see' you all tomorrow....Sandra have a fun time......
Ciao for now........Linda

aghiowa 07-07-2005 10:28 PM

Good evening! I've been having fun Googling people I used to know. My best friend from high school is a doctor - who knew! Anyway, after the brownie mishap, I don't think I'll be having my snack this evening. I DID manage to throw away some delicious gingersnap cookies (my favorite) that dh didn't want. Boy, was that hard! But I told myself that I had given myself all the leeway I could with the brownies, and too bad to me, I shouldn't have eaten them. Then maybe I could have had a cookie. :cookie: I think my brain took it pretty well. :D

I really like Terry's advice that Kathy posted. It really is all about those thousands of decision points throughout the day. You know, it's not like one of those old Choose Your Own Adventure books (does anyone remember those?) where one pivotal choice inevitably leads you either to life or death. At every decision point, you have the opportunity to make the right choice. So even if you ate everything in sight all day long, choosing to have a banana instead of one more cookie for your evening snack is still a triumph. Maybe work on adding one more triumph each day, and pretty soon, you've got a good day going on. I don't know, I may just be rambling, but I've been thinking about that today. Just because you made one bad choice, or maybe a few, doesn't mean you aren't worth making the rest good ones. I think we tend to beat ourselves up, and not realize our true self-worth. We are amazing creatures, with the power within ourselves to do wonderful things, whether we realize it or not. Sometimes I feel like I could be so much more if I just had a little more discipline. Although, I have to say, I'm more happy with myself now than I've been in a LONG time - maybe ever.

Well, enough ranting. I think I'll go downstairs and finish dh's movie with him. He's been a little down lately, ever since getting his cholesterol numbers. I think he's not feeling invincible anymore.

I'll see you all tomorrow morning!

ontarget 07-07-2005 10:28 PM

linda, i'll join you monday morning. and my goal will be to just stay true to core. i will go back to having 5 or less waps a day. is that what you're doing?

good luck!!!! you're going to make it. fifteen lbs will be gone in no time.

ontarget 07-07-2005 10:39 PM

melissa, you'll do well at your in-laws. just go with a plan and stick with it. (easy for me to say, right?) i hope you get the state job. i'll do some blinking for you.

kathy, that's a fantastic quote that terry made. sure makes me feel bad about deciding to wait till monday. what i'll do is make the best decisions i can while at this tournament this weekend. (how's that?) i'm glad you and judd are communicating. i'm sorry about the neighbors. that has to be an uncomfortable situation. did they clean up the glass? or did judd clean it up?

good post angela. congratulations on stopping with the brownies. that showed discipline for sure.

WWEnthusiast 07-08-2005 06:14 AM

Great post Angela and wonderful words of wisdom from Terry brought up again by Kathy....Does make you stop and think!!! I have copied and pasted it and sent it to my email so I can print it out....THANKS Terry, THANKS Kathy!!
Angela something you said sounds like me.....I 'choose' something bad and think well I screwed up might as well be bad the rest of the day, which leads to the rest of the week....and before you know it it's w/i and I am pissed because the scale says something I don't want it to.....All my fault and I MUST change that!!
Angela / Terry (question) do you journal (at all?)
Sandra you're on friend....Let's just do this dag-nab-it!! I was thinking of dong 5 WPA daily to maybe not feel so deprived...So far todays menu IS totally Core and I have learned a few things from Angela's and everyone's menu's.
Today is July 8 and Labor Day is Sept 5th but my w/i would be that Saturday so I have a GOOD 2 SOLID months to be successful!! I'm thinking it's possible.

I am going to work more on my menu this weekend. Read up on the great recipes and start sending them to my WordDocument File.
Thanks for all the great advise here that is geared to all of us.....
Well I have to get ready to leave it's 6:15 BUT T.G.I.F is all I can say.
Seems like Hurricane Dennis will effect us by some heavy Winds!!!!!!!! ughhhhh
Feel bad for NW Florida, the Panhandle and those lower states....here we go again!!
Have a great day Chicks....I'll catch up with you all later..........

Kathy I am glad things are better with Judd and I am sure you are too. No one wants to feel that stress. My Lord you do do so much...God Bless you.

aghiowa 07-08-2005 08:59 AM

Good morning everyone! It's strange - it's almost 8:00 and my girls are all still asleep. They're usually up by 6:45 or so. Aaah, I'm just enjoying the quiet.

Linda, the only journaling I do is the daily menu thread. I try to keep it pretty accurate, and edit it if I change something. Of course, you won't notice the brownies on yesterday's menu. :D

I seriously don't think I'm doing anything super wonderfully. I think I'm just very lucky. I'm young, my metabolism isn't too messed up yet and I'm active because of the kids... If I were older/more sedentary, my eating and exercise probably wouldn't get the job done. I know my Mom has to work 10 times harder than I do to see the same results. Not fair, I know!

Today is another full day. Gotta love keeping busy!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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