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Old 07-07-2005, 09:14 AM   #1  
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Arrow Live and Free on Core Board Twenty-Three!

Here's a new one for us! Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Old 07-07-2005, 09:28 AM   #2  
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Good morning everyone! It's beautiful here, I've got a full day planned, and my home scale solidly registered 120 this morning, even after I got off and on again! Life is good, as Sandra says. I just need to make sure this week to be extra, super good so I can maintain this nice loss. I have so many beautiful fruits & veggies, it shouldn't be hard.

I'm going walking now...

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Old 07-07-2005, 09:29 AM   #3  
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Have a great walk, Angela. I need to get to the store but cooking is not really in the cards for me for the next 3 days. I'll be as good as I can. I'm putting on my walking socks now!
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Old 07-07-2005, 09:33 AM   #4  
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Good morning!

Are Melissa and I the first ones up? or is everyone glued to the T.V. and the terrorist attack in London. I've been watching it for the last hour and a half and it is really horrible...............I feel for those people.

TOM coming soon so I don't think I'm going to WI this week. Doesn't help when you already feel fat and bloated. DH needs to lose about 20 lbs., so I have decided to make a 2 week menu and try to stick to it. Maybe I'll try CORE again. I just don't seem to find enough variety there; or maybe I just don't like a lot of foods. I'll browse the recipes and see what I come up with. Then it's a trip to the grocery store.

It's 9:30. DS got up about 20 minutes ago and DD is still in bed. Suppose i'll have to drag her little butt out of bed soon or she'll have problems falling asleep tonight. I told her I don't care if she stays up all night and reads or watches T.V., but she has some fear of being the only one in the house who is awake, so she can't fall asleep if everyone else is in bed. kids..................

Her best friend went to Japan to visit her mother this summer and last night she called DD. DD was so excited. They have been emailing, but never on the computer at the same time because of the time difference. Her friend comes back for 4 days in August to visit her grandparents, then they must drive her to meet her step mom and dad who have just moved to Michigan. Hopefully she and DD can get together when she's here next month.

Okay, I'm rambling now...............going to look up some recipes.

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Old 07-07-2005, 09:56 AM   #5  
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Good morning! I'm looking forward to a day of drinking water after my big ol' binge last night! I wasn't really all that bad, had no dinner but I did have a lot of chips and queso, and 2 Cape Cods at the bar.

I left home this morning before H was up. He probably won't say anything to me today, which is fine. I'll work all day, go to the gym after work, might go home afterwards and might not. It just depends on how I feel at the time. I wish I had some relatives in the area that I could stay with. I'm sure tired of his roller coaster.

Those terrorist attacks are horrible! I just couldn't belive that ... how scary!

Angela, congrats on that scale victory! Woohoo, I would LOVE to see 120 someday! Well, maybe not since I'm so tall, but when I get to my 135 goal you'll be able to hear me from there.

Vickie, I hope you're feeling better. No cooking for a while sounds good to me! At least you've got your favorite restaurant that'll make you a good salad, and then there's always Chipotle too!

Melissa, I'll be anxious to hear what Aaron thinks about that American Idol thing. Hope you're having a good day!

Lisa, my H needs to lose around 80-90 pounds but I don't think he's concerned about it. I'm not going to do it for him, so looks like he's screwed.

Happy day to all!
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Old 07-07-2005, 10:01 AM   #6  
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Oh Kathy - sometimes i feel like i'm married to your DH. They must all be alike. Mine doesn't want to lose weight either, but I guess I'll have to do it for him. Even on medication his blood pressure is around 140/90 and I know it's higher now because he's gained some weight.

DH is pretty much like having a third child. Will not do something unless he wants to............the kids wanted him to go to the public pool, but he doesn't do pools, DS wants him to take him to Star Wars, but he did not like Star Wars when he was a kid, so he's not going now............the only thing he cares about on the weekend is riding that stupid Harley...........too bad we haven't had a decent weekend in a while...
anyway, done complaining about him. I could write a book., but I think there is already one or two out there about the "peter pan syndrome" you know the boy who never grew up.

So, I'm off to drag DD out of bed. I have things to do today and she is just going to have to get up.

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Old 07-07-2005, 10:09 AM   #7  
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LOL! You're right about that Peter Pan syndrome thing. Mine's got it bigtime.

I had originally thought, because he has a family history of medical problems due to obesity, that I'd be a dear and "help him out" with his diet. Then I discovered that he was working against me ... and I realized was caring more about his own health than HE was. That doesn't work, especially if he's eating all the wrong stuff on the sly, thinking I'll never find out. What a hoot! So nope, he's on his own. He has life insurance so if he wants to kill himself slowly and doesn't care about his health or appearance, then so be it. There's the fridge, buddy ... knock yourself out.
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Old 07-07-2005, 11:13 AM   #8  
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good morning. curtis and i are up early. (for us it's early) he's out at the archery range doing some fencing. i'm here pruning and watering roses. did i tell ya'll we have over 100 rosebushes? we had 108 but 4 of them died winter before last and came back as wild roses. i need to take them out but i'm waiting till end of season. i'm just using them now for filler. deer do most of my pruning except for the deadheading. i'm finished and am now watering.

vickie, both times my left heel were injected with cortisone, the doctor first gave me a numbing shot in the heel. that helped with the pain. he said it would be excrutiating if he didn't. he didn't do the numbing needle with the right foot, though, because that shot was in a "not so painful" area of the foot. did you have a numbing shot? counting the numbing needles, i've had 5 shots in the feet in the past 3 weeks. not fun. but i am better today. i feel like an old football player. "patch her up and send her back onto the field!"

melinda, you sound chipper this am. that makes me smile. are you going to wi tomorrow? i'm passing this week.

angela, i am sooooo impressed at your 120. that's truly amazing. like i said earlier, you're an inspiration. core works!!

lisa, i'm not weighing tomorrow either. i will next week, though. let us know if you find some interesting recipes. i need some new ideas.

kathy, i haven't had the tv on yet. i didn't know about the attacks till i read lisa's post. i hope you and judd can resolve your issues soon. you both must be miserablly unhappy with all the tension.

we're leaving tomorrow for butte and the state field championship. i won't be home till sometime sunday night. (i'm rambling here cuz i know i'll tell ya'll about this trip again later today. senior moments you know.)

i need to take a shower and get ready to cook lunch. i have pt at 1 pm. i am very, very tired of doctor's appts. sometimes it's heck getting old.

i'm off here now to do what needs to be done. have a terrific thursday morning, everybody.
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Old 07-07-2005, 11:15 AM   #9  
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Good morning all -

Scary stuff - the London attack.

Kathy -- I wish I had some amazing wisdom to offer, but this is all I've got. Follow your heart. And drink. I mean water! I hope things work out soon.

Lisa, I'd be afraid to skip WI. If you know it's going to up because of bloat, just file that in your head when you go. For me, skipping because I think it's going to be bad news would lead me down a path where I'd be skipping a lot. I need to be accountable, good news or bad.

Vickie - you're so sweet. I hope the arm improves this week. You've been suffering with that for too long. Don't worry about exercise and cooking. Maybe have your dh bring you lots of fruit to nibble on. You asked about how much water I drink. I'm not sure. I have a glass stein on my desk that I think holds 12 to 16 oz. I fill it up at least 6 times during the day. At home I have a couple cans of seltzer water (I like the bubbles) and maybe another glass or two of still water. I usually have an iced tea every day too. I never listed it out before. I guess I drink a lot!

We were not chosen by the birthparents. However it was a wonderful experience working with them. They were very genuine people, truly cared about our feelings and what we were going through. They wrote us a long email explaining why they liked us and why we didn't quite fit what they wanted. We've never gotten anything like this before. Typically you just stop hearing from the birthfamily. There are so many pooh-heads in the adoption world -- it was so refreshing and inspiring to have encountered these compassionate birthparents.

Angela -- OMG! You hit your goal on your home scale!! You go girl!! I hope to see your story on WW. You're surely an inspiration to us all here.

Sandra, needing a little hug because of five shots in the foot does not constitute whining. You poor thing! You're more than justified. Just let it all out here. We're friends.

Melissa and all you hard core people: Just do it -- All core, all week. It works if you do.


Last edited by Monkeypoodle; 07-07-2005 at 11:17 AM.
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Old 07-07-2005, 11:26 AM   #10  
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terry, i'm sorry you didn't get the baby, but i am glad you had a good experience with the family. your time will come and you'll get your perfect bundle of joy. my you drink a lot of water. good for you. i'm impressed.

okay, i'm off the puter now for a bit. i'll catch ya'll later.
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Old 07-07-2005, 12:34 PM   #11  
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Hi everyone:

Well, I'm feeling like I've hit my first plateau, although it may just be a motivational slump. I'm considering journalling, which I hate, if wi doesn't go well again this week. I knew losing the last 10 was going to be hard, but I'm feeling kind of glum about the long term prospects. A big part of it is the change in schedule. I thought I was going to have more time than ever to exercise, but it hasn't turned out that way. Dh and the kids are not getting out early most days and I've had to be at the camp in the evenings 3 out of 5 days for the past two weeks, so afternoon walks are out, too. I think it's also compounded by some hormonal thing I've got going on--serious brain fog and sleepiness, even though I'm going to bed at the same time.

I have the opposite problem with my Dh. He's the type who can eat three meals and then 1000 calories worth of cookies and milk at bedtime and never gain--or if he does gain, all he has to do is cut back for a couple of weeks and it's gone. I don't think he's particularly healthy--he has a tendency to sign up for exercise programs that require a lot of time and equipment and then never go, but he's never been overweight or had problems losing a few pounds. He's got model-thin genes on his mom's side. I'm hoping the kids got those, instead of my fighting 10+ pounds since puberty genes.

Sorry you had another disappointment, Terry, but I'm glad your faith in people got supported a bit.

Yay, Angela! You're a demonstration that it can be done.
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Old 07-07-2005, 01:02 PM   #12  
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cher, i am proud of you for being determined to get off those last 10 lbs. journaling is a good idea. you're going to get this done. it may just take awhile.
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Old 07-07-2005, 02:40 PM   #13  
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I think this is a 20 point day for me. And I'm lovin' every minute of it.

I had a big slice of mushroom-tomato pizza for lunch -- followed by my Starbuck's chocolate chip cookie. It must be a sin to be so delighted by junk food, but I am.

I'm running today, so I don't feel bad about the crazy food. Tuesday was the first time I could do 30 minutes without stopping and it was really hard for me. I'm going to do that again today, so hopefully the pizza and cookie won't do any damage.

Thanks for the support on the baby front, Cher and Sandra. God has a plan; we just have to wait until it unfolds.

I'm waiting for the secret to getting the DH to eat right. Mine is a tall, handsome, husky bear-like man who weighs over 300 pounds. Not good combined with diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I worry about him, but he's got to make the choice himself. Right now, he just doesn't want to.

Have a mah-velous Thursday.
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Old 07-07-2005, 03:21 PM   #14  
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Afternoon everyone! How's this for multi-tasking? For the girls' fun thing today, I had them bake brownies - each got a box to do. Coincidentally, (or not so much), I have to bring lots of brownies to a party this weekend. Hmmm! They had a blast, and are now enjoying themselves immensely and getting covered in brownie batter while licking out the bowls. Aah, childhood!

Those London attacks are scary stuff. Strangely enough, last night I happened to watch the 9/11 documentary by those two French guys for the first time. Wow. I had a hard time falling asleep, as I was thinking of how unsafe the world is for my children now. There was a little 5 year old girl abducted, murdered, and dumped in the river here in the last few days. I just don't understand.

I guess all I can do is watch them like a hawk and pray that they'll be safe. At least now I have almost complete control over where they go and who they see. Once they get older and mobile, it'll be harder to deal with.

Well, after that lovely downer, I'm off to do the dishes, then practice guitar. Life goes on...

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Old 07-07-2005, 03:43 PM   #15  
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Fortunately your girls are too young to report you for breaking the child labor laws! Way to make some fun for them while getting your brownies made at the same time!

I hold my breath every time my girls leave the house, and don't let it out until they're safe at home again. They can't understand why I'm so worried about them. Hmmm ... let me see ... Natalee Holloway comes to mind, immediately followed by all the other shark attacks, car accidents, and abduction cases that fill the news. It's a wonder we moms ever get any sleep! And then when they're 19 and 21 and think they're invincible, it's only compounded.

Downer is RIGHT!
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