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Katpo 07-08-2005 09:52 AM

LOL, Angela! I was thinking that the other day. Here the rest of us are nearly (or over) 50 and have many many years of messing up under our belts ... literally. When I was your age, I weighed 110. That's pretty pathetic considering my height, but I did everything I could to try and gain weight. It just wasn't happening! Not until I was around 40 and started having some medical issues did it start. Fortunately I stopped it before it got too out of hand!

Judd cleaned up all that glass and it took him quite a while. He said he gave them the look of death when both husband and wife came home, and walked right by their own mess. I can just imagine.

I'm really ticked that I can't find FF T. Marzetti's dill dip anywhere. I have only one more store to go and then I'm out of places to look. Meanwhile, I'll have to make my own so I'm off to find the recipe that Vickie posted the other day.

Happy TGIF!

cher123 07-08-2005 12:03 PM

Good morning!

I'm doing okay, but it's bloat city today. I put on a pair of shorts this morning that are usually perfectly comfortable, and I couldn't wait to get them off. I did get a short walk--about 20 minutes--but that's probably going to be it for the day. I have good food though. I was in the mood for a tomato, basil, fresh mozzerella salad today, so I have that for lunch. I also bought a 2 pound box of blueberries, so they are my munchie snack for later.

Today is Ds's birthday--he's 6 now. He was cute early this morning, asking me if he was bigger now that he was 6. He had a bit of a tantrum getting dressed for camp, but it cleared up by the time he left. One interesting bit--one of the counselors told dh that ds only acts grumpy and antisocial while dh is there to drop him off. As soon as dh is out of sight he's fine. Sounds like he's going through one of those "see how far you can push the parents" stages to me.

I'm glad things cleared up a bit for you Kathy, and I hope the household situation improves.

Monkeypoodle 07-08-2005 01:20 PM

Hi all --

I've been quoted! That's so nice. I'm glad a bit of my rambling could be useful.

I think it's funny that so many of us think we eat way more than everyone else. I know I eat way more than the rest of you. I eat til I'm full, and somedays that is quite a bit of food -- but it's almost always core food. Other days, not so much. The amount really varies a lot day to day - and certain times of the month :o . I'm willing to bet that's why I've been successful so far. It's the Wendie principle.

Someone asked about portions. I like cereal for breakfast. I think I have a cup or cup and a half with however much milk it takes to make it nice and wet. I usually add some kind of fruit, like a banana or berries. That fills me up til lunchtime on most days. If not, I have some more fruit.

I know some people don't eat after a certain hour. That never works for me because I get panicky and iratible when I'm hungry. If I think I'm denying myself anything, I'd feel like I'm on a diet and go off. What I try to do if I'm hungry late is have yogurt and fruit, no matter what time it is. I also have no problem driving through McD's or Wendy's and having a chicken breast if I feel like I need something substantial or just don't have anything in the house. The ones near me are open late.

The only journalling or tracking I do is on these boards. I write my meal plan here, not so much for me, but because I know how much I like seeing what everyone is eating. I assume other people feel the same, so I post mine.

I've got to run. I have a dentist appt to have a couple fillings replaced :( Never a good time! I'll try to check in later.


aghiowa 07-08-2005 03:04 PM

It's another slow day here on the boards, it seems. Where is everyone? Cher, happy birthday to your ds! 6 year olds are interesting creatures, I've discovered. :)

I'm making a Salmon Garden Salad for dinner. I'm excited because I get to use fresh lettuce and basil from the garden. Too bad the peppers and tomatoes aren't quite ready yet.

Oh yes, speaking of my 6 year old - she's got a front tooth that's just hanging by a thread, I swear. One of these days she'll sneeze and it'll finally come out! I think I'm going to add corn on the cob to our menu tonight. :D She's already lost 3 teeth on the bottom, but that was a year ago!! No other teeth have come out since then. I think that's weird, but oh well. She managed to make it all the way through her kindergarten year without losing a single tooth during that time.

I'm just putting off making more brownies now. Sigh - I've got to get to it, and I WILL NOT eat any, I promise.

I've decided that my reward for getting to 120 will be new sheets for my bed. Not the plain everyday kind either. I want the nice Egyptian cotton 400 count smooth as silk kind. Aaah, that'll be nice (and pricey!)

OK, I'll go bake now.


Vickie 07-08-2005 09:14 PM

Wow, I thought I'd be pages and pages behind! Come on girls....is our enthusiasm flagging?! I know Frouf and Sandra are out of town but what's up with the rest of us?

My elbow is getting fractionally better day by day. Yesterday was very busy setting up for the garage sale which started at 8:00 am today. Actually we opened up at 7:30 and the early birds rushed in! I made $96 dollars and my Niece made $65. Not bad for little stuff we really don't want anymore. We do it again tomorrow. I joked with her and told her to go home and go through her house since our stock is low for tomorrow!

My TOM is finally gone and I did go to weigh in yesterday. I stayed the same and I'm ok with that. Typical for me after a big loss last week. Not good for my Labor Day Goal. I've learned to be patient. Angela, you are very lucky to have a metabolism that is still working. No exercise for me again today and none tomorrow except that I'm going to try to get in the pool. I'm afraid to hurt my elbow getting in and out. I'm still icing it. What really hurts the most is the spot where they gave me the cortisone shot. I still have a lump there from the shot on Tuesday.

Angela, I'm SO jealous of your garden. Is it hard to grow lettuce? You have my mouth watering for fresh, homegrown veggies! Good luck with DD and the tooth. From my experience they come in and fall out when they are darn good and ready. I was one of those kids who started pulling on them the moment they got loose so I could get the tooth fairy money. Not really good since then the tooth behind it generally took forever to come in! Hope you got those brownies made AND frozen without eating any. I'm a great baker (so I've been told) but I haven't baked anything since starting Core. I just can't because I have no self-control. I admire you for doing this. I would have had to say no.

Terry, thanks for the blinks! I think they helped because I stayed the same. Lucky for me in a week when I couldn't really exercise. Hope your dentist visit is over and wasn't too painful.

Cher, sorry about the bloat! Mine was miserable this month. Congrat though on getting in some exercise. 20 minutes is better than nothing. I know you've been struggling to fit it in. DS sounds adorable. I'm glad he had a good birthday. You must feel like he's growing up fast!

Kathy, what ignorant neighbors! I'm glad ours are all pretty good about that stuff. We have a few punky teens but lately nothing has been really bad.

Melissa, where are you? How did your meal with the MIL go? Any NSV to report from that?

Linda, gotta give you credit for not giving up! I feel like I eat alot too. Breakfast is one serving of oatmeal made with 3/4 cup skim and fruit cooked in. Either a medium to large banana or 1/2 cup homemade applesauce warmed in. That usually holds me until lunch. Lunch is sometimes an eggbeater omelet (probably at least 3 eggs) with stuff in it or FF cheese; Leftovers from dinner; a whole can of soup; a huge salad with egg/avocado/chicken breast, or a sirloin burger/bun(points) and about 2 cups fresh fruit salad. Afternoon snack is always around 3-4 and is either a smoothie or about a cup of FF cottage cheese and a Del Monte fruit naturals peaches or pineapple drained of the juice. Dinner is always a large salad (about 2 cups spring mix with 1/2 tomato and fresh mushrooms), protein, starch, and a fresh veggie. I almost always eat a snack/dessert in the evening. Sometimes it's popcorn or some Core dessert or SF/FF pudding. So, see....we are eating alot!

Well, I've missed being here. I won't be back until late tomorrow after the garage sale and clean up. I managed to stay Core today which wasn't easy. I'll try to be good tomorrow even though I can't exercise yet.

Hope you are all having great evenings!

aghiowa 07-08-2005 09:29 PM

Vickie, lettuce is actually really easy to grow here. The only thing is, you have to keep the rabbits and deer away from it! Also, it's a late spring/early summer crop. Once it gets to be late July into August, it's too hot, and it bolts (grows super fast and gets bitter). But other than those things, we've had really good luck with growing lettuce.

I made my salmon garden salad. I think it would have been a lot better without the salmon! :lol: I used fresh lettuce and spinach from the garden, as well as fresh basil leaves, and our first green pepper. It was so crisp and delicious! It really put store peppers to shame. The dressing was yummy - you all should try it. It was 1/2 cup ff Italian, 4 T. Dijon mustard (I used the mild and creamy variety) and 1 t. balsamic vinegar. Whisk it together and pour over salad. Mmm!

And, Vickie, glad you did well at the garage sale. Keep taking care of that elbow. I'm glad to hear it's hurting less.

Everyone, keep up the fight, and have a great night!

Angela :D

Vickie 07-08-2005 09:37 PM

Angela, I'm always looking for new salad dressings. I have a couple of bottles of FF Italian here that are ok but not great. Maybe the balsamic and the dijon mustard will give it a nice kick.

I guess I can forget about the lettuce. We don't have any deer but we ARE bunnyrific!

Did ya make the brownies?

septembersgoal 07-08-2005 10:13 PM

Where is everyone?
We just got in so I am just going to give my little "report" and head towards bed. I w/i this morning and was up 2 pounds. I am not worried about them though, I don't think that they are "real" pounds. TOM came today and top that off with two weeks of mediocre eating...and I'm 2 pounds up. I am just using that to fuel me for a good week.
I ate well tonight at MIL's but not perfectly core. I know, I'm already off. I ate one dinner roll and a little bit of dessert. But other than that it was basically core--grilled chicken, baked potato, corn on the cob, green beans, zucchini and squash...it was good. So not tooooooooooo bad, better than usual anyway. I like w/i on Fridays but it is hard for me to wrap my mind around starting my weeks on a Friday. Know what I mean?
Aaron met with church folks today. They settled on his salary, and it is good. :D They told him that he even gets his own office. ;) He said it would probably eventually become a full-time job as the responsibilities are added. So things are good there. The "official" decision should be made on Monday.
So today's been pretty good. Hope everyone else had a good day, and a great Saturday!

septembersgoal 07-08-2005 10:17 PM

Kathy, hope that you have had a good evening.
Vickie, way to go with that yard sale-ing! Whoo-hoo! Thanks for asking about me. That means a lot. :D
Terry, you were quoted because you are wise! You have done so great, and are an inspiration to the rest of us.
Angela, you are also an inspiration. Not eating those brownies--that's a NSV!!
Sandra, hope you are having a good time!
Cher, happy bday to DS! It sounds like you were off to a great day, hope it continued.

Chicks I am off towards the bed! DH and I are planning on moving furniture tomorrow (yes the same furniture we have been talking about moving for a month!). See you all then!

septembersgoal 07-08-2005 10:23 PM

Oh goodness, it was painful to move that weight tracker back up....that is motivation within itself...

Vickie 07-09-2005 12:07 AM

Melissa, Congratulations! Eating well at your MIL's was a great accomplishment. You are going to have a great week. I just know it! Things are really going well for you and Aaron now. That is SUCH great news. You both must be feeling like things are starting to look up for you. Don't worry about the gain. You're smart to use it as your springboard to a great new week.

Hey Cher, I asked before but it must have been when you were busy. Did I buy the right kind of Nature Valley granola bars? I was trying to buy the ones that you said tasted like Payday's. The ones we bought are cruncy peanut butter. Was that right or is there a chewy one?

Talk with you all later tomorrow.

WWEnthusiast 07-09-2005 08:30 AM

Good Saturday Morning!!
Well GOOD in the sense that by the Grace of God my feet touched the floor!
NOT good in the weigh in dept....Yup you guessed it...UP!! no surprised there. When you screw around all week that is to be expected....so now my 15 lbs from goal IS a reality, and not 10 with a 5 lb cushion..... God, this IS awful...... not caring and screwing up has NOW caused me this.....ughhhh, but I will not give up..... Maybe I should put that little tracker back on!!!
It was such a sickening weigh-in this morning!! Got there early weighed in and left...digusted I might add :mad: BUT my own fault!! I keep playing and playing and this is what happens. I can't play anymore...this is serious!!
I think I have learned a lot from Angela, Vickie and Terry as to how they eat. I was trying to do small portions. Terry, I believe, said she eats sometimes till full. I like that much better...trying to "eat till satified" obviously does not work for me, because I just don't know when the **** I am satisfied....how weird is that.....YET on points, if I measure and eat , I am fine!! But I do not want to do Core and continue to measure. Isn't that the beauty of Core??
Maybe I will 'listen' to 'my' body again and see how that works.....I swear to all of you I cannot believe I am the only one with such confusion going on....why can't I get this????????? I am to the point where I honestly DO NOT want to count points any longer....I just want to do my Core thing and get on with life!! Why the **** is this such a project for me??
Well that is my weigh in news for the day.....and week..and so it goes...AGAIN!!
I think I will go do my tracker.....maybe instead of upsetting me to see it... IT will be more of a reality of how bad I have been !!! and how much more I NOW have to lose now!!!!!!!!!!! 15 with a 5 lb. cush!!
Hope the other Saturday weighers have a great W/I.....see you all later..........

WWEnthusiast 07-09-2005 08:39 AM

Vickie going over what your day is like made me feel much better..At least I now know at least what kind of portions. I was trying so hard NOT to eat alot.....but you, Terry and Angela are so successful and do not seem to deprive yourselves in your eating...Thank you so much for the insite......it means a lot to me, so now after that awful w/i reality check I am off to have breakfast and it just might be TWO eggs not one!! with canadian bacon.....THANKS again......

Katpo 07-09-2005 09:01 AM

Poor Linda! Your frustration is oozing out! Don't give up!

I was still down this morning, so I'm hoping that by Monday when I do my official weekly weighing (at home) that it'll hold. We're going to the Rangers game tomorrow and maybe I can sweat some off. I'm taking my own cooler with bottled water and fruit though so I'm not tempted with nachos, beer, etc.

We went out to dinner last night with Judd's friend and my DS. It was pleasant enough; plus I ate really well. For the first time in a long time, I stuck to my plan. I had one SMALL frozen margarita (the others had three of the big fishbowl kinds), and ordered chicken and shrimp fajitas. I ate the chicken, shrimp, guacamole, peppers and onions, and black beans. That was it. They were miserable when we left but I wasn't. It was such a nice feeling not to be full! Linda, believe me when I say I've been full and I've been hungry, and I'll take the hungry feeling any day! I'm sorry you're having trouble with portions but hopefully soon it'll get figured out.

So now I'm sitting at work for the next 8 hours. Things are picking up a little and I hope to start getting OT soon. Little DD has re-enrolled in college for the fall, but thank goodness at a community college so it's not so much. Big DD is in her last year of undergrad but hers is a lot more. If I don't start getting OT soon, I'll have to go back to my PT job at the bar and while it was good money and good exercise (I lost 10 pounds the first few weeks from that butt-busting work!) it sure makes me tired! Judd doesn't want me to, but neither does he do the checkbook and doesn't realize I don't have an extra $3,000 every six months to plunk down for tuition. And that's with big DD getting a student loan! Sheeeesh! He might just have to get over it. I know they would hire me back in a heartbeat. Meanwhile, I'll stick to trying for OT and severe budgeting. I told him the only way I was going to the ballgame tomorrow was if he got the $5 tickets. Cheaper than a movie! Plus we can move down because it's not going to be crowded I'm sure. Oh well.

I wish some of you lived near here. I'm selling my treadmill because DD is cleaning the upstairs living room and wants it out. That's her territory so I just said sure thing. I just don't know what to do with it because I don't want to put an ad in the paper. Maybe a sign on the bulletin board at work. She's the clean freak who is very organized, much to the dismay of little DD who is the fun-loving messy girl.

DS was doing okay but ... get this, he's selling Kirby vacuums. Sigh ... okay. He also applied for a few restaurant (waiter) jobs to have extra income. Maybe he'll be okay but I told him I was leery of a commission job when he NEEDED a steady income. Plus it would be so easy to get discouraged at a job like that. He doesn't go door-to-door because in this area they have a call center to set up the appointments. All he does is demonstrate at appointments that have already been set up, so the people are expecting him. Problem is though that he needs five "practice" demos this weekend and can't think of anybody to do it for besides us. If he doesn't get the five in, he can't go on regular calls. So anyway, we took him to dinner and afterwards, I took him to the gas station and filled up his car, then to the grocery store and bought him a bunch of groceries. He didn't want me to, but Judd insisted so he finally gave in.

And that's my life, as it currently stands, in a nutshell. I guess I'm rambling to keep from starting work! :lol: Okay, I'll get started now!

aghiowa 07-09-2005 10:36 AM

Good morning all! So I'm a little disturbed. My mom told me yesterday that she is going to stop going to meetings until she gets closer to goal. I guess if anyone could do it on their own, it would be her, but I'm still a little worried. They are starting major renovations on their home though, and she's probably figuring that $10 a week is a little too steep to pay for what she gets from the meeting. I have to admit, most meetings it's basically us talking. Our leader doesn't know too much, and pretty much asks us everything. No one else says anything - it's frustrating. But I know I need to continue going just so I can weigh in every week and keep that accountability. Anyway, just had to vent. I know she'll still stay OP, but I'm going to keep on her to make sure she's not lagging.

Well, better get on with my day.


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