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septembersgoal 07-12-2005 06:50 PM

Ranting is about to occur...
I feel like a total failure. I just totally overate on potatoes. Potatoes!! Can you believe that? Maybe potatoes are a trigger food for me. I was trying to make fried potatoes, kind of messed them up, then ended up with some fried potato cake kind of things and some nearly core mashed potatoes. And ate waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much of it. Now I feel miserable. Why did I do that? I was trying to be good. And then messed up on something so ridiculous. Does anyone else do silly things like that? I feel so stupid. It seems like I would do better just eating whatever and learning how to control my portions. Of course, that has been my problem, so I guess that's not the option. I know the plan works if I work the plan. I'm just feeling like a big failure.

Katpo 07-12-2005 07:00 PM

'Scuse me, ma'am, but that's my friend you're talking about there. You might want to watch yourself! :lol:

Melissa, you are anything but a failure! Goofball maybe? Crazy? Hungry? Full? Maybe even very, very full, but a failure? No, I don't think so.

So in my own feeble way, I will attempt to cheer you up until those potatoes pass on and you feel better.

1. Were you standing up when you ate the potatoes? If so, they don't count.
2. Did you happen to be drinking a diet drink with them? Even water or tea will count. If so, the non-caloric content of the drink will cancel out the potatoes. You'll be fine.
3. Did anyone actually SEE you eat the potatoes? If not, then you probably didn't eat them. Maybe it was all a dream.
4. If the potatoes were broken in any way -- sliced, diced, grated -- then I'm sure the calories fell out. You'll be fine.
5. Potatoes are a foreign food (Irish) and therefore considered a special occasion ... I mean, how often do you eat exotic foreign foods? On special occasions, calories don't count. Oh and special occasions can also mean events like the Super Bowl, All-Star baseball game (on tonight by the way), and the Judge Judy show.

There now. Feel better? Go drink some water and calm down.

mumto2 07-12-2005 07:26 PM

Hi everyone!

Been at the pool the last two days. Didn't get much swimming in as I have to keep an eye on DS who doesn't swim yet. Have been trying to make soft CORE foods, since DH now has an infection from his wisdom tooth removal and is still of soft food. I have made the CORE stuffed peppers - very good. Made two meals. But I am having a problem with the CORE salmon cakes. I've tried twice now, the first time was okay, but a little dry...........the second time, they just did not stick together at all. Is this because I used the salmon in a pouch??? Should I add more eggs?? or what??


Katpo 07-12-2005 07:28 PM

I haven't made them since Core but from what I remember of my childhood, they were sorta dry but they did stick together. I wonder how it would be to dip them in egg before the cornmeal. Did the cornmeal stick to the outside, or did they all fall apart. Maybe another egg would help glue is all together.

septembersgoal 07-12-2005 07:32 PM

Thanks Kathy, you're the best.
The potato-eating met several of the above criteria. I guess that means they will just magically melt off of my body? :D Thanks, I really appreciate it. I was laughing out loud. I can just picture you lecturing me. :lol:
I did take a 15 min. walk with the DP to try to work off some of my nasty feeling. I am now drinking water and am considering using the gazelle later.
I have to admit that I do feel like a failure. I have been "doing" WW since my Bday (though didn't really do it from Nov until whenever I joined 3fc), and have only lost 13 pounds or whatever. But I guess in reality it doesn't matter what I feel like. Letting my emotions control my behavior is part of what got me into this mess in the first place. I need to concentrate on the positives, like fitting into pants that I haven't been able to wear in a long time.
Thanks again Kathy.

septembersgoal 07-12-2005 07:33 PM

Lisa I don't know off the top of my head how you make the core salmon patties, but my MIL makes really great ones with a packet of salmon, egg, and crackers. I don't know if that helps, but she cooks them in oil and they are usually crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Sounds like a commercial. :lol:

ontarget 07-12-2005 07:47 PM

melissa, i guess you're human. i'm glad you've quit kicking yourself and are thinking positive thoughts. that's all we can do. just keep on keepin' on. i'm in this struggle with you if that helps. we can do this. we're steel magnolias.

lisa, i made the salmon cakes one time but i can't remember how they turned out. (senior moment) let us know if you make them again. i have another can and am thinking of making them soon, too.

Katpo 07-12-2005 07:57 PM

I was actually thinking about making them on Friday when DH is at work and I'm off. I'll have all day to air out the house so I don't have to hear him complain! :lol: Somebody hurry up and get the recipe perfected, then let the rest of us know!

septembersgoal 07-12-2005 08:54 PM

Sandra, I hope that I am human. ;) I am just tired of messing up. But I guess that's just the way it goes.
Kathy, good luck with the salmon. If only someone would invent some way for fish not to smell...hmmm....I'll get right on that.

Chicks, I think that I am going to get ready for bed. I've been so exhausted lately. Average Joe is almost over and maybe I can get a nap in before DH comes home.

Goldenberry 07-12-2005 09:16 PM


Sorry to hear about your day. A few comments:

1. You've lost a bunch of pounds. Eleven pounds is a really good start.
2. I really think that the goal is not perfection (since that does not seem to be attainable) but rather to do better than you did before. By losing 11 pounds, you have done better in terms of eating than before you started. Expect set-backs ...and don't kill yourself over them. You will get over them and do well.
3. Personally, I have noticed that I am a lot less likely to eat bad stuff when I am not hungry. I had a strange experience before starting to do WW seriously. A bunch of friends and I went to a "healthy" restaurant. i wound up having a low fat entre PLUS bean soup (i.e., more than others). We then decided to go for ice cream and - much to my surprise - I did not want any. (does not happen often).

Maybe you were just really hungy. Or maybe there are certain foods that make it more likely that you will eat not OP.

Well, I should get back to work. Really, do not be rough on yourself. Tomorrow is a new day.

Actually, I would be really interested in hearing others' thoughts in what makes them go off plan. I suspect that others have some interesting insights. I think tiredness and stress do it for me...

Katpo 07-12-2005 09:21 PM

I have two main things that make me go off plan.

The first is when I've been really good and I somehow think I deserve a treat. Then another and another.

The other is when I've been really bad, and I think to myself "what the heck, I might as well keep going!" ...

I think that another thing we've all experienced is the old "I've lost it before, I can lose it again, and I'll be totally on plan starting xxxxxx, but just this one time I'm going to cut loose."

septembersgoal 07-12-2005 09:54 PM

Thanks for your comments Goldenberry. I think that it was a combination of me being very hungry, being emotional, and loving potatoes.

As for what makes me go off plan, ditto to what Kathy said.

OK, I am really going to lay down now. Night chicks.

aghiowa 07-12-2005 10:42 PM

I made the salmon cakes recently with salmon from the pouch. One thing that helped was I put my oatmeal through the blender before mixing it into the salmon. That way, it was more like bread crumbs. Also, I think I did end up adding another egg. I think if you use oatmeal, it's drier than the bread crumbs that were originally in that recipe, so it soaks up more liquid. The first cake I made fell apart a tiny bit, but the rest were just great.

:lol: You gals are so funny! I love hanging out here - I always get my laughing exercise. :)

Yes, the doll dress is for my grandma's doll store. My mom often makes large batches of clothes to send on to Grandma to sell. I'm trying my hand at them to help out.

And, my sister is starting a physical therapy program at school, and tomorrow for class, she has to be "disabled" for a day. She has to be in a wheelchair for the day, so she's going to spend time at my house, because it's more wheelchair accessible than her 2nd floor condo w/no elevator. :) She's even going on our walk with my mom, the girls and I tomorrow. We go around a nearby lake. The path is level and paved the whole way, so she should be fine, if her arms don't drop off!

Well, dh is expecting me to be a wife or something... better go. :lol:

Till tomorrow!

ontarget 07-13-2005 12:51 AM

melissa, i had a lucy moment. i meant to type "you're human" not "i guess you're human." hmmmmm? maybe i'm not human?

night night, ladies.

Vickie 07-13-2005 08:18 AM

Good Wednesday Morning and Hump Day for all of you Worker Bees! Do they call Wednesday "Hump Day" in other places besides Chicago?

Melissa, Sandra is right, you're human and the potato fiasco is gonna happen once in a while. What I think is VERY cool is that you overdosed on a CORE FOOD! I think you should look at this as a NSV. At least it wasn't chocolate! Ok, ok, I'm trying to put a positive spin on this. Fact of the matter is that it's over, done, and there isn't a darn thing you can do about it now. Resolve to try to be better next time or maybe stay away from those kind of potatoes or make smaller batches. You get the picture. It was just one meal. Start over today at the very next meal. Don't blow of the week or even the day because I'm sure you were good at the other meals. As the others have said, you've already lost 11 pounds. You are a success and you will continue to be even more successful as long as you don't give up! I'm an emotional eater too, Melissa, so I understand your struggle. We just need to find other ways to make ourselves feel better. Really, eating for comfort just add pounds which upset us too. I'm glad to see that you went for a walk and started chugging water. It's the absolute best thing you could have done. Congratulations!

Kathy, you ARE hysterical!

Sandra, you are too sweet!

Angela, you are so talented and cool! Maybe your Grandmom will love the dress so much that she will want to sell your line in her store. Maybe this could be a new business venture for you. I still love Barbies. My 4 year old Great Niece is VERY into dressing up and dressing up Barbie. It is so fun for me.

Lisa, I'll see if I can find some good information on the salmon cakes. I can't make fish at home so I haven't tried this. I have made my meatloaf with couscous and it works fabulous. I just add some skim and eggs to give it the moisture it needs to expand or it will steal every ounce of the moisture that is in your salmon. Were you the Payday granola girl?

Goldenberry, I absolutely overeat when I let myself get too hungry. That's why I wasn't successful on Flex. I'd choose poorly (pizza and cheesburgers) and use up all my points on foods that didn't stay with me or fill me up. When I'm hungry I have little willpower. My TOM is also another time I would go off program because I get ravenous. Now I just let myself eat more Core food even if I think it's too much for one person. I've decided that it's better to overeat healthy Core foods than other empty calories. I might be all wet, but that's my logic. Core has been a Godsend for me.

Well, no plans or appointments for me today. Over a week now since the cortisone shot. It's still bruised but getting better.....I hope! I just have phone calls and budget stuff to do. I also have to figure out what I'm making for dinner. I'll be checking in later today. Hope you are all having a great day.

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