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Old 01-30-2005, 10:08 PM   #1  
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Arrow HardCORE Support Board Lucky 7

Here were are with a brand new fresh page to write on!

Happy posting!

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Old 01-30-2005, 11:22 PM   #2  
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On the DDR topic, I think there is a "knock-off" version that hooks into your TV, but I don't know anything about it. If I see one anywhere, I'll let you know.

Hubby and I are big dorks, so we have all the gaming consoles. As far as the PS2 DDR cost, the low end soft mats run anywhere from $16-40. Mine is staring to go a little, I think, cuz I was folding it too much to put it away, and I think I wore out the circuits. You can even get crafted arcade style ones, for 200$. Check out Ebay sometime...there are lots of supplies there. The games cost anywhere from $20-50, depending on whether you find them used, and how old the game is. There are several for the playstation, and I think 2 for the XBox.

I played for an hour today before I got PO'd at a particular song. Some days, I just can't get the rhythm!
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Old 01-31-2005, 08:41 AM   #3  
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Thanks for the info Spring - I was thinking of checking out the local games places for a 2nd hand one (actually will ask ds - 18 yr old who will definitely know where I should go!). Another option is Ebay! Sounds like fun - but will need to "take over" the family room and larger screen tv to use the PS2 - Mom rules!

Monday morning - and I'm at work - and our server is down - internet obviously working - email is not - which is a bummer - can't get anything done. Time for my yogurt and coffee and oatmeal? I am getting hungry.


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Old 01-31-2005, 08:50 AM   #4  
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oh, i hate that when you get to work and can't work

monday, started off the morning with a whole wheat bagel which is a good thing. yesterday i had a real junk day, sf/ff pudding for lunch, rice cakes for a snack, stagg chili-vegetarian that was good and spicy!, never really had supper, just felt like snacks. So, today, it has to be a good day! Good job my lunches are controlled.......what I bring is what I have to eat. To go out for lunch, we have to drive 25 minutes and then is it really worth going back to work? The only cafeteria on site is too much of a hassle to go to so...........brown bag works great with CORE!!!! In the brown bag today: yogurt, peppers/tomatoes, oatmeal, applesauce, apple........that should help me get back on track....right? I hope yesterday does not mess anything up for Thursday's weigh in......

everyone have a great day, chat with you tonight!
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Old 01-31-2005, 08:52 AM   #5  
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Are there any DDR type games for Game Cube? We've already got one of those...

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Old 01-31-2005, 08:53 AM   #6  
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Thanks, Spring. I'd definitely be interested in the knock off version. I shop on Ebay quite a bit so it wouldn't bother me to get it from there. I guess I'll just need to find out what it is called so I know I'm buying the right thing. I wouldn't want all the other games and it would be best if I could plug it into the front of the TV and then put it away later. I didn't exercise at all on Saturday and it took me until 4:30 last night to get onto the treadmill. I think I'm starting to get bored with it and it is hurting my ankles a bit. It hurt them all along but I keep ignoring it because I know that until I get about 100 pounds ankles are going to hurt just walking.

Froufie, we always loved it when email went down. Gave us a chance to catch up on the paperwork on our desk....or catch up with each other!

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Old 01-31-2005, 08:57 AM   #7  
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Hi Ladies:
My name is Kierie I'm 28 and a newlywed (7 months on the 4th) I haven't started CORE yet theres WW in the next town I just have to finish the crap food in our kitchen first. . .It's almost gone!! and drag DH to TraderJoes. So if you all don't mind I'd like to pop in and see how you all work with it what you eat etc. . .
Quick Question is LF cheese CORE? I have to slowly wean DH off the real stuff?
Thanks and Looking fwd to getting aquainted with you ladies!!
PS I read the grits/scrapple thead OMG
My mom made me eat scrapple once NEVER EVER AGAIN
as for Grits I went to school in the south and I like it 2 ways 1 with a fried egg sunny side up or 2 the worst way lots of butter and cheese
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Old 01-31-2005, 09:03 AM   #8  
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Hi everyone!
Spring, that DDR sounds like fun. I think my DD who is 11 would like that, and her birthday is this weekend. Well, she'll be 11 this weekend. (11 going on 16) Anyway, good excuse to buy it.

Froufy, thanks for starting a new board. The last one was getting kind of long. I had thought about starting a new one, but I didn't know if I should.

Frannie, sometimes I think a bad day sparks your metabolism. So, maybe it won't be so bad. You still have 3 days til weigh in.

DH took his mom for a new computer monitor yesterday.............and came home with a new computer for us !!! Ours was really outdated and really really slow. It's nice to be able to zoom around on this one. Nice that DH and DD are at work and school, so I get to play. DS goest to preschool in the afternoons, kindergarten next year.

Hey, I made the 0 point garden veges soup that is in the getting started book. Pretty good. Substituted corn though for the zuchhini. Is corn core?? Anyway, DH and his mother both ate it., so less for me this week. I'll have to make some more.

Was sort of dizzy all weekend, so didn't do the exercising since friday. Have to get back on track., maybe when DS is at school, I'll take the mutt for a walk.


Last edited by mumto2; 01-31-2005 at 09:06 AM.
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Old 01-31-2005, 09:08 AM   #9  
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Hey, Kierie. Pretty and unusual name! I'm Vickie, 48, Married to best friend. We both got an early retirement from the Federal Government and we are having a ball! I worked for 30 years right out of high school and am now focusing on undoing the damage that 30 years of bad stress eating and quick fast food. I had 150 pounds to lose when I started in the middle of September and now have lost 25.8 on Core. I've been on plans off an on my whole life and this is, without a doubt, the best one for me.

Good Luck to you and I hope you join us often. As you can see, our group is fun and very supportive. We have a Bride to Be with us so maybe you can help her through her transition!

We just did a thread about what our grocery list is for Core. Check it out because it will give you a good idea of what is Core and what you'll need to get into your pantry to start.

Lowfat cheese is not Core. FF cheese and salad dressings only. FF Cream Cheese is NOT core. I've been told by WW that they think this would be a "trigger" food which might make us binge.

If you can't find the thread that I'm talking about, just let us know.
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Old 01-31-2005, 09:10 AM   #10  
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Lisa, corn IS Core!

Frannie, I'm having an "I don't want to do this" kind of a week. Maybe there is something in the air?
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Old 01-31-2005, 09:10 AM   #11  
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Morning all and welcome to Spring and Kierie!

I missed y'all this weekend. My mom was visiting this weekend and I didn't get a chance to check in. Oh my goodness ... the thread about hominy was hilarious! Everyone was feeling their oats, weren't they? I think it's safe to say that Frannie would NEVER want to eat at my house because I LOVE grits (only with salt and never sweetened!), okra, and succotash! I've never tried hominy and don't feel much inspired to by the descriptions and that scrapple stuff! UGH!!

Vickie, I'm sorry you hurt yourself working out and hope your ankle soon feels better!

And belated congratulations to Froufie on her wonderful loss this weekend!! Very well deserved and it's wonderful that you did your exercise too!

We won't talk about my eating this weekend but I'm back on track this morning and will hopefully remain so. It's my wedding anniversary today ... 17 years. I'm planning to cook supper but if not, will eat sensibly wherever we go (famous last words?). Planning a roasted chicken salad with FF ranch dressing from Subway for lunch.

Have a great Monday everyone!

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Old 01-31-2005, 09:15 AM   #12  
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Deborah, congratulations on your Anniversary. 17 years is definitely something to celebrate! Have him take you out for a nice Core steak and potato. Hope you have a great day.
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Old 01-31-2005, 09:23 AM   #13  
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Boy you gals are burning this board up. I hardly have time to read much less post. I'm home sick today with a bad cold or sinus infection so I thought I would catch up before I went back to bed.

Frou, my heart went out to you last week when you told us what your DH said. I was so angry that I did not post because you wouldn't want to hear what I thought (kick the jerk to the curb!). Anyway, I think everyone else gave you wonderful advice. I think we all know that he must be hurting a whole lot inside and he had to blame that on someone other than himself so he picked the one thing that would hurt you the most. I can only think that there must be something good in him or else you wouldn't have married him. I sincerely hope that counseling helps because no one deserves to be that unhappy. I admire you for trying to hold your marriage together--I think people give up too easily sometimes--but you must know that only he can find happiness for himself--you cannot give it to him, only enhance it once he has found it. In the end, you have to do what is best for you and the kids.

I gave up on the exercise machines--I still have the treadmill that I try to incorporate into my plan one day a week. I had a complete "gym" and sold it all because I just wasn't using it after the first year. I exercised like a fiend the first couple of times I lost weight but found that exercise was the first thing to go after I had been on maintenance for a while, simply because a busy life just doesn't give you enough time in the day. So this time around I am keeping it to the minimum--1 day exercise tape, 1 day yoga and 1 day treadmill. Of course I am normally very active--I park at the end of the parking lot so I can walk further to the building. And I always walk at a very brisk pace and I garden and am forever changing the furniture around in the house! But I made a conscious decision that I was going to limit the extra exercise this time so that it would be something I could stay with on maintenance. I can't say that the weight has come off any slower this time, and hopefully it will be a place my body can be comfortable.

I lost 1.5 lbs. last week and was thrilled with that. Had one of those days yesterday where I wasn't hungry but wanted something. So I finally popped a bag of popcorn and drank a big glass of milk and was ok. Looking back, I didn't eat my oatmeal for breakfast and I didn't drink any water yesterday so I'm thinking that was the reason.

Yall have a good day. I will try to post again later this week.
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Old 01-31-2005, 09:47 AM   #14  
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Thanks for the well wishes, Vickie!

Janette, hope you feel better soon! And way to go on your loss this week!

And I forgot to congratulate Frannie on her son's hockey team winning their division! I know you are very proud, as well you should be. Hope they continue to do well throughout the playoffs!

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Old 01-31-2005, 10:08 AM   #15  
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Talking More Monday

A special hi and welcome to Kierie - glad to see you here. Let us know if you need more info and advice (we're really good at that! )

Deborah - CONGRATULATIONS on 17 years of marriage - hope you do go out and celebrate in style! Forget the weekend and we're all back on track!

Janette - BRAVO to you on the 1.5 lbs gone - wow - you must be thrilled!...and thanks so much for your kind thoughts. It's been tough and still is - I am having some really bad thoughts these days and trying to stay on top of them. The saddest part is I'm such a true romantic (hearts and flowers and poetry) and so was he (when I married him that is!)...and now it's all gone! I feel so cynical and nasty....I was just thinking what's the point of celebrating Valentine's day (which was always a big day for us romantic froufies) when it no longer means anything ?? - can't go thru that charade! Having already gone thru a divorce it is the LAST thing I want to put anyone thru unless absolutely necessary - so I feel I need to exhaust all options before going that route. I mostly think about our 6 yr old who would be devastated and traumatized if this happened!

I just feel like we will never get back what we had (or what I THOUGHT we had- he obviously never felt the same way?)...and that is the biggest heartbreak of all! (just got a call while typing this from the therapist who specializes in stepfamily issues - can't see us til March 1st but I made an appt!! YAY).

Saw the movie "are we there yet" yesterday w/dh and youngest ds - single mom w/2 kids and of course the "romantic interest" who hates kids - by the end of course he's in "love" with them and they finally "accept him" and don't mind him dating their mom (a true hollywood happy ending)...and I'm thinking "ya right!"......and even worse - why do I get stuck with someone who not only can't get connect w/my kids - but tends to make their lives more difficult that it should be? Yes he must be a very unhappy soul! (and he is seeing his therapist weekly now to work on his own issues which is good for him as I told him whether the marriage continues or not!).

Lisa - as far as I'm concerned the only good reason for winter is HOMEMADE soups - I love making a big pot on the weekend and enjoying it thru the week! And I can relate to 11 going on 16 I've got a 13 yr old daughter - going on 25 - she will be the death of me!

Today's challenge is lunch at a vietnamese restaurant - I think I'll do okay! I find doing Core so great because since I have started (and I don't indulge in sugar or processed white flour products) I NO LONGER HAVE SUGAR CRAVINGS - this is pretty amazing. Honestly if you put a piece of cake or pie or cookies in front of me I wouldn't even want take a bite. In fact as I sit here, there is a box of "timbits" (donut holes for the non-canadians) in the usual "goodie spot" which is unfortunately right across from my desk and in full view! I am not interested in them - even had a look inside as a co-worker was having trouble deciding on a flavor - so I helped her out and moved on! What a good Froufie! I guess I always thought is was a lack of willpower that was my problem - and it might be, but I was also obviously addicted to those bad carbs - and one led to two which led to three...and well, you know the rest!!!


Last edited by Froufy; 01-31-2005 at 10:15 AM.
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