exercising when sick

  • i caught a cold. so should i go to the gym or not? jog outside? i really don't feel like it so please tell me what i want to hear

  • Quote:
    i really don't feel like it so please tell me what i want to hear
    OK, if you feel horrible, stay home My general guideline is if I'm so congested that I can't breathe without looking like a fish out of water, or have a fever, or anything "stomachy", no lifting. Especially if I'm feeling dizzy or naseous. If I'm really stuffed up, sometimes cardio helps but not if it's bronchial, too.

    Maybe curling up with some tea and a good book and taking some extra zinc would be better than a workout

    Is that what you wanted to hear

    Hope you feel better soon,
  • The most recent thing I read about being sick is if you have a cold, you can exercise. If you have flu like symptoms (fever) then don't exercise. I would do what you can.
  • I wouldn't lift especially if I couldn't keep the form, though I am fortunate to have FitTV on my cable and when I am home sick and not flat out asleep (then I know I am really sick) I do something even if it is just yoga.

    Right now I am learning about allergies, since I have developed them or some yukko summer cold thing.

    I say take it easy, no point is pushing yourself over the edge.

  • You know I have always considered myself kind of sickly in that I tend to get sick easily. Since I started exercising, I haven't gotten sick once (cross fingers). I will say that in the past though, something happened to stop me from exercising and I never got into my groove again. I would get sick or something and then I would stop exercising and never go back.
  • I am rarely sick Jack, I mean RARELY! I chalk it up to healthy foods and EXERCISE... and I have read that exercisers are sick less often...

    Nothing turns me off more than someone who is really sniffly and stuffed at the gym AND sneezing on the machines... IMHO it would be better to be outdoors to take some fresh air...

    My 2 cents...
  • I agree, Ilene. One of my clients today had a cold and I kept cleaning every machine as she left it, then ran and washed my hands and face when she left. Took some extra vitamin c when I got home. LOL- maybe I should hang a necklace of garlic on myself while I'm at it. That'll keep everything away


  • so here's what has happened so far with my cold (if you're at all interrested, can't imagine though).
    wed: started getting early symptoms, throat, nose. didn't workout but for other reasons
    thurs: full blown cold: no workout for that reason
    fri: feeling a little better. weights and later outdoor jogging (45mins). felt better afterwards!
    sat: early jogging outdoors (30 mins), symptoms almost all gone, a little congested in my chest but nothing major (if i didn't have the cold symptoms would just chalk it up to smoking)

    so, based on my one person biased study, (my stats teacher would not approve) i think my immune system is in overdrive. a cold would have last two weeks to a month before (chalk that up to smoking too) and now it's down to three days?!?!
    final analysis: unless you feel like you're dying the exercise should do you a world of good.
    thanks for your advice and opinions...i concur!
  • I'm just getting over a cold. I was sitting watching T.V. and thought "If I am well enough to watch TV, then I am well enough to go to the gym." But yesterday was another story....
  • You know, I have always been someone who gets sick quite easily, I catch colds like there is no tomorrow. Then when I had them, I would be sick for weeks. Well the weekend before last, I caught a cold/flu. Saturday evening, I started to feel the fluish symptoms, light headed, headache, body aches, etc etc. Sunday, I was coughing and I just felt very very weak and light headed. Monday, I still felt weak and light headed. Tuesday, I felt fine. I think a mix of eating healthier and exercising regularly has built up my immune system, which is a definite good thing and I only missed 2 gym days.
  • I just had to pop in because I'm sick (again). This is twice in two months. The first was right after my trip to England so I blamed the long flight. This time, I haven't a clue. However, I was thinking about what Lanaii's theory about exercise and sickness. I did some research on-line and I couldn't find anything that linked good exercise to good immunity. BUT what I did find was that people who get cold more than others are:
    - Fatigued and overworked
    - Emotional stressed
    - Have poor nutrition
    - Smoke
    - Or live and work in crowded conditions.

    Now, looking at the list, I think people who exercise on a regular basis put themselves out of this list because they put themselves first. Exercise may not be the cure but if we make it important in our lives, we rest more, we eat better, we (usually) don't smoke and we work most of our stress out.

    Well, I knew I wasn't exercising enough but I guess I needed a cold to knock me on my butt to remind me.
  • I've got a bit of a flu at the moment (slight aches, sore throat) and I stopped exercising for a few days, then went back to the gym - found I can still lift OK, but the cardio was taking it right out of me ...

  • you probably didn't lose cardio fitness, you lungs are probably a little congested and inflammed. i was told by a reputable source that it takes around 3 weeks to start to lose fitness. that's why marathoners can cut back on training 3 weeks before a race and are still good to go.

  • Thanks for that Gen, that's really comforting