Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 9/9-9/15

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View Poll Results: Have you had the good fortune to (you can choose more than 1 answer, if it applies)
Met at least one person from this board (past or present members)
Met more than one person but less than 5 people (past or present)
Met more than 5 people but less than 10 people (past or present)
Met more than 10 people (past or present)
Talk to at least one or more people on the phone somewhat regularly (past or present)
E-mail at least one or more people on a regular one-to-one basis (past or present)
Haven't met anyone yet, but I hope to one day soon
Haven't spoken on the phone to anyone yet, but hope to one day soon!
Haven't e-mailed anyone regularly yet, but hope to done day soon!
Just joining the board, so give me time!!!
Have no interest in meeting, talking or e-mailing, just being on the board is enough for me.
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 34. You may not vote on this poll
  • Jenn- Glad to here you are almost back to normal. WOW it's almost wedding time!!!

    Toni- Congratulations on your lost!!!

    Also I forgot to say Congrats to all the losers this week!!!
  • JACK-K- I know I am being a stickler, but since I was on Atkins for numerous months I wanted to throw my 2 cents in. Not eating starchy carbs is by no means *no carbs*. If one eats SB style but leaves out the starchy carbs, they are still consuming way more carbs than someone who is in the Induction stage of Atkins. On Induction, one is only to consume 20 carbs per day. If you eat one apple, your carb allowance is gone! So the issue about the liver (there is so much debate about this that I won't get into) is a moot point because your body is still getting carbs in the fruit, veggies and other foods one can eat. I think SB is a much better and healthier option, but cutting out starchy carbs for a few weeks won't do any harm.

    I have spent the morning listening to the 9-11 coverage on the radio. (we don't have tv ) It is very sobering and my heart goes out to all the people who were personally essence, that is all of us, but I mean those who lost loved ones.
  • Hi y'all. Man, I am sooo behind on reading and posting. First of all, sorry to the birthday girls that I missed. Jeanie, I know you were one of them. Hope you had a good day. This 9/11 program for school has had me swamped. The kids are performing at 1 this afternoon. It's also picture day, so it's kind of crazy here. WIW was not too bad. No loss but no gain either. And for the way I've been eating that's great. Let's just say I fell off the wagon and have been hanging on by my nails. Hope I can get back to the board after this program is over.
  • WIW
    Well, it is Wednesday. I am up a pound, but I am not going to get too discouraged yet. We ate dinner late last night, so I will wait and see if maybe that had something to do with it. I made baked kibbe balls...yummy! So worth the work. I baked them, but at lunch today I fried the remainders in a bit of olive oil. Oh, boy were they good!

    Gotta go and do watercolor with my daughter. We have homework for our class due Friday!

    QUILTER: If you ate no starchy carbs during the week, and then some on the weekends, I do
    not think you would have to detox all the time. It would be important to be very much
    in control on the weekends tho. Just my humble opinion... why not give it a try and
    see what happens? Good for you in staying off the, the more I read, the madder I
    get about soy. Its in everything! It is really bad for animals, and lo and behold it is
    in the fancy expensive cat food my neighbor gave me! (her cat didn't like it...mine doesn't
    seem to either. Smart cat.)

    MELF: Last night, I got ambitious and made kibbe balls. Wow! Definitely a keeper! Wish I
    had tried that recipe a long time ago!

    BOB: Ouch! That picture makes my back hurt! Isn't photoshop fun?

    TONI: I did my treadmill today. It was not easy tho. About five minutes into it, my ankle
    joint decided to quit on me. The pain was awful. I stopped the treadmill, and worked the joint
    (cussing I hate to admit...) then went back to it. I was determined. It was not easy to finish
    but I am glad I did. I am sorry about that sf candy... is there someone you know you could
    give it to? I hate when I get something on ebay that is a dud. It has not happened often
    but when it does, I get mad at myself. Don't worry about it...I just hope it was not expensive!

    TRANQUIL: What a brave woman you are! Won't you be surprised when I show up for dinner! Better
    double the recipe!

    JRED: It is going to be fun working with this young man. Thanks for your point made about
    teaching young kids. You put it so well. Play, play and more play works so well with that
    age group.

    Hope every has a great day!
  • Good afternoon!
    So far so good today. Two of the children are through with school and working on rooms. I promised to rearrange Jessie's room when the youngest finishes his school.

    Richard and I did a disco sweat yesterday. I don't know why but I've always loved working out to his videos. I need some new ones though..I get bored easy. Probably gonna work out again instead of walking. I was gonna walk last night but sighted in my bow instead. Still getting use to the new bow and my new grip. We just ordered some new arrows...I won't get into cost but I'm glad they will last a LONG time...

    WTG to all the losers this week! I think I'm gonna wait till tomorrow.

    Toni...sorry you are still feeling poorly. You did great getting in your treadmill time while you aren't feeling good.

    Monet...that pound will be gone in no's one of those trick pounds..they come and go before you know it.

    Music...hope you have a wonderful program today.

    Jenn...I get excited just reading about your wedding. It's going to be lovely and so are you.

    Well, Zachary is asking me about his math..guess I'd better get. See ya'll later.

    Love and hugs,

  • WIW
    Quilter – your presence was missed on the chat last night – but we were hoping you would get on, but I even had some problems myself – some kind of glitch in the system…. But I am so glad that you are up and running back on the board and getting back into the swing of things… I decided to help support you all and I too have cut out the starchies… the puff has started draining since! So good idea getting us back on the losing streak!

    JackK – Nice to see you on chat as always! The recipe kind of reminded me of chicken stroganoff…it had a bit of that richness to it…. It was just so easy to make. I believe it was SolShine’s recipe, so I cannot take the credit…. My mother is making it tonight as well. I will just open a spa B&B – for Sugar Busters – and cook and entertain guests, let them walk on the new treadmill, shuttle the guests to the beach for more exercise, even get a kayak and stick guests into the river 2 blocks from the house – gosh, I am going to have to consider this!

    McJonJon – it was a pleasure seeing you on the chat last night, and hope you will be on other chat nights before you have to start working nights again!

    Fortytude – You definitely have the right spirit to win the war! Keep up the good work!!!!

    DebyJ – that is terrific about your loss! I so enjoy reporting my losses, makes me feel so strong and proud!

    Fillise – Hugs, it is a sad day…. I am listening to Classic FM at my desk – internet radio broadcasted from the UK and they are playing music in tribute to US of A’s history, patriotism and heritage… It is funny how you forget certain composers – such as Gershwin! But it is a good tribute and I am enjoying it immensely…. They had the moments of silence as well… and stated that in the UK there are memorial services, candles lit, and prayers …. A friend from Germany wrote and he works for the government in Stuttgart and they are all on 24 hour call because of threats – and he said they too are showing respect with memorials and services….and a moment of silence.

    Gracious – This morning they mentioned people questioning their faith in God, and they asked a Cardinal of the Catholic Church in NYC how he answers them – he said look at the people who were left behind, the rescues, the people donating their time, money, blood, etc., it really hit home….it was a nice thing to hear….

    Serene - when you come over to my house I will give you the set of Captain Underpants to read and laugh over!!!

    Deb – What a woman of strength! If I had a cuddly bear in my bed that loved me like Eli loves you,,,,,, but, that also might be because I DON’T have a cuddly body in my bed! Other than a cat!

    Country – AWWWW you have a Zachary too!!!! They are the top of the line models

    Monet – I am not brave! Just would love to have you over for dinner – so when you decide to get together with us Floridians – you are more than welcome to come over, stay over, have dinner, but just please bake me a sugar free ww cake !!

    All time low was 240.5 – I am up 2.5 lbs – I am at 243….but I plan to kick that weight in the behind and be a real loser!

    Hello to all that I did not respond to - I am at work - trying to keep up! Very busy, will be here until 7 pm and then going to the movies with Serene to see The Importance of Being Ernest...

  • My official weight for today is 211.5, so I'm down 5 lbs from last week. I'm sure a couple of the pounds was the rest of my water weight that had accumulated, however, I will take it! Laying off the starchy carbs sure seems to get the scale going down!

    BOB, you crack me up with the pictures that you post. Where do you find so many? I can't wait to meet you in person, next weekend in Orlando. I just know we are going to have a blast!

    j red - what a good week for you, getting the laptop fixed and having the scales drop! I got a good laugh at your comment about BOB's last picture posted. I know for sure she wasn't spying on me! Great news on the job offer for DH. How far is Amarillo from where you are now?

    debyj- great on being down another 2 lbs! Those summer colds can be so miserable - glad you are better.

    fortytude - I read your bio and see that you are a soap and candle maker, how interesting. Do you have your own store or make things at home? What part of Colorado do you live in? I have a brother that lives in Golden. I'm glad you have joined in with us on this WOE!

    Quilter - I'm so happy for you that your weight is down. I hope you are feeling more encouraged. I don't think it would hurt to add in a starchy carb a day. I think I'm going to do that too, but will have that carb early in the day. Sorry I wasn't computer savy enough to help you get on the chat last night. I'm sure you were missed! I bought my digital scale from Walmart for $29.99 and it is made by Taylor. It is the kind with the lifelong battery, and I've had no problems with it. I think you can get them as cheap as 19.99, on up. Uh Oh, hope this isn't considered advertising!

    gracious - congrats on the loss! Thanks for sharing your input about starchy carbs.

    Jack-k, sorry you didn't have a loss today. You have done so well, so please don't be depressed! Join us with cutting back on the starchy carbs and see if that makes a difference.

    Deb - I have to agree with Jenn on this one. I wouldn't have hesitated to jump my arse right back in that bed with Eli, if I were you. It sure would have been much easier on your knee than your walk/jog was. I'm glad you could finally make it to chat. Sorry I had to leave so quickly and couldn't hang around.

    Jenn - so glad to hear you are feeling better and everything seems to be working out with your wedding plans and house. What an exciting time for you!

    Toni - WTG on the 3 lb loss! I'm jealous that you are having a cool front. A cool front for us would be anything below 70 degrees. Hope you get to feeling a lot better, very soon!

    mercy - you don't have to apologize for complaining. We all do that when we aren't happy with our progress. That's what friends are for, right?

    music - glad you found a minute to say hello with everything being so busy for you. Don't let that wagon pass without jumping right back on!

    monet - hope next WIW will be better for you. What are Kibbe balls anyway? I don't remember hearing about those.

    country - I think you are smart to get different forms of exercise. It helps to not get bored with the same old routine. Got any pics of you shooting that Bow? I Would love to see one.

    Tranquil - glad you are joining us in cutting the starches. That will make it easier for me since we have a lot of meals together! I can't believe you have the Captain Underpants books and never told me. YES, I would love to read them. You know how silly I am anyway.

    Fillise - glad you have a day off from your very busy schedule. Too bad it is because of such a sad occasion though.

    melf - you are sure on a roll with all the posting you've been able to do. I'm glad as I always enjoy reading yours, along with the rest!

    Think I'm caught up for now - sorry If I missed anyone.

    Take care,
  • Today is indeed a somber day. As we all reflect on the memories & the loses that took place a year ago, my heart again goes out to those that are reliving today due to loss of loved ones. It is heartbreaking to see it rehased on TV & yet I know that some find the memorials comforting. I did attend a memorial service at our town hall this morning where many met to pray for the families & to pay tribute to those that died that day as well as to our local police, firefighters, & EMS personels. It ended with a 21 gun salute, the playing of taps, singing of the Star Spangled Banner, & finally, the release of doves, about 2 dozen of them. It was a very moving memorial.

    So many have talked on the TV about how they have learned from 9-11 that they should always hug their family/spouse before leaving for work, etc. One such interview has just brought me to tears remembering the last good bye to my late husband 19 years ago. We had had an arguement the afternoon before he left for work & that night I got called in to work the 11-7 shift. He came by the next morning about 4am to say good-bye. I remember walking out with him to the car & all was forgiven from the spat we had. So many times that memory has come back to me! He went off to work, we talked on the phone about 2 weeks later to wish each other happy anniversary. It was our 18th. Little did I know that less than 24 hours later, he would die inside of a barge from poisonous gas fumes. I guess what I'm trying to say is that life is often hard & we never know what it will bring us, but we go on. Life continues. We live through the pain & we grow stronger in our faith. We learn to appreciate each day with our loved ones.

    Sorry, didn't mean to go on & on. Not sure why, but I felt the need to share that with someone & you are all here. I'm thankful to have so many friends to be able to share things with.

    Jack-K Sorry to hear that the scale was not nice to you today. It wasn't nice to me either & I have no one to blame but myself, although I'm not really sure why it was up. Might just be water gain.

    Debbie, Glad to hear that the school event was a success, but too bad about you not feeling well this am. Why are your knees hurting so bad?? Injury or from pounding the pavement??? Hope you feel better soon.

    Jenn in MN, Great to hear that you are recuperating well & getting to all those necessary plans for the wedding done. Oct 5th will be here in no time at all!

    Toni48, Horrah for 3 more lbs down the drain! That cool front sounds great. The temps are not so bad here these last few days, but definitely warmer than I'd like it to be. Girl, you can do all kind of things with okra. Last night all I did was slice it & did a quick stir fry with some olive oil, okra, onions & a little bell pepper in an iron skillet. Takes about 10 min. I also do smothered okra which takes alot longer, but basically you put it in a pot with oil & slow cook it till it's brown. That takes a couple of hours, but that's how I usually prepare it to go in the freezer, then I can take out a pack & throw it in a pot of water for chicken & okra gumbo. Very good cajun meal. I also do a crock pot okra gumbo which is a lot easier. If you're interested in the recipe, let me know & I'll post it. It freezes really well & you put the brown rice in the slow cooker too, so you have a complete meal that can cook while you're at work.

    Mercy Better to stay the same than to gain! Keep up the great work.

    music teach/Tina, Sounds like you're having a really busy day. The kids from 3 of our local schools came to the City Hall Memorial we had this morning. I was glad to see that they were able to take part in it.

    Monet, Please elaborate, what are kibbe balls? You have my mouth watering just from you talking about how good they were!

    CountryMom4Him, Disco sweating with Richard? You go girl!

    Tranquil, I know that the gain IS only temporary for you & that you will truely kick it so far as you can very soon. I'm hearing all the ragging about the chicken recipe. Is it on the board? Where do I find it? I'd like to give it a try. Sounds delic.

    Serene,WTG on the 5 lb loss. The rest will come. I think you're doing great! Looks like cutting the carbs have really done the trick for you & Kim. I'll have to seriously think about doing that too. Thanks, I always enjoy your posts too. It really feels good to be able to post & read the board. I don't always get a chance to do that, but I've been off this week with not alot of other things going on, so this is what I have chosen to do with my time

    Well, I'd better get some clothes in the wash so that I'll have clean uniforms for tomorrow. I went by the Nursing Home this morning after the memorial & had a good visit with my MOM. I really need to do that more too cause I see her going down so much. Trying to have a conversation with her is like pulling teeth. She struggles so much to find the words she wants to say & often just gives up. She cannot finish a sentence. I find myself guessing at what she's trying to say. But she laughs alot & that's a good thing.

    Sorry, I have just gone on & on today! I guess I needed someone to talk to! Bye I'm really gone now.
  • Dear Melf/Mary, I'm glad you shared the story about your late husband. It really touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes. You are a true inspiration, not only with this WOE, but also with your faith and life. Thank you for saying something I needed to hear today. {{{{HUGZ}}}}

  • Hi Gang,

    Late to leave here. just wanted to catch up.

    Deb, are you crazy???? Exercise or a nice warm man +. You can walk anytime of the day.

    Jenn, Everything sounds like it is coming together. How exciting. I bet you are dancing in the streets. How nice that the little puppy can assist yo in getting some exercise.

    Toni, WTG on the 3 lbs. Yo were supposed to weight for me!. You go girl. You've almost hit the 50# number.

    Mercy, I'm in the same boat with you girl. Let's rock it a bit and see a big drop next week, OK? My DD eats chicken every night. I don't see how she does it. She will not eat red meat. It makes it tough to cook for her.

    Gracious, You are right on the carbs. I don't think a few weeks will do any harm either. I just don't believe Atkins is a good WOE for the long haul.

    Music, Jump on back in that wagon. We'll help you stay in. At least you are remaining the same.

    Monet, Good for you getting back on that TM and finishing. I know it's not easy sometimes. Bummer about the pound. We ate a heavy dinner last nite too. Hopefully the scale will go for both of us.

    Country, I think Richard's videos are fun too.

    Tranquil, Sign me up for a week at the spa. Sounds great. I'm sure the 2.5 lbs will be gone quickly.

    Serene, Congrats on the 5 lbs. Think I'll give that no carb thing a try next week.

    Melf, You poor thing. My heart breaks for you. How tragic about your DH. I'm really glad you patched up yur spat though. We need to live each day fully and not let those little fights get in our way. Bless you.

    Got to go home I figure out what's for dinner. I hate it when I'm not prepared.

    Have a great nite.

  • Hi Gals (and Daramus, where are you???)

    I just wanted to say that tonight I've got to prepare for a presentation at work tomorrow. I have to scan some stuff and put it all together. So I won't have time for a long post. I did read and was happy to see that a good many of you were losers today. For the rest, well . . . there's always next week. Just keep focused.

    I'll respond tomorrow night! Take care.
  • Mercy- Thats a good idea.. The food scale.. Bet you have a nice lost next week.. Don't get discouraged...
  • The scale finally moved
    WIW and I'm down about 3 pounds from where I've been sitting forever- just hope it's not muscle, I've worked too hard for that. Will get the tape measure and calipers out this weekend if it holds. The scale is not an accurate picture if you are trying to build muscle and loose fat.

    Today has been so sad- everywhere reminders. Melf, the story of your last days with your dh had me in tears.

    Deb- I'm with the rest of the board! what were you thinking? Get back in bed! (says she who crawls out of bed every morning extra early for the comforts of the ^&%* treadmill or bike).

    Quilter- The lack of starchy carbs won't hurt you as long as you are eating buckets of fruit and vegies. That's how I finally got the scale to move. I eat about 100-120 g. of carbs a day, but that only includes about 2 tablespoons of brown rice. The rest are mountains of vegies and fruit. Right now I'm zigzagging calories and carbs with 3 low days, then 3 higher days. I think eating the same levels every day was what made me stall for so long.

    Bob- wherever did you get that picture and how do you think it was made??? Drinking water sure isn't doing that for me, in fact I think thats where those 3 pounds disappeared from

    Jenn- Glad to hear everything is coming together nicely. I've always regretted not having a "real" wedding! Tho at the time I didn't want one. Oh well, next time

    OK all you teachers or parents already thru middle school- anybody teach middle school out there? I'm at my wits end with ds. He hates everything! in particular 1 teacher who he has for 2 subjects back to back. The guy is real young, real loud, thinks he's funny (but isn't) and SOOO ernest about teaching and helping kids. But he's still acting like the kid who no one wanted to sit with at lunch. (This is the teacher I'm talking about- keep in mind I only met him for 20 minutes at open house last nite) DS comes home and screams and cries everyday- he's NEVER done that before. I don't have a clue what to do, my daughter breezed thru everything and I just never had to deal with school problems before. Any suggestions? I just keep telling him it's only another hoop he has to jump thru, then it will be behind him. He's not buying that.


    mel 175/134/135 new goal 15% body fat , probably around 126 lbs

    JACKIE...that's me on a good AQUA DAY Once the water has soaked in, it distributes to the other know...stomach...hips...legs...
    I would be honored to have my *** on your my guest!'s really getting closer isn't it!!! We're getting excited just listening to your descriptions...I can't even imagine how you are~!

    This is a very somber day. We had a ceremony on the first floor of my work building this morning..wasn't long, just about 20 minutes, but very touching and very real! It just makes you stop,
    regroup and thank THE ALMIGHTY for every breath you're still able to take.

    Not really in a chatty mood tonight girls..hope you'll understand.
    Hug your family every day...

  • Just a quick reply to the question about kibbe balls. Kibbe is a ground meat and bulghur mix, seasoned with onions and allspice. With the balls, you fill golf ball sized pieces of the kibbe with a seasoned meat that has onions and pine nuts in it. Traditionally, it is made with lamb, but I used beef...not bad either! If anyone wants the recipe, let me know...tho I am willing to bet our fearless leader and her hubby have a better one!

    Oh boy! I get DSL tomorrow! Can't wait!