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Old 06-01-2004, 06:31 AM   #451  
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OOOOOH Shad, bad day already?
Go get plastered!! Seriously I hope your day got much better as it went along and now you are into the evening of the first day of June. Keep warm! Give Sunday a cuddle.
I am NOT hugging Holly at the moment. The gardener is here as I and has cut the grass. It was a bit wet. Holly, not content with just turning her legs and tummy green, is GREEN ALL OVER!! She is filthy. Bath time I think...she won't be too impressed I know
Yesterday was a bank holiday here. The weather was even in the sun in the morning but it clouded over late afternoon and rained in the night. I had a busy day. Too busy I think. I was too tired to sleep properly and feel bushed this morning. The gardener arrived just before 09:00 so I couldn't have another hours sleep
I drove the 35 minutes to have coffee with a nursing friend and we sat in the garden amongst the clematis and the lupins in the sunshine. A father blackbird fed its baby on the fence only a few feet away and then the youngster sat in the flower beds squarking away before either being extremely brave or very stupid, I'm not sure which...and flying and sitting on the back of the garden chair I was sitting in. It sat there for a couple of minutes before going off...probably suffering from shock at being so foolhardy!! I was very glad it didn't poo down my neck! My friend said I was safe...his tail was facing away from me!!!
Then I went swimming..12 lengths as usual..and then went to the local super market to have a very late lunch before hitting the shelves. Then I went into town to book MY HOLIDAY TO SALZBURG!!! It is done! Teresa and I fly out on 30th June from London Stanstead to Salzburg....the only thing is, the flight is at 06:40!! WHAT!!!!!Check-in is 2 hours before the flight...we will have to get up about 03:00hrs...OH MY GOODNIGHT!!!! Still, at least we get there at 09:30 if all goes according to plan so we will be in time for kaffee und kuchen....oh dear I must revise the little German I know!! I have booked a couple of excursions from this "lakes and mountains tour" and one "city and boat tour". A pity Austria now uses the Euro... I still have some schillings left from my last visit... I do pray that GB does not go down the single currency route
WELL DONE to you guys who posted your stats.. .I think you are doing brilliantly. I am not losing anything. Nowhere. Nowt. Not an ounce.I don't think I will lose any now with so many celebratory meals on their way...I am making my birthday last for months...right until I get back from London in early September. I won't go overboard and will keep up the swimming. Its got to be doing some good....
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Old 06-01-2004, 03:47 PM   #452  
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Now you know why I hate to go to any of these doctors!!!! Everytime I go they scare the crap out of me and it turns out to be nothing serious. USUALLY!! One day it will be something and I won't believe them cause they cried wolf too many times!
I always thing the worst too. Try hard not to but they scare you into it!
Hope the tests all come out great and no more for awhile!!

I went shopping for food today and cannot seem to get anything done. Seems like one interuption after another. I just turned off ALL the phones and will try again!
got some groceries to put away yet, all my meals are behind so one will have to be missed! Or I'd have to eat at midnight! Hope you all had a great day. Eyes are a little gritty still. Weather forecast is RAIN THIS WHOLE WEEK!! right now the sun finally came out but another storm is on it's way. These cluster storms kill my sinuses and give me pressure headaches. Trying to remember to take my pills so I stay one step ahead of them this time!

Shad~ I forget what your first post said......OH YES...... all the exercise!!! LOL No I will not follow in your footsteps and OVER_DO IT!! Hope you can move today!!!
If I ever win the lottery I will give DS1 $$ to play with and try to make a bigger pile for me!!!

Well girls. I now have 2 birds left. I came home from shopping and another one ihas passed away to that great birdy heaven in the sky. Poor little thing was sick for so long. The other 2 are hopping all over the place when I came back and "talking" to me so I knew something was wrong. they seem a bit calmer now we had the funeral. I took him down to my maint. man and asked him to "help". I never want to know what the do. There is no place to dig around here anymore. No more pets for me after the last 2 die. well chicks........I better go anmd get to work in the kitchen. Tomorrow is Carlos day again. Can't wait to see what goes wrong again. I'm sure the chair will not be 100% but maybe enough to ride around at LEAST!!!! Keep the fingers crossed!!

Where is everyone by the way?!?!?!?

OOPS! I forgot....Is there EVER a nice way to say someone has passed on?!?!? Tell her to get an effing life. maybe she wanted you to make up a story and He went on a trip. Sometimes I don't understand people!
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) ))))))

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Old 06-01-2004, 03:55 PM   #453  
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Teel~ I have finally figured out what is wrong and I do not see your posts. When I open my mail it and click on it, it goes to that post. If someone else has written and the page has changed I don't see it!!! all this time I thought it was the 3FC site!!! Your trip sound great!!! Just the name salzburg sounds romantic to me. I would love to trave. Maybe in the next lifetime I will be rich instead of beautiful like Shad who is having a bad time of it today!!! You have a great time coming up. London, birthday and now Salzburg!!! Better rest up and be ready to GO GO GO!!!
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Old 06-01-2004, 05:00 PM   #454  
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Yes Teel, do as Auntie Mel says and rest up for the holiday. Salzburg sounds great. I'd love to be there. I'd say to look out for Chris, but I don't think she will be there until late in July. I haven't caught up on her travel plans yet, but no doubt will shortly.

Mel, I think you are right, I think she wanted me to say that I had dumped him on some outback station somewhere in whoop-whoop. Well, tough t*tty old girl. Kids need to know the truth. Education is knowledge. Life is not blissful, you learn to take the good with the bad.

So I'm off to the hospital this morning to get the right boob resquashed. What will be, will be. Glad I haven't just started a new job, or are somewhere in the depths of Irian Jaya or somewhere. Maybe after this, I'll just ask for a long range forecast.

I gave the Sunday a cuddle Teel. In fact she gets lots of them. She has gotten quite cuddly since Shad went. She has always liked to cuddle up on the knee in the winter but now she's in the bed and on the knee every time I sit down. She has taken over Shads furry mat (not that she didn't appropriate his bed when he was alive) so I haven't given that one away. Which reminds me, his bed and beanbag are still in the back of the car as I have not yet got to the RSPCA. Time too to pack up his cards and poems and put them in his album. Another chapter closed. Ah well.

It's cool and overcast out there today, so another day inside I guess. Still although it doesn't look like it, progress is happening.

Best get off here and see what is happening in the rest of the world. Wonder where Linus and Happy are. Maybe Happy went away for the long weekend.
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Old 06-01-2004, 05:35 PM   #455  
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hi all well i think i might be on the road to recovery was really floored with the kidneys and then got aunt flo and then the back kicked in for good measures right where to start well because of a clerical error on my housing files i didnt get the house so lots of strong words were said today and will be folloewd up on tomorrow when someone form the council and someone from the housing association is calling me back and my mp is getting involved now as ive had enough went to craigs parents evenoing tonight and full marks all round hes flying throiugh all his subjects and behaving impecably so hes off to germany on saturday so still trying to get him organised and packed sister and brother in law and nephews are up for a week its been brilliant to see the wee man hes 7 months now and i think hes got a spring in his arse conners come down with something tonight so its off to the docs for him tomorrow sorry for the rush but im dead knacked probably still not 100 % so ill pop in tomorrow and catch up with everyone and shad tell that bloody woman to get a life or to go and take a flying f**k at a rolling doughnut some people have no brains my god youve just lost one of your best freinds and shes moaning cause you upset her son how the **** did she think you felt having her kid come to your door and ask for him???????
speak later
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Old 06-01-2004, 07:17 PM   #456  
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OH god Linus you bout cracked me in half!!!! I came back caus I wanted to say something to shad and found your post here too!!! ROFL
I am glad you are getting back to your old self. You certainly have had a time with the kidneys etc!!! wishing you well!!(still laughing here) Hope you get some of that help and it does some good!!! i hate when you have to fight for what's yours. I'm glad the visit was good and the wee man so cute! LOL Spring in the arse!!!

Shad~ I think I read your 2 posts wrong. didn't think the boobs were now.......oh forget what I thought. My head was too screwed up from lack of food. Wasn't thinking right. As i said in the journal.....good luck today and sending ((((((())))))))))))))))) to you. Will keep my eyes open next time I read. I was thinking the rant was of things in the "past' not all in the present! Oh well let us know whats what!

Am properly fed and feeling more myself. I think I did too much physical stuff on too little food and lost it a wee bit there for awhile. Won't be doing that again soon! Well good night chickies and have a great day!!!
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Old 06-01-2004, 11:40 PM   #457  
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This time they didn't squish, they just sent me in for an ultrasound after a bit of a feel around.
The Breastscreen doctor, radiologist and head nurse are all convinced that the little round white thing on the mammogram is a lymph node. They tell me that lymph nodes, cysts and fluid filled thingamies are always smooth, round and have a dark ring around them, like mine did. Cancers are 99% rough and uneven. Okay so they let me out and will only contact me if the specialist decrees otherwise (4 or five hour wait for specialist) So I am pretty clear now for 2 more years when the whole thing happens all over again. Such fun.

And I got this from my friend in Arizona today. Just thought I would share it.
Dog Philosophy:

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue. -Harry Falk

Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. -Ann Landers

If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. -Ben Williams

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. -Josh Billings

The average dog is a nicer person than the average person. -Andy Rooney

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made. -M. Acklam

Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate. -Sigmund Freud

I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult. -Jody Falk

Dogs need to sniff the ground; it's how they keep abreast of current events. The ground is a giant dog newspaper, containing all kinds of late-breaking dog news items, which, if they are especially urgent, are often continued in the next yard. -Dave Barry

Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog. -Franklin P. Jones

If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons. -James Thurber

If your dog is fat you aren't getting enough exercise. -Unknown
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Old 06-02-2004, 01:59 AM   #458  
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Originally Posted by Shad
Wonder where Linus and Happy are. Maybe Happy went away for the long weekend.
A sure sign that I am INDEED losing my mind. I THINK I have posted on a regular basis and then I see a comment wondering where I am. Guess I am just off in another world here, talking to myself when I think I am typing I have actually been commenting on many of your posts - but apparently the conversations were only in my head. I must still be getting used to the lack of nicotine or something.

Weekend was a complete bust. It rained all 3 days. It even rained when it was not supposed to. Then it would tease us, the sun would come out and 15 minutes later it would cloud up and storms would rise of of nowhere. I didn't mind so much, put my mind to tackling alot of the naggling bits and pieces of things around here. DH was Mr. Pouty tho he had the bug to get out and DO SOMETHING. We couldn't even risk driving some place as some of the severe storms had golf ball sized hail associated with them (such is the risks of living in tornado alley during tornado season). So couldn't risk going out and having a possibly dented car or windshield. I didn't do anything really exciting, just got out of my routines which seems to happen when I'm on vacation. I took the attitude that if I saw something that needed doing, I was going to do it right on the spot. So I seemed to flit around in several directions but I did get some things done. Got a lot of great food and some nice fruits for the week. Had to make a list so I stay on track and don't let things spoil. Because I was not chained to a chair for hours on end, my back is getting better. Still a twitch in the leg after sitting for a while but I am stretching it and committed to walking around and exercising again.

I have a dear friend who had gastric bypass surgery last week. She was really afraid of it as the doctor was a good man but explained in no uncertain terms all the risks up to and including DEATH and said that she needed to explain those risks to her husband and young son. She really needs back surgery and will be wheelchair bound soon if she doesn't have it so the GB seemed to be the only route since the doctor won't even consider the back surgery until she loses a substantial amount of weight. She said up to this point the doctor (who had been doing this type of surgery for years including repairs of other patients whose surgeries had gone wrong) had a clean record with no complications nor had he lost any patients (statistically 1 in 200 patients die from the surgery or post surgical complications). She said she didn't want to be the inevitable "statistic". Surgery went well, she was in good spirits. Got home and the next day one of the staple stitches opened up creating a massive infection. She was rushed to intensive care where they stabilized her and had to operate on her AGAIN to repair the rupture. She will likely be in the hospital for another 2 weeks. She is a fighter thank goodness and is doing as well as can be expected, but it shows you how risky this can be. I really do hope she can do well with this. Her husband who is also quite the large guy himself is a FANTASTIC cook will be interesting how he adapts to all the changes she will have to endure. However he is a great guy, very supportive and they did well on the South Beach diet so I'm sure he will be looking for creative ways to get protein in her.

DH's cousin also had gastric bypass last year and except for the hair loss (which comes back over time) she looks fantastic. She too also went this route due to crippling back pain.

I also had a serious heart to heart with myself about getting back to being serious about the weight loss issues. I am really feeling the discomfort of the extra weight gained since giving up the smokes. I think I have that under control now but my biggest problem has been just not having a routine. Too easy to drift off the righteous path here. It's been 2 years that I've been on these boards and my weight's not all that much different from when I started. What does that tell you about not really committing? The second most frustrating thing is all these stupid body injuries like the recent stumble (DH said he's afraid to ask me to go out walking with him and I didn't know whether to burst into tears or punch him in the arm). He was just trying to make a joke but it's not easy to accept being a doddering old fool.

Anyway, I have the food, I am feeling better, and ready to go again. Made a chicken salad with fruit for dinner, went to the grocery store to get a few odd things, came back and DH and I took a walk after dinner. I then cleaned the kitchen, did some laundry, went through some papers, got the trash together for pick up tomorrow and now here I sit. I had also wanted to commit to getting to bed by midnight - like THAT's going to happen as it is now 12:45am.

Joy, it seems as if you can't win for losing today. Ignore the neighbor. Parents shelter their children way too much now a days. Was watching a TV show yesterday - 25 year olds, out of college didn't know how to write a check, balance a checkbook and were $80,000 in credit card and student loan debt. No clue and of course if was not THEIR fault at all. Neither the parents nor school prepared them for adulthood. No one told us that we would would NOT get "awesome" fun jobs making 6 figure incomes. One girl was a teacher - no one told me that some days are so bad that you just never want to go back in the class room again. Excuse me but you just wanted to reach into the TV and slap these people. I was cleaning the windows as I was listening to this and took out my frustration on the cleaning cloth - I have VERY CLEAN windows now

And as far as the doctors go, don't you sometimes think that inevitably something will break down / go wrong so you do fear for the worst when things aren't quite right - then you wonder what's going on with the follow up? It's really annoying. I realize more and more how I took my youth for granted. I think you are doing just fine, you probably are in better shape than most of them. Why won't the scale go down you say? Well, as I say my fat and I have become good friends and they just refuse to part ways Always something, isn't it?

Sorry to hear that you've been whacked up side the body Linus. Hope you are feeling back to your fiesty self soon. Same with you Mel - rest those peepers of yours. And try to stay warm. I figure it's about the same temps here as Shad's ummmm winter so we can "suffer" together.

And we start the countdown to Teel's big birthday. I had some lovely orange sherbet and vanilla ice cream - low fat of course - to celebrate your birth month today. Loved the image of Holly riding along on your scooter with her ears flying in the wind.

Eek, it is now officially 1am and I'd better get to bed before I turn into a pumpkin. Will catch up tomorrow. Night all and howdy to Nae.
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Old 06-02-2004, 04:46 AM   #459  
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Okay, before we start having problems with saving our stuff again, I am going to start a new thread.
Happy, thats quite a speech you've written there. Great to hear from you and I'll get around to replying in the morning. Meantime it is time I finished this and got on with the dishes etc.

New link -

Last edited by Shad; 06-02-2004 at 05:13 AM.
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