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Old 01-23-2006, 01:30 PM   #286  
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Smile A great day.....

Greetings everyone.......I have great news to share.......I lost my first 5 pounds I'm so excited......
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Old 01-23-2006, 02:04 PM   #287  
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Default Happy Monday! (never thought I use those 2 words together!)

Good day ladies! I hope we're all found doing well this monday. I took a day off yesterday from walking, first day since I started Jan.2. Instead I spent time with hubby and daughter. Sunday is my hubbys only full day off of work, the rest of the week he goes 8:30am and usually back by 10-11pm. We had a great day, went out to lunch (japenese rest.), then took my daughter bowling since she loved it so much last weds. night. Did a few grocerie errands, rented some movies. Supper time we had steamed riced, bok choy, soy bean curd and a load of king crab. My hubby is an awesome cook, it's nice to have a break in kitchen. I ate more than my share of crab! I have a few war wounds from their prickly legs. All in all I had a relaxing sunday, now I'm lazy today! I still managed to go 1/2hr on the treadmill burning 154calories. I dropped the other 0.5lb sunday morning making a total of 15lbs. so my ticker is reading correctly now.

I've been going through the thread and I have some catching up to do since I was last on. So bare with me! Luckily I type everything in notepad so I can reference as I go, then copy and paste!

Kespinoza, weekends are definitely a challenge for me aswell. Luckily I've been able to stick to my guns. My hubby has been supportive by not choosing rests. that I can't pick something health conscience. Hang in there! Keeping yourself busy is a great idea!

Lori, you have a great mind-set. Hope you have a good walk in the mall! 5lbs is awesome! congrats, keep it up!!

garnetfairy, I hope you feel better so you can get back into your routine. I have a cold myself, my stomach muscles are getting a workout themselves from the coughing. They are so tender! Good luck with those workout tapes, I hope you find them to be everything you want to be. That was an awesome pep talk! We are in control now and will do everything that the weight was holding us back from. I'm ready and in control!

Cheryl, I guess we both took a day off yesterday. I felt it was very much deserved. And I'm glad you savored that pie, I wouldn't want you to deprive yourself to the point where 1 piece turns into 2 or 3! Now you have it over and done with! Hope you fit that workout in today and congrats on the 10lbs since starting. That's really great! Good job!

Robsia, congrats on the 16's. I can't wait for that day! Way to go!

Lois, wOOOoohOOooo on the 4lbs!! That's wonderful, you go girl! I spent an hour shoveling cause I was feeling bad that everyone else was getting at theirs and ours was looking snowed in. (my hubby finds it hard to get time to keep up with it) Anyways, I worked so hard trying to clear it, then the wind gusts were huge and melted a lot of it anyways.hahaha If I had only waited one more day! Good for you increasing your workout, you keep it up girl!

luckyducky, try just taking one day off on the weekends. It's not the end of the world if you do, as long as you stay committed for other 6 days. Hang in there!

AndrewsMum, I've seen those dancing games. I'm sure you would burn a ton of calories on there! If I were coordinated enough I would love to give it a try! haha Hip Hip Hooray for the 5lbs.! Good job, I bet your feeling great that you've accomplished this loss, as hard as the week was for you at times you still hung in there! Wonderful increasing your treadmill time too!! You're really doing great!

Jillybean, I'm sure they were narrowing down the ppl as fast as they could and then maybe do call backs. All in all it was a cool experience though!

Well I guess I should go and make lunch, I'm having a salad today. I'll try my version of cobb salad. Just leave out a lot of the cheese, ham and egg..hahaha did I say cobb salad?

Have a great day ladies! Stay strong and be powerful!

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Old 01-23-2006, 02:32 PM   #288  
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Wow! Everyone is doing fantastic. Keep it up ladies.

I've reached my Jan. goal of 10lbs now. I've had some rough patches this last week though and am struggling to get myself back on the proper track. I think I'm headed inthe right direction but darnit...hubby has to stop ordering pizza and wings. I'm not strong enough to say no when its right in front of me.

Happy losing all!
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Old 01-23-2006, 02:34 PM   #289  
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Hey all,

How is everyone's day going? Mine is going okay. I did not get my workout in early this morning but I did get it in before noon... just could not drag my butt out of bed. I got on the scale and am down another pound, but I will not change my ticker until next week (you know how those flucuations can be), but I'm happy about it

Lisa, Wow! 30 minutes, I'm very impressed. I know you are feeling so proud of yourself. I'm proud of you too!

Lori, WhooHoo Congrats! how motivating is that! Keep going girl!

Tina, good for you taking a day off you deserved it! Glad you had a good day. Mmmm, did you say "crab" Oh how I love crab legs. Congrats on .05 loss, every bit counts.

DragonTush, Congrats on readhing your goal! ...that is great! I know it can be rough but keep hangin' in there girl... you can do it!

Hope everyone is having a good day! I'll checkback later.

Last edited by ladylane06; 01-23-2006 at 02:52 PM.
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Old 01-23-2006, 02:51 PM   #290  
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Yay - I lost 10 lbs!!!!!! That last 1/2 pound was not for shifting this week but it's gone! Outta here!

Stepped on the scales this morning and exactly 203.0 after days of ups and downs and staying stills.

So, that's 1/7 of my ultimate target. Only 6 more of those to go - easy peasy!
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Old 01-23-2006, 03:06 PM   #291  
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Thumbs up

Robsia, Congrats on the 10 lb. loss... how exciting!
Keep it going girl!
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Old 01-23-2006, 04:11 PM   #292  
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thanks Lois im proud of me too....esp as today i have done 2x30min on treadmill a week ago i wos stopping after 5mins gasping for air now i can do 30!!

quick question for u all, on the calorie counts on excercise machines does that mean calories burned if ur a 115lb stick insect? surely with us carrying all this extra weight it must burn off more calories than that?
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Old 01-23-2006, 05:52 PM   #293  
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I know I've been away for a while and did not post. I am doing ok. So far just 3 pound loss for the last 16 days. Not much, but I am workingout daily and watching what I eat....I can feel I lost some inches, perhaps a friend will measure me this week.
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Old 01-23-2006, 08:23 PM   #294  
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Smile Well I'm on my way........down!

Just wanted you all to know that I got on the scale this I'm making Monday my weigh in day......and I am down 5 pounds!!!

I'm so very excited can you tell?
and I'm also keeping a daily journal myself at home and I am seeing that it is helping me. Thank you for all of you who encourage is wonderful !!!

hugs to all.....
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Old 01-23-2006, 08:36 PM   #295  
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Well, I need to take my own advice! And I am! Today is a new day and it started out right!

I told y'all about my peanut butter fiasco and the banana thing (south beach doesnt like you to eat bananas, starch I think??go figure) well, I went to the doctor today and weighed 296 which is 3 pounds MORE than I weighed at the gym last time. I am hoping it was the winter clothes and the different scales and not having pooed and every other excuse I can think of but it was probably peanut butter and eating out with carolyn when I was at her house for 3 days. (Carolyn doesnt cook, generally)

I think for my own benefit I am going to have to limit my exposure to Carolyn. I have made arangements for future peanut butter purchases to be put in the pantry or somewhere else I wont have to look at them. Big weakness I know.

Now Here's the GOOD part: TA DA I worked out to a WATP DVD for the first time this morning. I did the "Weight Loss Walk" DVD for the first segment and made the mile and then did the cool down which was another fraction of a mile. Hurray for me!! It was a lot more involved than I expected it to be which is a good thing.

Take one step back and two forward!

I am so glad I did not piss off anyone with my rant, I was really talking to myself but I had to get it out of me so I could hear it. I am glad it encouraged anyone it did.

You all are doing so great with the size 16s, the weight loss, the goals met, spending quality time with the family, just all really great stuff!!! Keep it coming!

Anyone who hasnt had the scale move or like me it moved backwards chin up! We are not going to let any stupid numbers rule our lives (well, we'll try not to) We know if we are working our program and we know if we are working our bodies...we know what to do! I fell off the wagon but I am back on now baby, so watch out! ha ha ha ha The weight loss will come as long as we exercise and burn calories and watch what we eat and eat less calories. It is basic math. Eat less than you burn and you have to lose weight even if you are building muscle eventually the weight loss will show on the scale! Give it time! Dont give up if you give in, pick yourself back up and get on program!

You are all so beautiful to me and I thank you for letting me be a part of your group! You dont know how much it helps me to be able to come here and read everyone's stuff good and bad and how everyone is so supportive of each other. It is truly a great thing we have going on here!
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Old 01-23-2006, 08:41 PM   #296  
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Question Question for ya????

Can anyone please point me in the direction of where to find a chart that tells much I should weigh in at for my age and height?

I know it's not exact science......but was just wondering if I am pushing the limits of a goal of 120 pounds for my height of 5 ft tall???

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Old 01-23-2006, 09:25 PM   #297  
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Hey Lori, here is one, hope it helps.
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Old 01-23-2006, 09:40 PM   #298  
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Robsia... WOW!!!! 10 lbs gone forever. You go girl.

DragonTush... On reaching your 10 pound goal. I'm so happy for you. I so love pizza also, now I have a Lean Cusine pizza. They are so good that I have one for lunch about four times a week.

Cbeta...We missed you!! 3 pounds is great. Boy, with all that working out, your turning into a fat burning machine.

Lori... On your 5 pound loss I'm so excited for you. In answer to your question, you and I should weigh between 115-128. That's according to WW. I'm shooting for 120, but 150 looks pretty good also.

My day started out great, but has slowly gone down the tube. I got up early and got my workout in and I stayed within my points, but now I want to EAT.
I'm going to find something to keep my hands busy tonight so I don't eat.
Oh, I weighed myself this morning and had another pound gone, so that's a total of 11.7 pounds since I started on Jan 3rd. Have to see what WW says on Wednesday. Either way, I will be making my Valentine's Day goal of 12 pounds, so I'm going to order a couple of bra's for myself tomorrow.
Tonight, on my way home, I hit a big deer, so that has totally ruin my day.
I'm just glad I was driving our Suburban and not our car. So, I need to call the sheriff and the Insurance company in the morning so I can get it fixed. Took out the right front where the headlights and blinkers are. Should of brought the deer home and have something to show for all the damage. Venison sounds very tasty about now.
Think, I will dig my counted cross stitch out tonight, that should help keep my mind off of FOOD.

Have a good one ladies.

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Old 01-23-2006, 11:57 PM   #299  
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I haven't had a chance to read posts yet, but wanted to check in since it's been since Saturday morning.

I actually had a great weekend! Totally stayed on program! My chinese dinner with friends, I still had a bit of everything, but didn't have seconds and had a big glass of water before I left. I also had the tiniest slice of coconut cream pie and didn't eat the whipped cream on top. IT's the small things right?! lol

Weighed in this morning and was 231.8- down from 237.2 last Monday! Whoohoo! I know all weeks won't be so much so I'll enjoy it t his week.

Going to catch up and I'll post again tomorrow! Let's make the week count!
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Old 01-24-2006, 03:41 AM   #300  
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hi gals, quick hello before i start work hope ur all havin a good day.
Emily thats 5.4lbs excellent!!!!
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