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Old 11-01-2004, 02:31 PM   #196  
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BTW, I found a picture - I even have a drink in my hand...LOL! I'll see if I can get it scanned and posted tonight.

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Old 11-01-2004, 02:58 PM   #197  
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Hiya chickies!

I was terrified at WI this morning - at DB's bd, there was not a vegie to be seen - my SIL is hispanic - so it was mexican - very good, but heavy on starches. And blueberry pie for desert. I had a piece. Even wrote it in my journal, and put 'oh no' next to it. So I skipped my second lite that day, and only had veggies and cheese for dinner. Then, I was able to stay POP yesterday, and I was DOWN 2 pounds today! I have a new avitar! Now, just have to figure out what my 5 pound reward will be. . .

Glad to see new (to me) faces!

Sammy - I agree that no loss is terrific, when you have a non-POP weekend.

Star - like the flu-advoidance idea - can we use lime margarita's instead?

Fiona - wow! Glad that your husband is okay

I'm also with you about being secretive about LAWL - don't want others to be invested in my loss, or to give them a chance for sabatoge. Right now, I'm just on my pre-cruise diet.

Thanks all of you for being here!

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Old 11-01-2004, 03:18 PM   #198  
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Default hey chicks.....

Fiona - I can't wait to see your smiling (toasting) face tomorrow. Something to look forward to.......BTW, Kristi where is your picture For someone on here as much as you - we need a face to go along with all that great advice (& questions)......Okay you have an assignment tonight....

Kristi - it sounds like you are getting a ton to eat now. Isn't that funny, when we are on plan, it's barely enough and then on stab - it's almost too much - go figure huh? Your fajitas sound awesome

Julie - Yes, you can use lime margaritas for the flu long as it has something to do with fruit or veggie's all good.
Way to go on your miracle loss this morning...and 2 whole pounds. I would almost be sure that most of us aren't near that lucky. With mexican food and blueberry pie and still be down 2 pounds -no way for me. I'd be up 2 pounds or more. I think your 5 pound reward is that you got away with all that off plan food and still lost.......I hope that no one thinks you can do that too often and get those results
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Old 11-01-2004, 07:47 PM   #199  
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Wow, Julie, Mexican food and down 2! I've pretty much sworn off Mexican food for now. Even if I get a good chicken salad, they don't have healthy dressing choices, and some salsa are just too hot to handle! Not to mention the chips are just too good to resist; may as well avoid the places and stick with the ones where I know I can stay on plan. Good for you girl, just be careful cuz it may catch up with you!

Okay. The proper nose-blowing technique:
Take 2 tissues. Not 1 but 2. Double them up. Form a complete seal around your nasal area and mouth area, not allowing any gaps. Blow. Wipe. Do not stick it in your pocket. Do not stick it on your desk. Do not stick it in your sleeve like the nuns used to do in Catholic school. Dispose of it in the nearest trash receptacle. Next, disinfect your hands by either 1) washing your hands using the proper hand washing technique (I can instruct on this, also if needed) or 2) using hand sanitizing lotion. Now you are a certified nose-blower.

Have a great night!
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Old 11-01-2004, 08:00 PM   #200  
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Wow - it looks like everyone is doing great even with the Halloween temptations . I have to admit I had a couple of mini tootsie rolls , but the leftover candy went to work with me and is on someone else's desk!

Even after the tootsie rolls and 3 glasses of wine Saturday, I am down 1.6 over weekend - it's scary! Of course other than that I was obviously pretty close to being OP.

Amy - thanks for the proper nose-blowing techniques, but with my allergies I would go through a box of Kleenex a day doing it that way .

Star - as usual you have given us the perfect advice on how to avoid the flu. I will start on the plan ASAP!

I am looking forward to seeing pictures of our mystery gals!
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Old 11-01-2004, 09:15 PM   #201  
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Mmmm - good dinner! Big salad with Italian dressing followed by grilled chicken with just a little barbecue sauce and a "candy bar" (LA style, that is!) for dessert. And a glass of wine.

I didn't weigh in today, but home scale said same as Friday even with heavy pants and a sweater on, so I'll take that. maintaining over the weekend is good enough for me, although I'm jealous of you BIG LOSERS!! Way to go! Was POP today, so hopefully things will be down a little tomorrow.

Is anybody here really good at writing resume cover letters? There's a PT admin job opening that I want to apply for, but it's with a marketing/ad agency and so I want to spice up my relatively standard and uninspiring cover letter. PM me!

Hasta la vista, and my wine glass are off to watch Friends on DVD for a couple hours, then hitting the sack. "See" you tomorrow!

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Old 11-02-2004, 07:17 AM   #202  
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Good morning ladies,

It's been a crazy, busy weekend and start of the work week so no posts from me...boy did I have a lot to catch up on

Amy: I agree 100% with skipping mexican food. I've been on plan for almost 8 weeks now and haven't felt strong enough to eat mexican yet and resist the chips...don't know that I ever will. Thanks for kind words about my son and his bowling...he's a sophomore in high school and averages 207

Star: It used to be so difficult to sit in the bowling alley with all of that temptation...they make the best burgers and fries, plus there's always candy or some other goody around. Now I just make sure I go prepared, try to eat before we go, take a piece of fruit and and LA Lite for those tempting far so good.

Dawn: Congrats on the new avatar!! I love getting new ones!

Sy: Thanks for the support on keeping this whole thing secret. I see there's been some further discussion about it and most people agree. I've been self conscious about everything I eat for the last couple of years and don't want anyone paying attention now that I'm eating the right things either. though I am interested in my mom's reaction (she comes for a visit in 2 weeks)

Fiona: Sorry to hear about your DH accident at work and I'm gad he wasn't hurt.

Pinkpenguin: I'm also sorry about your accident and very thankful that your children weren't hurt!

I did well over Halloween, though it meant not handing out candy this year. Really didn't want the temptation and had errands to run anyway. One holiday down and two more to go...the more I think about Thanksgiving and Christmas the more nervous I get....

I know I missed some folks and I'm sorry...hope everyone has a POP day!!

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Old 11-02-2004, 07:27 AM   #203  
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Fiona: As far as your resume coverletter, there are lots of examples on the internet that if you do a google search for something like "sample coverletter" or put the word free in your search, it may filter out some of the resume writing companies out there. Good Luck.

Star, your are just too funny and have great advise as usual. I would go crazy if I had to work with guys who monitored my food intake. That is 1 big reason why I don't tell a soul what I'm doing. I, like many other just tell them that I'm just watching what I eat and exercising. The most I have told anyone is that I'm kind of following the old Weight Watcher's diet where you use exchanges. It keeps them at bay.

Kristi: Your chicken dish sounds great. I'm going to have to cook some rice and give it a try. You know, I hate to admit it - but I hate waiting for rice or pasta to cook - so my starches have been limited to the same few. I'll have to make an effort to cook some ahead of time, then plan the dish for the following evening.

Amy: I loved your advice on 'nose blowing'. I agree with you when it comes to people's tax dollars being spend on something like that. Now, if you put the tissue over your mouth and nose, doesn't it leave the chance that the stuff that comes out of the nose will get on the lips/mouth area? eeeUCK! Guess I'll have to include face washing when we do the hands. LOL! But, you tip did make me look in my purse and toss all the tissues I put in there on my way to work today. Cold is just about gone, but nose won't stop running.

Dawn: Great job at being down over the weekend.

Julie: I want your secret for the weekend loss. Maybe your SIL has a secret ingredent in the mexican dish she made that caused the weight loss. Please ask her to share her secret.

Gotta run, Sy
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Old 11-02-2004, 08:43 AM   #204  
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I am getting frustrated and not showing any loss. What am I doing wrong. I guess it willl take me a few days to break through. I hope so anyway.
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Old 11-02-2004, 09:48 AM   #205  
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Default Happy Vote Day Chicks.....

Well I have already been to the polls. Wasn't bad out by my house, our city hall is an old school. We were in line for like maybe 15 minutes.

Chicks - I am so happy today. I bought three new pairs of pants last Saturday. I have on a pair today and guess what I found again My butt is back When I was still wearing my old "too big" pants, it had taken a leave of absence, I kinda missed it......

Tammy - What a beutiful picture of you and your baby! Thanks for sharing.
About being frustrated, please don't be. Girl, you have done so well. Just keep doing all the right stuff; exercising, eating on plan and laughing and it will start working again. I think you lost pretty quickly, your body just needs alittle break. You'll be back losing in no time.

Amy - Thanks for the correct way to blow, I know we all learned something. that along withe the Flu Remedy - we chicks should stay healthy......

Dawn0301 - Nice loss for the weekend Glad to have you join the anti Flu group

Fiona - So your also talking all precautions to avoid the ful - good. Good luck with that part time job...... Hey girl, where's that picture of you????

Auditgirl- You know about eating right while doing those "life happens" events. Planning ahead is more than half the battle! Even knowing what a place offers to eat is a huge help. I mean if I say "grilled chicken" enough I can usually manage to have those words come out of my mouth at almost any type resturant.......

Sy - The guys at work just like to give me a hard time. Today they are making comments becuz I voted on my way in to work. I doubt that they will vote at all. They are a major pain in my newly found butt.....

Okay where's Kristi and her picture? Hey Kristi, you better not be out having a "glamour shot" taken......

Everyone else - Hey chicks (((HUGS)))
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Old 11-02-2004, 10:09 AM   #206  
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Morning chicks!

Just had a few minutes before buzzing off to school. It is still flippin cold here but bought a new sweater over the weekend so it was fun being able to slip into that! The funny thing is several years ago, DH decided we should try skiing and he and the boys would snow board so I have all my gear and I put my coat on two weekends ago for soccer and I had cinched it up when I wore it last year and even with it cinched it drowned me!!! DANG, I'm going to have to get a new coat!!! DH is shreiking and saying this is going to cost me big for you to be little!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Plus I had bought some really cute size 8 jeans and I wore them yesterday, well they are going to the back of my closet for "emergency" days when the maid slacks and doesnt get the laundry done!! I know everyone would agree that it feels so good to feel so good about ourselves again!!!

Tams-hang in there! Talk to them at your center! I lost big time then gained and lost the same 4 pounds for like a month. A counselor at the center gave me good advice and now I am back to loosing. Hang in there it will start to pay off!! BTW, gorgeous picture!!

Sy-morning! I forgot to ask how the enchilada's were and the game?

Star-A new found butt! What a thing to find! No wonder those guys are so giving you crap!!

Kristi and Fiona-promises, promises on the picture! Come chicks, so us who you are, promise we won't stalk you!!!

Well I better get to school! DH is staying home with Noah as he seems to have acquired a nasty cough over the weekend.
POP to everyone!
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Old 11-02-2004, 10:19 AM   #207  
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Hiya chickies -

Yes, I do need to ask my SIL what she put in that food!

I actually think one way to break a plateau is to eat different foods. I think our bodies get used to certain calorie intakes and then don't budge. I've found (over the past two weeks) that if I eat beef or eggs the night before WI, I go down the next day.

If anyone has ever looked at the WW website, there was something posted called the Wendie Plan - which is based on alternating your points over a week. It's tough to do on LAWL since the exchanges don't vary over a day, and there are no bonus exchanges over a week, but I try to do it with the limited foods, especially the proteins.

Starches are my downfall, so I haven't experimented too much with the limited starches - plus I'm finding that my meals out seem to provide those.

I'm going to a spaghetti dinner this Friday, so asked how to best handle that. The counselor suggested that I save my starches for the day, and watch the sauce and meatballs. Also, save a couple of veg for the salad, and have at least a half my water before I go. This sounds doable, and it'll be my 'special' meal for the day.

I'm worried about Thanksgiving, too, since I have next to no control over the choices for that day. All I can do is just practice the 'it's just one meal' mantra, and stay as much POP as I can for the whole day.

Anyway - enough philosophy for the day!

I loved the noseblowing instructions!

Tammy - I understand the no-scale-movement blues! I went for 10 days on going up and down .2. It will move. The right way.

Jen and Amy - have not had the strength to have Mexican food in a restaurant. I have a hard time with chips and salsa, and tortilla's in general. And I love onions. Just trying to wait for stabilization to get more veg choices! I'm jealous, Kristi!

Dawn, Fiona, everyone - good luck at next WI.

Anyone else staying up late to watch the returns??

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Old 11-02-2004, 10:32 AM   #208  
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Default Exercise Myths........

Subject: my feelings about exercise........

1. It is well documented that for every mile that you jog, you add one minute to your life. This enables you, at age 85, to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $5,000 per month.

2. My grandmother started walking 5 miles a day when she was 60. She is now 97 and we don't know where she is.

3. The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.

4. I joined a health club last year, spent about $400. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to show up.

5. I have to exercise early in the morning before my brain figures out what I am doing.

6. I don't exercise at all. If God meant us to touch our toes, he would have put them further up our body.

7. I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

8. I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.

9. The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.

10. If you are going to try cross country skiing, start with a small country.

11. And last, but not least, I don't jog - it makes the ice jump right out of my glass

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Old 11-02-2004, 11:17 AM   #209  
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Star - you crack me up! People at work are wondering what I am laughing at - guess I need to learn to control myself. Congrats on finding your butt again!

I agree with Julie, it does seem that eating different foods sometimes makes a difference. I got a long lecture at LAWL about some of the things I ate over the weekend (I didn't write down the 3 glasses of wine ) but I still lost 1.6 lbs! I wouldn't advise doing it all the time, but every once in a while is OK. Just don't let little splurges give you an excuse to go crazy - like I need one!

I am going to have to be really careful when I am on vacation. I was bad this morning and had breakfast pizza. It's really good and we have it at our morning meetings once a quarter. It is pizza crust with scrambled eggs, sausage and ham and of course hot sauce! I only had a little bit and tried to pick pieces with hardly any meat on them. Bad news is we are also having tacos for lunch - yikes! I will make a salad with just a little meat and lots of lettuce. No chips or tortillas!

This is finally starting to pay off - I have on a dress I have not been able to wear for months! That makes it all worthwhile!

Tammy - that is a beautiful picture! Thanks for posting it. Hang in there, the weight will start coming off again soon.

Whoever posted the recipe for the apple baked with apricot jam - thank you! I used sugar free raspberry jelly over a sliced apple and nuked it for a minute or so - yummy! I love healthy desserts that seem naughty! I think next time I may add a little apple pie spice.

I better get back to work so I can get out of here early to vote. I can't wait for this election to be over!
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Old 11-02-2004, 11:26 AM   #210  
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Just a thought - maybe all my hot flashes are burning off calories?? This could be a new diet plan for older women! Of course I'm not sure it's worth it as I sit here fanning myself!
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