Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 8/18-8/24

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View Poll Results: What type of vacuum do you have at home (choose ALL that apply)
Upright Model with Bags
Upright Model Bagless
Canister Model with Bags
Canister Model Bagless
Roomba (new robotic model)
Central House Vacuum
Electric Broom
I don't own any of the above
I own MORE than 1 of the above
I own MORE than 2 of the above
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 28. You may not vote on this poll
  • Wow ladies, I can't seem to keep up with you lately. Been pretty busy the last couple of days. Mom and I put up 33 quarts of tomatoes on Friday. I thought I would never see the end of those little red suckers!! But we are finished for about a week. This year has been fantastic for our tomatoes. My spaghetti squash is getting close to being ripe. I think next week I will try one. They are changing from green to yellow. So we will see next week.

    Had our family get together today as we do every Saturday. I made a big pot of corned beef and cabbage. All the veggies were from the garden. I picked out the potatoes of course. I also took veggies to give away, and no one could believe the size of our cabbages. They are hugh. Anyone know how to do sauerkraut??

    ***Question---I thought I saw where Deb had said to someone to only use Stoned Ground WW. Does that mean that I have been doing this wrong. Some of the products I use say SG WW, but others just say 100% WW. (I make sure that it is not enriched WW.) I may have confused would be easy for me to do!! Does anyone know?? **

    I am being lazy tonight, so will try and get to everyone tomorrow. We will be leaving again Wed, or Thursday. So it will be another short week for exercise. I will try to walk in the sand again if possible. I am not showing any losses since I am not getting in my five days of exercise. I will really have to work on it when we get done fishing.

    By the way Deb, the carrot cake turned out pretty good. The recipe called for pineapple tidbits with juice, so I subbed unsweetened apple sauce. I think I should have used more, it was a little dry for my taste. I use stevia liquid for the sugar. I just used the recipe out of my Better Homes and Garden Cookbook, and legalized it.

    Nighty, night!!
  • Good Morning!

    I'm feeling much better today - so far! I'm getting ready to head to the store to buy the menu for the week. But, I just wanted to pop in and say hello and wish everyone a happy Sunday!

    286/274/170 (9 pounds gone since Monday! )
  • Sunday Morning
    Hi All

    Just a quick note to say hi. My grand niece is being Christened this morning and then we will all go to lunch at the baby's other grandparents house. I'm staying on plan pretty good. Hubby is bothered that he is not losing and started talking about doing Atkins...I talked him out of it and will see if I can get him to do better portion control. He eats right but just eats more than he should. He also drinks sugary drinks and that is hard to get him to change.

    Teenagers and I didn't get along too well last night. Hopefully we will make peace today. They are tugging on the strings that bind them and I am trying to give some slack but keeping the rope there too! I know they really don't want me to let go but the battles can be fierce! One of the arguments was about going today to the Christening...that's one that I will always put up a stand! I pick my battles and the 1st is church, second is family and third is school. Oh and safety is in all of that. Priveleges stop if those things are not taken care of.

    FRUIT...way to start your day. You can do this. When I am tempted by fries...I will have 2 or 3 and then throw away the rest...I know it is a waste but it gets me through the urge.

    Teensy...I LOVE fresh tomatoes. The other day I was eating one like an apple and my kids couldn't believe it. Of course it was over the sink

    Well I will talk to you later.

  • Afternoon from a gloomy SW side of FLA!!!!

    Going over to Dillards and get "the girls" some new over the shoulder boulder holders , but that's about all that's planned over here...I'm still in the midst of washing and SKEETER decided to be throw up sick this morning so now I've got EXTRA to wash!

    MISSY......OH...MY....GAWD!!!! COULD YOU BE ANY MORE EVIDENT WITH THAT AVATOR????? Good going on the drinking, but GOING TO THE FRENCH QUARTER??? I'm trying to have faith, but I know you TOO WELL!!! You're as bad as ME!!!! I will keep all fingers and toes crossed though...
    that might help!!!!

    BEACH....we have one of those places here in Sarasota...I haven't been though...Actually we have where all the movers and shakers go, then there is another one where
    all the mellow people go....I'll have to give it a try!
    Tell DH, stop's the POTATOES!!!!!

    This is just a quickie....I'm outta here till later....


    This is BOB and MISSY on a night out!!!
  • Teensybean- Send me your e-mail address and I'll send you my sauerkraut recipe. Its really good.. I'm so envious of your canned tomatoes.... Toni [email protected]
  • Happy Sunday everyone. Can't believe the week-end is almost over. Got my cupboard cleaned out where a mouse had been and everything is back in and all neat and tidy. I'm going to make a lasagna with buffalo burger today. Wish me luck I'm hopeing its good and I don't ruin a whole pan of it. Especially with my homemade sauce in it. We tried buffalo burger but they were tough. But the flavor was good. We have a meat shop here that sells all natural beef and buffalo. Along with fresh eggs, bacon, and other stuff. I tried there salmon and it was excellent. I can't wait to try Deb's cheese blintz. Thanks so much for the recipe. Well I'm off to fold laundry and run into town for some milk... Have a wonderful Sunday.

    Just got back and almost beat the started as we came into the neighborhood! BUT SINCE WE DON'T EAT SUGAR, THE PAGE GIRLS WON'T MELT!!!!

    Y'all would be proud....I didn't buy ONE THING!!!! Kate, however,
    got three complete outfits, and three bras for $135
    Now you know who taught me to shop!!!

    Now it's back to the grind!!!


  • Just a quick check in Sunday afternoon.

    Its nice and sunny here in Hotlanta...sorry BOB! Tom is outside enjoying the pool. Monet was inside, playing Animal Crossing on the Gamecube, and trying to make snowmen. Its really hard, and I get pretty frustrated. I can't imagine how it is for the KIDS the game is intended for!

    So far, no sugar today. I guess my icing problem on Friday is not going to linger! Hooray!

    BEACH: Hey, I can relate to the untying the apron strings battles. I agree with you. We told our kids as long as they lived in our house, they attended church. We tried to be lenient about curfews...if they were doing something responsible, and were safe, we would let them stay out, as long as they got eight hours sleep. That worked pretty well.

    BOB: You bought nothing for BOB? What self discipline! Are you feeling ok?

    TEENSY: Your garden sounds divine! We got ours in too late, and it has not produced very well. Maybe next year...or this fall...we can get something out of it.

    Ok, off to do something constructive!
  • BOB: You are soo funny! We would be a pair out in the French Quarter - it would never be the same again! I'm gonna try to be good!
  • Happy Sunday everyone!! Nice here today. Not too hot, but not cold either. Been cleaning house. That is my Sunday chore, with laundry. But I am going to wait until tomorrow and do laundry. Dh is going to work tomorrow so I will have lots of time. I can get so much more done when he is gone.

    The boys went to Eureka Montana this weekend for a big bull bash. Brant rode his first, but bailed off his second as he pulled a groin muscle. So he is one hurting puppy. That is two broken teeth, and a pulled groin muscle this year.....yep it's time to quit, so says the MOM!!

    Have to get out and finish cleaning out our fruit room. Need to bring home all the tomato stuff we have canned so far. It is so much easier to do at Mom's where we are alone, and I don't have to stop and fetch and carry for Dh. He still has a weight restriction on lifting. Will be making juice again next week, and then more salsa, I think.

    Beach-- They do tend to drip a bit don't they?? But I love to eat them that way too. I plant a couple of sugar snack tomatoes, so we take them to the lake with us. They are the best cherry tomatoes I have ever eaten. I like them in my salads too.

    BOB--Sorry to hear Skeeter isn't feeling up to par today. Laundry is no fun anytime. Love the image you attached, if we went bar hopping the one on the right would probably be me!! As for the cost me $120.00 just for three bras!!!! FF cup, but am going to be able to drop a cup size this time, the bras are not fitting too well anymore!! Yeah!!

    Toni-- Thanks for the offer of a sauerkraut recipe. I have emailed you. Every time we have had buffalo meat it has been tough too. Dh's Sister and BIL buy one every year. They are going to send some home with us when we get back over there in October. Hope it is more tender!! We buy a half a beef every year from my uncle. They are all grass fed, and are usually pretty good, but the last couple of years we have had some pretty tough beef too. Hoping this years is better, since we are getting it from a different guy. Sorry Unc!!

    Monet-- There is still alot of time for gardens, our weather this year has been like a month ahead of schedule, so I think our produce in the gardens are too. Kim told me yesterday her pumpkins are already orange!! Hope they don't rot on the vines. I didn't plant any. Maybe next year!! Wish I could share with you, we are giving alot of stuff away! The neighbors just love us this year!!

    Hope to be back on later......
  • Evening every buddy!!!

    Almost thru with the laundry...last dryer full is going now.

    Missy, We'll have to test ourselves one of these days....we would
    definately have to have a room right on the Quarter....we'd not be able to make it anywhere in the car!!!!!

    MONET...I'm feeling almost up to par....thanks for asking!

    TEENSY...Kate was a DD and went to a D....I have a cousin who is
    a FFF!!!!! I don't know how y'all carry those things around!!!

    I'm about to call it a day and crawl up in the four poster for a night of TV...hope there's something good one...

    Everyone enjoy their evening....

  • BOB: Just noticed the drinking buddy smilies. I had a great chuckle! Where do you find all these cute images??? Wish that one was one of our smilies on the list on here!
  • TEENSY: I think the weather here is just too hot in August for the garden. We will plant some fall crops soon...we already have collard greens growing. Spinach, broccoli and sugar snap peas can all be grown here as fall crops. This is the first year we have had a garden at this house, and Tom had about 10 yards of deluxe garden soil trucked in for the garden area, and used the dirt that was there to fill in a hole in the side yard. I am hoping by next year, the soil will be well aged, and will produce better. Its supposed to be really well balanced, but I am not so sure....
    Well, I haven't been on the computer in- it seems like ages- probably about a week and a half. I hate credit cards! I should have listened to my parents when they said "if you can't buy it with cash, then you don't need it." With my ISP, it's set where my credit card pays the monthly fee. Well, I was 2 days late with my payment and they charged me a $35 late fee which put me over my limit and therefore my ISP couldn't take out their monthly fee because it was declined. So I paid enough to get me back online and guess what- because I was over the limit, they put another $35 over-the-limit fee on top of that! Geez. So I said screw it and found an AOL CD with 45 free days on it We're in such a financial bind right now. Well, that's a different story. Well, Boogie had his cardiology appt on the 14th. All is well. We don't have to go back for 6 months We've never been that long in between visits. Anyway, today I really screwed things up with my eating!! I've been 100% OP for awhile now and I got depressed when I got on the scale and it STILL said 185 I've been exercising every day and even twice on some days. I've limited my starchy carbs to no more than 2 a day- and my weight hasn't budged. So I had this what's the use attitude today and binged all day long on terrible no-no foods. Thankfully, I have come to my senses. I know that it will take at least 3 days now to undo the damage I've done in a matter of hours. Tomorrow is a new day, and another new start. I'm fixing to try and post a couple pics in just a few...
  • Here's a Boogie pic..