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Old 03-18-2009, 05:32 PM   #16  
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Shineon: Thanks for that inspiring story! It brought tears to my eyes. I, too, hope to run a 5 K. I was having hip aches so I decided to give it a rest (plus I really didn't think I could do it). I'm going to have to rethink that one. Thanks also for the info on the cruise. We are going Norwegian. Do you know anything about their cruise lines? Also, I plan to partake in an alcoholic beverage every now and then, if possible. Did you drink on any of your cruises? Did it mess up your weight loss?
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Old 03-18-2009, 05:50 PM   #17  
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Originally Posted by ShineOn View Post
I posted this on the maintainers thread but thought it might help with those of you who are struggling - thank you Judy for the reminder. It's long, but so was my journey!

I walked through these doors, on the arm of a friend, weighing in at 262 lbs and feeling like there was little to no hope of losing weight. I had been diligently trying to lose weight all year by consistently working out 5-6 days per week & meeting with a nutritionist every 2 weeks. This wasn’t my first attempt at losing weight, I had tried Atkins, weight watchers & once, in the early 90’s, a Dr monitored, extremely low calorie protein fast (I lost 60 lbs in 3 months and put it back just as fast with a measured & weighed 1200 calorie diet and 60 min of exercise daily). I was convinced that dieting did not work for me and I would just try to eat healthy and accept myself for who I was.

I had come to terms with being overweight and found my self-esteem in other areas of my life. In reviewing the letter I wrote to myself at the start of my MRC journey, I stated “I’ve never felt like I’m defined by my weight. It doesn’t interfere with my relationships or my professional successes. But if I were to be brutally honest, I do think that people look at me differently. I am aware that I am the fat friend.”

So what brought me through the doors? It was a health scare! I have been type II diabetic for about 7 years, controlled through diet & exercise. But my LDL cholesterol had been rising at a rapid rate. I was very proud that I was in my 40’s and not on any medication, but the Dr’s were becoming increasingly insistent that this was approaching a dangerous level & I needed to take the meds!! Then it was suggested that I would be an excellent candidate for weight loss surgery. That sent me over the edge. My mother was the 6th person in the US to have weight loss surgery in the 70’s and the first to survive it – after they lost her on the table for over 3 minutes hooking her intestines back up. I know we have come a long way medically, but there are still extreme health risks with these surgeries and I was terrified!

Another quote from my letter to myself “I really want to give this 100% effort. I hope it works, but as I’ve aged, it is harder for me to lose. It’s hard to think of being 180 lbs. It seems so unrealistic! But, I feel like I’m running out of time – being healthy is so important to me.” At my initial consultation, they told me how much I could lose and in what time frame. I told her that I didn’t believe her, but I would do exactly what they told me to do. I would eat dirt if they could guarantee I could be that weight!! Lucky for me, I didn’t have to do that!!

This journey of personal discovery has been amazing. I signed up to lose weight and came out the other side completely transformed. Through the classes and one-on-one consultations, I have learned how to eat – yes EAT! A major problem was I would typically go up to 7 hours in between meals. I learned how to cook. I really don’t know what I ate before. We ate out for most of our meals and cooked convenience foods at home. I bought fruit & vegetables, but threw out more than we ate. Now I can throw together a gourmet looking meal in under 15 minutes and my family is thrilled! I learned about my “relationship” with food. I never thought I had food issues, but they reared their ugly head about 50 lbs into the program. I started to fight it and had to deal with issue of self-sabotage. I ended up re-signing twice. Then I made it to the end of stabilization and had to have a heart to heart with myself. I had slipped and started fighting the program and myself again. Thru not following the plan during the holidays, I had put on some weight and just didn’t feel comfortable starting maintenance yet. Do I consider these failures, yes and no. But I tend to learn more through my mistakes than through my successes. I’m very happy that I was allowed to stumble and fall because I got up and kept going – all in a supportive & guidance filled environment.

Was it expensive? I guess it’s all how you look at it. My initial fee was an investment in myself and my health. The amount of money I spent on supplements was an extra expense, but we saved so much in our monthly food budget that it ended up being a wash. And I was facing a life of medications for weight related issues. So the more important question is how much have I saved – I guess I’ll never know for sure, but my quality of life is priceless!!

How about the results? 180 lbs seemed so unrealistic to me – I could barely imagine it. I now weigh 162 lbs at the start of stabilization knowing I will lose about 6 more pounds during this 6 week process. I just had my annual exam with my stunned doctor. I have dropped 55 pts off of my LDL cholesterol - without medication!!! I am now in normal ranges for everything. Overall cholesterol of 148, blood pressure averages 96/60, A1C level dropped from 6.8 to 4.8 – not even technically considered diabetic anymore – all without any medications AT ALL. I’ve lost 101.5 inches and went from a 24W to a loose size 8. And, I have achieved a lifelong dream – I ran a 5k. That one seemed impossible, I couldn’t even run a half a block before. In fact, I was pulled out of running at age 14 for back problems, but I hate being told I can’t do something. I am now training for a 10k and looking forward to running marathons.

Am I done? Have I “crossed the finish line”, “spiked the ball in the end zone”? No, are we truly ever done? I have learned that my relationship with food is as serious as any other addiction. The difference is now I recognize it. I have the skills in place and the support structure to deal with it. I have come out the other side fully aware, fully equipped and determined to embrace my new life and the new me. MRC doesn’t just show you how to lose weight, it treats the whole person and then holds your hand for a full year to make sure you make permanent changes.

Has the journey been easily? Absolutely not, but true change never is! Has it been worth it? I can’t even begin to express to you how big the YES is! Are you worth it? If you’re reading this, you’ve already made the first step on this important journey - I would say YES!
This is just beautiful.........thanks for your inspiration and dedication to youself. Now I know I am so totally worth it too.
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Old 03-18-2009, 05:54 PM   #18  
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Originally Posted by COMom View Post
wanttobeskinny- which enhancer are you on? I take blood pressure medicine (a very small amount) and my center has me on Phentratrim. They told me that because I was taking the BP medicine that I could not be on the enhancer or All Day - that it would raise my BP. The Phentratrim has not affected my BP (but it is the weakest of the enhancers that MRC sells).
It is the regular Enhancer, when you open the bottle is smells like feet or Parmessan cheese (sorry but that is the best way to describe it). It gives me nausea like 10 minutes after taking and it usually goes away within 15 min.
I have never had blood pressure issues, but since I started the enhancer, every weigh in, my pressure is elevated. I stopped it yesterday and will see on my WI on Friday if it is normal. I will have to try the Phentratrim if I have no other choice.
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Old 03-18-2009, 07:14 PM   #19  
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Originally Posted by shenanigan View Post
I drank way too much yesterday and I have done nothing but eat crap all day long. I vow to get back on the horse tonight and have an OP dinner. I am supposed to WI Friday, but now I don't want to! Maybe I can put it off until Saturday. I knew I would partake in a little revelry yesterday, so my goal was to lose one pound this week. I just hopped on the scale (because I love to torture myself, I guess) and I gained 3 pounds of beer/fast food in one day. I know, I know, it is water weight. But I am so tired, I don't even want to work out! I will drink a ton of water the next two days and take my B6 to get rid of some of it. I just needed to vent and get that off my chest

I hope everyone has a good ending to their week!
You can do it Shannon, think about your wedding dress and that will inspire you, tomorrow will be a much brighter day.....

I have been seeing a steady gain the last two weeks, it dawned on me the doc gave me a prescription that I started yes just two weeks ago. I researched this medication today and found what so many experience as a side effect is weight gain even though the insert said specifically that it does NOT cause weight gain. GREAT!!!! The medication is for anxiety (Zoloft) I am not sure I will continue taking it at least for long too much longer, if I would just get back on the eliptical I would manage the stress much better then taking medication that will cause stress with the weight gain. UGH!!!!
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Old 03-18-2009, 07:17 PM   #20  
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Wow...the activity is sure picking up. It's nice to read all the posts....helps with the motivation. Thanks everyone for sharing.

Well, I'm day 2 on my version of meta-quick....meta-slim...whatever the heck the name is....2 meal replacement shakes and an op dinner daily. So far so good. The calorie count is only around 700-800 per day....I'm surprised I'm not feeling too hungry, yet. Probably will hit in another day or two, once I've used up the stores from last weeks binge! I'm going to stay on it for 5 2 down and 3 to go. It will be interesting to see what happens weight wise.
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Old 03-18-2009, 07:17 PM   #21  
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ShineOn - thanks for posting that write up, it was just what I needed to read today...
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Old 03-18-2009, 08:10 PM   #22  
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Originally Posted by raven59 View Post
Wow...the activity is sure picking up. It's nice to read all the posts....helps with the motivation. Thanks everyone for sharing.

Well, I'm day 2 on my version of meta-quick....meta-slim...whatever the heck the name is....2 meal replacement shakes and an op dinner daily. So far so good. The calorie count is only around 700-800 per day....I'm surprised I'm not feeling too hungry, yet. Probably will hit in another day or two, once I've used up the stores from last weeks binge! I'm going to stay on it for 5 2 down and 3 to go. It will be interesting to see what happens weight wise.
Good luck and I can't wait to hear what happens with the weight! We are off to ski for a couple of days, so may or may not have time to check in!
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Old 03-18-2009, 09:58 PM   #23  
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SHINEON Thanks for posting that letter I can't even begin to tell you the inspiration you have given me to continue this journey! I basically started MRC the same weight as you and I want to end up the same weight as you and able to run a 5K!!

Raven 59 I lost 4 pounds last week doing the meta slim for 3 days!! Good Luck!
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Old 03-18-2009, 10:14 PM   #24  
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Originally Posted by DKRiley View Post
You can do it Shannon, think about your wedding dress and that will inspire you, tomorrow will be a much brighter day.....

I have been seeing a steady gain the last two weeks, it dawned on me the doc gave me a prescription that I started yes just two weeks ago. I researched this medication today and found what so many experience as a side effect is weight gain even though the insert said specifically that it does NOT cause weight gain. GREAT!!!! The medication is for anxiety (Zoloft) I am not sure I will continue taking it at least for long too much longer, if I would just get back on the eliptical I would manage the stress much better then taking medication that will cause stress with the weight gain. UGH!!!!
I gained 8 pounds on Zoloft in the first 2 months I took it. I did not lose it immediately either! My doc put me on Wellbutrin instead. I have since weaned myself off of it, but you might ask your doctor.

Thanks for the motivating words, Dixie!
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Old 03-19-2009, 11:21 AM   #25  
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i'm so glad i don't do pills. the ONLY med i'm doing is my choice and it's nuva ring and while most people say it causes them to gain weight, when i started on it at 260 it stopped my weight gain which leads me to believe i might actually have pco as the first ob told me years ago when i had my miscarriage.

my current ob said that i didn't have PCO but i've got several of the other indicators for it besides. i've been on nuvaring for 5 years now and it's never really affected my weight but i've never been down around 200 since i started it either. i'm wondering if it might be what's slowing me down... well that and my cheats of course *shrug*
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Old 03-19-2009, 01:32 PM   #26  
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Originally Posted by COMom View Post
wanttobeskinny- which enhancer are you on? I take blood pressure medicine (a very small amount) and my center has me on Phentratrim. They told me that because I was taking the BP medicine that I could not be on the enhancer or All Day - that it would raise my BP. The Phentratrim has not affected my BP (but it is the weakest of the enhancers that MRC sells).
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Old 03-19-2009, 01:37 PM   #27  
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Sorry about that, my computer flipped out right as i sent that..
I have another question, please. I am waiting for my supplements to come in. I did the 10 boxes for $90. i also ordered the MRC and the flax. Is the MRC the same thing as the Phenatrim? (not quite sure of spelling) and if not does anyone recommend it?
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Old 03-19-2009, 01:59 PM   #28  
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Gina/Shineon - You are HOPE in the flesh. Thank you. I will pursue running. I had some serious health issues last year and to think that after having life-threatening surgery...and coming out okay - I am here - doing this? I can hear myself tell the story, like you are telling. I can see me running long distances and LOVING it.

I want to teach my kids to get out and do the same. It means EVERYTHING to be fully LIVING.

I am on Day 18 and holding steady at a 5 pound loss. I am trying to not get discouraged - I know probably at least 3 of that 5 pounds was water - so - ANY day now....

My boyfriend was a personal trainer for years and has his nutrition degree. He is good not to butt in and interject unnecessarily, but he will definitely help when asked. He committed to run with me and train me.

Bicycling is also my new thing. It is one of the funnest forms of exercise I can think of.

I am on this PLATEAU and I'm so super ready to get past it. I binged the other night on pizza (like a fool) so I feel like I sabotaged myself. I am hoping to recover soon and LOSE.
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Old 03-19-2009, 02:51 PM   #29  
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Originally Posted by janett41 View Post
Sorry about that, my computer flipped out right as i sent that..
I have another question, please. I am waiting for my supplements to come in. I did the 10 boxes for $90. i also ordered the MRC and the flax. Is the MRC the same thing as the Phenatrim? (not quite sure of spelling) and if not does anyone recommend it?
I am thinking that the MRC could be the MRC Total Woman Multi Vitamin or the MRC-6. There are some people on this site who only use the multi vitaman and the flax and they lost the weight. I wish I had done that first before buying all the stuff. The supplements are costly and I get a bit tired of taking 3 pills before a meal and 8 pills after a meal.
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Old 03-19-2009, 02:55 PM   #30  
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Discoverjoy-I think plateaus are the hardest part. No positive reward for all the effort. Hang in there! I bet you bust through anytime now.

I'm in the middle of day 3 of meta slim and am very determined to stick with it. It's such a mental thing. I'm driving to San Francisco tomorrow with my daughter and am meeting my other daughter for dinner. I already told her that I'd like to eat in a restaurant that serves simple grilled fish so that should help.
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