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Old 01-30-2005, 10:40 AM   #1  
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Default LCFS Jan. 30th-Feb. 6th


Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Mine is going well so far. DH had the whole weekend off.

Nikki, that's wonderful news about the scale starting to go back down again. I know what you mean about the BFL diet. I do have his book, EFL. It has a lot of good recipes in it. But, the ones that I did make, I adapted to the foods I prefer. Supposedly you can do his diet without all the weight lifting, but I don't know.... I am still drinking tea but not as much as I had been. I do prefer coffee in the morning. I will have 1 or 2 cups of tea during the day. We were at Walmart this morning and I went down the aisle where they have tea. I was glad to see that our Walmart carries the Red Vanilla tea too. I bought a couple of teas to try. One is Celestial Seasonings, Perfectly Pear White Tea, and the other one is Moroccan Pomegranate Red Rooibos Tea. I will let you know how they are.

Cat, how are you cats getting along? Have they gotten used to the new addition yet? I see from one of your posts that you live in GA. Atlanta really got hit hard with an ice storm. Did you get any of that?

Hi Anne, Lynn


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Old 01-30-2005, 10:55 AM   #2  
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Morning all!! Happy SUnday!!

ALI: We got iced in. Our girls spent an extra night at their friends house because we couldn't go pick them up. WOOHOO

My cats are all females..One belongs to my oldest daughter , the other to my youngest daughter and the third one, Liquorish is mine. I keep Liquorish in my room at night but let her out in the day time..its been 9 months since we've had her. Poor thing. She really just wants to play and smell them.

I would like it if they could be in the same room without freaking out!

We also have a gecko named Piglet.hahahaha..because he eats all his crickets in under a minute!

Am down a pound today! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!
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Old 01-30-2005, 11:07 AM   #3  
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Good Morning Everyone:
Weather is much better today. Beautiful sunshine. Probably the best
day in weeks.
Scale was good to me again I dropped another 2 for a total of 18 for the
month of Janaury. I certanly expect the going will get slower now.
I am determined to stay "legal" until my birthday then I will plan a nice
treat. I am lucky my birthday falls Easter weekend so my treats won't
extend beyond that weekend.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!!
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Old 01-30-2005, 02:43 PM   #4  
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Good afternoon,
Oh, for heaven's sake, I forgot all about it being Sunday. Cat, whoever posts first on Sunday usually starts a new thread. We then post the rest of the week on that thread. I'm so bad at keeping track of what day it is anymore.
Your cats might just need some more time. Sounds like Liquorish is friendly enough. The others might be jealous that you keep her in your room at night and that they aren't allow in. Oh, cats can be catty sometimes.
A gecko sounds like an interesting pet. Bet the cats would all like to get to know Piglet better Stripe is fascinated with the large aquarium. It's the best thing since canned cat food, as far as he's concerned. Good for you, losing another pound, your doing great

Ali, I have so many teas in my cabinet, I will have to wait to try a new one. So, I'm expecting a full report from you. You will have to be my tea taster for awhile I have a Celestial Seasonings green tea sampler that I'm working my way through. The lemon zinger has too much lemon for me, I keep burbing it up for hours later The decaf Mandarin Orchard was fairly mild, but nothing I'd buy again. I liked the Antioxidant Green Tea Supplement the best, it has some lemon, orange flavors in it as well as chicory root and stevia leaves. It's very good. I've not tried the chamomile yet, isn't that suppose to make you sleepy? I'm sleepy enough as it is.

Anne, glad your weather is improving.
Good going on the weight loss. Your doing wonderfully. Are you following Somersizing strictly? I'm just wondering what your diet plan is. I know you always did great when you did it before too.

Hi Lynn,

I've been making muffins all day. Low point muffins, muffins that came from South Haven Farms as a mix, and a recipe for Pancake with sausage muffins. I froze them all so I can have them for breakfast and snacks. Hopefully, I don't eat them all up in no time. I had to try one from each batch, so of course, I've had enough muffins for a week already
Bye, Nikki

Last edited by nikkic; 01-31-2005 at 08:44 AM.
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Old 01-31-2005, 07:37 AM   #5  
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Hi guys....
Cat, Congratulations on losing another lb. I love your cat's name, Liquorish. Having a geco for a pet sounds intriguing. Do they take special care? Friends of ours' had an Iguana many years ago and they had to keep him in a specially heated environment. Are you still all iced it?

Anne, you're doing fabulous on your weigh loss!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I hope you enjoyed your good weather yesterday.

Nikki, I made the beef and wine soup yesterday...and yes, I added the garlic I plan on having it for supper tonight. I bought some whole-wheat egg noodles to put in it, which I will add tonight. I had some of the Pear White Tea and it was so good and it even smelled good. I actually could taste some pear in it. I think I have found a new favorite. I'll let you know how the other red tea I bought tastes.


Have a good Monday.
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Old 01-31-2005, 07:52 AM   #6  
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Good Monday Morning Everyone:

Nikki, I am following Suzannes diet pretty close. I am going heavier into
pro fat selections although I do have a a couple of carbo meals per week.
I do allow myself a couple of small cheats on Saturday but I am really plugging
the water. As I am writting at my desk I have already put back 4 glasses
and its only after 7:30 am. I am expecting to stall any time now. As long
as I can manage to lose between 4-6 per month I will be happy. At least
I am somewhat confident I will be able to wear my spring clothes Like
you I am determined to get below 200 this year. I ordered
a couple of books from the slow carb site. Those recipes are fabulous.

Aleka, you bet I like this weather!!It is wonderful not to be slip slidden all
over the place.

Cat, a geco sounds interesting. I always see the one on the telus commercial

Hi Lynn, how are you? We are suppose to be having a good week weather

Have a great day ladies!!!
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Old 01-31-2005, 08:56 AM   #7  
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Good morning,
Anne, I know we will make our goal of being under 200 this year and surpass it! Even though I ate too many muffins yesterday, they were loaded with bran, so I don't think they will cause much of a problem. Today, I'm back to exericising. DH is off so he's sleeping in. I'm waiting for him to get up so I can exercise, but it might be awhile, since he was up until 2am. He's losing his hearing, so the tv in the bedroom was blasting. I finally asked if I could shut the door so I could get some sleep. Stripe and PJ always want to be fed early and this morning it was 430. I'm wiped out and I haven't even started my day yet. I tried to go back to sleep, but they make so much noise playing in the morning, there is no way. I could try now, but I bet as soon as I do, DH will get up and I'll feel like throwing something at him, so I will just stay up.

Ali, the pear tea sounds good. I'll have to get some the next time I'm making tea purchases.

Anne, I'm drinking more water too. I bought a 24 oz water bottle and I'm trying to refill that 4 times a day, not including the tea and coffee I drink. I'm going to the bathroom a lot.

Boy, I'm tired, think I'll go exercise in the livingroom. Later, Nikki
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Old 01-31-2005, 09:22 AM   #8  
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Good morning all!!!!!

Aleka: Yep the tank has to be between 84-90 in the day time and no longer than 72 at night.

The ice has melted but still grey outside.

Scale said another pound lost woohoo!!!!!

Going to exercise in a little while.

Had turkey bacon, slice of swiss on low carb bread for breakfast.

I hope the weather did not kill my plants that were beginning to sprout!
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Old 01-31-2005, 09:46 AM   #9  
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Nikki, noticed your weight tracker went down another notch. That's great!!!

Cat, you're down another lb. Way to go!!
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Old 02-01-2005, 12:47 PM   #10  
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Busy morning here.
My little one is sick..blech..
Had to go get crickets and go to post office. Found a great deal at target. My oldest wanted a lamp that just the shade alone went for $29.00 at pottery barn..I told her let's check out Target.

They had the shade along with the base for $24.99. It rang up $4.98!!!!! What a deal!!!!!! She was so pleased!!!!

Will exercise this afternoon. Its almost one now. I've had 6 cups of water so far. My aim is 12 for today. Wasit on this forum or another that someone stated if you are low on water it could cuase your body to stall in weight loss.

dont think I'll make the V-day goal, but I'd like to almost reach it!!!!

Happy Day Everyone!! WOOHOO!!!
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Old 02-01-2005, 02:25 PM   #11  
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It is a happy day. My oldest daughter finally got her drivers license. I'm so happy! What a relief that is.

Cat, sorry to hear your little one is sick. That is so hard on them and you too. Hope it doesn't last long.

I had to really force myself to walk 3 miles this morning. My lower back has a twing in it from sleeping in the wrong position. It doesn't hurt except when I kick. I just kicked low. Still, I was saying to myself, you can do just 2 miles and then do another later. Yeah, right, like that was going to happen. So I finished the 3 miles and now am done with it.

I'm still on Cat, my daughter is 27 and has never had a license before. She has had some problems and I've had to drive her everywhere. It's inconvienent for both of us. This will change our lives.

Talk to you later, Nikki
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Old 02-01-2005, 03:17 PM   #12  
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Hi everyone,

Nikki, congratulations to your DD for getting her drivers license. That's fantastic news! Hope your back is feeling better.

Cat, sorry that your little one isn't feeling very well. I hope they feel better soon.

DH had today off. We had some errands to run and had lunch out. I didn't get my walk in, but I did take Lacee for a little walk when we got back. With her on the leash it makes for a pretty good workout.

Hope you're all having a good day.
Take care.
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Old 02-02-2005, 07:34 AM   #13  
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Good Morning All:
Nikki, I see congratulations are in order. Thats
for your Weight loss
Thats for your DD!! Thats just great
Nikki, I know what you mean about your back. I am finding my body talks
to me more all the time

Hi Aleka, That is one real advantage to having a dog. You must walk no
matter what I am sure I will be involved when my mom and sister get
their puppy this spring.

Cat, so to hear your child is sick. How many kids do you have? ages? I have
five sons but they are pretty grown up now ranging from 15 year old twins
all the way up to a 24 year old.

Have a wonderful day.
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Old 02-02-2005, 07:49 AM   #14  
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Nikki, congratulations on your weight loss!!! I just noticed Anne's post and looked at your weight tracker, I didn't notice it yesterday. How is you back feeling today?

Anne, have your Mom and Sister decided on what they would like for a dog? Hope your temps have warmed up a bit. Now we're heading towards spring.

Cat, how is your little one doing? Better, I hope.

Have a good day everyone.
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Old 02-02-2005, 09:30 AM   #15  
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Good morning,
Thanks you guys I'm still on top of the world this morning.

I have been reading that book, The Thin Commandments Diet. I don't know if I'd follow the diet, but what he writes about makes a lot of sense. He says that when you get to a point where I am now, when your starting to lose a little weight and people are saying things like, Your looking good and your getting skinny (this is happening almost daily when I go shopping), it's a dangerous time. Because, you feel like it's ok to have a little extra or blow your diet plan for awhile and then you get off track. I really agree with that, since it's happened to me before. I look in the mirror and I can see a difference. I need to realize though that there are a good 50 lbs or more to lose and that this is not the time to slack off on my eating plan or get indulgent. He talks alot about your diet history and learning from it. I like the book and it's making me rethink my eating behavior.

We are going to get a warming trend this week. It's going to be 40 today and in the 50's by Friday. I'm hoping it will melt the rest of the snow and ice, dry up a little and then I can clean up the bird seed and move those feeders. I put them close to the front of the house so I could get to them in the snow. Now, there are seeds all over and we are tracking them in the house every time we come in. What a mess. Ali, I saw a red winged black bird this week. Did I tell you about that? I haven't seen one of those this early, ever. They usually don't show up until April around here. Poor guy, must be confused.

I'm going to take the day off from exercise. My back feels better, but when I lift my right leg, I get a sharp pain that shoots down the back of it. I've been doing inversion to try to relieve the pressure on my spine and that has helped a great deal. I'm sure I will be back to normal by tomorrow.

Have a good one, Nikki
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