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Old 03-01-2004, 06:54 AM   #1  
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Default Week long Chick chat 3/1-3/7

Back fom MN where the weather was GREAT, we had a fun visit with friends and now a busy week, Have some cofee and spill about what is going on....
I will catch up later..........

Last edited by L144S; 03-01-2004 at 07:12 AM.
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Old 03-01-2004, 07:11 AM   #2  
Come on Spring!
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You beat me to it, Linda!

It was a gorgeous weekend here too - lots of snow melt went on. I am working at clearing off the 2 feet of snow on the deck so I can sit out there with my coffee one of these mornings! Today promises to be another melting day. It makes walking messy but sure is great to see the snow go down. We will get more snow this month but for now we have this!

Aside from a good walk and more shovelling, I have more closet cleaning and plan to got to Wal-Mart this afternoon to get some storage bins and a pedometer that WORKS! It's silly but a step counter seems to motivate me!

What's happening in your life?
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Old 03-01-2004, 08:23 AM   #3  
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Linda and Ruth, and everyone else still to come on in....

GOOD SUNNY morning! wow! the weather almost makes me hope that spring might really be coming...... I know the old expression about March coming in like a lion and going out like a lamb, but it's gonna be upper 50's today!!! If that's a lion, I can't wait to see it when it's a lamb!!!

Time to grab a cup of that hot, wonderfully aromatic coffee and get the day started........ hope you all have a chance to enjoy some of the terrific sunshine. Will chat at you all later........
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Old 03-01-2004, 10:52 AM   #4  
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Don't tell but I blew off the gym and watched last weeks survivor....
I just had lunch because I have a meeting at 12 and then a "thing" in little man's class before carpool. off to karate, homework and back to karate....I did manage to stop at the market this morning and get dinner so chicken on the forman is it for tonight....

Ruth, if you wait, the snow accually MELTS
Sono we should be 65 on friday. I know it won't last but what a treat.
ok off I go...
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Old 03-01-2004, 11:02 AM   #5  
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Hey chickadees! just popping in to say hi!

Hey Ruthie - I've been wanting to get a pedometer - looked at a couple at walmart - was wondering??? are they pretty easy to use and pretty accurate? you like them? and hey? are you down to 199 now???? awwwwwww man that is GREAT!!!! YOU GO GIRL! and I am soooooooo jealous! I was down to 202 on atkins (lost 3 lbs in 3 weeks), but this morning the dang scale said 205 again! *sigh*

Hey L me and dh are hooked on survivor. I was so glad they voted off Hatch - now we don't have to watch his naked body running around!

Hey Sono - we woke up to 60 degrees here in Louisiana this morning and it is suppose to be in the 70's this afternoon and all week long - unbelieveable. I think spring is really on its way!

later gaters,
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Old 03-01-2004, 02:13 PM   #6  
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Hi Chicklets. It's a sunny morning here on the Wet Coast and once it warms up a bit, I plan to get out and do some more yard clean-up. I got some of the clematis pruned yesterday and picked up the clippings from the grapevines that my BIL pruned last Wednesday.
I had a totally OFF program weekend starting on Friday and peaking with not one....not two...but THREE sweet desserts last night at my cousin's b'day dinner for my aunt. (sigh) I'm so weak. This morning the scale was up to 279. My eyes are puffy and it doesn't help that I burst a blood vessel in one of them on Friday and it's all red and blotchy. All I really want to do is sleep with all this sugar in my system but I have the second load of laundry in, I've cleaned the kitchen sink (a la Fly Lady's rules) and I just might actually start tidying up the guest/craft room (I know, you've heard that one before, LOL)
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Old 03-02-2004, 11:09 AM   #7  
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Geez, L144S, I didn't realize it melted! 65 on Friday! Send it up! I have my side deck nearly cleared off now and the back (south) one is completely clear.

LindaBC, back on track today for both of us! I was attacked by Carb Monster yesterday but today is OK so far. I am just dying to get gardening but we still have too darn much snow. I'd love to sleep in your craft room one of these days. (There has to be a way!)

Cathyxxx, yes, pedometers do work. I used mine just to count steps and tried to get to 10,000 every day. I've just had bad luck with the last two - Lucy crunched one and the other sort of exploded when I tried to activate the battery. And another had a crapped up display! I am opting for a more expensive one this time.

Hey, Sono, Lucy took off on me yesterday afternoon. Were you calling her? (I think she is just about ready to come into heat and was "cruising"!)

Aside from shovelling, a walk, and wood lugging yesterday, I trudged throught the deep snow to cut forsythia branches to force. The snow was soft but it still was hard slugging to get out to the back fenceline. I planted my forsythia way out there so I'd see a splash of yellow behind the barn.

I'm in full energetic mode today and ticking things off my list like mad. However, I did a job that was not on the list and found myself writing it on the darn list just so I could cross it off! How pathetic is that?

Gotta walk down for the mail before the predicted showers start. It is still very muddy and wet out there but it's great not to have to wear my Michelin Man winter jacket!

Happy psuedo-Spring for us Easterners. Happy real spring for Linda!
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Old 03-02-2004, 01:59 PM   #8  
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Not quite Spring yet, Ruth. We've had freak snowstorms in March in the past so I've learned not to be overconfident. However, it's a lovely springlike day here today and I just may do some more garden clean-up. I have to run some errands first though.
Back on Induction today. So far so good. Bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast. I haven't made any lunch plans yet though. I really should try to be more organized.
My eyes are so puffy from the extra carbs (salt too?) that they look like little slits. It doesn't help that I burst a small blood vessel in one eye on Friday and there's still an ugly red blotch between iris and inner corner of eye. I hate when that happens. I don't want anyone to see me.
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Old 03-02-2004, 05:48 PM   #9  
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Hi chickies,
late check infor me today, I do things around the house this morning after the parent comitee meeting this morning. Then I had a wonderful catch up lunch with DH. I forget that there needs to be time for the 2 of us to just talk and reassess what is going on. off to costco and then carpool.

I took the kids for an icecream after school it was almost 70 this afternon and just a picture perfect day, the kids are still out playing!

Ruth, I hope You survive Lucy! I can see you chasing after her
Cathy, good to see you, I have to go pop in on you guys up the thread chart.
Linda, I'll bet you look MARVOLOUS regardless of the bloodshot eyes.
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Old 03-02-2004, 08:02 PM   #10  
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Good afternoon/evening all my LOVELY chickie friends! Today was simply gorgeous (after all the rains of last night and the morning commute) - it was so nice, that I went outside WITHOUT my coat!! What a day to have the afternoon (almost) off! I only had a morning shift today, then the dentist (again - ugh) and then client taxes to do, but hey....... it was BEAUTIFUL!!! I won't put away the winter coat tho, cause I know that as soon as I do, there'll be a blizzard! I DID take the hood of the coat tho - I thought that wouldn't be tempting fate too much

Ruth.... I cannot tell a lie: it wasn't me calling Lucy! Altho I wish I had thought of it first

L - you're right, sometimes we do forget that our "significant other" really IS significant and not just a "hanger on"....... <sigh> even those of us with empty nests, who should probably be even MORE aware! Oh well.. I'll try to remember more AFTER tax season!

Linda - good for you for jumping back on the wagon.... we CAN do this! we CAN do this! we CAN do this............

have a good night all - tomorrow is a double shift day..........
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Old 03-03-2004, 05:10 PM   #11  
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Feeling tired and crappy today, gang, with not much to say at all. Yesterday I stayed OP until evening when I was tempted by an apple and ate the whole darned thing. Today, I've been OP (so far) and intend to stay OP.
I'll check in tomorrow.
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Old 03-03-2004, 05:37 PM   #12  
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Me too linda, Under the weather, I got back in bed this morning after my PT confrences. Both kids are doing well and happy to be in school. Nothing major so i like that.
My tummy has been upset all night and day so laying low and being nice to my tummy....
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Old 03-03-2004, 05:41 PM   #13  
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Geez, I've been trying to ignore a sore throat all day. Maybe we are suffering Spring Fever!
Got my Sears order today and there were my new walking shoes! Now I am inspired!
I hope everyone feels better tomorrow.
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Old 03-03-2004, 10:37 PM   #14  
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Yeah - I'm kinda still croupy with this cold/cough. So sorry to hear that others are under the weather too. Hey! Maybe that is it, Ruth - we ARE 'under the weather'!

Chat at ya all tomorry

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Old 03-04-2004, 12:55 AM   #15  
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Stayed OP today , even though my friend TOM is trying to sabatage me
Am looking at buying a house and am starting to stress with all the stuff I have to deal with. Went on the elliptical while I watched CSI . Helped the time fly.
I also have the sore ears and throat.
Hope you all are feeling better soon.
Brenda T
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